Sygic Custom URL not working for iOS - ios

I am using iOS custom URL scheme and i want to create a route in sygic app. As mentioned on their documentation to load a json (.sif) itinerary, I am using their custom URL scheme
to load my .sif file.
"name": "test",
"version": "2.2",
"directives": {
"allowItineraryEdit": true
"routeParts": [{
"properties": {
"routeMappingType": "none",
"precomputed": false,
"map": "NT:2017.09"
"waypointFrom": {
"lon": -315442,
"lat": 5149939,
"lonNavi": -315442,
"latNavi": 5149939,
"type": "start",
"waypointId": -1,
"hitRadius": 50,
"hitSpeed": 50,
"caption": "Barons Court Road 21/34, Cardiff, Penylan",
"realtimeStatus": {
"status": "visited",
"estimatedTimeArrival": "2018-04-17T13:08:15Z",
"timeRemaining": 0,
"distanceRemaining": 0,
"edited": false
"waypointTo": {
"lon": -312245,
"lat": 5151827,
"lonNavi": -312245,
"latNavi": 5151827,
"type": "via",
"waypointId": -1,
"hitRadius": 50,
"hitSpeed": 50,
"caption": "Llanrumney Avenue 193/218, Cardiff, Llanrumney",
"realtimeStatus": {
"status": "unvisited",
"estimatedTimeArrival": "2018-04-17T13:19:34Z",
"timeRemaining": 679,
"distanceRemaining": 4214,
"edited": false
}, {
"properties": {
"routeMappingType": "none",
"precomputed": false,
"map": "NT:2017.09"
"waypointFrom": {
"lon": -312245,
"lat": 5151827,
"lonNavi": -312245,
"latNavi": 5151827,
"type": "via",
"waypointId": -1,
"hitRadius": 50,
"hitSpeed": 50,
"caption": "Llanrumney Avenue 193/218, Cardiff, Llanrumney",
"realtimeStatus": {
"status": "unvisited",
"estimatedTimeArrival": "2018-04-17T13:19:34Z",
"timeRemaining": 679,
"distanceRemaining": 4214,
"edited": false
"waypointTo": {
"lon": -314670,
"lat": 5152479,
"lonNavi": -314670,
"latNavi": 5152479,
"type": "finish",
"waypointId": -1,
"hitRadius": 50,
"hitSpeed": 50,
"caption": "Pentwyn, United Kingdom",
"realtimeStatus": {
"status": "unvisited",
"estimatedTimeArrival": "2018-04-17T13:29:51Z",
"timeRemaining": 1296,
"distanceRemaining": 10859,
"edited": false
The app is triggered and its opened. But i am getting an wierd message as in the screenshot.
Can anyone help me why i am getting this issue please ?

The issue is with the documentation, because this custom url is not working for iOS just for Android application, due to file access limitation on iOS. The only workaround is to use com.sygic.aura://route_download | url (sif or json) and upload this itinerary file somewhere (is should be https server, because Apple is limiting apps to secure limitation only)


Spree API 3.7 : Images comes as separate object instead of embedded inside product itself

