What's the difference between : and = in swift - ios

Sorry if the title is rather confusing, but I'm curious to know the difference between these two lines:
var title = String()
var title: String
Is one being initialized and one only be declared? Which is more correct?
For example, if I have a struct should I use one of the other?
So the reason I ask this is because I'm learning about how to grab some JSON from a url and then display it in my app. One of the new ways of doing so is using Decodable. So, I have a struct in a model class like so:
struct Videos: Decodable {
var title = String()
var number_of_views : Int
var thumbnail_image_name: String
var channel: Channel
var duration: Int
In another class I have this:
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url){(data,response,error) in
if(error != nil){
guard let data = data else { return }
self.Videos2 = try JSONDecoder().decode([Videos].self, from: data)
}catch let jsonErr{
So, should I declare or initialize the variables in my struct? I'm assuming I should just declare them like so:
var title: String?
Would that be the correct syntax in my struct?
I understand this question was more broad then I originally proposed it to be. I'm sorry about that, but thank you so much for all your great answers that clarified a lot up for me.

The difference is that : defines the type of your variable, whereas = assigns an actual value to the variable.
var title = String()
This calls the initializer of the String type, creating a new String instance. It then assigns this value to title. The type of title is inferred to be String because you're assigning an object of type String to it; however, you could also write this line explicitly as:
var title: String = String()
This would mean you are declaring a title variable of type String, and assigning a new String to it.
var title: String
This simply says you're defining a variable of type String. However, you are not assigning a value to it. You will need to assign something to this variable before you use it, or you will get a compile error (and if this is a property rather than just a variable, you'll need to assign it before you get to the end of your type's init() method, unless it's optional with ? after it, in which case it gets implicitly initialized to nil).
EDIT: For your example, I'd probably declare all the variables using let and :, assuming that your JSON provides values for all of those properties. The initializer generated by Decodable should then set all the properties when you create the object. So, something like:
struct Videos: Decodable {
let title: String
let number_of_views : Int
let thumbnail_image_name: String
let channel: Int
let duration: Int

This initializes a value
var title = String()
This declares a value but does not initialize it
var title: String
If you attempt to use the latter, such as print(title), you will get a compiler error stating Variable 'title' used before being initialized
It does not matter whether the value is a class or a struct.
The = operator is the assignment operator, it assigns a value to the object on the left of the =
Typically, class or struct properties are declared but not initialized until the init() is called. A simple class might be
class MyClass {
let myProperty: String
init(aString: String) {
self.myProperty = aString
Whereas inside the scope of a function you may declare a local variable that only lives inside the scope of the function.
func doSomethingToAString(aString: String) -> String {
let extraString = "Something"
let amendedString = aString + extraString
return amendedString
In your specific example, the struct synthesizes an initializer that will allow you to initialize the struct with all the values needed to fill your properties. The initializer generated by Decodable should then set all the properties when you create a Videos struct, you will do it something like:
let aVideos = Videos(title: "My Title", number_of_views: 0, thumbnail_image_name: "ImageName", channel: Channel(), duration: 10)

Is one being initialized and one only be declared?
Yes, meaning that the declared cannot be used. If you tried to set a value for it, you would get a compile-time error:
variable 'title' passed by reference before being initialized
Which is more correct?
There is no rule of thumb to determine which is more correct, that would be depends on is there a need to initialize title directly.
On another hand, when it comes to declare properties for a class, saying var title = String() means that you are give title an initial value ("") which means that you are able to create an instance of this class directly, example:
class Foo {
var title = String()
let myFoo = Foo()
However, if title declared as var title: String, you will have to implement the init for Foo:
class Foo {
var title: String
init(title: String) {
self.title = title
let myFoo = Foo(title: "")
Also, you have an option to declare it as lazy:
lazy var title = String()
which means:
A lazy stored property is a property whose initial value is not
calculated until the first time it is used. You indicate a lazy stored
property by writing the lazy modifier before its declaration.
Properties - Lazy Stored Properties


