I'm trying to create a Java Script Code Action on Zapier to fetch Klout Scores for any given Twitter user name...
I've realized that this needs to be done in 2 stages:
1) First get the Klout ID for any Twitter screen_name:
Klout replies back to that with JSon:
2) second get the Klout score for that Klout id:
Klout replies back to this with JSon:
Of course, what I need is the "score":65.68382904221806 object of the JSon reply array.
I use these following JS functions proposed by #KayCee:
var klout_apikey = '<my klout api key>';
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
.then(function(klout) {
if(klout.id) {
return fetch("http://api.klout.com/v2/user.json/"+klout.id+"/score?key="+klout_apikey")
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
// console.log(body.score);
//Here is where you are telling Zapier what you want to output.
callback(null, body.score)
}).catch(callback); //Required by Zapier for all asynchronous functions.
In the "input data" section of the Zapier code action i pass the screen_name as a variable:
screen_name: [the twitter handle]
What I get back is the following error message:
SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
What is the error that you see? You could do this by simply using the fetch client. You might want to remove the variable declarations before adding this to the code step.
var inputData = {'screen_name': 'jtimberlake'}
//Remove the line above before pasting in the Code step. You will need to configure it in the Zap.
var klout_apikey = '2gm5rt3hsdsdrzgvnskmgm'; //Not a real key
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
.then(function(body) {
if(body.id) {
return fetch("http://api.klout.com/v2/user.json/"+body.id+"/score?key="+klout_apikey)
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
//Here is where you are telling Zapier what you want to output.
callback(null, body)
}).catch(callback); //Required by Zapier for all asynchronous functions.
Refer to their documentation here - https://zapier.com/help/code/#introductory-http-example
Also refer to their Store client which allows you to store values (for cache) - https://zapier.com/help/code/#storeclient-javascript
I am trying to add pagination to my Zapier trigger.
The API I am using for the trigger supports pagination, but not using a page number in the traditional sense (ie. page 1,2,3,...). Instead, the API response includes a key (ie. "q1w2e3r4") which should be passed as a parameter to the next request to get the next page of results.
From looking at the docs, I can use {{bundle.meta.page}} (which defaults to 0 unless otherwise set).
I am trying to set {{bundle.meta.page}} in the code editor, with an example shown below:
const options = {
url: 'company_xyz.com/api/widgets',
method: 'GET',
params: {
'pagination_key': bundle.meta.page,
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const json_response = response.json;
widgets = json_response.widgets
bundle.meta.page = json_response["next_pagination_key"]
return widgets;
The problem is that when Zapier tries to retrieve the next page, bundle.meta.page will be 1 instead of the value of "next_pagination_key" from the result of the previous request.
There are docs on cursor-based pagination in the CLI docs.
The relevant block is:
const performWithAsync = async (z, bundle) => {
let cursor;
if (bundle.meta.page) {
cursor = await z.cursor.get(); // string | null
const response = await z.request(
// if cursor is null, it's sent as an empty query
// param and should be ignored by the server
params: { cursor: cursor }
// we successfully got page 1, should store the cursor in case the user wants page 2
await z.cursor.set(response.nextPage);
return response.items;
This should work in the Zapier Visual Builder, but you might need to use the CLI instead. You can export your integration using the zapier convert CLI command (docs).
I am using the following code in my Actions on Google application:
app.intent('Get Sign In', async (conv, params, signin) => {
if (signin.status !== 'OK') {
return conv.close(`Let's try again next time.`);
const color = conv.data[Fields.COLOR];
const {email} = conv.user;
if (!conv.data.uid && email) {
try {
conv.data.uid = (await auth.getUserByEmail(email)).uid;
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'auth/user-not-found') {
throw e;
// If the user is not found, create a new Firebase auth user
// using the email obtained from the Google Assistant
conv.data.uid = (await auth.createUser({email})).uid;
if (conv.data.uid) {
conv.user.ref = db.collection('users').doc(conv.data.uid);
conv.close(`I saved ${color} as your favorite color for next time.`);
I've been looking through the docs, but can't find any explanation about the 'params' argument of the function? How do I pass values to it?
You can use the params object if you are using dialogflow. For example, if you use entities in Dialogflow you can retrieve them through params object in the intent handler.
