Is it possible to configure a format provider for the File sink using JSON configuration? - serilog

In the documentation for the Serilog.Sinks.File a JSON formatter is used:
// Install-Package Serilog.Formatting.Compact
.WriteTo.File(new CompactJsonFormatter(), "log.txt")
Is it possible to do the same using JSON configuration?

Yes, in the Args object, specify the full type name of the formatter:
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "File",
"Args": {
"path": "log.txt",
"formatter": "Serilog.Formatting.Compact.CompactJsonFormatter, Serilog.Formatting.Compact"


Krakend endpoint variable within extra config

I have to use an endpoint variable within extra-config Proxy Flatmap Filter arguments.
"endpoint": "/cascade/{entity}/{id}/{subentity}/{commonField}",
"backend": [
"url_pattern": "/api/{entity}/{id}",
"host": ["http://myapi:8080/"],
"encoding": "json",
"extra_config": {
"proxy": {
"flatmap_filter": [
"type": "move",
"args": ["{{commonField}}","customField"]
I need to get from url commonField and use it within flatmap filter as first value of args array.
But this doesn't work. Is a kind of configuration constraint that I can't use URL variable anyware in the configs?
Although using variables from url_pattern in flatmap_filter is not possible out-of-the-box currently, you can always use Lua scripting or a request/response modifier plugin (using Golang) to achieve that transformations.

Artifactory and Jenkins - get file with newest/biggest custom property

I have generic repository "my_repo". I uploaded files there from jenkins with to paths like my_repo/branch_buildNumber/package.tar.gz and with custom property "tag" like "1.9.0","1.10.0" etc. I want to get item/file with latest/newest tag.
I tried to modify Example 2 from this link ...
... and add sorting and limit the way it was done here ...
But im getting "unknown property desc" error.
The Jenkins Artifactory Plugin, like most of the JFrog clients, supports File Specs for downloading and uploading generic files.
The File Specs schema is described here. When creating a File Spec for downloading files, you have the option of using the "pattern" property, which can include wildcards. For example, the following spec downloads all the zip files from the my-local-repo repository into the local froggy directory:
"files": [
"pattern": "my-local-repo/*.zip",
"target": "froggy/"
Alternatively, you can use "aql" instead of "pattern". The following spec, provides the same result as the previous one:
"files": [
"aql": {
"items.find": {
"repo": "my-local-repo",
"$or": [
"$and": [
"path": {
"$match": "*"
"name": {
"$match": "*.zip"
"target": "froggy/"
The allowed AQL syntax inside File Specs does not include everything the Artifactory Query Language allows. For examples, you can't use the "include" or "sort" clauses. These limitations were put in place, to make the response structure known and constant.
Sorting however is still available with File Specs, regardless of whether you choose to use "pattern" or "aql". It is supported throw the "sortBy", "sortOrder", "limit" and "offset" File Spec properties.
For example, the following File Spec, will download only the 3 largest zip file files:
"files": [
"aql": {
"items.find": {
"repo": "my-local-repo",
"$or": [
"$and": [
"path": {
"$match": "*"
"name": {
"$match": "*.zip"
"sortBy": ["size"],
"sortOrder": "desc",
"limit": 3,
"target": "froggy/"
And you can do the same with "pattern", instead of "aql":
"files": [
"pattern": "my-local-repo/*.zip",
"sortBy": ["size"],
"sortOrder": "desc",
"limit": 3,
"target": "local/output/"
You can read more about File Specs here.
(After answering this question here, we also updated the File Specs documentation with these examples).
After a lot of testing and experimenting i found that there are many ways of solving my main problem (getting latest version of package) but each of way require some function which is available in paid version. Like sort() in AQL or [RELEASE] in REST API. But i found that i still can get JSON with a full list of files and its properties. I can also download each single file. This led me to solution with simple python script. I can't publish whole but only the core which should bu fairly obvious
import requests, argparse
from packaging import version
"type" : "file",
"repo" : {"$match" : \"""" + args.repository + """\"},
"path" : {"$match" : \"""" + args.path + """\"}
def clearVersion(ver: str):
new = ''
for letter in ver:
if letter.isnumeric() or letter == ".":
return new
def lastestArtifact(response: requests):
response = response.json()
latestVer = "0.0.0"
currentItemIndex = 0
chosenItemIndex = 0
for results in response["results"]:
for prop in results['properties']:
if prop["key"] == "tag":
if version.parse(clearVersion(prop["value"])) > version.parse(clearVersion(latestVer)):
latestVer = prop["value"]
chosenItemIndex = currentItemIndex
currentItemIndex += 1
return response["results"][chosenItemIndex]
req =,data=query,auth=auth)
if args.verbose:
latest = lastestArtifact(req)
I just want to point that THIS IS NOT permanent solution. We just didnt want to buy license yet only because of one single problem. But if there will be more of such problems then we definetly buy PRO subscription.

