Syntax errors in Lyft API for iOS - won't compile? - ios

I am trying to use the Lyft API for iOS with Swift 4 and Xcode 9.3.
When I use the pod LyftSDK, the framework files do not compile per this issue, which I fixed (but it seemed bizarre that a major API would not compile in a production build). It's currently an open issue on the Lyft-iOS-SDK GitHub, #17. I'm also using the pod Lyft because I was unsure of which to use.
In my view controller, I've imported:
import Lyft
import LyftSDK
But then when I go to use let lyftButton = LyftButton() I get the compilation error Use of unresolved identifier 'LyftButton'.
How do I use this API with Swift? Do I need both pods for it to work? I'm following the documentation line for line and can't get it to work how it's supposed to. None of the other APIs and CocoaPods I'm using have this issue.

I solved this by doing the following:
In LyftSDK/Core/LyftButton.swift, change Line 47 from private var pressUpAction: ((Void) -> Void)? to private var pressUpAction: (() -> Void)?.
In LyftSDK/Core/LyftAPIURLEncoding.swift, replace Line 32 with:
var localVariable = urlComponents
urlComponents?.queryItems = (localVariable?.queryItems ?? []) + queryItems


Upgrade to Swift 4. iOS Charts won't build

I'm using the Charts library from Github. The documentation indicates the Pod is updated to support XCode 9 and Swift 4 yet I'm getting errors.
I removed the pod by opening the podfile and removing that line. I then enter Pod Install into terminal, to remove it. I then reinstalled to make sure I have the most up to date branch.
The instruction is:
Add pod 'Charts' to your Podfile.
My error message is:
Cannot subsript a value of type [String: AnyObject] with an index of
type NSAttributedStringKey
The error occurs on the second and third line of this function:
var attrs = [String : AnyObject]()
attrs[NSFontAttributeName] = description.font
attrs[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = description.textColor
context: context,
text: descriptionText,
point: position!,
align: description.textAlign,
attributes: attrs
I downloaded the new Swift 4 version and replaced the charts xcodeproj in my project, and it went like cream (Very smooth and easy) no 3.0.3 or pods (what are pods?)
The error in your question occurred when I upgraded to Swift 4 with the old Swift 3 charts source code. The error relates to type, and in my case mostly had a fix.
Excellent package well done Daniel

Firebase error with swift code

I have try everythng and I have imported pods to my project, done it several times in several new projects, but always get this error:
'Cannot call value of non-function type 'module'
Is it possible that my cocoa-pods are damaged somehow?
When I insert this code:
import Firebase
let BASE_URL = "my_project_url"
var FIREBASE_REF = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
I can see in Output/Debug window that I am connected with firebase, but when I start with code:
let BASE_URL = "my_project_url"
let FIREBASE_REF = Firebase(url: BASE_URL)
var CURRENT_USER: Firebase
let userID = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("uid") as! String
let currentUser = Firebase(url: "\(FIREBASE_REF)").childByAppendingPath("users").childByAppendingPath(userID)
return currentUser!
always get error. I have really try stuff from a lot tutorials, I tried a lot of things over past few days and nothing happened.
I have also look and read this topics, but did not help:
Cannot call value of non-function type 'module'
xcode error : Cannot call value of non-function type module Firebase
Unable to connect Firebase to my Xcode swift app?
I have open many new projects, done it import pod many times, I have import pod with insert in my pod file:
pod "Firebase"
and like this:
pod "Firebase"
pod "Firebase/Database"
also tried like this:
pod 'Firebase', '>= 2.5.1'
pod "Firebase/Database"
but always the same problem. Pods are inserted, I see Firebase folder and I know this is OK, so what could be wrong?
Like I said, I see that I am connected with Firebase in Debug window, as soon I start coding, error appears, and it is in every project like this, even when I try different approach and different code.
Any ideas?
You're either using the wrong version of Firebase, or following the wrong guide, depending on what you're trying to do.
Your pod config will install the latest version (3.2.1) while the code you've written is for 2.5.1 and before.

Swift App Extension: instance method count is unavailable

I just create my first app extension using XCode 7.1. One code file containing the code below is shared with both targets:
var str = "";
var l = str.count; //Compile error for extension target App: count is unavailable: There is no ...
The reason for this compile error seams to be that App extension compiles with swift 1.2 while the container target compiles with swift 2.0.
One solution would be importing the content App into the extension App doesn't appear to be a good solution from what i read about it. Sharing the code between targets can be difficult if both are not compiled using the same compiler.
I just run through all target settings and didn't find nothing that could be changed.
Can't find any post about this problem, witch is not so uncommon, so it is must likely i am interpreting something in a wrong way.
The only solution i can think of is using NSString instead of String but that is just an workaround for one class type. More problems of this kind will emerge in the future.
In Swift 2 it's
Use str.characters.count to get String length in Swift 2

