Improving the grey scale conversion result - image-processing

Here is the colour menu:
Here is the same menu with some of the menu items disabled, and the bitmaps set as greyscale:
The code that converts to grey scale:
auto col = GetRValue(pixel) * 0.299 +
GetGValue(pixel) * 0.587 +
GetBValue(pixel) * 0.114;
pixel = RGB(col, col, col);
I am colourblind but it seems that some of them don’t look that much different. I assume it relates to the original colours in the first place?
It would just be nice if it was more obvious they are disabled. Like, it is very clear with the text.
Can we?

For people who are not colour blind it's pretty obvious.
Just apply the same intensity reduction to the images that you do to the text.
I did not check your values. Let's assume the text is white (100% intensity).
And the grayed out text is 50% intensity.
Then the maximum intensity of the bitmap should be 50% as well.
for each gray pixel:
pixel_value = pixel_value / max_pixel_value * gray_text_value
This way you decrease further decrease the contrast of each bitmap and avoid having any pixel brighter than the text.

This is not directly related to your question, but since you are changing colors you can also fix the corner pixels which stand out (by corner pixels I don't mean pixels at the edges of bitmap rectangle, I mean the corner of human recognizable image)
Example, in image below, there is a red pixel at the corner of the page. We want to find that red pixel and blend it with background color so that it doesn't stand out.
To find if the corner pixels, check the pixels at left and top, if both left and top are the background color then you have a corner pixel. Repeat the same for top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right. Blend the corner pixels with background.
Instead of changing to grayscale you can change the alpha transparency as suggested by zett42.
void change(HBITMAP hbmp, bool enabled)
HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr);
GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(bm), &bm);
int w = bm.bmWidth;
int h = bm.bmHeight;
BITMAPINFO bi = { sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), w, h, 1, 32, BI_RGB };
std::vector<uint32_t> pixels(w * h);
GetDIBits(memdc, hbmp, 0, h, &pixels[0], &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
//assume that the color at (0,0) is the background color
uint32_t old_color = pixels[0];
//this is the new background color
uint32_t bk = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU);
//swap RGB with BGR
uint32_t new_color = RGB(GetBValue(bk), GetGValue(bk), GetRValue(bk));
//define lambda functions to swap between BGR and RGB
auto bgr_r = [](uint32_t color) { return GetBValue(color); };
auto bgr_g = [](uint32_t color) { return GetGValue(color); };
auto bgr_b = [](uint32_t color) { return GetRValue(color); };
BYTE new_red = bgr_r(new_color);
BYTE new_grn = bgr_g(new_color);
BYTE new_blu = bgr_b(new_color);
//change background and modify disabled bitmap
for(auto &p : pixels)
if(p == old_color)
p = new_color;
else if(!enabled)
//blend color with background, similar to 50% alpha
BYTE red = (bgr_r(p) + new_red) / 2;
BYTE grn = (bgr_g(p) + new_grn) / 2;
BYTE blu = (bgr_b(p) + new_blu) / 2;
p = RGB(blu, grn, red); //<= BGR/RGB swap
//fix corner edges
for(int row = h - 2; row >= 1; row--)
for(int col = 1; col < w - 1; col++)
int i = row * w + col;
if(pixels[i] != new_color)
//check the color of neighboring pixels:
//if that pixel has background color,
//then that pixel is the background
bool l = pixels[i - 1] == new_color; //left pixel is background
bool r = pixels[i + 1] == new_color; //right ...
bool t = pixels[i - w] == new_color; //top ...
bool b = pixels[i + w] == new_color; //bottom ...
