IOS Keyboard with attached entry field - ios

We use the IOS UIKeyboard to enter text into a UITextField which is positioned over our OpenGL View.
Is there a simple way to attach an entry field to the top of the keyboard, so it is within the frame of the keyboard and scrolls on and off smoothly with it, rather than moving your own UITextField when the keyboard scrolls on ? Maybe some property of the text field itself ?

You could put the whole view inside a UIScrollView

I think inputAccessoryView may be what you are looking for. It´s a property of UITextField.
See Documentation.


How to move my chat input bar up on top with keyboard in Xcode?

I create a chat program. I've created my chat sequence using TableView. Now I have a view on the bottom of the page, contains one TextField and a send button. Now if I press on the TextField, the keyboard appears. I need to:
reduce the height of the tableView so that I still can see the most recent chat message, and return it to its former height if the keyboard is hidden.
move the view up to sit on top of the keyboard, and return it to its former position if the keyboard is hidden.
do both of things above with animation.
I'm still newbie in this keyboard + animation area. I only know I will need to implement textFieldDidBeginEditing and textFieldDidEndEditing to do this. But I don't know what code I should implement inside it. This answer provided some, but not the exact answer to my problem (it only moves the floating TextField in the scrollable view of TableView to be within the visible area, not moving a view not related with TableView). Any help or even article will be appreciated. Thanks!

How to get rid of space between UITextField and Keyboard

I was wondering if anyone has seen a similar problem to this where you have a random blank space between the keyboard and a UITextField? For some reason I can't find anything about this and the end of the screen is the bottom of the UITextField. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Example Screenshot showing space between keyboard and UITextField
Start by putting the text field in a UIScrollView.
Register your view controller to respond to the notification UIKeyboardDidShowNotification. This notification will give you a dictionary that has the size of the keyboard.
Once you have the size value, you will have to do some math to figure out what you want the scroll view's contentInset to be such that the text field is just above it.
Here's an example for getting the size of the keyboard: How to get UIKeyboard size with Apple iPhone SDK

How to disable keyboard but having the scroll function intact in UITextView?

I am displaying logs in the scroll-able text view, I want to retain this functionality but disable the keyboard. I have tried the unchecking in Behaviour of the Attribute Inspector, but it disables the scroll view too.
Can anyone guide me what options I have?
Just set the editable property of UITextView to NO or FALSE. GOod Luck!

How to make keyboard move along with scrollview?

I have a scrollview and a searchbar in a controller. And I want the keyboard move along with the scrollview when the scrollview is being dragged. Just as when edit a message on iphone.
So what should I do and I will appreciate it if you can give me some code.
What I mean is when the searchbar is the first responder,there will be a keyboard ha ?
And if I scroll the scrollview ,the keyboard will move along with it.
Some one said I should listen some notification. Is it right?
Thank you very much.
You cannot move a keyboard along with the view.You can only change position of the view underneath it.Therefore, If you wish to move the keyboard along with the scroll....All You need to do is to make your own custom keyboard!!!!!

UITextView and position of floating autocorrect window

I have a UITextView with autocorrection on. The view's height is about 30 pix. When autocorrect kicks in the autocorrect view is nearly invisible below the text. Is there a way to control the position of the small autocorrect window or insure it is the top layer so it is always visible and the user can easily see and interact with it?
I discovered that setting the scrollEnabled to false on the UITextView the popup would always appear above the word being corrected.
Did you try to set clipsToBounds=NO for your UITextView? Sounds like it's clipping the autocorrect view to the frame size of your UITextView..or perhaps auto-positioning it inside your frame. Worth a try anyway..
After trying various solutions unsuccessfully, I find the best way that worked for me is to simply add your UITextView inside a UIView.
