Constraints with static cell are ambiguous - ios

I'm having some problems with properly setting up my static cell the way I want it while making it look good for different screen sizes.
Somehow I don't seem to get how constraints are supposed to work.
One of my views contains a UIViewController with a table view. However, if I change my preview device in the storyboard to, say, an iPad, the table view doesn't get resized. Am I supposed to handle stuff like this from code only or is there a way to handle this from the storyboard (like setting width and height to always fill)?
I'm trying to set up a static cell so it looks good on devices with different screen sizes. Things work well enough when I have only two elements (e.g. one label left and one label right - just like in the standard template), but as soon as I add more things, I'm running into a lot of warnings, e.g. that width and height are ambiguous.
To me, it seems like I'm missing some key concept of constraints.
Look at the picture provided. What I want is the following:
Date to be a certain distance away from my left table border
The Stack View of volume + pic in centered in the middle
pic & price & label (there is one more for the measurement) to be represent the right label

I'm unable to actually try this at the moment but here's the path I would go.
Fixed Top, Bottom, & Leading to Container constraints to 8 (or whatever you'd like).
Volume Stack
Fixed Top & Bottom to Container constraints to 8.
Price Stack
Fixed Top, Bottom, & Trailing to Container constraints to 8.
You'll have some overlap issues with smaller screens at this point. You should get the "Red Circle" to suggest which constraints to add. Click and read each one and it will be specific enough to walk you through which you want resizing, resetting priority, etc.
*I hate dealing with constraints.
Good luck! I'll try tonight to see if I gave an acceptable answer. :)


UITableViewCell margin inconsistency (Static cells)

I have an interesting issue with a margin inconsistency between different devices. Here are 2 screenshots from iPhone X and iPhone 6+ respectively with the same iOS (11.4.1) and running the same app.
You can see that on the iPhone X everything is aligned properly (as well as in IB), but on the iPhone 6+ there's a 4 pixel inconsistency.
This is a table view with static cells. All the menu items are the Basic style, except the second one ("Offline mode") which is in Custom style with custom constraints. In basic style the UILabels have X=16. My custom constraint also has a constant value of 16.
Of course, I can change my custom constraint to 20, but then the situation flips. So on the iPhone 6+ it will be all aligned properly, but will be misaligned on the iPhone X.
I tried to find out where these 4 pixels are coming from, but found nothing. Please help.
The problem is that you have pinned your label's leading edge to the edge of the content view with a constant of 16. That is not how the other cells work, so you get different results.
Instead, pin your label's leading edge to the left margin of the content view, with a constant of 0. The left margin is 16 on a smaller device and 20 on a larger device, which is exactly the difference you're seeing for the other cells (because that is exactly how they are configured).
Matt's answer is correct. I just want to add more details, because it may be beneficial for someone else. So, it turns out that all I need to do is to check the following checkbox in my constraint properties in IB:
Looks pretty simple when you know where to look for.
Generally as soon as you start needing to control the margins etc of table view cells your best bet is to leave the built-in stuff behind and make custom UITableViewCell subclasses with explicit constraints and subviews.
In this particular case the screen width is different and the basic cell type calculates its margin constraints relative to the screen width. If you look on the right side you will see the same kind of inconsistency with the positioning of your switch control relative to the disclosure indicator in other cells.
(EDIT: Easiest solution, depending on what you're aiming for, is as matt suggests, pin to the margin of the content view rather and the actual edge.)
If you want, you could adjust your own constraint on your custom cell so that it is not constant but relative. You could figure out what multiplier you would need by looking at a few different device screen sizes to see if it's constant (e.g. iPhone 6, SE etc). But it may be more practical in the long run to use your own subclasses. Note you generally do want to use relative constraints for things like this, since your constant margins might look fine on one screen size but weird on another.
This is not ideal but technically you could also check what device the user is using (or what the view's width is) and return an appropriate constraint using a switch. Although, if you really are only concerned about the iPhone X vs the 6+, then you might want to consider doing that.
You might also want to consider using a form library like Eureka but there's a bit of a learning curve with anything like that, especially when it comes to customizing the appearance of cells and their subviews.