//we are on a corner pixel if:
//both left-pixel and top-pixel are background or
//both left-pixel and bottom-pixel are background or
//both right-pixel and bottom-pixel are background or
//both right-pixel and bottom-pixel are background
if(l && t || l && b || r && t || r && b)
//blend corner pixel with background
BYTE red = (bgr_r(pixels[i]) + new_red) / 2;
BYTE grn = (bgr_g(pixels[i]) + new_grn) / 2;
BYTE blu = (bgr_b(pixels[i]) + new_blu) / 2;
pixels[i] = RGB(blu, grn, red);//<= BGR/RGB swap
SetDIBits(memdc, hbmp, 0, h, &pixels[0], &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
CBitmap bmp1, bmp2;
change(bmp1, enabled);
change(bmp2, disabled);


python segment an image of text line by line [duplicate]

I am trying to find a way to break the split the lines of text in a scanned document that has been adaptive thresholded. Right now, I am storing the pixel values of the document as unsigned ints from 0 to 255, and I am taking the average of the pixels in each line, and I split the lines into ranges based on whether the average of the pixels values is larger than 250, and then I take the median of each range of lines for which this holds. However, this methods sometimes fails, as there can be black splotches on the image.
Is there a more noise-resistant way to do this task?
EDIT: Here is some code. "warped" is the name of the original image, "cuts" is where I want to split the image.
warped = threshold_adaptive(warped, 250, offset = 10)
warped = warped.astype("uint8") * 255
# get areas where we can split image on whitespace to make OCR more accurate
color_level = np.array([np.sum(line) / len(line) for line in warped])
cuts = []
i = 0
while(i < len(color_level)):
if color_level[i] > 250:
begin = i
while(color_level[i] > 250):
i += 1
cuts.append((i + begin)/2) # middle of the whitespace region
i += 1
EDIT 2: Sample image added
From your input image, you need to make text as white, and background as black
You need then to compute the rotation angle of your bill. A simple approach is to find the minAreaRect of all white points (findNonZero), and you get:
Then you can rotate your bill, so that text is horizontal:
Now you can compute horizontal projection (reduce). You can take the average value in each line. Apply a threshold th on the histogram to account for some noise in the image (here I used 0, i.e. no noise). Lines with only background will have a value >0, text lines will have value 0 in the histogram. Then take the average bin coordinate of each continuous sequence of white bins in the histogram. That will be the y coordinate of your lines:
Here the code. It's in C++, but since most of the work is with OpenCV functions, it should be easy convertible to Python. At least, you can use this as a reference:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
// Read image
Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");
// Binarize image. Text is white, background is black
Mat1b bin;
cvtColor(img, bin, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
bin = bin < 200;
// Find all white pixels
vector<Point> pts;
findNonZero(bin, pts);
// Get rotated rect of white pixels
RotatedRect box = minAreaRect(pts);
if (box.size.width > box.size.height)
swap(box.size.width, box.size.height);
box.angle += 90.f;
Point2f vertices[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
line(img, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], Scalar(0, 255, 0));
// Rotate the image according to the found angle
Mat1b rotated;
Mat M = getRotationMatrix2D(, box.angle, 1.0);
warpAffine(bin, rotated, M, bin.size());
// Compute horizontal projections
Mat1f horProj;
reduce(rotated, horProj, 1, CV_REDUCE_AVG);
// Remove noise in histogram. White bins identify space lines, black bins identify text lines
float th = 0;
Mat1b hist = horProj <= th;
// Get mean coordinate of white white pixels groups
vector<int> ycoords;
int y = 0;
int count = 0;
bool isSpace = false;
for (int i = 0; i < rotated.rows; ++i)
if (!isSpace)
if (hist(i))
isSpace = true;
count = 1;
y = i;
if (!hist(i))
isSpace = false;
ycoords.push_back(y / count);
y += i;
// Draw line as final result
