Show Active storage validation errors with form errors - ruby-on-rails

I am using rails 5.2, bootstrap-4, bootstrap_form with active-storage file is uploading successfully. What I want is when I enter company name in form then it should check for company_logo.
I tried with this it is working good when I include error loop in form
Here in view
- if #company.errors.any?
- #company.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
%li= message
Model Code
has_one_attached :company_logo
validates :name, :company_logo,presence: true
after_validation :is_logo?, if: { |a| }
def is_logo?
errors.add(:base, 'Please upload your company logo.') if !self.company_logo.attached?
I want this kind of validation with file field

Actually active_storage doesn't support validation.
What i did for presence :
class CompanyModel < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :company_logo
validate :company_logo?
def company_logo?
errors.add(:base, 'Please upload your company logo.') unless company_logo.attached?
But this will upload the file to your storage and create an active_storage blob field in database...
The only workarround i found to delete file on storage and database field (so ugly):
def company_logo?
# Clean exit if there is a logo
return if company_logo.attached?
# Unless add error
errors.add(:base, 'Please upload your company logo.')
# Purge the blob
# Purge attachment

A nice solution is the active_storage_validations gem. Add to your Gemfile, then bundle install:
# Gemfile
gem 'active_storage_validations'
Inside your model, try something like this for a video attachment:
has_one_attached :video
validates :video,
size: { less_than: 50.megabytes,
message: 'Video size cannot be larger than 50 megabytes.' },
{ in: %w(video/mov video/quicktime video/mp4 video/avi video/mpeg),
message: 'Upload must be a valid video type' }
The readme has many very useful examples.
This question and answers has some relevant information too.


Rails 5 + Shrine + Polymorphic model + Pretty Location

I'm using Shrine for direct uploads to S3 and I'm trying to user the pretty_location plugin to set the location in my S3 bucket.
I have a document model has the file_datatext attribute and is connected to a FileUploader:
class Document < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :documentable, polymorphic: true
include FileUploader[:file]
validates :file, presence: true
Other models are associated with the document model through the following concern:
module Documentable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_one :document, as: :documentable, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :document, allow_destroy: true
This is my FileUploader:
class FileUploader < Shrine
Attacher.promote { |data| PromoteJob.perform_later(data) }
Attacher.delete { |data| DeleteJob.perform_later(data) }
plugin :upload_options, cache: {acl: "public-read"}
plugin :upload_options, store: {acl: "public-read"}
plugin :logging, logger: Rails.logger
plugin :pretty_location
plugin :processing
plugin :delete_promoted
plugin :recache
plugin :restore_cached_data
plugin :delete_raw
plugin :validation_helpers
def generate_location(io, context = {})
# do something depending on context[:record].documentable
When uploading files from the user's filesystem via the client browser through nested attributes all works as expected and I'm able to generate a pretty location in my S3 bucket.
However, I have another model where I am trying to upload to S3 a PDF file which is generated in the backend with the following setup.
class Invoice < ApplicationRecord
has_one :documents, as: :documentable, dependent: :destroy
The Invoice model doesn't use the concern as I want it to connect to the polymorphic document with a has_many association.
class Api::V1::InvoicesController < Api::V1::BaseController
def upload_pdf
pdf =
attachment = pdf.render
file =
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type }
file.original_filename = "invoice_#{#invoice.reference}.pdf"
file.content_type = "application/pdf"
#document = file)
render "documents/show.json", status: :created
render json: { errors: #document.errors }, status: :unprocessable_entity
The upload works fine and I am able to upload the PDF to my S3 bucket, but I am not able to generate a pretty location because when I'm inside the generate_location method the context[:record] both the documentable_type and the documentable_id are nil.
This is a strange behaviour as in the rails console I am able to see that the association is correctly set after the upload has been done (without pretty_location) by running Invoice.last.documents.file.url.
I have tried creating the document record in different ways, have tried using the same documentable concern that works for other models but the result is alway the same and I have run out of ideas.
Does anyone have a clue why the documentable_type and documentable_id are not being passed into the context object inside the FileUploader?
The above setup actually works. I was using a breakpoint inside the generate_location FileUploader method and the api was breaking because that method was returning nil.
After fixing that, the first time it ran documentable was still nil but the method would run a second time with the documentable attributes present.
def generate_location(io, context = {})
return "" unless context[:record].documentable
path = if context[:record].documentable_type == "SomeClass"
# do something
elsif context[:record].documentable_type == "OtherClass"
# do something else
# do something else
return path