Spree API when hitting /products?include=images path gives the response in following format.
"data": [...],
"included": [
"id": "4",
"type": "image",
"attributes": {
"viewable_type": "Spree::Variant",
"viewable_id": 3,
"styles": [
"url": "/rails/active_storage/representations/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBDUT09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--bd6df012d992b43227344ecb03dc0ab6e13b1555/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdCam9MY21WemFYcGxTU0lMTkRoNE5EZytCam9HUlZRPSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoidmFyaWF0aW9uIn19--504f95c059f17243e0d7d1312e2b387f26a40aff/bg.jpg",
"width": "48",
"height": "48"
"url": "/rails/active_storage/representations/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBDUT09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--bd6df012d992b43227344ecb03dc0ab6e13b1555/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdCam9MY21WemFYcGxTU0lOTVRBd2VERXdNRDRHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6InZhcmlhdGlvbiJ9fQ==--594f543b42e0bfafbe9d09df814e1d60837f9ef6/bg.jpg",
"width": "100",
"height": "100"
"url": "/rails/active_storage/representations/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBDUT09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--bd6df012d992b43227344ecb03dc0ab6e13b1555/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdCam9MY21WemFYcGxTU0lOTWpRd2VESTBNRDRHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6InZhcmlhdGlvbiJ9fQ==--46583de60196cb1eee5b4a704d67209eee40c09a/bg.jpg",
"width": "240",
"height": "240"
"url": "/rails/active_storage/representations/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBDUT09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--bd6df012d992b43227344ecb03dc0ab6e13b1555/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdCam9MY21WemFYcGxTU0lOTmpBd2VEWXdNRDRHT2daRlZBPT0iLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6InZhcmlhdGlvbiJ9fQ==--3b3e65d1d9c712d2d540e15aa84ca541eb12b365/bg.jpg",
"width": "600",
"height": "600"
"meta": {
"count": 14,
"total_count": 14,
"total_pages": 1
"links": {
"self": "",
"next": "",
"prev": "",
"last": "",
"first": ""
Here you can see the image URL's are coming as included object. While developing for mobile its not a good idea to put the very crucial element (product image path in this case) in separate object. This require the mobile dev to loop unnecessary just to get the image path which can be provided within the image relationships object like this:
"images": {
"data": [
"id": "2",
"type": "image",
"url" : 'image-path.jpg'
The image path should be included in data object itself rather than separated include object. Is there any way to do it without messing with source??

Analytics Widget in Azure devops server 2019 - looking for Rest Api and class libraby for analytics Widget

I'm working on creating set of widgets for dashboard via code using
REST api
So, I was able to create the widgets programatically but struggling while configuring the widget to point to certain team and details.
Example: creating Burndown widget using Analytics extention (
I was able to create widget with contributionId and details.
However, can't set the settings to do aggregation of story points over certain sprints.
Any help regarding this is appreciated.
Here is the json passed in Create request. Need help on "settings" part.
"id": "",
"eTag": "7",
"name": "Burndown",
"position": {
"row": 1,
"column": 4
"size": {
"rowSpan": 2,
"columnSpan": 3
"settings": "",
"settingsVersion": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0,
"patch": 0
"artifactId": "",
"url": "urlvalue",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "urlvalue"
"group": {
"href": "urlvalue"
"dashboard": {
"href": "urlvalue"
"isEnabled": true,
"contentUri": null,
"contributionId": "ms.vss-dashboards-web.Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget",
"typeId": "Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget",
"configurationContributionId": "ms.vss-dashboards-web.Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget.Configuration",
"configurationContributionRelativeId": "Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget.Configuration",
"isNameConfigurable": true,
"loadingImageUrl": "urlvalue",
"lightboxOptions": {
"width": 900,
"height": 700,
"resizable": true
Below are two samples about the settings parts.
1.Set the certain date as the end date.
2. Set the certain Iteration as the end date.

YouTube LiveBroadcast remove bound stream and transition lifeCycleStatus from "ready" to "live" or "created"

I have an issue with trying to transition a YouTube LiveBroadcast from ready to live. The liveBroadcast looks like this
"kind": "youtube#liveBroadcast",
"id": "VALID_ID",
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "2018-03-12T13:11:52.000Z",
"channelId": "CHANNEL_ID",
"title": "Test",
"description": "Live stream",
"thumbnails": {
"default": {
"url": "URL",
"width": 120,
"height": 90
"medium": {
"url": "URL",
"width": 320,
"height": 180
"high": {
"url": "URL",
"width": 480,
"height": 360
"standard": {
"url": "URL",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
"scheduledStartTime": "2018-03-12T13:26:23.000Z",
"isDefaultBroadcast": false,
"liveChatId": "LIVE_CHAT_ID"
"status": {
"lifeCycleStatus": "ready",
"privacyStatus": "private",
"recordingStatus": "notRecording"
"contentDetails": {
"boundStreamId": "BOUND_STREAM_ID",
"boundStreamLastUpdateTimeMs": "2018-03-12T13:26:19.065Z",
"monitorStream": {
"enableMonitorStream": false
"enableEmbed": false,
"enableDvr": true,
"enableContentEncryption": false,
"startWithSlate": false,
"recordFromStart": true,
"enableClosedCaptions": false,
"closedCaptionsType": "closedCaptionsDisabled",
"enableLowLatency": true,
"latencyPreference": "low",
"projection": "rectangular",
"enableAutoStart": false
I have replaced some private details with constants (but they are all valid).
I want to transition from ready to live which seems simple enough. Unfortunately I receive an error invalidTransition
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "youtube.liveBroadcast",
"message" : "Invalid transition",
"reason" : "invalidTransition",
"extendedHelp" : ""
} ],
"message" : "Invalid transition"
This seems very odd and every time I encounter it I wonder why I cannot go from ready to live. At the same time I wonder why I cannot go back to the status created and remove a boundBroadcast.
Anyone know any way to transition to live from this state?

