Breakpoints not hit in Xcode (9.3) - ios

None of my breakpoints are being hit.
I've tried the following:
Deleted Derived Data directory
Cleaned build folder
Deleted the xcuserdata directory
Made sure build configuration is Debug and Debug executable is
Made sure Generate debug symbols is set to Yes
Changed Optimization level to No optimization
The breakpoints are still not being hit.

Had this exact issue today - breakpoints in Swift projects were failing in XCode 9.3 (objective-c ones were fine).
The following fixed it:
change Optimization level under the Swift Compiler - Code Generation submenu. Move it from -O to -Onone

Try below steps
Go to debug (top bar in Xcode)
Debug Workflow
Always show Disassembly - uncheck it

None of the existing answers worked for me so I dug into what was going on. By forcing a breakpoint in code (i.e. an asm("int3;") instruction) I was able to see that the symbols weren't loading. Naturally breakpoints depend on symbol information being loaded.
The code for which my breakpoints weren't working was in a C++ framework and the framework has a build setting called "Strip linked product" which was defaulted to "Yes" for both release and debug builds. By setting this to "No" for the debug build (and doing a full rebuild) my breakpoints now work again.

I had set Deployment Postprocessing to NO in my Build Settings for my target. Setting this to YES made my breakpoints work again.

In my case problem was in the Debug information format setting. It was set to DWARF instead of DWARF with dSYM File. Reseting it to the default value solved the problem.

I was facing the same issue and this solution works for me:
Open project settings
Optimization Level
Under "Swift Complier - Code Generation" Section
Set "Optimization Level" to No Optimization[-Onone]
Refer attached screen shot

Check Preferences > Behaviors > Running > Pauses options.
The Show for navigator and debugger must have ticked.

Select breakpoint tab in XCode delete all the old breakpoints.
Then add new breakpoints. It worked for me.

None of the previous solutions worked for me either. I had an issue where all my breakpoints would work except on a c++ project among other projects in an xcode (9.4.1) workspace. For that project, I noticed that only some breakpoints were working. Digging deeper showed that it was breakpoints made within private methods that did not work.
After a good deal of investigation, I found my particular issue. In my main project, I had declared some static objective-c initializers in a header file. Not entirely sure why, but after I moved these to the implementation file where they were referenced, my broken breakpoints started working again. Hope this saves someone some time.

Setting Build Active Architecture Only to Yes helps me.

Set Deployment Postprocessing to "Yes" in my Build Settings for my target.
Debug -> Debug Workflow -> Always show Disassembly -> Uncheck
Quit Xcode and reopen the Xcode.


Xcode 8 Breakpoint in file not working

I have one file,SignInViewController.swift, in my Xcode project that out of nowhere has begun not stopping on breakpoints. I have a breakpoint in viewDidLoad() and a few in viewDidAppear(). I have several print() calls in both functions to make sure they are executing. Breakpoints work fine in other files including AppDelegate.swift.
There was a point when I trying to figure out what was wrong where I noticed that while I was building the project an error would appear saying Invalid redeclaration of 'signInViewController.swift' and then go away before the build finished and the app would run fine, except for the breakpoints in the file. signInViewController.swift is the old name of the file from months ago before I renamed it to SignInViewController.swift. I haven't seen it before until the breakpoint issue occurred and since I have cleaned the project's build folder and Xcode's derived data I have been unable to replicate. I have a feeling that it is factoring into the problem but I am not sure how/why.
Anyways, here is things I've tried already. Most of them are just for breakpoints not working in general but I figure I should list them anyways even though that is not the case:
Clean Project
Clean Build Folder
Clear Xcode's DerivedData
Making sure breakpoints are enabled (Cmd Y)
Build Settings are set to Debug
Always Show Disassembly enabled and disabled
Debugging enabled in run config
Any help would be very much appreciated.
UPDATE 1 (still no luck):
Tried deleting the Xcode preference as suggested by neprocker's answer here
I have isolated the breakpoint issue to just viewDidLoad() and viewDidAppear() breakpoints elsewhere in the file are working.
Isolated to a specific block of code in viewDidLoad(). viewDidAppear() still not working though.
I had the same problem with an old project. Select Product(located at top menu bar) -> Scheme -> EditScheme and I solved this issue by clicking on "Debug Executable", as shown in Picture. Maybe this will help someone else too.
In my case breakpoint was not hit in just one callback, so I changed "Swift Compiler" "Optimization Level" to "No optimization" in project target build settings for debug, and it started working in Xcode 9.3 as well as AppCode.
Below patch is work for me. From the menu bar, select Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Select Profile -> Set Build Configuration to BUILD. Please review below-attached screenshot.
I was also dealing with the same issue in xcode 9.
I resolved the issue in below ways:
Remove XCode defaults Using below terminal command
defaults delete
defaults delete
Clear(or delete) Xcode's DerivedData from
/Users/[Your Mac Username]/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Delete(or uninstall) from Applications and then restart PC
Install fresh copy of Xcode 9
[Mandatory] Set user permission to your app project like
chmod -R 777 "/Users/[Your Mac Username]/Desktop/TestApp/"
[where TestApp is the app project keeping on Desktop]
Open the project and check Build Settings are set to Debug
Make sure breakpoints are enabled and set debug point in your code
I'm not really sure how this ended up fixing it but I isolated the issue to a specific block of code in viewDidLoad(). Then I commented out that code and built and ran the project. Then I uncommented the code and built and ran it again and the breakpoints worked.
What helped for me was deleting the file Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist which is located under the project directory (*.xcodeproj) in the directory: xcuserdata/Fred.xcuserdatad/xcdebugger (replace "Fred" with your username). Use a terminal program to go there.
I solved this by going to my Xcode project's 'Build Settings' and setting 'Generate Debug Symbols' to 'Yes'
Sometimes the values may have changed in Xcode userdefaults itself,
At times, I had similar issue with debugger stopping at stacktrace
Few ways to clear this
1.Delete the Xcode preference
defaults delete
Other Issue could be the optimization level for the target, changing it to none will stop at the debugger
In my case, it turns out that the Dev build configuration is not configured properly.
The Dev configuration should be copied from Debug, not Release.
You can search with word debug in your Build settings to see the differences.
For example:
Hope this helps.
Open viewController.swift file for initial view in the standard editor and print something inside viewDidLoad and run application.. if the print is working properly, now make sure you have selected viewController.swift file correctly in the assistant editor.
Building up on what #neprocker said, I had "Optimize for Speed" for both debug/release. Simply changed the value for debug and I was good to go.