How to protect awsconfiguration.json data details in iOS app?

I'm using awsconfiguration.json for AWS Cognito for my iOS Application written in swift. But I'm afraid of security that awsconfiguration.json is stored in my local directory. How can I protect this json file against a third man attack?
Please see similar Github Issue
The comments talk about
the file is non-sensitive data, so resources that should be accessed by authenticated users should be configured with the approiate controls. Amplify CLI helps you with this, depending on the resources you are provisioning in AWS.
there is a way to configure it in-memory via AWSInfo.configureDefaultAWSInfo(awsConfiguration)
Configure your AWS dependencies using in-memory configuration instead of the configuration JSON file as suggested by AWS documentation.
Sample code:
func buildAuthConfiguration() -> [String:JSONValue] {
return [
"awsCognitoAuthPlugin": [
"IdentityManager": [
"Default": [:]
"Auth": [
"Default": [
"authenticationFlowType": "String"
"CognitoUserPool": [
"Default": [
"PoolId": "String",
"AppClientId": "String",
"Region": "String"
"CredentialsProvider": [
"CognitoIdentity": [
"Default": [
"PoolId": "String",
"Region": "String"
func buildAPIConfiguration() -> [String: JSONValue] {
return [
"awsAPIPlugin": [
"apiName" : [
"endpoint": "String",
"endpointType": "String",
"authorizationType": "String",
"region": "String"
func configureAmplify() {
let authConf = AuthCategoryConfiguration(plugins: buildAuthConfiguration())
let apiConf = APICategoryConfiguration(plugins: buildAPIConfiguration())
let config = AmplifyConfiguration(
analytics: nil,
api: apiConf,
auth: authConf,
dataStore: nil,
hub: nil,
logging: nil,
predictions: nil,
storage: nil
try Amplify.configure(config)
// Rest of your code
You can provide data protection to your app files by saving it into file directory
Following documentation can help you to achieve it.
The fix to add a new constructor has been released in 2.13.6 version of the SDK.
to allow passing a JSONObject containing the configuration from the awsconfiguration.json file. You can store the information in JSONObject in your own security mechanism and provide it at runtime through the constructor.

Extracting value of a node in Java using contains with JsonPath in RestAssured

I have to extract value of book title using JsonPath in RestAssured in Java from following json response
"spec": {
"groups": [
"name": "book",
"title": "classic-books:1.0.2"
I am looking to use contains to get the book with a specific title.Please help.
Assume you have response with JSON in it:

Access single object in model using Metalsmith and swig

I have a json data file with multiple objects with named keys in it.
"berlin:" : {
"location": "Berlin",
"folder": "berlin-2016"
"seattle" : {
"location": "Seattle ",
"folder": "seattle-2016"
In my content file I would like to specify which object in the model to use and then refer to that in swig. Something like this:
conference: conferences['berlin']
{{ model.conference.location }}
Is this possible?
That's definitely possible with metalsmith. I don't have a complete picture of your build process, but for this solution you'll have to use the metalsmith javascript api:
"berlin:" : {
"location": "Berlin",
"folder": "berlin-2016"
"seattle" : {
"location": "Seattle ",
"folder": "seattle-2016"
// Dependencies
var metalsmith = require('metalsmith');
var layouts = require('metalsmith-layouts');
// Import metadata
var metadata = require('./data.json');
// Build
// Make data available
// Process templates
// Build site
if (err) throw err;
Then run node build.js in your root project folder to build. In your templates the data from data.json would then be available as {{ berlin.location }}.
You can also do this without the javascript api (which I don't recommend because you lose some flexibility), in which case you would use a plugin (for example: metalsmith-json)