How to get the progress of a running build using TFS REST API?

I'm monitoring builds on TFS & VSTS and would like to know how to get the overall progress (in percentage) of a running build or release.
You could use Rest API Get build details with timeline.
GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/build/builds/{buildId}/timeline?api-version={version}
Which will return build timeline and some more detail info including a percentComplete result. Note: this is task level based just like the build log in webportal, not the entire build.
Sample response
"records": [
"id": "bcddc27d-c891-4209-85d6-387e155439b0",
"parentId": "045f4ce9-cb71-424f-84de-4ab19281dc70",
"type": "Task",
"name": "Build solution **\\*.sln",
"startTime": "2015-07-16T19:53:20.853Z",
"finishTime": "2015-07-16T19:53:28.567Z",
"currentOperation": null,
"percentComplete": 100,
"state": "completed",
"result": "succeeded",
"resultCode": null,
"changeId": 16,
"lastModified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"workerName": "Hosted Agent",
"order": 2,
"details": {
"id": "ef959107-e566-4c28-8d9f-354d605dd400",
"changeId": 6,
"url": ""
"errorCount": 0,
"warningCount": 1,
"url": null,
"log": {
"id": 2,
"type": "Container",
"url": ""
"issues": [
"type": "warning",
"category": "General",
"message": "The MSBuild version parameter has been deprecated. Ignoring value: latest",
"data": {
"type": "warning"
"id": "b5bb4de7-a8ea-4c7d-8491-3f745bba7d1b",
"parentId": "045f4ce9-cb71-424f-84de-4ab19281dc70",
"type": "Task",
"name": "Get sources",
"startTime": "2015-07-16T19:53:07.057Z",
"finishTime": "2015-07-16T19:53:19.493Z",
"currentOperation": null,
"percentComplete": 100,
"state": "completed",
"result": "succeeded",
"resultCode": null,
"changeId": 13,
"lastModified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"workerName": "Hosted Agent",
"order": 1,
"details": null,
"errorCount": 0,
"warningCount": 0,
"url": null,
"log": {
"id": 1,
"type": "Container",
"url": ""

SurveyMonkey: Where is the text of my respondent's response?