Xcode 8 recompiling complete code every time

With any change in code (though file is not in .pch), complete project recompiles every time.
Update 2017/1/2
This issue has not been resolved at Xcode 8.2.1 (for my project)
How to survive?
Code IDE: Xcode/Atom
Build: xcrun
Debug: Xcode (Control + Command + R)
Update 2016/12/17
This issue has not been resolved at Xcode 8.2.
Update 2016/12/12
Atom to code and command line to build and debug is my choice now.
Hope Apple will fix this legit bug soon.
Update 2016/12/04
This issue seem resolved with Xcode 8.2 (beta 2).
But for me its not be resolved, i face this issue even when i use Xcode 8.2.
You can give it a try (download Xcode8.2 beta2 here)
Build System • Xcode will not rebuild an entire target when only small
changes have occurred. (28892475)
Old answer:
This is a work around:
"Build Setting" tab -> "C Language Dialect" -> Change it to "Compiler Default".
For reference:
The "C Language Dialect" was set to "GNU99" instead of "Compiler
Default". Previously the standard was GNU99 but now its not. At some
point Xcode did not migrate the library project settings correctly and
so it was set to GNU99. Once I changed it to GNU99 it stopped
recompiling all my code every time !
Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme.
Select Build in left side column and uncheck "Find implicit dependencies"
But this flag should remain checked when you are building the project for first time..
Fix for me was just closing storyboard, I had the source file opened with the assisted editor and the storyboard file opened as well (closing the storyboard --- since I wasn't making any changes to it) removed all the unnecessary compiling
The single biggest improvement I was able to make was modularizing my project. Specifically modularizing the ORM layer which is used in almost every other class. By moving that code into a separate target within my project and importing it as a module I was able to greatly improve compilation times. No longer does Xcode decide to recompile unnecessary files when I do a build.
Now I use the Single File compilation method for fast incremental debug builds.
There are some other good suggestions in this link including code refactoring,
Still has been a constant issue for me with Xcode 9. Like many of you I'm working on a large swift 4/cocoapods project with many source files and re-compiling every file every time is infuriating.
So far I'm getting the best results with the following settings. I suggest you give it a try and see how it works for you.
Schema -> Build -> "Find Implicit Dependencies" = TRUE
Build Settings -> Link-Time Optimization = Incremental
Build Settings -> Optimization Level (Debug) = None [-OO]
Build Settings -> Optimization Level (Release) = Fastest, Smallest [-Os]
Build Settings -> Increase Sharing of Precompiled Headers = YES
Build Settings -> Enable Incremental Distill = YES
Added custom User-Defined build settings,
Note: I do not have the custom user-defined setting for whole module optimization.
I changed a few things with my code regarding the prefix header that seem to have fixed this problem. I don't know which one actually did the trick, but I'll share them all in hopes that it helps someone else out there. If you don't have a prefix header set, then I guess this isn't the problem (or the problem is multifaceted).
Remove any imports from the prefix header that are files from the built products directory so you can change the build setting for this ("Precompiled Header Uses Files From Build Directory") to "No". Be sure it is not indirectly imported through other imports as well.
Remove any imports from the prefix header that use Clang modules (libraries or frameworks that have a module.modulemap file in their Headers directory, so you can write code like #import MyModule). (For me, this and step 1 were one and the same.)
Set the build setting for prefix header sharing to "Yes". (I don't think this is necessary, and it shouldn't have any effect in my own project. I'm just stating this because I changed it because I was willing to try anything. :))
Exit Xcode and delete your DerivedData/ModuleCache directory (configured to be at ~/Library/Developer if I remember correctly).
If that still doesn't work, you can try removing some more imports from your prefix header. There may be something tripping it up...
Looks like they are actively working on it according to but a workaround is to add
under the build settings of your target (Project -> Target -> Build Settings -> User Defined).
This solution worked every time for me today, after no other solution working consistently for the past month.
