TFS Warehouse field OriginalEstimate - tfs

One of our customer is using scrum based project and he is looking for the original estimate field in the warehouse table. As we know it's available for Agile based project but not for the scrum one's, is there any possible way to get the customized field added and get that populated in warehouse?

Actually in Scrum there is a equivalent “Effort” field on the Product Backlog Item is meant to be any unit the team decides they want to use. See this User Voice for details.
A project created with the Agile or CMMI process template will have
that field and it will create the field in the cube. Scrum projects
don't have that field, so if your project is created with the Scrum
process template your Task work item does not have that field and the
value in the cube will be blank.
You can customize your Task work item to add the field.
So, yes, you can customize your Task work item to add the field if you want to capture the original estimate of the task. You can use the process editor in the power tools for that purpose or you can use witadmin. See Add or modify a field to track work for details.
You can reference below screenshot to add the original estimate filed for Task with the Process Editor:


How to distinguish data fix work items in TFS

I would like to distinguish Data Fixes from Bugs and Tasks in my TFS Work Items. I'm currently using the Agile workflow template and so only have Bugs, Tasks and Product Backlog Items as the available Work Items.
Is there a straightforward way of doing this, or would I have to create a custom Work Item as per this question: How do I create a work item type in TFS 2012
I would use a new Story tagged with "DataFix". You can then create a query to get that dates out again.
It's not a bug as you have no failing test case. Everything else is just work that is represented as a story in the agile template. It's a little easyer to comprehend in the scrum template as the work item is not constrained to "story" and is instead just a backlog item.

How to set the Test Phase field in Team Foundation Server

I am looking for a way to track the testing status of user stories in TFS. I noticed a field named Test Phase as an option in the search query, but I don't see how to edit that field. How do I edit the Test Phase of a user story?
I cannot see Test Phase as a field on any Process Templates I have downloaded (that's not to say it's not there), so my advice might not be accurate.
You could try and customise the TFS process template to show this "Test Phase" field on the User Story - depending on what it's purpose is. You can experiment with Microsoft Excel by creating a query and adding that as a Column.
Another option, depending on what you need to track. If it is just to see what needs testing, then you can Customise the Kanban lanes on the Backlog Board. Esteban has an excellent article here describing the process.

TFS 2012 hide content of work item field based on rights

is there a way to hide the content of a field based on a role?
I thought about creating a serverside plugin which empties the field if the user does not have permission to view the field and repopulate it on save. But I don't know how to do this, I did not find any event which I could use. Any idea?
My first intent was to use the EMPTY rule but this really clears the content and does not repopulate it. Also the READONLY rule is not acceptable for us. Do you have any idea?
I know this was already requested but I need the functionality now.
I also thought about creating a workitem where the hidden fields are stored in and linking it to the other work item but this is not the solution I want ...
The only way to do this is by creating a custom work item control. That control can then only display the contents of the value if the user has the correct permissions. What it does not prevent though is to see/update the data via other tools like Excel, Work Item Query or Bulk Update.
As the suggestion on User Voice suggests, it is not possible today in TFS. So please vote and make sure the Team Foundation Server team knows it is high priority for a lot of our customers.
Ewald Hofman (Program Manager, Team Foundation Server)
In VS 2013 when u use the Empty Rule, the field disappear! You can see that in Scrum Template when you change de WIT state to Done the Remaining Work field are hidden

Is it possible to display a read only field on a work time that references a field from a parent work item?

I am using the TFS 2010 Scrum template and want to modify the Task work item template so that I can display the PBI's backlog priority (read only).
I am familiar with editing the process templates, but not sure I can setup a field to pull data from another work item
There are no rules available to get data from other work items. If you want to do this, you can either use the eventing service (which is a service that is invoked on work item save for example) or you can create a custom work item control.

Can I create hierarchial Requirements document using TFS query or TFS Report

I am exploring feasibility of using TFS for software process on our next project. One need is to be able to create a requirements document from individual linked requirements within TFS. I've currently got mock-up projects in both Agile and CMMI with a set of requirements linked with parent child relationships. I can query these requirements in both Agile and CMMI but the result doesn't show the hierarchy. With CMMI I can run the report "Project Management::Requirements Progress" which shows requirement titles with indention based on hierarchy. It doesn't however show the detailed descriptions
What I'd like is to auto generate a Word document with hierarchical headings based on TFS requirement work items and their parent/child relationships.
Also to generate rich text and drawings from the TFS requirement Work Item descriptions. So a secondary question is how to change the description field in the Requirements Work Item to support rich text so that the reports can use it. If I try to edit the Task Work Item Description field it warns me that continuing to save may make file unloadable.
To support RichText in your work items you need to edit your work item definition by Work Item Editor wihch can be found in the TFS Power Tools thingy. You should add a new custom rich text field and use that field for your descriptions. (The downside is, Excel plug-in does not support editing richtext fields.They are read-only in Excel)
For printing work items, I had to improvise solution and worked pretty well for me. I used the "Mail Merge" functionality of MS Word and designed a word document. After that I prepared a SQL query that takes the needed field values from TFS Warehouse. Rest is done by MS Word. Mail Merge prepares a single document for each work item record. They are separate documents but it does the trick I suppose.
For creating a hierarchy I think you need to go a little deeper. Since TFS supports parent/child relationships but does not follow any particular sort order, I suppose another custom field is needed. You can either use the field to give hierarchy tokens manually (1.1, 1.2, etc.) or you can develop a little custom command line utility to traverse the work item tree and autoset values for the mentioned custom field.
