Implementing SP Initiated SSO using OpenID Connect in PingOne - oauth-2.0

I am in the current process of doing a SP(Service Provider) Initiated SSO.
The IdP(Identity Provider) is PingOne
The SP is my own application
We have the IdP Initiated SSO setup and everything is working perfectly. We have now to make it SP Initiated.
Is there any possible ways to implement the SP initiated SSO in PingOne(as IdP). Since I didn't find any clue to implement this approach.
Can you guys please help me on this.

OIDC is supported on PING Federate but does not seem to be the case with PING One.
You may want to reach out to PING Identity support.

Ping does support SP-initiated SSO, but it's been my experience that most Ping IdP users don't understand the difference, or only want to support IdP-initiated SSO. The main reason for that is that you'll need to construct your own SAML metadata to support SP-initiated SSO, and the ACS URLs are different in the SP-initiated case.
For the proper URLs see:
FWIW I've had good luck with Ping support in the past. Just ask your client to open a ticket with them and they will sort you out.


OpenId Connect Front-Channel logout alternative - redirect chain?

Recently I got interested in OpenId Connect related topics.
OpenId Connect Front-Channel logout is a way to inform all applications which use browser session that logout happened in one of them.
Since the solution use iframes and 3-party cookies, there is a risk that it will not be supported in the future. Some browsers already block 3-party cookies, and some are planing to do so in future releases.
I have heard that there is an alternative to Front-Channel logout called 'logout redirect chain'. I couldn't really find any information about this approach in the web.
Do you know if it something available in OpenId Connect documentation or is kind of custom approach on the top of OpenId Connect?
Thanks in advance!

SSO - Custom VS. oAuth

We have been asked to implement SSO for n participating web sites.
These n participating sites have the following properties:
All custom sites on different domains.
Have their own user accounts stored in their respective databases.
There have been 2 competing ideas presented thus far:
Custom SSO solution that has its own identity manager app server, running on it's own domain, that acts as a traffic cop, telling the requested site if the user requesting the resource is OK and good to go or not.
Implement oAuth 2.0 protocol for user authentication across participating sites.
My question is related to bullet point 2. I have used oAuth protocol in the past whenever we needed to integrate 3rd party apps into our site like Twitter, FB, etc but never considered the oAuth platform as part of a SSO solution.
I would like to hear from everyone that has implemented SSO and which of the 2 ideas above makes more sense to pursue.
Take a look at openid connect. Oauth2 is generally for authorization rather than authentication. OpenID Connect builds on oauth2 to provide authentication and sso. This video explains it quite well:

OpenId : Is true SSO possible?

I have 3 web sites in my company and each has its own login page, but authenticating against same authentication ( let's say custom DB) store. Recently, we thought of implementing SSO and by having a centralized Authentication website and all these web sites will rely on this new Authentication website for sign-in. Let me call Authenticating website as IP (Identity provider) and Relying parties as RP1, RP2, RP3.
I'm aware that this is fairly achievable using SAML / WS-Fed (since all websites are based) based implementation and lot of examples are there in internet. My question is whether the same is achievable using OpenID or OAuth ? There are some scenarios where I think it may not be possible.
Scenario 1:
After I SSO sign-in in RP1 and type the URL of RP2 in browser, will RP2 know that I’m already authenticated and allow me to proceed or will I be forced to login again through IP?
Scenario 2:
Assume that I have signed in and able to navigate between RP1 & RP2, If I sign-out of RP2, and navigate to RP1, will I be redirected to login page? is Single log out achievable ?
Please click here SSO Image
I appreciate your help.
OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol that supports "true" (whatever that means) SSO.
Read about it here:
Scenario 1: This is never how it works - RP2 will still need to make a roundtrip to the IP to get an identity token. But the user will not see a login screen and will sign-in automatically.
Scenario 2: Single Sign-out is part of the protocol - yes.

What is the difference between openid, oauth1.0, oauth1.0a ,oauth2.0 and open id connect?

Please tell me the difference between these third party authentications i.e open id, o-auth1.0, o-auth1.0a ,o-auth2.0 and open id connect.
Well i googled on this but not able to find the exact difference between all these. All the time I got difference between o-auth and open id but not about all these together.
Any reference or any explanation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
First of all, note the difference between authentication and authorization: not all the protocols in your question actually do authentication.
During authentication you prove your identity to someone else (e.g. show driving license), see OpenId.
During authorization you give access rights to someone else to use a protected resource (e.g. give car keys), probably without exposing your identity, see OAuth. OAuth 1.0 works, but a common complaint is that both server and client has to do a lot of cryptography, so it's not lightweight on the client side and does not support embedded clients (e.g. javascript). OAuth 1.0a addressed a security issue, but it's obsolete, the fix was included into the original spec (RFC 5849). OAuth 2.0 supports both remote web application and embedded/javascript clients and allows implementing a client application much easier.
OpenId Connect unites OpenId and OAuth (thus providing both authentication and authorization) as a small extension to the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

OAuth provider that is an OpenID consumer?

I would like to use OpenID to unify logins across projects that my group is working on. One of the projects may need to be an OAuth provider in the future so that users can sync data with other sites as well. Is it possible to setup an OAuth Provider that uses OpenID for authentication?
Not sure which version of OAuth your are talking about here. But basically it would entail making the OAuth authorization step into an OpenID process which when successfully completed, resumes the OAuth process.
NB: OAuth is primarily for authorization of third party applications, OpenID is for user authentication. There is nothing impossible about mashing up the two, they are in essence dealing with different problem domains.
Basic Authentication(OpenID) or OAuth both require your permission, but there is an important difference. With Basic Authentication, you provide your username and password for the app to access application, and the application has to store and send this information over the Internet each time you use the app. OAuth attempts to provide a standard way for developers to offer their services via an API without forcing their users to expose their passwords (and other credentials).
It doesn’t mean to say we cannot use the two together. OAuth talks about getting users to grant access while OpenID talks about making sure the users are really who they say they are. They should work great together.
Here is an example(OpenID+OAuth Hybrid protocol) lets aware you, how to use hybrid protocol.
Twitter, Facebook are working on now OAuth only while
Google, Yahoo work on OpenID as well as OAuth.
