Facebook Login on iOS opens the wrong app - ios

An user is trying to login with Facebook in my app. He has an iPhone 4S, iOS 9, and has the Facebook App installed.
When trying to login he receives an alert asking for "Open in ". If he accepts the suggestion, the other app is opened and he can't login into my app. If he cancels he doesn't login as well.
In his specific case the unrelated app was "Sweatt", and when he uninstalled it he was able to login with the Facebook app. Though, upon logging in, in my app the button "Return to Facebook" appeared on the top left corner, as if my app was executed by Facebook and not the other way around.
Any tips? Might this be an issue specific to iOS 9?

Check is LSApplicationQueriesSchemes is correct in your app.
Also for such situation check this workaround solution:
Facebook's login opens the wrong app


Possibility of using 3rd-party app to open Uber app then going back to 3rd-party app on iOS

I'm developing an iOS app that embeds UberRides feature. However, all of the example codes I can find online is about opening up Uber app after request button is pushed in my own app. I'm wondering if there is a way to tracking the action of user in Uber app so when user confirm his/her ride, my own app will know that action happens and open up again.
This isn't supported, unfortunately. For iOS 9 users however, they are able to go back to your app using the back button link in the status bar after your app launches Uber.

iOS app launching another app on Facebook login

Installed in my iOS device, I have 5 personal apps (that is, developed by myself). Any app is related to a single Facebook app, that manages login for any of those apps. Problem is the following: when I try to login in one of the apps, the SO launches another app. Should any app be related to a different Facebook app?
[update] I think I solved, I found this one: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/troubleshooting#sharedappid
Did you have the redirect url pointing to a app?
Each new app you make needs its own on facebook. It gets it own id and key.

FBLoginView works on iPhone Simulator, but not on actual device

I have created an app that allows a user to login using facebook via the FacebookSDK. I can successfully login while running the app on the iPhone Simulator as an iPhone 5 or 5S (i haven't tried any other devices). But, when I run the app on my iPhone 5 the FBLoginView doesn't work. More specifically, when I tap the view (the 'Log In' button) the color changes to a slightly darker blue to acknowledge that the touch was received, but nothing else happens. Normally, a browser would open and request my Facebook credentials, but that does not happen.
Any ideas on what the problem might be?
FYI, I am using XCode 6 Beta 5.
I took John's advice in the comments below and uninstalled the Facebook app and I also deleted the OS Facebook account. This worked for me. My app correctly received the callback from Safari. I re-installed the Facebook and tried it again and my app still worked (receiving the callback from the Facebook app).But, when I logged back into the OS Facebook account my app no longer received the callback.
I am currently using the supplied FBLoginView. I think from this point I will implement a custom login view for Facebook so that I can apply breakpoints on each of the functions.
I am wondering at this point if this isn't an issue with the Beta version of iOS 8. I am not entirely convinced that it is because I have been unable to find mention of other developers having this same issue. Just a thought
If you're using the Facebook SDK, login events are handled differently depending on the environment. You may want to check all callbacks as the Facebook SDK can use the settings fb credentials, pages app, Facebook app, or web view to log in...
The issues cleared themselves up. They appear to have been related to the beta release of Xcode or the Swift language.

Why is the Facebook SDK for iOS throwing the "FBErrorCategoryUserCancelled" error when the user has not canceled?

There was a similar question to this one posted not so long ago but it appears that the Apple Review team had messed up in that case. I have the same problem myself in that when clicking the "Log in with Facebook" button nothing happens, and since adding the error handling code taken from Facebook developer section the console is logging user cancelled login if when someone who has the Facebook app on their phone already tries log in via my app.
If they have not got the Facebook app on their phone is uses Safari by default, and works perfectly.
Does anybody know why this might be the case? And if so a fix to allow it to work correctly.
This seems to be an issue when using Facebook iOS SDK 3.13.1. I upgraded to
Facebook iOS SDK 3.14.1 and this problem went away.

Login with Facebook error on iOS 7 app after permission granted

My app just went live on App Store, but some users are experiencing some weird behavior.
It has a 'Login with Facebook' button provided by Facebook SDK for iOS and asks for dozens of permissions.
After tapping OK button, it doesn't do anything and stays logged out.
This never happened to me or beta testers, and I know others that downloaded the app from App Store that don't have any problems.
Does anyone have any idea? And why is it user specific error?
I'll post some codes later if there is a need for it.
I properly set the delegate and provide delegate methods!
Thanks For Help!
So I figured out the problem.
Turns out some users didn't have their current password in iOS Settings for Facebook account.
After updating Settings->Facebook->UserAccount->Password with the current one, they all were able to log in in my app!
Just in case if anyone encounters this.