Swift: Struct Array vs Class Array

I have a swift array of struct and I am unable edit the first property, whereas I am able edit the first property with an array of class.
In order to edit the first object of the struct array, I have to do [0] then .first
I know structs are valued by type, class are value by reference. But I don't understand the different behavior. Can someone explain?
class PersonObj {
var name = "Dheearj"
struct Person {
var name = "Dheearj"
mutating func update(name: String){
self.name = name
var array = [Person(),Person()]
array[0].name = "yuuu"
array.first?.name = "dddddd" <--- "Error Here"
var array1 = [PersonObj(),PersonObj()]
array1.first!.name = "ttt"
print(array1.first?.name ?? "")
print(array.first?.name ?? "")
Screenshot of the error message:
Mutating a struct stored within some other property behaves as though you've copied out the value, modified it, and overwrote it back into place.
Take this line for example: (I replaced the optional chaining with force unwrapping, for simplicity)
array.first!.name = "dddddd"
It behaves as though you did:
var tmp = array.first!
tmp.name = "dddddd"
array.first = tmp
It's easy to see what that doesn't work. Array.first, is a get-only property (it doesn't have a setter).
The case for classses works because the value stored in the array is a reference to the object, and the reference isn't changing (only the values within the object it refers to, which the array doesn't know or care about).

Missing argument for parameter 'from' in call. Insert 'from: <#Decoder#>'

I am trying to create a new instance of a codable struct
#State private var parcel = Parcel()
but I'm getting this error:
Missing argument for parameter 'from' in call
Insert 'from: <#Decoder#>'
struct Parcel: Codable {
var created_at: String
var height: Double
var id: String
var length: Double
var mode: String?
var object: String
var predefined_package: String?
var updated_at: String?
var weight: Double
var width: Double
Every object in Swift needs an initializer: some code to set up the object when it is first created. If your object is an instance of a class, the initializer needs to be explicitly defined by you. However if the object is an instance of a struct, Swift implicitly defines an initializer. For example, this struct
struct Foo {
let bar: Int
implicitly gets an initializer that looks like this
init(bar: Int) {
self.bar = bar
Initializers can also be implicitly created through protocol extensions. That means if your struct inherits a protocol (such as Codable), the protocol can define additional initializers for you. For this simple example, Codable would add something like this
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
// decode a key value pair with name "bar" and an Int value using decoder
let decodedBar = try ...
self.init(bar: decodedBar)
In your case, when you write parcel = Parcel() you are calling this kind of initializer
init() {
// initialize somehow with no input!
But you never defined anything like that! The compiler is suggesting that you call the initalizer you got from Codable since it's a close match, but that's probably not what you want either.
You can either define that missing initializer, or define default values for all of your struct's members. If you do that, the implicit initializer defined by Swift will have no arguments, making your code valid. For example
struct Foo {
let bar: Int = 3
let f = Foo() // now this is valid, implicit init has no arguments
By default, structs create an initialiser behind the scenes for every non-optional property that you declare. So by simply creating an instance of the struct you need to include all non-optional values it requires. If you don’t want to add the values when you initialise it, change them to vars and make them optional (add ? to the end).

Swift. Refer to instance variables by string name

I've got a number of user properties in a user viewcontroller class ie
//user vars
var email: String?
var givenName: String?
var familyName:String?
var phone: String?
var dob: NSDate?
In a method within that class i retrieve user data from coredata and set the user text fields with that data in a loop
for i in 0 ..< userTextFields.count {
let field = userTextFields[i]
let fieldName = userTextFieldKeyNames[i]
let fieldText = currentUser.valueForKey(fieldName) as? String
field.text = fieldText
the fieldName variable in the loop matches the class's ivars above. Is there a way i can reference the ivars within the loop by matching it with the fieldName string so I can set the values of the ivars with the fetched coredata values ie in a literal sense saying something like the following ...
if self.property.name.text == fieldName {
self.property.value == fieldText
ie somehow resolving the various property names withing the class ... or is this bad design? .... if so any suggestions on achieving the same result in a better way
Not Swift-ish, as it's bypassing compile time type checking. Best option is to keep them all in a dictionary, and use a protocol to define allowed data types in the dictionary, but even that is rather poor