Mat3b result;
cvtColor(rotated, result, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
for (int i = 0; i < ycoords.size(); ++i)
line(result, Point(0, ycoords[i]), Point(result.cols, ycoords[i]), Scalar(0, 255, 0));
return 0;
Basic steps as #Miki,
read the source
find minAreaRect
warp by the rotated matrix
find and draw upper and lower bounds
While code in Python:
# 2018.01.16 01:11:49 CST
# 2018.01.16 01:55:01 CST
import cv2
import numpy as np
## (1) read
img = cv2.imread("img02.jpg")
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
## (2) threshold
th, threshed = cv2.threshold(gray, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV|cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
## (3) minAreaRect on the nozeros
pts = cv2.findNonZero(threshed)
ret = cv2.minAreaRect(pts)
(cx,cy), (w,h), ang = ret
if w>h:
w,h = h,w
ang += 90
## (4) Find rotated matrix, do rotation
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cx,cy), ang, 1.0)
rotated = cv2.warpAffine(threshed, M, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]))
## (5) find and draw the upper and lower boundary of each lines
hist = cv2.reduce(rotated,1, cv2.REDUCE_AVG).reshape(-1)
th = 2
H,W = img.shape[:2]
uppers = [y for y in range(H-1) if hist[y]<=th and hist[y+1]>th]
lowers = [y for y in range(H-1) if hist[y]>th and hist[y+1]<=th]
rotated = cv2.cvtColor(rotated, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
for y in uppers:
cv2.line(rotated, (0,y), (W, y), (255,0,0), 1)
for y in lowers:
cv2.line(rotated, (0,y), (W, y), (0,255,0), 1)
cv2.imwrite("result.png", rotated)
Finally result:

Multi colour detection does not show centroid more than 1 object, Only show the centroid of Image which had largest pixel

I am still new to OpenCV, i am trying to detect object of multiple colour as well as center of the object. The color i need to detect is Red, Blue and Yellow. My program able to detect different colour, but it can't detect centroid of the same colour. The object with the bigger pixel will take the priority. Is there anythings i miss or where can i improve in my code?
inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(redLowH,redLowS,redLowV), Scalar(redHighH, redHighS, redHighV), imgThresred); //Threshold the image
inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(blueLowH,blueLowS,blueLowV), Scalar(blueHighH, blueHighS, blueHighV), imgThresblue); //Threshold the image
inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(yellowLowH,yellowLowS,yellowLowV), Scalar(yellowHighH, yellowHighS, yellowHighV), imgThresyellow); //Threshold the image
Moments rMoments = moments(imgThresred);
double dM01_r = rMoments.m01;
double dM10_r = rMoments.m10;
double dArea_r = rMoments.m00;
//Calculate area of Red Object
if (dArea_r > 10000)
//calculate the position of the ball
posX_r = dM10_r / dArea_r;
posY_r = dM01_r / dArea_r;
//cout<<"The red object : X coodinate is "<< posX_r <<", Y coodinate is "<< posY_r <<endl;
if (iLastX_r >= 0 && iLastY_r >= 0 && posX_r >= 0 && posY_r >= 0)
//Draw a red line from the previous point to the current point
line(imgLines_r, Point(posX_r, posY_r), Point(iLastX_r, iLastY_r), Scalar(0,0,255), 10);
iLastX_r = posX_r;
iLastY_r = posY_r;
imgOriginal = imgOriginal + imgLines_r + imgLines_b + imgLines_y;
//Check Object region in the image
if (posX_r < 100)
cout<<"left side"<<endl;

Save frames of background subtraction capture

I am doing a background subtraction capture demo recently but I met with difficulties. I have already get the pixel of silhouette extraction and I intend to draw it into a buffer through createGraphics(). I set the new background is 100% transparent so that I could only get the foreground extraction. Then I use saveFrame() function in order to get png file of each frame. However, it doesn't work as I expected. I intend to get a series of png of the silhouette extraction
with 100% transparent background but now I only get the general png of frames from the camera feed. Is there anyone could help me to see what's the problem with this code? Thanks a lot in advance. Any help will be appreciated.