Strange behaviour in Storyboard (Missing view when running app)

For the last few months I have been doing all of my layouts in code to practice with autolayout.
I have decided to go back to Storyboards and am regretting it already :-). I have been trying to do a layout with multiple views including a UIStackView and was getting many errors. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong with the StackView so I decided to delete everything apart from a button and label.
The simple view with a label and button can be seen below:
As you can see, the constraints on the label are very simple. The button in the top right (where the blue is) just has top space and trailing space. However when I run the app the label is not seen:
I am also constantly getting: An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited.
Has anyone else experienced this odd behaviour?
You have set the leading and trailing of the label . This will definitely happen because you have set the wrong constraints. Check the size of your view Controller where you have set the constraints, its (Any width , Any height).
Now, check in which size you are running, its (Compact width, Regular height). If you run it in a iPad you will find your label. Since, you have not fixed the width of your label, the label gets compressed when it is run. Try setting the width of your label and remove either the leading or the trailing constraint.
Else instead you can fix your width and select either the leading and trailing and set it to "less than equal to " rather than "equals to".
While designing imagine yourself holding the object keeping in mind about all possibilities that can occur and then set the constraints accordingly. A user can run your application in any size iPhone and iPad. So, the design should be such that it doesn't affect your objects in it.
If any problem occurs try view debugging then you can definitely find out where you have done wrong.
You may need to remove label's leading & trailing space, and add add constraint call "Center Horizontally in Container" if you want to center the label.
You can learn more about autolayout in here if you do not know it well.
You have hard coded leading and trailing constraint constants. They add up to 518. That probably makes your label width negative. You don't see it in Storyboard because you're using the inferred simulated metrics. You'll see it right away if you change to an 3.5 inch iPhone.
I think a better approach would be to remove the leading and trailing constraints and center the label horizontally in the superview. You can set a fixed width on your label if you want.

Size classes and auto layout for iOS development

I am trying to create a simple UI that works on all devices (obviously) and I haven't had much success. The program consists of two labels, a button, an image view and a textfield, I am also using a universal storyboard.
I implemented a top constraint, horizontally centred and fixed the width and height for all labels, buttons and textfields. The only exception I made with the image view was that instead of implementing a top constraint, I used a bottom one instead as I have found that utilising the former would result in it being only partially displayed. I would then switch from the universal storyboard to one with base values. From their I would delete the existing constraints and add new ones after moving the UI elements to their new locations on the different sized screen.
When I run my app on an iPhone 4S, the layout, whilst mostly correct, is still not perfect (i.e. a label is far too close to the image). Does anyone know how I can make my layouts look correct? I have been following this guide, Adaptive Layout Tutorial in iOS 9.
Thanks so much for your help!
[Example of the constraints for the picture1
I am not sure how familiar are you with autolayout, therfore I'd suggest you watch Stanford university lecture regarding autolayout.
In short, according to the lecture and after looking at your picture, you should almost never set constraints with actual numbers. Use "Standart value" and when you can't choose "Standart value" write 0.
I'd recommend watching the above lecture and the rest of the examples in there.
Your label has 2 problematic constraints
1. Top space (30 points) to "how old is your dog"
2. Top space (28 points) to button
That means that your button is 2 points height (really small!!)
Or - because the button has already a fixed height, the label and the text field are too close (and maybe even overlaps the button)
You should delete the top space constrain (to "How old is your dog") and do something else, or give it more points height
Good luck!