I'm new to the SurveyMonkey API and it hasn't been too difficult to get payloads back from API calls, but right now I'm trying to get back what responses a specific respondent gave.
I have a survey which has two respondents, the first question on the survey asks the user to enter three pieces of information: Their Name, an ID and today's date.
So, if I do a call to get_survey_details, I can see the questions just fine. For example
obj.pages[0].questions[0].answers[0].answerid: "xxxxxxxx" //some long ID
obj.pages[0].questions[0].answers[0].text: "Enter Your Name"
obj.pages[0].questions[0].answers[0].type: "row"
There's a couple more pieces of information in that object, like whether the question is visible, etc., but these seem to be the pertinent pieces to the question I have.
So! I make another call to get_responses using the same survey_id and respondent_id (there's only two so actually I get them both).
In the resulting payload I get an array of 2 objects (one to hold each respondents responses). So I look in the first (obj[0]) and I see an array of questions and the respondent id. Fine. I look in the questions array and I see one object for each question and in each of those an answers object.
so that's:
obj[0].questions[0].answers[0].col: "yyyyyy" //some long ID
obj[0].questions[0].answers[0].row: "nnnnnn" //some other long ID
No response text. just this row/col business.
At this point, I'm super-confused (which is like regular confused, but with a cape). Where the heck are the respondents actual responses?
What the heck does "row" and "column" reference? Do I have to do some other API call with the row and/or column in order to get the text of the respondent's response?
I've looked through the documentation (and will continue to do so after posting this) and through stackoverflow to see if anyone else has asked this before. There was one question that came close, but really they were just forgetting to pair 'get_responses' with 'get_survey_details'. I'm doing that, but am still lost as ever. And I don't see any documentation really explaining in detail how this row/column concept works for mapping responses to the text of the response. :/
I know this is a really long-winded question, but I'm just so confused as to how to actually get responses out of this API. :(
Thanks for reading.
The text for a given response should come through under the "text" key. e.g. for a survey that only consists of an essay style question:
"status": 0,
"data": [
"respondent_id": "123456",
"questions": [
"answers": [
"text": "This is an essay style answer.",
"row": "0"
"question_id": "78910"
"row" and "col" literally reference the row and column of an answer - e.g. in a matrix question, there will be a list of rows for different questions ("what did you think of the hotel?") and ratings ("bad, okay, great") - and each answer is a combination of these. For a regular multiple choice question there will be multiple rows and only one column.
Calling "get_responses" with the correct respondent_id should provide you with the text response that you want. It's only the fixed details of the answer stored in the survey itself you should have to look up (provided in get_survey_details).
Using GET : /surveys/{survey_id}/details, we can get the corresponding question Ids along with the answer Ids.
"pages": [
"href": "",
"description": "",
"questions": [
"sorting": null,
"family": "matrix",
"subtype": "rating",
"required": {
"text": "This question requires an answer.",
"amount": "0",
"type": "all"
"answers": {
"rows": [
"visible": true,
"text": "",
"position": 1,
"id": "10788526669"
"choices": [
"description": "Not at all likely",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526670",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "Not at all likely - 0",
"position": 1
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526671",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "1",
"position": 2
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526672",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "2",
"position": 3
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526673",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "3",
"position": 4
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526674",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "4",
"position": 5
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526675",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "5",
"position": 6
"description": "",
"weight": -100,
"id": "10788526676",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "6",
"position": 7
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"id": "10788526677",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "7",
"position": 8
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"id": "10788526678",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "8",
"position": 9
"description": "",
"weight": 100,
"id": "10788526679",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "9",
"position": 10
"description": "Extremely likely",
"weight": 100,
"id": "10788526680",
"visible": true,
"is_na": false,
"text": "Extremely likely - 10",
"position": 11
"visible": true,
"href": "",
"headings": [
"heading": "How likely is it that you would recommend XYZ to a friend or colleague?"
"position": 1,
"validation": null,
"id": "1044924866",
"forced_ranking": false
"sorting": null,
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "vertical",
"required": null,
"answers": {
"choices": [
"visible": true,
"text": "High Interest",
"position": 1,
"id": "10788529403"
"visible": true,
"text": "Long process",
"position": 2,
"id": "10788529404"
"visible": true,
"text": "Low XYZ Amount",
"position": 3,
"id": "10788529405"
"visible": true,
"text": "Lot of Documents",
"position": 4,
"id": "10788529406"
"visible": true,
"text": "Bad customer service",
"position": 5,
"id": "10788529407"
"visible": true,
"href": "",
"headings": [
"heading": "What is the most important issue which we need to address for overall a better service?"
"position": 2,
"validation": null,
"id": "1044925207",
"forced_ranking": false
"title": "",
"position": 1,
"id": "260492760",
"question_count": 2
We can use these ids to decipher the answer we get after fetching responses using get response API(Bulk or each respondent).
For eg:,
If my survey has two questions, like
Then after fetching the responses we get a json like this:
"total_time": 34,
"href": "",
"custom_variables": {},
"ip_address": "",
"id": "5120000552",
"logic_path": {},
"date_modified": "2016-12-01T11:01:11+00:00",
"response_status": "completed",
"custom_value": "LAI100023",
"analyze_url": "",
"pages": [
"id": "260492760",
"questions": [
"id": "1044924866",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "10788526677",
"row_id": "10788526669"
"id": "1044925207",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "10788529404"
"page_path": [],
"recipient_id": "2743199128",
"collector_id": "94630092",
"date_created": "2016-12-01T11:00:37+00:00",
"survey_id": "87263608",
"collection_mode": "default",
"edit_url": "",
"metadata": {
"contact": {
"first_name": {
"type": "string",
"value": "John"
"last_name": {
"type": "string",
"value": "Doe"
"email": {
"type": "string",
"value": ""
We can map the questions and answers using their IDs in this response with the ids we got from survey details. For open ended text questions, we get direct typed responses.