Capture video;
PGraphics pg;
PImage backgroundImage;
float threshold = 30;
void setup() {
size(320, 240);
video = new Capture(this, width, height);
backgroundImage = createImage(video.width, video.height, RGB);
pg = createGraphics(320, 240);
void captureEvent(Capture video) {;
void draw() {
image(video, 0, 0);
for (int x = 0; x < video.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < video.height; y++) {
int loc = x + y * video.width;
color fgColor = video.pixels[loc];
color bgColor = backgroundImage.pixels[loc];
float r1 = red(fgColor); float g1 = green(fgColor); float b1 = blue(fgColor);
float r2 = red(bgColor); float g2 = green(bgColor); float b2 = blue(bgColor);
float diff = dist(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2);
if (diff > threshold) {
pixels[loc] = fgColor;
} else {
pixels[loc] = color(0, 0);
void mousePressed() {
backgroundImage.copy(video, 0, 0, video.width, video.height, 0, 0, video.width, video.height);
Then I use saveFrame() function in order to get png file of each frame. However, it doesn't work as I expected. I intend to get a series of png of the silhouette extraction with 100% transparent background but now I only get the general png of frames from the camera feed.
This won't work, because saveFrame() saves the canvas, and the canvas doesn't support transparency. For example, from the reference:
It is not possible to use the transparency alpha parameter with background colors on the main drawing surface. It can only be used along with a PGraphics object and createGraphics().
If you want to dump a frame with transparency you need to use .save() to dump it directly from a PImage / PGraphics.
If you need to clear your PImage / PGraphics and reuse it each frame, either use pg.clear() or pg.background(0,0,0,0) (set all pixels to transparent black).

Detect semicircle in OpenCV

I am trying to detect full circles and semicircles in an image.
I am following the below mentioned procedure:
Process image (including Canny edge detection).
Find contours and draw them on an empty image, so that I can eliminate unwanted components
(The processed image is exactly what I want).
Detect circles using HoughCircles. And, this is what I get:
I tried varying the parameters in HoughCircles but the results are not consistent as it varies based on lighting and the position of circles in the image.
I accept or reject a circle based on its size. So, the result is not acceptable. Also, I have a long list of "acceptable" circles. So, I need some allowance in the HoughCircle params.
As for the full circles, it's easy - I can simply find the "roundness" of the contour. The problem is semicircles!
Please find the edited image before Hough transform
Use houghCircle directly on your image, don't extract edges first.
Then test for each detected circle, how much percentage is really present in the image:
int main()
cv::Mat color = cv::imread("../houghCircles.png");
cv::namedWindow("input"); cv::imshow("input", color);
cv::Mat canny;
cv::Mat gray;
/// Convert it to gray
cv::cvtColor( color, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );
// compute canny (don't blur with that image quality!!)
cv::Canny(gray, canny, 200,20);
cv::namedWindow("canny2"); cv::imshow("canny2", canny>0);
std::vector<cv::Vec3f> circles;
/// Apply the Hough Transform to find the circles
cv::HoughCircles( gray, circles, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 60, 200, 20, 0, 0 );
/// Draw the circles detected
for( size_t i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++ )
Point center(cvRound(circles[i][0]), cvRound(circles[i][1]));
int radius = cvRound(circles[i][2]);
cv::circle( color, center, 3, Scalar(0,255,255), -1);
cv::circle( color, center, radius, Scalar(0,0,255), 1 );
//compute distance transform:
cv::Mat dt;
cv::distanceTransform(255-(canny>0), dt, CV_DIST_L2 ,3);
cv::namedWindow("distance transform"); cv::imshow("distance transform", dt/255.0f);
// test for semi-circles:
float minInlierDist = 2.0f;
for( size_t i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++ )
// test inlier percentage:
// sample the circle and check for distance to the next edge
unsigned int counter = 0;
unsigned int inlier = 0;
cv::Point2f center((circles[i][0]), (circles[i][1]));
float radius = (circles[i][2]);
// maximal distance of inlier might depend on the size of the circle
float maxInlierDist = radius/25.0f;
if(maxInlierDist<minInlierDist) maxInlierDist = minInlierDist;
//TODO: maybe paramter incrementation might depend on circle size!