How to import a project into Xcode

I am attempting to integrate the Yelp API into my iOS app. From the existing yelp documentation for objective C, we downloaded their Xcode project and dragged it into our project. However, when trying to call and import the project in my swift file, we have errors. Here is what I mean:
func getYelpData(mapItem:MKMapItem) {
var term: String = (NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("term") ?? "") as! String;
var location: String = (NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("location") ?? "") as! String
var APISample: YPAPISample = YPAPISample() // Use of undeclared type 'YPAPISample'
and at the top of the class I try to import the YPAPISample like so
import YelpAPISample
but it does not allow me to do this either.
I'm new to swift programming so any help would be greatly appreciated!
It's one of the most regularly asked question regarding Swift on SO.
Apple provided a document here for such purpose:
In short, you'd need to create a bridge header to import the Objective-C framework. Not all the framework can be import directly in Swift.
To add it manually, search bridging in build settings: (Make sure you select All)

unable to execute command: Segmentation fault: 11 swift frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)

I have an iOS swift program that compiles and runs fine on Xcode Beta2. When I downloaded beta4, I got a few syntax errors for the new swift language which I corrected. I now get this error:
<unknown>:0: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault: 11
<unknown>:0: error: swift frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)
The problem is that it does not tell me where this error is so that I can further troubleshoot it. Where can I type -v in order to "see the invocation" and troubleshoot further? Without this, there is absolute no way to figure out the problem. Thanks in advance.
Here's how I was able to find out what the problem was:
Click on the issue in the issue navigator (⌘ + 4, then click on the line with the red ! at the start)
At the bottom of the file that appears, there should be a line that says something like:
1. While emitting IR SIL function #_TToZFC4Down8Resource12getInstancesfMS0_U__FTSS6paramsGVSs10DictionarySSPSs9AnyObject__9onSuccessGSqFGSaQ__T__7onErrorGSqFT5errorCSo7NSError8responseGSqCSo17NSHTTPURLResponse__T___T_ for 'getInstances' at /path/to/file.swift:112:5
The location where your error occurred is at the end of that line. (In this case, on line 112 of file.swift in getInstances).
I was trying to add the PayPal framework to my iOS Project (Xcode 7.2 and Objective C language). When building it did not throw any error, but when I tried to archive the Project and make the IPA, I was getting that error
unable to execute command: Segmentation fault: 11
After struggling for a long time, I disabled the Bitcode in Project's Target > Build Settings > Enable Bitcode. Now the project can be archived. Please check the following screenshot.
Can't really give a straight solution on this (although I'm sure it's an Apple bug), but I just came across the exact same error message and happen to solve it. Here's what I did:
In General
Comment out recently changed Swift code (check commits) until the app compiles again
Command-click each called method in the failing line and check if there could be an ambiguity
My Example
In my case (I was using the XMPPFramework written in Objective-C) the failing code looked like this:
for roomMessage: XMPPRoomMessage in self.messages {
let slices = split(roomMessage.nickname(), { $0 == "_" }, allowEmptySlices: false)
Once I replaced roomMessage.nickname() with "0_test" the code didn't fail any more. So I command-clicked the method nickname() (twice) and here's what I saw:
My guess was that the Swift 1.1 compiler has problems with figuring out which method to call if the exact type of an object is not clear. So I made the type of roomMessage explicit and got another error which I fixed by removing the braces behind the nickname() method call. This made my app build again. Here's the working code:
for roomMessage: XMPPRoomMessageCoreDataStorageObject in self.messages {
let slices = split(roomMessage.nickname, { $0 == "_" }, allowEmptySlices: false)
I hope this helps someone out there to investigate the issue more quickly than I did.
I also had the same problem,
when I cleaned the derived data
Remove all removed derived data from Trash as well.
Stop Xcode, restart it and clean build
It should be fixed now.
In my case this error because I use Class name for variable
var MYClass : MYClass {
get {
And this fixes my problem
var myClass : MYClass {
get {
My problem was that I tried to mimic static variables with the so-called module approach (the Module design pattern). So, I had something like that (just a simple static reference to an operation queue declared at the level of a swift file):
let globalQueue: NSOperationQueue = {
let queue = NSOperationQueue()
queue.suspended = false
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount
return queue
So, that worked fine in Xcode 6.x.x, but ceased to compile in Xcode 7beta. Just want you guys to be aware of it.
P.S. In general, I managed to find out what was wrong from the logs (see the screenshot attached). Hope this saves you some time.
I got Segmentation fault when I called a protocol function the same protocols extension.
I had a code something in the line with this:
protocol Rotatable {
func rotate() -> Self
extension Rotatable {
func rotate(steps: Int) {
for _ 0..<steps { self.rotate() }
When I later made an object and declared that it would follow the Rotatable protocol I got Segmentation fault 11 and the program crashed.
Ex: this would cause Segmentation fault and crash Xcode
struct SomeStruct : Rotatable {
If I however first implemented the function rotate() in SomeStruct and then afterwards declared that it conformed to Rotatable there where no problem.