How To Add Storyboard Constraints For Equal Spaced Buttons

I am trying to add two buttons to a view that also contains a table view. I want the two buttons to fill the width of the screen for different screen sizes (portrait only). There is a minimum width of say 100 units for the buttons to hold the text, but I would like them to be wider for larger screens. I would like the space between buttons to be at least 20 units and at least 20 units of space between the outside edges. This seems like it should be straight forward, but I can't make sense of the align and pin constraints in the Storyboard auto layout. So far, the tutorials I have seen are confusing and don't seem to cover the right amount of detail to help me. Please provide me with some guidance. Below is the layout before constraints are put in place.
And here is what the layout would look on a 4" iPhone:
I have already spent a day trying different combinations of constraints, but continue to have problems. Just when I think I have something that works, it won't build because it says I have conflicts.
I am trying to use the following tools (along with the align tools - not shown) to create the proper constraints. I have tried selecting one or both buttons and then using the editor to set the constraints, but each attempt looks bad. Even when I choose "Reset to Suggested Constraints", I get wacko results. Please help with suggestions on how to accomplish this seemingly basic task.
You must have:
Leading for first button 20
Trailing for second button 20
horizontal spacing between buttons 20
equal widths for both buttons
width >= 150 for each button

iOS / XCode Auto Layout Woes. Easier Way?

I'm wondering if xCode auto layout / constraints are really as frustrating as I think, or am I just not understanding them. For example, I started with this basic label in the view controller:
Fair enough. A box with text that has equal margins on the left/right and a smaller top margin. Now when I run any size device, that gets skewed/cut off from the device view. So right away for some reason Xcode thinks that despite me putting the entire label in the view controller, it things it should display halfway off the screen. Don't get it but okay, so I went ahead and added auto layout constraits to the right, left and top margins. The result is:
So it centered it, which is nice, but now it just ignores the fact that I made the width larger and it just shrinks it down anyways? For something so simple this seems to be very...unreliable. I then added the "aspect ratio" constraint and it seemed to look fine in all of the devices...finally!
I curiously also simply tried to get rid of all those, and simply add the "aspect ratio" constraint and the "horizontal center in container" constraint. On the main storyboard preview (not the simulator) it looked like this:
Not what I'm looking for, as it's not stretched downward like I want, they shrunk it again. However...when actually running it in the looks perfect, the way I want it to in the first picture of the view controller.
Why the preview and simulator differed, I suppose (from reading other questions) it's because there were a few warnings after I added these. One was that the horizontal and vertical positions are one initially and will be different at run time. But when I ran it, it definitely held the initial ones and not the ones they said it would be at run time. It also told me that vertical position was ambiguous...well yeah I only set a center and aspect ratio...pretty obvious and not sure how I'd even solve that error. It solves it when I delete the horizontal center...but now it's not centered which is a step back from what I wanted.
Long story short, how do I deal with this. My previews and simulations aren't accurate with each other even for the simplest auto layout specifics. Apps nowadays are so complicated and on every device they scale and work beautifully, and this seems to not agree with even just one label.
Does anybody have any good articles, advice, or anything that would help me? This auto layout stuff seems to be so picky and that's really all I know so I have to deal with it. And don't even get me started on why the text doesn't scale with the label...why would I want the text on an iphone 4 to be the same on an ipad even when my label is increasing in size with the device?
A lot to go through, but it's just very frustrating and I can't see myself doing much else before I try to understand these basics. Thank you and much appreciated.
I think you have to understand constraints first...without that you always made things frustrating....For understand the constraints you can check this links
It takes a bit of experience to get used to it, but once you get it, you get it for good and it's very easy.
Basically the rule of thumb is don't trust exactly what you see in storyboard when it comes to the size of the actual object. Say you have a UIView centered horizontally and vertically in the main view. True it will try to keep the size of that UIView but center it in any size device, but I would never just leave it at that. I would either:
Add width and height constraints
Add a width/height constraint and an aspect ratio constraint
Add a width constraint and top and bottom constraints
Add a height constraint and leading and trailing constraints
Add top, bottom, leading, and trailing constraints
In other words, the exact size of the object should always be determined via the constraints, and not by the UIView itself. This gets away from the finicky behavior and also ensures that it's displayed on any device exactly the way you intend it to.