If you are using Dialogflow, you can access the parameter values via the params variable.
More info about the param object itself can be found here.
I've read here that it's possible to send an IPN directly to a Google cloud function. I have my Google Cloud functions running on Firebase on an index.js file.
I've set up my Paypal buttons to send the IPN to a page on my webapp.
Here is an example of one of the functions I'm running off Google Cloud Functions/Firebase:
exports.updateRoomIns = functions.database.ref('/doors/{MACaddress}').onWrite((change, context) => {
const beforeData = change.before.val();
const afterData = change.after.val();
const roomPushKey = afterData.inRoom;
const insbefore = beforeData.ins;
const insafter = afterData.ins;
if ((insbefore === null || insbefore === undefined) && (insafter === null || insafter === undefined) || insbefore === insafter) {
return 0;
} else {
const updates = {};
Object.keys(insafter).forEach(key => {
updates['/rooms/' + roomPushKey + '/ins/' + key] = true;
return admin.database().ref().update(updates); // do the update}
return 0;
Now question:
1) I want to add another function to process IPN from Paypal as soon as I have a transaction. How would I go about this?
I'll mark the answer as correct if solves this first question.
2) how would that Google cloud function even look like?
I'll create another question if you can solve this one.
Note I am using Firebase (no other databases nor PHP).
IPN is simply a server that tries to reach a given endpoint.
First, you have to make sure that your firebase plan supports 3rd party requests (it's unavailable in the free plan).
After that, you need to make an http endpoint, like so:
exports.ipn = functions.http.onRequest((req, res) => {
// req and res are instances of req and res of Express.js
// You can validate the request and update your database accordingly.
It will be available in https://www.YOUR-FIREBASE-DOMAIN.com/ipn
Based on #Eliya Cohen answer:
on your firebase functions create a function such as:
exports.ipn = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
var reqBody = req.body;
// do something else with the req.body i.e: updating a firebase node with some of that info
When you deploy your functions go to your firebase console project and check your functions. You should have something like this:
Copy that url, go to paypal, edit the button that's triggering the purchase, scroll down to Step 3 and at the bottom type:
notify_url= paste that url here
Save changes.
You can now test your button and check the req.body on your firebase cloud functions Log tab.
Thanks to the answers here, and especially to this gist: https://gist.github.com/dsternlicht/fdef0c57f2f2561f2c6c477f81fa348e,
.. finally worked out a solution to verify the IPN request in a cloud func:
let CONFIRM_URL_SANDBOX = 'https://ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
exports.ipn = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
let body = req.body;
logr.debug('body: ' + StringUtil.toStr(body));
let postreq = 'cmd=_notify-validate';
// Iterate the original request payload object
// and prepend its keys and values to the post string
Object.keys(body).map((key) => {
postreq = `${postreq}&${key}=${body[key]}`;
return key;
let request = require('request');
let options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Length': postreq.length,
encoding: 'utf-8',
body: postreq
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Make a post request to PayPal
return request(options, (error, response, resBody) => {
if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) {
reject(new Error(error));
let bodyResult = resBody.substring(0, 8);
logr.debug('bodyResult: ' + bodyResult);
// Validate the response from PayPal and resolve / reject the promise.
if (resBody.substring(0, 8) === 'VERIFIED') {
return resolve(true);
} else if (resBody.substring(0, 7) === 'INVALID') {
return reject(new Error('IPN Message is invalid.'));
} else {
return reject(new Error('Unexpected response body.'));
Also thanks to:
IPN listener request-response flow: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNImplementation/
To receive IPN message data from PayPal, your listener must follow this request-response flow:
Your listener listens for the HTTPS POST IPN messages that PayPal sends with each event.
After receiving the IPN message from PayPal, your listener returns an empty HTTP 200 response to PayPal. Otherwise, PayPal resends the IPN message.
Your listener sends the complete message back to PayPal using HTTPS POST.
Prefix the returned message with the cmd=_notify-validate variable, but do not change the message fields, the order of the fields, or the character encoding from the original message.
Extremely late to the party but for anyone still looking for this, PayPal have made a sample in their JS folder on their IPN samples Github repo.
You can find this at:
I have a list of people (first and last name) who I want to follow, but I don't want to Google or search them via Twitter separately. What is the best way to get the Twitter handles? Some GitHub repos or tutorials are also fine.
