Adding Safari bookmarks on iOS - ios

Is there any way one can add a URL to Safari bookmarks?
I'd like to have an extension to bookmark a webpage (opened in any app's webview).
Since it's for personal use, it can be a private way of doing that.

To my best knowledge, there isn't any APIs to modify Safari bookmarks on iOS. But on macOS, there are ways to do it (e.g. A UNIX script to add a bookmark to Safari).
Since it is for your personal use, I suggest you to create a macOS companion app to receive instructions from your iOS extension and add bookmarks accordingly.


Installing iOS App Directly From Safari Web UI?

I was using a website, and noticed that from my iphone on Safari, I could directly install their app from the Web UI. This was from the top of the page at . I can't find what this is called or how to do it anywhere in the iOS documentation. This only seems to work in Safari.
Does anyone know what they are doing, or how I can do it?
This is done via adding Universal Link support (documentation here).
The banner you are seeing is the Universal Link smart banner (documentation here).
In-short, you should have a website, the website should be SSL enabled, you need to add an apple-app-site-association-file which defines the links your app needs to handle, make changes in your app to handle Universal Links and you should be good to go.
The app you shared has its apple-app-site-association file here. You can view this file for any app that supports Universal Links using the pattern https://<SITE_BASE_URL>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association or https://<SITE_BASE_URL>/apple-app-site-association.

Opening file in an app from URL

I'm trying to create a link that, if clicked on a mobile device (ios), will open a PDF in a FileExplorer mobile app (or the App store if they don't have one installed). I've tried finding apps with their own URL scheme (similar to Facebook's "fb://" or YouTube's "youtube://"), but I'm not having any luck.
I've reviewed the content in the following pages and still have not found an answer:
iPhone apps: Can I open an app from a link in a website?
How to open ios app using url?
Opening an app from URL schema
There is the option to open the Files app at a specific location using the shareddocuments:// URL scheme, as described in this article.
There's no direct solution. Your best best is to let the user decide what to do with the PDF. Use a UIActivityViewController setup with the PDF. Then the user can choose. Typical options will be email, print, iBooks, Preview, other apps that handle PDFs, and as of iOS 11, the standard Files app.
You are not going to find URL schemes for "file explorer" apps in general. And there's little point to finding URL schemes to a few specific such apps. Any such apps the user may already have should appear in the activity view.

iOS custom smart app banner

I want to have custom view for smart app banner which I think is not possible. but I have seen it in wikipedia mobile site which is smaller than standard apple banner.
wikipedia shows custom banner on its mobile site only if wikipedia app is installed. if it is not installed or user uninstalls it then banner disappears.
Is there a way to achieve this kind of banners?
Are you talking about 'Open in app' banner? Those comes by default if you have supported for universal links in the app.
See screenshot:
For iOS6+, you can use Smart Banners:
One of your requirement is to not show when the app is not installed (instead of promoting the app).
I do not know of a way to test for installation but I would look
url scheme: seems limited because the app will always open instead of
just being able to check if system can answer
cookies: can a cookie
be set from inside app that would be reused by safari when visiting
the same domain?
files: create a file from the app and try to open it
from safari

Kiosk App in iOS can we provide any identifer to that app to use from URL scheme.

I wanted, to give some identifier to the app that we create like a kiosk mode in iOS.
i.e. We make add to home screen and it has an icon on home page which browse further.
Is there any way, where I can give some identifier Name to that link of app getting created so that we can get that app access from our Native and we can provide URL Scheme for the same.
iOS will not give access of all the url schemas. You can refer this document where the url schemas for selected application is given :
It may be that the only way you can achieve what you want to do is to build an app around an iOS UIWebView. You can then include the camera functionality directly in the app, although there can be issues as a UIWebview doesn't handle things like popups that Safari does.

Opening specific links in MobileSafari from iOS phonegap app

I'm developing an application for iPad, which is coded using Phonegap 1.7. Working with iframes is needed, so I enable the domains I want to access to in the white list and set OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView to YES on the Cordova.plist. The problem is that I'd like to open some specific links in a MobileSafari browser, not in the webview. According to the Phonegap wiki:
Enabling iFrames on PhoneGap-iOS requires that you whitelist the
iframe domains and enable "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView". While this
doesn't sound like a problem, many applications want to open specific
sites in MobileSafari (not a ChildBrowser), which cannot be
accomplished easily when "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" is enabled.
So, although that "cannot be accomplished easily", is there any way to accomplish it?
