How to get highlighted text from content search in sensenet - odata

I have fired bellow query to full text search in document content. It is working as expected. I need the highlighted text also which has at least 3 to 5 words with matched text.

Unfortunately there's no such a feature in sensenet


Highlight text does not show highlighted text in pdf document

I am implementing the text highlight function when searching for a specific string, everything seems to work fine until, that is, the search is correct, the markup in the text layer is also correct, but when it comes to highlighting the text in the document this does not happen. I'm using the recipe as is, and I've also loaded the textlayer css. Any ideas to try. Thanks for the help

Regarding Salesforce merge fields: How can I stop text from wrapping past the original length of the text box, when there is too many characters?

I have a few merge fields on a contract that I want to fit between other words in a paragraph. But when the information from Salesforce is too long for the text box it overlaps the following words in the contract, blocking the signers view of those words. I wanted to know if there is any functionality where the text continues but must be clicked on to view. Sort of like a cell in excel?
Thank You.
If you login to DocuSign and edit your merge field, you can set it to a fixed width under the 'Formatting' section on the right. This should lock the length of the text field, but it won't allow any more text into the field.

ReadMoreTextview not working on New Line of text

I'm using see more & see less functionality using this code. But I'm stuck on one condition that is if I've content with \n or new line text then it's not working as I expected.
If I tap see less off text then it's expanding to full text. But not in exact See Less text.

How to highlight or change color of text within iOS?

I would like to highlight or change the color of certain words within text, like when you search for a term, you get the highlighted words within search results.
I know I can't do this with NSStrings, but How will I able accomplish this? I would like to display text in UITextView, but can do other options if I need to.
In iOS 6 you can do it, because iOS 6 now allows UITextView (as well as UILabel, UIButton etc.) to display styled text (NSAttributedString). You color the word with NSForegroundColorAttributeName and color its background with NSBackgroundColorAttributeName and presto, there's your highlight. There are several very good WWDC 2012 videos on this topic.
The only way I can think right now will be using an UIWebView and using CSS and javascript to highlight words.
You can check this stack overflow answer fo an example of how to highlight text with jQuery and CSS.
Also you can check this example
I prefer using EgoTextView, you can change color for range of texts. Please check the code here.

Delphi 7 - cxDBGrid Column : How to display a check mark next to some character string

I have to display in a cxdbGrid column 'Test √', and I got the check mark by using a symbol font but the rest of the characters changed.
I don't have an answer if you do actually need to have the check as part of actual text in the text column. I don't think I've ever seen an app that did it that way though. The usual way of doing this is to add a column to the left or right of the text column in question and have the new column use a checkbox control. Then just set the value of the checkbox column to true or false.
It's quite common to include some type of image to represent the state of a column in a grid control. You could implement your own OnCustomDrawCellEvent to put an icon image there, instead of text and a font. Below is a link to a tutorial of how to accomplish this.
How to draw an icon along with the text in a grid cell