for(float t =0; t<2*3.14159265359f; t+= 0.1f)
float cX = radius*cos(t) + circles[i][0];
float cY = radius*sin(t) + circles[i][1];
if(<float>(cY,cX) < maxInlierDist)
cv::circle(color, cv::Point2i(cX,cY),3, cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
cv::circle(color, cv::Point2i(cX,cY),3, cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
std::cout << 100.0f*(float)inlier/(float)counter << " % of a circle with radius " << radius << " detected" << std::endl;
cv::namedWindow("output"); cv::imshow("output", color);
cv::imwrite("houghLinesComputed.png", color);
return 0;
For this input:
It gives this output:
The red circles are Hough results.
The green sampled dots on the circle are inliers.
The blue dots are outliers.
Console output:
100 % of a circle with radius 27.5045 detected
100 % of a circle with radius 25.3476 detected
58.7302 % of a circle with radius 194.639 detected
50.7937 % of a circle with radius 23.1625 detected
79.3651 % of a circle with radius 7.64853 detected
If you want to test RANSAC instead of Hough, have a look at this.
Here is another way to do it, a simple RANSAC version (much optimization to be done to improve speed), that works on the Edge Image.
the method loops these steps until it is cancelled
choose randomly 3 edge pixel
estimate circle from them (3 points are enough to identify a circle)
verify or falsify that it's really a circle: count how much percentage of the circle is represented by the given edges
if a circle is verified, remove the circle from input/egdes
int main()
//load edge image
cv::Mat color = cv::imread("../circleDetectionEdges.png");
// convert to grayscale
cv::Mat gray;
cv::cvtColor(color, gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
// get binary image
cv::Mat mask = gray > 0;
//erode the edges to obtain sharp/thin edges (undo the blur?)
cv::erode(mask, mask, cv::Mat());
std::vector<cv::Point2f> edgePositions;
edgePositions = getPointPositions(mask);
// create distance transform to efficiently evaluate distance to nearest edge
cv::Mat dt;
cv::distanceTransform(255-mask, dt,CV_DIST_L1, 3);
//TODO: maybe seed random variable for real random numbers.
unsigned int nIterations = 0;
char quitKey = 'q';
std::cout << "press " << quitKey << " to stop" << std::endl;
while(cv::waitKey(-1) != quitKey)
//RANSAC: randomly choose 3 point and create a circle:
//TODO: choose randomly but more intelligent,
//so that it is more likely to choose three points of a circle.
//For example if there are many small circles, it is unlikely to randomly choose 3 points of the same circle.
unsigned int idx1 = rand()%edgePositions.size();
unsigned int idx2 = rand()%edgePositions.size();
unsigned int idx3 = rand()%edgePositions.size();
// we need 3 different samples:
if(idx1 == idx2) continue;
if(idx1 == idx3) continue;
if(idx3 == idx2) continue;
// create circle from 3 points:
cv::Point2f center; float radius;
float minCirclePercentage = 0.4f;
// inlier set unused at the moment but could be used to approximate a (more robust) circle from alle inlier
std::vector<cv::Point2f> inlierSet;
//verify or falsify the circle by inlier counting:
float cPerc = verifyCircle(dt,center,radius, inlierSet);
if(cPerc >= minCirclePercentage)
std::cout << "accepted circle with " << cPerc*100.0f << " % inlier" << std::endl;
// first step would be to approximate the circle iteratively from ALL INLIER to obtain a better circle center
// but that's a TODO
std::cout << "circle: " << "center: " << center << " radius: " << radius << std::endl;
cv::circle(color, center,radius, cv::Scalar(255,255,0),1);
// accept circle => remove it from the edge list
//update edge positions and distance transform
edgePositions = getPointPositions(mask);
cv::distanceTransform(255-mask, dt,CV_DIST_L1, 3);
cv::Mat tmp;
// prevent cases where no fircle could be extracted (because three points collinear or sth.)