Twitter offers a "User Search" API request.
If you want to search for a user named "Ada Lovelace" you will need to send an OAuth'd request to
You will get back a list of results. There may be many people who share the same first and last name.
As for how to do it, that rather depends on the programming language you want to use.
If you just want a clickable link, use https://twitter.com/search?q=Terence%20Eden
So firstly this question is off-topic but I will try write an answer for you. You could use the twitter api for this but that might be a little overkill if you just want to do this for you.
I made you an API
I made an API just for you using KimonoLabs. You can use this and just make a script that loops through your list and requests this api every time, then return a list of the results. Here is the API endpoint:
The &q= is the paramater for the person's name. To seperate the first and last name use %20, like so: Robert%20Keus
The documentation for this api is here:
Let me know if you need any help,
Latest answer # 2016
First Solution: I wrote following node.js script. You need access_token and id of pulicly published google doc spreadsheet. For testing purpose I have provided sample spreadsheet's link and its id in following code.
var Twit = require('twit'),
async = require('async');
var T = new Twit({
consumer_key: 'xxxxxxxx',
consumer_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
access_token_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
timeout_ms: 60*1000 // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.
var GoogleSpreadsheet = require("google-spreadsheet"),
_ = require('underscore');
var sheetId = req.params.sheet || "1n7DxgJTTHZ9w3xwiHokUhXMLkBwpP5c9ZLFmsYFDCic",
sheet = new GoogleSpreadsheet(sheetId);
function (cb) {
sheet.getRows(1, {}, function (err, rows) {
if (err) { res.send(err); return;};
var names = [];
_.each(rows, function (row) {
names.push(row.first + " " + row.last);
cb(null, names);
function (names, callback1) {
async.map(names, function(name, cb){
T.get('users/search', { q: name, page: 1 }, function (err, data, response) {
cb(null, {screen_name: data[0].screen_name, name:data[0].name});
cb(null, {screen_name: "no_data_retrieved", name: name});
}, function (err, results) {
callback1(null, results);
function (users, callback) {
console.log(users); //**YOU GET ALL DESIRED DATA HERE**
], function (err, result) {
//handle in memory data
Second Solution: Clone node-cheat twitter-screen-names, run npm install and shoot node server, Now get all twitter usernames as json in browser.
Happy Helping!
For example I would like to send the users score to the database and instead of it returning the typical status, id and rev I would like it to return the users rank. I'm guessing this isn't possible but figured I would ask.
The response to an HTTP POST/PUT should really only be used to help you confirm that it succeeded.
I'm even struggling to see even how you can get the rank of a user returned by a couchdb view, unless you retrieve the data for all users and work out the position of your user.
This use case ...
Simple structured data clearly tabular
The requirement to respond fast to a numerical column (Method to calculate the rank for a score)
OR the requirement to trigger an update a score table each time a rank is submitted.
... very much smells like a classical case where you may want to use a relational DB.
If the result can be calculated from the document you are to change with your http request, then you can use an update handler to PUT a change to the document and return that result:
// 'myhandler' update function
function(doc, req) {
// create a shorthand for json reponses
var json_reponse = function(obj, code) {
return {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
, body: JSON.stringify(obj)
, code: code
// assume the incoming body is json and parse it
// needs proper error handling still
var body = JSON.parse(req.body)
// doc is the user document we are patching
// return an error if it isn't there
return [null, json_response({error: 'user document not found'}, 404)]
// return an error if new_score is missing from body
return [null, json_response({error: 'missing property new_score'}, 400)
// now patch the user doc
doc.score = body.new_score
// calculate the new rank depending on your own method
var my_rank = my_rank_function(doc.score, Math.PI, 'bananarama')
return [doc, json_response({success: true, rank: my_rank}, 200)
Now PUT new data to receive the new rank:
{ method: 'PUT'
, url: httptp://
, json: {"new_score": 42}
, headers: { "Content-Type: application/json" }
, function(err, response, body) {
console.log("user's new rank:", JSON.parse(body).rank)
should print user's new rank: LEVEL 11 EIGHTIES GIRL GROUP LEADER
nb: I'm not at work so cannot confirm the code works, but you should get the hang of it...