In our organization, we use Office 365. I am doing a POC using Microsoft Graph API and would like to use all employees calendars data to visualize capacity in Power BI.
I have gone through the Graph API document and then I got to know that to get calendar data in Power BI, I need to use the below URL.[email]/calendar/events
But when I try to retrieve calendar data using ODATA feed, it was giving me an error as
access to the resource is forbidden
Can someone please guide me how can I get the required permissions to access calendar data in Power BI.
Is there any way to fetch the share point O365 site's recycle bin items using graph API?
I am looking for option using IGraphServiceClient c# interface.
As you said there is no such Graph API call that can get data from the recycle bin. There is also a feature request already raised by some users in the Microsoft Graph Feedback Forum. Please upvote this feature so that the product team can implement it in the future.
I work with SharePoint Online drives(document libraries) with Microsoft Graph API (/drives call). With this API I can download/upload files but cannot work with permissions.
That's not a problem - I can do it with SharePoint Online REST API (with calls _api/web/GetListByTitle('Title')/hasuniqueroleassignments).
The main problem here is matching drive from MS Graph API and a corresponding list from SharePoint REST API. For now I match by title but I have several examples, when name field in MS Graph API is equal to "OneDrive", but title in List entity is Shared Pictures.
My question is: is there any way to match more precisely entities from Graph API and SharePoint REST API?
Thank you.
The Drive Item object has a SharePointIds property that will provide the information necessary to call the SharePoint REST API.
Use List resource, you could get list id.
Then use id to call rest api.
I'm trying to extract the share permissions for a Calendar through Microsoft Graph (or even the old Outlook REST API) but it seems that there is no Graph endpoint to get a calendar's sharing permissions.
When fetching a calendar's details, the closest I found was isShared on the Calendar resource - but that doesn't give me the full data I see from the Web UI:
Basically, trying to receive the equivalent of Google Calendar's ACL list.
Am I missing anything?
Since you cannot share the calendar through the graph api, or open a calendar from some other user that they shared with you, there is no point in showing the ACL.
You might have better luck using the Exchange Web Service (or EWS) they do have those properties on folders.
Or if you really need it in the graph api (since the EWS is no longer the recommended way to talk to Office 365) you can create a ticket on UserVoice (if it doesn't exist already).
The Power Shell cmdlet Get-MsolSubscription has a NextLifecycleDate field which gives me the expiry data of my Office 365 subscription. Microsoft Graph Get subscribedSku does not appear to include this info.
Is there a Graph API to get the the expiry data?
None of the endpoints in Graph return a NextLifecycleDate property. The Get-MsolSubscription is most likely retrieving this data from another source (i.e. the O365 cmdlets may not always be using the Graph behind the scenes).
Is there a method to retrieve SharePoint Groups using Microsoft Graph?
I can get Azure Directory groups using but what I'm looking for are SharePoint Groups.
I could get a SiteCollection using{id} but I couldn't seem to get the SharePoint Groups in site collection.
This is not very easily accessible in just the Microsoft Graph. If you had some access to the SharePoint API, you could get the GUID from the "User Information List" - which seems hidden from the Microsoft Graph at this time. That SharePoint API call would be
GET HTTP$select=title,id&$filter=Title%20eq%20%27User%20Information%20List%27
Once you have that GUID for that list you could do the Graph call:{site id}/lists/{list ID from the SharePoint API}/items
That will get you the full list of members, including groups. This is still a hack since the groups you'd have to filter by contentType/name eq 'SharePointGroup' - which seems buggy in Graph Explorer anyways. Trying to programmatically access that, would be difficult at this time.