// filter NaN values
if((center.x == center.x)&&(center.y == center.y)&&(radius == radius))
std::cout << "circle illegal" << std::endl;
cv::namedWindow("RANSAC"); cv::imshow("RANSAC", tmp);
std::cout << nIterations << " iterations performed" << std::endl;
cv::namedWindow("edges"); cv::imshow("edges", mask);
cv::namedWindow("color"); cv::imshow("color", color);
cv::imwrite("detectedCircles.png", color);
return 0;
float verifyCircle(cv::Mat dt, cv::Point2f center, float radius, std::vector<cv::Point2f> & inlierSet)
unsigned int counter = 0;
unsigned int inlier = 0;
float minInlierDist = 2.0f;
float maxInlierDistMax = 100.0f;
float maxInlierDist = radius/25.0f;
if(maxInlierDist<minInlierDist) maxInlierDist = minInlierDist;
if(maxInlierDist>maxInlierDistMax) maxInlierDist = maxInlierDistMax;
// choose samples along the circle and count inlier percentage
for(float t =0; t<2*3.14159265359f; t+= 0.05f)
float cX = radius*cos(t) + center.x;
float cY = radius*sin(t) + center.y;
if(cX < dt.cols)
if(cX >= 0)
if(cY < dt.rows)
if(cY >= 0)
if(<float>(cY,cX) < maxInlierDist)
return (float)inlier/float(counter);
inline void getCircle(cv::Point2f& p1,cv::Point2f& p2,cv::Point2f& p3, cv::Point2f& center, float& radius)
float x1 = p1.x;
float x2 = p2.x;
float x3 = p3.x;
float y1 = p1.y;
float y2 = p2.y;
float y3 = p3.y;
center.x = (x1*x1+y1*y1)*(y2-y3) + (x2*x2+y2*y2)*(y3-y1) + (x3*x3+y3*y3)*(y1-y2);
center.x /= ( 2*(x1*(y2-y3) - y1*(x2-x3) + x2*y3 - x3*y2) );
center.y = (x1*x1 + y1*y1)*(x3-x2) + (x2*x2+y2*y2)*(x1-x3) + (x3*x3 + y3*y3)*(x2-x1);
center.y /= ( 2*(x1*(y2-y3) - y1*(x2-x3) + x2*y3 - x3*y2) );
radius = sqrt((center.x-x1)*(center.x-x1) + (center.y-y1)*(center.y-y1));
std::vector<cv::Point2f> getPointPositions(cv::Mat binaryImage)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> pointPositions;
for(unsigned int y=0; y<binaryImage.rows; ++y)
//unsigned char* rowPtr = binaryImage.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
for(unsigned int x=0; x<binaryImage.cols; ++x)
//if(rowPtr[x] > 0) pointPositions.push_back(cv::Point2i(x,y));
if(<unsigned char>(y,x) > 0) pointPositions.push_back(cv::Point2f(x,y));
return pointPositions;
console output:
press q to stop
accepted circle with 50 % inlier
circle: center: [358.511, 211.163] radius: 193.849
accepted circle with 85.7143 % inlier
circle: center: [45.2273, 171.591] radius: 24.6215
accepted circle with 100 % inlier
circle: center: [257.066, 197.066] radius: 27.819
circle illegal
30 iterations performed`
optimization should include:
use all inlier to fit a better circle
dont compute distance transform after each detected circles (it's quite expensive). compute inlier from point/edge set directly and remove the inlier edges from that list.
if there are many small circles in the image (and/or a lot of noise), it's unlikely to hit randomly 3 edge pixels or a circle. => try contour detection first and detect circles for each contour. after that try to detect all "other" circles left in the image.