Extra argument in call error mystery

I had some older Swift code that used to compile and work where I was using the .append to build out a data structure dynamically. After upgrading to a few compiler versions newer I am getting the dreaded "Extra Argument ' ' in call" error. I reduced the code down to this:
struct EHSearch {
let EHcategory : String = ""
let EHname : String = ""
var myEHSearch = [EHSearch]()
// Call to dynamically append the results
// Extra argument: 'EHcategory' in call
myEHSearch.append(EHSearch(EHcategory: "Food", EHname: "Joes Crab Shack"))
I can't see anything so far in searching on what has changed to cause this one so seeking guidance here.
Because you have let in your struct.
Define your structure like this:
struct EHSearch {
var EHcategory : String = ""
var EHname : String = ""
If you have constants in your struct, you can not provide them initial value while creating new structure instances. The automatically-generated member-wise initializer doesn't accept let members as parameters of the initializer of struct.
It depends on your intentions with the struct's properties. Do you want them to be mutable or not?
If yes, then #sasquatch's answer will do.
If not, then you need to ensure a value is assigned to them only once. As you already do that in the struct declaration (the default values), you can't assign new values to them. But being a struct, they don't need to have default values - moreover, struct automatically receive a memberwise initializer. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/Initialization.html
So here is the variant for immutable properties:
struct EHSearch {
let EHcategory : String
let EHname : String
var myEHSearch = [EHSearch]()
// Call to dynamically append the results
// Extra argument: 'EHcategory' in call
myEHSearch.append(EHSearch(EHcategory: "Food", EHname: "Joes Crab Shack"))
The "Extra Argument" error you're seeing is because the compiler already has values for the properties so it doesn't expect any new ones. Here is the "middle" way - one property has a default value whilst the other doesn't - which should make it clearer:
struct EHSearch {
let EHcategory : String = ""
let EHname : String
var myEHSearch = [EHSearch]()
// Call to dynamically append the results
// Extra argument: 'EHcategory' in call
myEHSearch.append(EHSearch(EHname: "Joes Crab Shack"))

Extra Argument in call when creating and calling a class initialiser and passing in the literal values Swift

I have a small problem in swift. Let's say I have a class called Pet.
Pet has a variable for name and noise, created like so:
class Pet
var name : String = ""
var canMakeNoise : Bool = true
Now, when I call initialise the class creating let's say a cat, I can easily do it like so:
var cat: Pet()
cat.name = "Garfield"
cat.canMakeNoise = false
This works smoothly, however when trying to pass it in directly using literal values like so:
let cat : Pet("Garfield",true)
let cat : Pet(name:"Garfield",canMakeNoise:true)
I get this error:
Swift Compile Error - Extra Argument in call
Why is that? How can I fix it? Thanks in advance.
If you want to add arguments to the initializer than you need to specify a new init function instead of relying on the default one. Here's how you'd do it in your case:
class Pet {
var name : String = ""
var canMakeNoise : Bool = true
init( name : String, canMakeNoise : Bool ) {
self.name = name
self.canMakeNoise = canMakeNoise
var kitty = Pet(name: "Cat", canMakeNoise: true)
Since you use default values for your variables, xCode does not find a need for initializer. So when you create a new instance of the class it will be a Pet with name = ”” and canMakeNoice = true.
If you want to change these default values you will need to supply a init method (and you can than remove these default values)
class Pet{
var name:String
var canMakeNoise:Bool
init(name:String, canMakeNoise:Bool){
self.name = name
self.canMakeNoise = canMakeNoise
convenience init (name:String){
self.name = name
self.init(name:name, canMakeNoise: true)
I’ve supplied two init methods here. The first one takes 2 arguments:
var cat: Pet = Pet(name: "Kitten", canMakeNoise: true)
This will create a Pet with the supplied name and the supplied canMakeNoise.
If you want to you can also supply a convenience init This is a shortened init. In this case used to be able to make another instance of the Pet class.
var dog: Pet = Pet(name: "Doggy")
As you see we don’t supply the canMakeNoise property here cause the convenience initializer does that for us (and uses true as the canMakeNoice)