ActiveStorage File Attachment Validation

Is there a way to validate attachments with ActiveStorage? For example, if I want to validate the content type or the file size?
Something like Paperclip's approach would be great!
validates_attachment_content_type :logo, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
validates_attachment_size :logo, less_than: 1.megabytes
Well, it ain't pretty, but this may be necessary until they bake in some validation:
validate :logo_validation
def logo_validation
if logo.attached?
if logo.blob.byte_size > 1000000
errors[:base] << 'Too big'
elsif !logo.blob.content_type.starts_with?('image/')
errors[:base] << 'Wrong format'
ActiveStorage doesn't support validations right now. According to
Rails 6 will support ActiveStorage validations.
Uploaded files assigned to a record are persisted to storage when the record
is saved instead of immediately.
In Rails 5.2, the following causes an uploaded file in `params[:avatar]` to
be stored:
#user.avatar = params[:avatar]
In Rails 6, the uploaded file is stored when `#user` is successfully saved.
Came across this gem:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :avatar
has_many_attached :photos
validates :name, presence: true
validates :avatar, attached: true, content_type: 'image/png',
dimension: { width: 200, height: 200 }
validates :photos, attached: true, content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'],
dimension: { width: { min: 800, max: 2400 },
height: { min: 600, max: 1800 }, message: 'is not given between dimension' }
You can use awesome gem
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one_attached :avatar
validates :avatar, file_size: { less_than_or_equal_to: 100.kilobytes },
file_content_type: { allow: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] }
I'm using it with form object so I'm not 100% sure it is working directly with AR but it should...
Here is my solution to validate content types in Rails 5.2, that as you may know it has the pitfall that attachments are saved as soon as they are assigned to a model. It may also work for Rails 6. What I did is monkey-patch ActiveStorage::Attachment to include validations:
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
ActiveStorage::Attachment.class_eval do
ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPES = %w[image/png image/jpg image/jpeg].freeze
validates :content_type, content_type: { in: ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPES, message: 'of attached files is not valid' }
class ContentTypeValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, _value)
return true if types.empty?
return true if content_type_valid?(record)
errors_options = { authorized_types: types.join(', ') }
errors_options[:message] = options[:message] if options[:message].present?
errors_options[:content_type] = record.blob&.content_type
record.errors.add(attribute, :content_type_invalid, errors_options)
def content_type_valid?(record)
def types
Array.wrap(options[:with]) + Array.wrap(options[:in])
Due to the implementation of the attach method in Rails 5:
def attach(*attachables)
attachables.flatten.collect do |attachable|
if record.new_record? record, blob: create_blob_from(attachable))
attachments.create!(record: record, blob: create_blob_from(attachable))
The create! method raises an ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception when validations fail, but it just needs to be rescued and that's all.
Copy contents of the ActiveStorage's DirectUploadsController in the app/controllers/active_storage/direct_uploads_controller.rb file and modify the create method. You can add authentication to this controller, add general validations on the file size or mime type, because create method of this controller creates the url for the file to be uploaded. So you can prevent any file upload by controlling size and mime type in this controller.
A simple validation could be:
# ...
def create
raise SomeError if blob_args[:byte_size] > 10240 # 10 megabytes
blob = ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!(blob_args)
render json: direct_upload_json(blob)
# ...
I found a way to validate and delete attachments with callback before_save.
This is a useful approach because if you validate file during the transaction (and you want to purge it), after adding error and it will rollback deleting the attachment.
before_save :check_logo_file, on: %i[create update]
def check_favicon_content_type
module PartnerValidators
class CustomPartnerFaviconValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES = %w(image/ image/x-icon image/png).freeze
private_constant :ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES
def validate(partner)
if partner.favicon.attached? && invalid_content_type?(partner)
partner.errors.add(:favicon, I18n.t("active_admin.errors.favicon"))
def invalid_content_type?(partner)

Test failing for uploading documents fails in rails

I am trying to test for uploading documents in rails. I am using carrierwave to upload documents. The relevant code is given below.
Document Model Test Code
class DocumentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def setup
#category = categories(:category_a)
#document = "abc", file: "abc.doc")
test "document valid" do
assert #document.valid?
Document Model Code
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
mount_uploader :file, FileUploader
validates :file_name, presence: true
validates :file, presence: true
validate :file_size
file_uploader code
The following are the files I have whitelisted.
def extension_white_list
%w(pdf doc htm html docx xlsx xml)
I get a Failed assertion when I run the tests. I commented out the validates :file, presence: true code and the tests pass. I have file as type string in the database. However, passing in a string value is the same as passing a blank value. Therefore, the presence: true validation fails. I am not sure why that is failing even though I am passing in a string value. I think I need to pass in additional params or information for the tests to know what kind of file it is. Thanks!
This is not how you pass a file to the carrierwave model. Have a look at these examples:
Also, carrierwave has its own validators you might want to use:

Carrierwave: How to validate that image is attached? (either upload, or remote_url)

I'm trying to make sure that every instance of Picture model has a file attached.
In other words - there are two fields in the form:
I want user to fill in at least one of them.
When I validate presence of :file, and submit remote_file_url instead of file - then it gives validation error.
The only way I found for now is do smth like this:
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :file_xor_remote_file_url
def file_xor_remote_file_url
if !(file.blank? ^ remote_file_url.blank?)
errors.add(:base, "Specify a file to upload, or file URL, not both")
The wiki says you can validate your upload like this:
mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader
validates_presence_of :avatar
It doesn't mention any different handling for remote URLs, but underlines that Carrierwave validates the presence of the file rather than just the presence of an URL. So a given remote URL must refer to a valid file that can be uploaded.
You said that "validate presence of :file", but perhaps this could be the point. Hope this helps.

skip carrierwave Integirty and Processing validation

I have white listed some of the extensions in the carrierwave uploader class
def extension_white_list
%w(doc docx)
In some cases I would like to skip the Integrity validation while saving a record. But as per their documentation validates_integrity_of validation exist by default.
can anyone please tell me how to skip such validation ?
in uploaders/file_uploader.rb
def extension_white_list
if model.do_i_need_validation?
%w(doc docx)
and define this instance method in the model
def do_i_need_validation?
condition? ? true : false
Just replace the content of the method suitable to your app
I couldn't find anything about this in any of carrierwave's documentation, but reading its source code, one can pass specific uploader options in the mount_uploader call:
mount_uploader :field, MyUploader, options
Validations configuration do exist in uploader options, so you can, for example, disable all validations using:
mount_uploader :field, MyUploader, validate_download: false, validate_integrity: false, validate_processing: false
Note that when doing this the errors are silently ignored, so saves will succeed. This could be unexpected behavior. You can check if the operation actually had any errors using the model helpers <field>_processing_error, <field>_integrity_error and <field>_download_error:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader, validate_integrity: false
article = Article.find(1)
article.update_attributes!(title: "New article title", image: open("/path/to/invalid_image.jpg")) # => this will actually succeed
article.image_integrity_error # => returns the error message from carrierwave