EDIT: Still sometimes recompiling everything, although it seems to do it much less frequently with this setting defined.
Check out all of your code on #IBDesignable directives in my particular case Xcode build project all of the time because I had some views on my storyboard that was contain this #IBDesignable attributes in it.
Second thing is that I also have my storyboard opened in separate window (not tab) that is push my Xcode make builds for all of simulators forever.
Madhuri Mane is totally right regarding this. To add a little more clarity, some important points to note:
This is ONLY applicable if you have implicit dependancies on libraries/frameworks that your target relies on.
If "Find Implicit Dependencies" is disabled :
Result: The library will not get built prior to building the
application target. The application target fail to build.
Fix: To ensure that the second scenario does not happen, you must add
the necessary targets into the targets list and order them correctly.
Source and further reading on the topic :
Now if your entire project is housed within one target and that takes 4 min to compile there isn't much you can do about this except break it up into frameworks to take advantage of the above or figure out where the compilation lags. If you are using something like PaintCode or have large chunks of UIKit code in swift change it to Objective-c it compiles far faster
Go to your target's build settings and set Defines Module to Yes.
Worked for me for a couple builds, too soon to claim this is a definitive workaround, but at least we're trying.
Apple released new beta version of Xcode yesterday (Nov 14)
Xcode 8.2 beta 2
And this issue has been marked as resolved in the release note.
Build System
• Xcode will not rebuild an entire target when only small
changes have occurred. (28892475)
It is working for me. The build speed came back as usual.
Everybody who is facing this issue, should give it a try!
Please go to the build setting of the project and change the "C Language Dialect".
The "C Language Dialect" is set to "GNU99" instead of "Compiler Default" when you update the xcode version. At some point Xcode did not migrate the library project settings correctly and so it was set to GNU99.
This will solve the problem
If you have made changes to the Swift file start building the app, go to the last tab and click on the build log, during the "Check dependencies" stage stop the build and run it again. On the second run it should only build the files you modified. If done correctly I have found it works every time. No need to make any project setting changes.
This appears to be a bug in Xcode.
If you see the app is doing a full build then stop the build and try this trick again.
If you have made no changes to the code use CMD + CTRL + R to run without building the app which attaches debugger. Will not build app but can help save unnecessary time.
Issue from my side fixed by applying the uncheck to "Find Implicit Dependencies" solution.
BUT remember if you're using cocoapods, to apply this settings also to your pod project by selecting it from
Product -> Scheme -> Pods-"yourProjectName"
also apply in:
Product -> Scheme -> "yourProjectName"
It help me, so i hope this hint helps someone else.
Try to:
1. Navigate to Project
2. Click Build Settings
3. Check that OptimizationLevel is set to None for debugging.
4. Click Add User-Defined Setting
to fater compilation time of xcode ,can make use of IRAMDISK(Virtual memory disk) . Very useful and effective means to reduce compilation time.
Also can use to speedup frequently used application.
refer following link to download and use:

Breakpoints not being hit in Xcode 7

I have an Xcode project which includes a sub project. After upgrading to Xcode 7 breakpoints in the sub project are not hit nor can I step into functions calls of the sub project. Some breakpoints do get hit but they just show assembly for the call so it seems the sub-project is not being symbolicated correctly. I've checked all the usual sort of things i.e. is generating debug symbols, build configuration on debug is not release and things of this nature shown in Xcode project settings. Anything else I might be missing? In Xcode 6.4 this was not an issue.
This was an issue with not having the correct debug information format set in the hosting project. I resolved by creating a dummy/test Xcode project and comparing the debug file format detailed for each configuration to that in the trouble making project changing the debug information format to match the dummy/test project.
In some case this issue can be related with broken link between the breakpoint and the Project/file.
So try to remove the breakpoint and re adding it.