a lot of other stuff
#Micka's answer is great, here it is roughly translated into python
The method takes a thresholded image mask as an argument, leaving that part as an exercise for the reader
def get_circle_percentages(image):
#compute distance transform of image
dist = cv2.distanceTransform(image, cv2.DIST_L2, 0)
rows = image.shape[0]
circles = cv2.HoughCircles(image, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, rows / 8, 50, param1=50, param2=10, minRadius=40, maxRadius=90)
minInlierDist = 2.0
for c in circles[0, :]:
counter = 0
inlier = 0
center = (c[0], c[1])
radius = c[2]
maxInlierDist = radius/25.0
if maxInlierDist < minInlierDist: maxInlierDist = minInlierDist
for i in np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 0.1):
counter += 1
x = center[0] + radius * np.cos(i)
y = center[1] + radius * np.sin(i)
if dist.item(int(y), int(x)) < maxInlierDist:
inlier += 1
print(str(100.0*inlier/counter) + ' percent of a circle with radius ' + str(radius) + " detected")
I know that it's little bit late, but I used different approach which is much easier.
From the cv2.HoughCircles(...) you get centre of the circle and the diameter (x,y,r). So I simply go through all centre points of the circles and I check if they are further away from the edge of the image than their diameter.
Here is my code:
height, width = img.shape[:2]
#test top edge
up = (circles[0, :, 0] - circles[0, :, 2]) >= 0
#test left edge
left = (circles[0, :, 1] - circles[0, :, 2]) >= 0
#test right edge
right = (circles[0, :, 0] + circles[0, :, 2]) <= width
#test bottom edge
down = (circles[0, :, 1] + circles[0, :, 2]) <= height
circles = circles[:, (up & down & right & left), :]
The semicircle detected by the hough algorithm is most probably correct. The issue here might be that unless you strictly control the geometry of the scene, i.e. exact position of the camera relative to the target, so that the image axis is normal to the target plane, you will get ellipsis rather than circles projected on the image plane. Not to mention the distortions caused by the optical system, which further degenerate the geometric figure. If you rely on precision here, I would recommend camera calibration.
You better try with different kernel for gaussian blur.That will help you
GaussianBlur( src_gray, src_gray, Size(11, 11), 5,5);
so change size(i,i),j,j)

Algorithm for Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer from Photoshop

Does anyone know how adjustment layers work in Photoshop? I need to generate a result image having a source image and HSL values from Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Conversion to RGB and then multiplication with the source color does not work.
Or is it possible to replace Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer with normal layers with appropriately set blending modes (Mulitiply, Screen, Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminocity,...)?
If so then how?
I've reverse-engineered the computation for when the "Colorize" checkbox is checked. All of the code below is pseudo-code.
The inputs are:
hueRGB, which is an RGB color for HSV(photoshop_hue, 100, 100).ToRGB()
saturation, which is photoshop_saturation / 100.0 (i.e. 0..1)
lightness, which is photoshop_lightness / 100.0 (i.e. -1..1)
value, which is the pixel.ToHSV().Value, scaled into 0..1 range.
The method to colorize a single pixel:
color = blend2(rgb(128, 128, 128), hueRGB, saturation);
if (lightness <= -1)
return black;
else if (lightness >= 1)
return white;
else if (lightness >= 0)
return blend3(black, color, white, 2 * (1 - lightness) * (value - 1) + 1)
return blend3(black, color, white, 2 * (1 + lightness) * (value) - 1)
Where blend2 and blend3 are:
blend2(left, right, pos):
return rgb(left.R * (1-pos) + right.R * pos, same for green, same for blue)
blend3(left, main, right, pos):
if (pos < 0)
return blend2(left, main, pos + 1)
else if (pos > 0)
return blend2(main, right, pos)
return main
I have figured out how Lightness works.
The input parameter brightness b is in [0, 2], Output is c (color channel).
if(b<1) c = b * c;
else c = c + (b-1) * (1-c);
Some tests:
b = 0 >>> c = 0 // black
b = 1 >>> c = c // same color
b = 2 >>> c = 1 // white
However, if you choose some interval (e.g. Reds instead of Master), Lightness behaves completely differently, more like Saturation.
