Forward accessibility scroll not working - ios

This problem has been bothering me for few days now, I have probably tried looking all the questions available but nothing seems to solve my problem.
I have a UIPageViewController and when VO is on backward 3 finger scroll is working but when I try forward 3 finger swipe it just says page 1 of 2 but doesn't scroll or swipes.
UIPageViewController has UIViewControllers in it, which shows HTML content, if I set my
UIViewController.isAccessibilityElement = true
Then it scrolls to next but obviously doesn't get into reading content of view controller.
I have also tried overriding, what I'm noticing is thats being called only for backward scrolls when I try forward scrolling (swipe for next view controller) this is not even called.
accessibilityScroll(_ direction: UIAccessibilityScrollDirection) -> Bool
Any help will be useful.


Recreating Instagram longpress peek?

I'm looking to recreate the functionality that's show in this video for the picture:
A long press is done, a view appears, and when the user swipes up far enough, the options come up at the bottom. If the user continues to drag up higher and then lets go, the main view animates to bounce back down to the middle of the screen. If the user swipes all the way down, the view animates away.
I recognize there is a lot going on here and a lot of different pieces and that this is a very broad question. I'm more or less looking for a place to get started with it. The only thing I really recognize here is I guess a scrollview. I know how to do all of the basic stuff with presenting and dismissing the different views, but the dragging and the scrolling and the snapping back into place is where I'm not sure where to begin.
Is that all just scrollView code I need to learn? For example I guess there's a way to detect when the scroll has been scrolled far enough up to trigger presenting the options view. What is making the view bounce back into place after dragging up and releasing? etc.
What tools are used to achieve this kind of behavior?
If I am not mistaken thats the "Apple's" 3D touch APIs magic ✨
Check out their documentation
You might be interested in :
ViewControllerPreviews: Using the UIViewController previewing APIs, which demonstrates peek (preview) and pop (commit), as well as peek quick actions

PageViewController scroll bug (over scrolls)

I was following the tutorial here and had to make a few changes to fit my project (code of my variation here, sorry I put it on GitHub because it's a bit lengthy to copy and paste). Sometimes when I swipe right to get to the last VC, it automatically closes on sight. Other times it works properly where if I swipe to the last VC it stays there until I swipe right again to close it. I've placed print statements in the code to help me find where the bug is. Here are the print statements when it works and when it doesn't work. Looking at the logs, since the exact same code is accessed in the same order, I'm not sure how to fix this bug. This problem doesn't occur when the transition style is PageCurl instead of Scroll.
First you need to know how pageViewControllers work.
After the first page is loaded, the moment you start to scroll it will try to load the next page. this is just for the first page. after that as soon as you reach a page it will preload the next page (depending on the direction) and have it ready.
In your case when you reach page 5 the pageViewController will try to preload the next page which leads to this part of your code
guard orderedViewControllersCount != nextIndex else {
print("last item in coachamrks going to dismiss")
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
return orderedViewControllers.first
and it will dismiss the viewController as soon as you reach page 5.
This is not a bug. It's the default behavior of pageViewController.
I think the reason that you sometimes find it behaving the way you wrongly expected is that when you scroll through the pages fast enough the pageViewController stops preloading pages for performance reasons.
The only way you could achieve what you want is a hackish way of accessing the scrollView inside of the pageViewController but it is not safe and might break your app if Apple changes the architecture of pageViewControllers in a future update.
I suggest you put a button in the last page and use it to dismiss the pageViewController.

Touch Down/Up and Scroll in UITableViewController

I'm having a bit of of a pain point in figuring something out.
I have a uitableviewcontroller, and each cell is static. Inside each cell is a textbox. When the user TAPS on a textbox, I'd like an event to fire.
So while I'd like my table to still scroll, i'd also like tap events to work when you tape the textbox.
Apparently in uitableviews, they add a delay to your tap so you have to hold your finger down for a second or so for 'tap' to register. I felt this was not intuitive to a user, so I did this to fix it:
for subview in self.tableView.subviews as [UIView]
if subview is UIScrollView
let scroll = subview as UIScrollView
scroll.delaysContentTouches = false
This works perfectly, and now when I tap my textbox, it instantly executes my tap event! The problem now, however, is some of my textboxes are positioned right where a user would naturally scroll. When they put their finger down (touch down event) to scroll, it's unfortunately being intercepted by the tap event, and prevents scrolling and instead executes my event.
What i'd really want is if the user puts their finger down, and then swipes, it doesn't execute the touch down event. I thought to be clever and switch touch down to touch up, but when I put my finger down and then pick it back up, it does nothing (touch up inside seems to do nothing). I read this was because it only works on buttons and things like that, and not textfields. So, yes, now I can scroll without my action, but when I tap the textbox and lift my finger up it doesn't execute that, either.
Any ideas on how to either
1) permit touch downs and scrolling to co-exist without having to hold my finger down for a second and deal with that delayContentTouches?
2) somehow get a tap up inside event to fire when I tap on a textbox?
I saw some info here but didn't seem to help much:
UIButton inside UITableViewCell steals touch from UITableView
Well, as luck would have it, I was able to figure this out. Would love some criticism/advice if something might not be ideal here, but what I did was add this to my subclassed textfield:
override func canBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return false
So I am returning false on first responder which prevents any sort of keyboard appearing (which is what I wanted) and instead using performMyFunctionHere() I can do what I wanted to do (in my case, make an action sheet picker appear). I assign the action sheet picker in my view controller and assign it to each specific instance of my subclassed uitextfield. Nothing really complicated, to be honest. I'm surprised this works as well as it does.
By the way one thing that didn't seem extremely important was setting the delaysContentTouches as I mentioned above. I guess because now it's using the responder it will always work? It didn't seem to matter whether I removed it or not, but would love thoughts on whether it's better to leave it in or not.

Preventing Sliding When Top View is Off Screen

So I've been playing around with the examples included with ECSlidingView.
In the BasicMenu Example: I've placed 20 rows in the Settings table view. When I open the menu, the table view in settings continues to slide if I touch it.
In the TransitionFun Example, the table views are not slide-able when they're not full screen.
I've looked through the code and don't see what's causing this difference. Can someone point it out to me? I have an app that pretty much started as BasicMenu and I sometimes have trouble using the pan gesture to close the menu, because I end up accidentally sliding the mostly off screen table view instead.
Look at setting:
slidingController.topViewAnchoredGesture = ECSlidingViewControllerAnchoredGesturePanning | ECSlidingViewControllerAnchoredGestureTapping;
such that, when the top view is anchored, tapping and panning it will both result in sliding. This eliminates the ability to otherwise interact with the top view controller contents.

UIPageViewController bug with UITextField and keyboard showing

So I'm trying to find a workaround for this bizarre bug:
Basically I have a UIPageViewController with sub view controllers (obviously). Once I add a text field, it does this weird thing where if you scroll it and then click a text field, it randomly moves to another page. None of the delegates get called, and the keyboard moves up and down again.
Seems like the same thing as here: clicking/typing on UITextField increments UIPageViewController instead of displaying keyboard
Also seems to be recorded here:
Can't figure out what the hell this would be, or a way around it.
Here is a skeleton version (pulled from the linked question):
Scroll one page, then hit the textfield. Only happens the first time around.
Check this voodoo out: Embed your UITextField within a UIScrollView. I tried it on the project you referred to and it worked.
I guess it has something to do with changing the responder chain that messes things up.