Xcode 6 ignoring breakpoints - Swift

Xcode 6 is completely ignoring my breakpoints. I saw a post here from 2008, but the answers are outdated, and don't seem to work.
This is happening only with projects that I start. All my downloaded open source projects work perfectly fine, as well as projects I started a few months ago.
This is what I get when I create a brand new project and set a breakpoint in viewDidLoad
After trying many different things, I ran
defaults delete
This reset my Xcode settings. Now when I create a new project, breakpoints work fine.
I realized that the problem happened when I added Cocoapods to the project. B/c right after I ran pod install, breakpoints stopped working. I'm not sure why.
Hope this helps anyone with the same problem
I had a similar issue when I added a target to my project. Breakpoints placed in that target were ignored.
The solution was to set "Debug Information Format" in the new target's build settings to "DWARF with dysm"
In XCode 7.1 it defaulted to DWARF
There can be various culprits for this, a common one being setting the build scheme to Release instead of Debug.
For me it was the Debug Optimization Level set to -O0 in my target's build settings. Changing it to "Fast [-O, O1]" makes Xcode breakpoint-respectful again.
There is an interesting post about it here:
Close Xcode and remove the derived data and then reopen Xcode it will work

Apple LLVM 6.0 Error: clang failed with exit code -1

I created my app on my MacBook Air and kept working with it there which was fine. Then I started working with a colleague who used another Mac (of course). Anyway, we share our Xcode project via Dropbox (we are just switching to BitBucket, don't worry ;) ), when he tried to open the project on his Mac there was a Apple LLVM 6.0 Error with the following error while on my computer the same project runs perfectly:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/linus/Dropbox/Apps/My App/Projekt/My App/SlideMenu/SlideMenu-Prefix.pch'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
The last lines of the error seem most important to me which is why I listed them here.
I do know this question was asked several times now but there was never a useful answer which worked for me. I tried to disable the Foundation Assertions as it said in another answer on this topic but that did not work. Also I restarted & even reinstalled Xcode and all files are existing, none should be missing.
I am running Xcode 6.0.1 and Mac OS X 10.10. I hope someone can answer this, I'm kind of desperate now...
Hey I just ran into the same problem. Basically I deleted my tests target. I found this:
Errors When Compiling iOS 8, Xcode 6.0.1
Which basically says that:
Click on the name of your project on the list of files/folders on the
left in Xcode (at the very top of the list). Look at the "Targets"
section on the left-hand side of the window to the right. Likely,
there's two listed with the second being a "test" item. Right-click on
that item and select "delete". Then try to run the project again. See
screenshot below for a visual cue.
And a picture to help you out:
Hope this helps!
EDIT: Also in the tests target, I actually found that I didn't necessarily need to delete it, there was a broken path, just fixing it makes it all work again.
Make new file: ⌘cmd+N
iOS/Mac > Other > PCH File > YourProject-Prefix.pch.
Project > Build Settings > Search: "Prefix Header".
Under "Apple LLVM 6.0" you will get the Prefix Header key
Type in: "YourProjectName/YourProject-Prefix.pch"
Clean project: ⌘cmd+⇧shift+K
Build project: ⌘cmd+B
Solved this by going to my project settings and changing the deployment target. The deployment target was originally at 7.0. When i changed it from iOS 8.0 -> 9.1 it works fine and there is no error.
Hope that helps :)
You do not need to delete the overall build settings. Just change the Library Search Paths, here are the steps:
Click on your project name (very top of the navigator)
Click on your project target
Click the tab Build Settings
Change its value to $(inherited) flag.
Here you go!
Or else you can always remove the build setting at all! Cheers!
One of the simple things I did I went into "Build Options" and changed the property for Enable Bitcode from yes to no
This fixed my issue.
Screenshot of Settings
clang can't locate your precompiled header file. Have you checked whether there is a file named SlideMenu-Prefix.pch in /Users/linus/Dropbox/Apps/My App/Projekt/My App/ ? The path to the precompiled header file is specified by the "Prefix Header" build setting for your target.
In Xcode project settings,
Targets-> Tests section-> Build Settings->Linking remove all linkig
OR Remove Tests Section as a whole.
Build again and Its done!!