Photoshop, dunno. But the theory is usually: The RGB image is converted to HSL/HSV by the particular layer's internal methods; each pixel's HSL is then modified according to the specified parameters, and the so-obtained result is being provided back (for displaying) in RGB.
PaintShopPro7 used to split up the H space (assuming a range of 0..360) in discrete increments of 30° (IIRC), so if you bumped only the "yellows", i.e. only pixels whose H component was valued 45-75 would be considered for manipulation.
reds 345..15, oranges 15..45, yellows 45..75, yellowgreen 75..105, greens 105..135, etc.
if (h >= 45 && h < 75)
s += s * yellow_percent;
There are alternative possibilities, such as applying a falloff filter, as in:
/* For h=60, let m=1... and linearly fall off to h=75 m=0. */
m = 1 - abs(h - 60) / 15;
if (m < 0)
m = 0;
s += s * yellow_percent * d;
Hello I wrote colorize shader and my equation is as folows
inputRGB is the source image which should be in monochrome
(r+g+b) * 0.333
colorRGB is your destination color
finalRGB is the result
pseudo code:
finalRGB = inputRGB * (colorRGB + inputRGB * 0.5);
I think it's fast and efficient
I did translate #Roman Starkov solution to java if any one needed, but for some reason It not worked so well, then I started read a little bit and found that the solution is very simple , there are 2 things have to be done :
When changing the hue or saturation replace the original image only hue and saturation and the lightness stay as is was in the original image this blend method called 10.2.4. luminosity blend mode :
When changing the lightness in photoshop the slider indicates how much percentage we need to add or subtract to/from the original lightness in order to get to white or black color in HSL.
for example :
If the original pixel is 0.7 lightness and the lightness slider = 20
so we need more 0.3 lightness in order to get to 1
so we need to add to the original pixel lightness : 0.7 + 0.2*0.3;
this will be the new blended lightness value for the new pixel .
#Roman Starkov solution Java implementation :
//newHue, which is photoshop_hue (i.e. 0..360)
//newSaturation, which is photoshop_saturation / 100.0 (i.e. 0..1)
//newLightness, which is photoshop_lightness / 100.0 (i.e. -1..1)
//returns rgb int array of new color
private static int[] colorizeSinglePixel(int originlPixel,int newHue,float newSaturation,float newLightness)
float[] originalPixelHSV = new float[3];
float originalPixelLightness = originalPixelHSV[2];
float[] hueRGB_HSV = {newHue,100.0f,100.0f};
int[] hueRGB = {,,};
int color[] = blend2(new int[]{128,128,128},hueRGB,newSaturation);
int blackColor[] = new int[]{,,};
int whileColor[] = new int[]{,,};
if(newLightness <= -1)
return blackColor;
else if(newLightness >=1)
return whileColor;
else if(newLightness >=0)
return blend3(blackColor,color,whileColor, (int) (2*(1-newLightness)*(originalPixelLightness-1) + 1));
return blend3(blackColor,color,whileColor, (int) ((1+newLightness)*(originalPixelLightness) - 1));
private static int[] blend2(int[] left,int[] right,float pos)
return new int[]{(int) (left[0]*(1-pos)+right[0]*pos),(int) (left[1]*(1-pos)+right[1]*pos),(int) (left[2]*(1-pos)+right[2]*pos)};
private static int[] blend3(int[] left,int[] main,int[] right,int pos)
if(pos < 0)
return blend2(left,main,pos+1);
else if(pos > 0)
return blend2(main,right,pos);
return main;
When the “Colorize” checkbox is checked, the lightness of the underlying layer is combined with the values of the Hue and Saturation sliders and converted from HSL to RGB according to the equations at . (The Lightness slider just remaps the lightness to a subset of the scale as you can see from watching the histogram; the effect is pretty awful and I don’t see why anyone would ever use it.)