I had a similar today and tried the steps described here including removing files I had recently modified. Nothing seemed to work. I tried something that had been suggested when SourceKit would crash in Xcode.
I when into the derived data directory and deleted everything. The location is listed under "Preferences -> Locations -> Derived Data" There is an arrow icon right next to the path which opens finder with that directory selected. Select all the directories inside and delete them. Close Xcode and Reopen it. That made the problem disappear for me.
I think that some intermediate file is getting corrupted and the compiler does not know how to handle it.
I get this error because a silly mistake!!
in a class I defined
var url: String!?
So it seems that this description is a multiple & generic error for a lot of reasons!!
This can happen as well if you are porting Objective-C code to Swift and you move an objective C protocol to swift. If you leave off the #objc at the protocol definition and you still have Objective-C code that uses that protocol you can get this error.
The solution in that case is adding #objc to the protocol
protocol MyPortedProtocol {}
changes to
#obcj protocol MyPortedProtocol {}
Also make sure any classes that implement this protocol add #objc to the methods
I did answer in "Swift compiler segmentation fault when building"
I had this error too, and i fixed like this:
check your project and find out which files are using twice and remove one, or delete all and re-add them.
Errors in my xCode
:0: error: filename "AttributedString.swift" used twice: '/Users/.../CNJOB/CNJOB/AttributedString.swift' and '/Users/.../CNJOB/CNJOB/AttributedString.swift'
:0: note: filenames are used to distinguish private declarations with the same name
:0: error: filename "APIClient.swift" used twice: '/Users/.../CNJOB/CNJOB/APIClient.swift' and '/Users/.../CNJOB/CNJOB/APIClient.swift'
:0: note: filenames are used to distinguish private declarations with the same name
Command /Applications/Xcode failed with exit code 1
For me it's caused by adding the swift files to different targets (today extension in my case).
I forgot to add one #end after #implementation in a .m file that had multiple classes in it. Something like:
#implementation Adjust
#implementation Data //#end For this class was missing
#implementation Create
I got this bug because of line
self.textView.inputAccessoryView = self.toolbarItems;
If you delete it the error will gone.
My steps:
Deleted Derived data
Cleared build folder Didn't help
Copied class files to another folder as backup and commented everything in this class. Error gone.
Commented code blocks one by one until
build was success.
For me the problem was mixing Generics, Extensions, and #objc.
It turns out Xcode doesn't like having #objc inside extensions of generic classes:
class FaultyClass<T: TypeValidator>: UIControl where T.ItemType == String {
extension FaultyClass: UITextFieldDelegate {
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
The above code gives the error #objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes. So I moved the method to the class itself but didn't delete the empty extension. This got rid of the error but when I compiled the project I got the segmentation fault.
The solution was to move UITextFieldDelegate to the class declaration.
class GoodClass: <T: TypeValidator>: UIControl, UITextFieldDelegate where T.ItemType == String {
// MARK: - TextFieldDelegate
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
My problem was in methods signatures:
func setCategory(categoryId: Int?, subcategoryId: Int?) -> FilterSettings {
func changeCategory(categoryId: Int?, subcategoryId: Int?, handler: #escaping (Int) -> ()) {
I don't get why compiler cannot handle such declarations.
In my case it was because of an inappropriate inout in the function parameters. So I suggest you to look for that as well.
For me it was something similar to what #LuisCien described in this answer
I didn't have any generics or #objc tags, but it was these lines of code that were causing the segmentation fault:
public extension CGFloat {
/// Whether this number is between `other - tolerance` and `other + tolerance`
func isEqual(to other: CGFloat, tolerance: CGFloat) -> Bool {
return (other - tolerance...other + tolerance).contains(self)
i.e. an extension on a primarily Objective-C primary type?
Very luckily, I was able to delete those lines because the project wasn't using anymore. That fixed the issue.
Dumb mistake. I referred to self in a Class method:
public class func FunctionName() -> UIImage {
let bundle = Bundle.init(for: type(of: self))
I run into this problem when building some legacy code whaich was not adapted for latest Swift versions.
Segmentation fault: 11
When you open Report navigator it contains some context like:
1. Apple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28)
2. While evaluating request IRGenSourceFileRequest(IR Generation for file "/Users/alex/Downloads/NSURLProtocolExample-Swift_complete/NSURLProtocolExample/AppDelegate.swift")
3. While emitting IR SIL function "#$s20NSURLProtocolExample11AppDelegateC11applicationAD29didFinishLaunchingWithOptionsSbSo13UIApplicationC_So12NSDictionaryCSgtF".
for 'application(application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)' (at /Users/alex/Downloads/NSURLProtocolExample-Swift_complete/NSURLProtocolExample/AppDelegate.swift:17:3)
0 swift 0x000000010b2d3615 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 37
1 swift 0x000000010b2d2615 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() + 85
2 swift 0x000000010b2d3bcf SignalHandler(int) + 111
3 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff2039bd7d _sigtramp + 29
To solve this issue:
comment the pointed line (line 17 in AppDelegate.swift)
Build and fix all others issues
uncomment line from step 1
Swift 5 Very Easy And Smooth Solution
1- Just check your last added Extension / Code / Folder File before then this issue occur
2- Just Commit the code or save that code
3- Clean and Build & DONE :-)
Happy Coding
I ran into a similar problem when switching from beta2 to beta4.
