/ Unable to update project -

I am having an issue updating surge project.
After the initial project commit any new updates don't seem to work.
Tried updating the project several times, but seems that server still returns a version of first project upload.
Cache is not an issue, because the issue the same project version is served up across different devices.
Any advice, please?

I had the same issue. It works normally after I npm install -g surge


Xcode suddenly can not get Swift package revision: "Couldn't get revision"

I opened a project in Xcode that relies on RxSwift which is included as a Swift package through the builtin Swift package manager.
It worked fine a couple of week ago when I created the project.
Now all of a sudden, when trying to build and run my project, I get an error message about that Swift package:
Couldn’t get revision ‘6.5.0^{commit}’
I tried a clean of the build folder, but would still get the same error.
My internet connection is working fine, so it's not a network issue.
I am also surprised that Xcode would try to get the revision again since no update of the package in question, RxSwift was released between the time building last worked fine and today. So I would assume that whatever is cached locally should still be there and functional.
So far I could not find any other reports about this error message.
Apparently, something was wrong with the package cache.
An update of Xcode or a cleaning tool I run on my Mac which deletes some caches might have confused Xcode's package cache.
In Xcode, click File > Packages -> Reset Package Caches from the menu and then build again.
If that does not do it, first try to restart Xcode and then also try cleaning the build folder as well and try again.
For me deleting the .build directory in the project directory worked but that's more likely what Xcode actually does anyway with Reset Package Caches.

ios Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly

I am getting this while running app on simulator using xCode, version 9.2
I've tried other solution mentioned on Stack overflow & Github S1S2 S3 S4 but most of the solution are mentioned for android.
P.S. This project also includes purescript code explained here Integrate Pure Script in your React Native project
That's how I resolved it.
Terminate your metro bundler > react-native link > react-native run-ios
It was not bundling because of some errors which was not showing in the simulator but just this error was thrown.
create index.js, and index.ios.js whith the same content. I do have all of them and it solved my issue
I have also faced the same issue when I changed the name of images saved in my local directory. In my case, I have just restarted metro bundler, deleted the app, and restarted the app. Issue was fixed for me.
Try this:
npx react-native-asset
react-native run-ios
This issue is caused basically when some packages or images are not bundled properly, it might be caused because of improper assets path or internet issue when installing packages or reload issue. The expo bundles into a standalone library so it can be available immediately.
This error does not provide any stack to debug since it does not properly have the bundled data even for error stack.
I have just face few bundled scenarios
Scenario 1 => While the expo is running and we install a new library on fly, few times during this importing the library might not get bundled properly, so it's better to stop the expo and re-run, or try reloading the error in app. This will some time resolve the issue, or if there is some error it will show up the error stack
Scenario 2 => You have a customised asset director or have changed the asset path in app.json file improperly.
Please let me know in comments if there are any other scenarios
I had a metro bundler terminal window opened and whenever I was running npm run ios , it wasn't starting a new metro server, the problem was that. I closed the metro bundler terminal window and ran npm run ios and it opened a started a new metro server and the error was gone
I had a same issue, then I did:
rm -rf node_modules,
npm install
and restarted the metro (npm start). It worked.
In Settings, go to Privacy > Local Network to see a list of every app that requested access. I solved by allowing my app to access to the local network. (Trying to run on physical iPhone device from my mac m1 on the same wifi).
Make sure that when you restart the expo project you do so with expo start -c
-c throws out the cache, otherwise the problem persisted for me.

Firebase Unity xCode linking errors

I am having issues trying to make a build from Unity (version 5.5.2f1) with Firebase Auth / Database imported. I am using the newest Firebase SDK of 3.0.0.
The errors I get are as follows:
I believe it has something to do with cocoaPods. The XCode project compiles with a podfile. And the errors I believe are related to missing libraries? But all the required libraries are set to iOS, and are included with the XCode project.
Unsure of what to try next. Thanks in advance to anyone able to help.
When you build and run from within unity, it tries to run the pod installation for the dependencies needed, and patches the xcode project file (not workspace).
If there is an error with this process, you should see it in the console.
Normally pods are meant to be used with the workspace file, but since unity automatically opens the xcode project the plugin tries to make it work.
Try opening the .xcodeproj instead of the workspace.
So I finally figured out my issue. I had a previous build that worked all the way through to my device. So I eventually tried opening that one again, and I ran into the same errors with an older build.
So that got me thinking.. Why would a previous build that used to work fail this time around?
I came to the conclusion that the only things that changed were possibly me updated Unity to 5.5.2f1. So I updated again to the latest release at this time which is 5.5.2p3, and ran through the same steps:
1) Build to iOS
2) Install pods in the target folder
3) Run xc workspace
And it successfully built. So it must of been something on Unity's side. If anyone ever runs into a similar situation, hopefully this will help.
P.S. I also did update to the latest release (at this time) of Unity Firebase SDK of 3.0.1. Not sure if that had anything to do with making a successful build, but wanted to put that information out there.

<RCTBridgeModule.h> can't be found for iOS Build

Failed to find rctbridgemodule.h
Hey guys,
i got this issue with xcode for my react-native project.
My coworker updated our project to a new revision and updated react-native itself how he said. After that the IOS Build doesn't work like it used to.
Android is all set, everything works just as beautiful as before.
I tried to solve it with this solution:
but it didn't work for me.
Just deleted and installed the node_modules a couple of times and reinstalled it using npm i and npm install.
But no success.
Would be a blessing if you could help me!

Build operation failed without specifying any errors for React Native Xcode project

I have a React Native project that works fine most of the time(Android and iOS). But sometimes out of nowhere I receive this error when I am trying to build the Xcode project (Xcode or react-native run-ios):
Build operation failed without specifying any errors.
Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.
One possible cause is if there are too many (possibly zombie)
processes; in this case, rebooting may fix the problem.
Some individual build task failures (up to 12) may be listed below.
How do I solve this? Push to a branch on git, fresh clone, npm install, and all is working fine for a period. And after that the problem will repeat. Making fresh clones of project each time is a pain and takes long time. Is there another way or something that I don't know?
Maybe a some files that are in .gitignore is causing the problems, and after a fresh clone that solves the problem. This is the .gitignore file for my iOS project:
# Created by .ignore support plugin (
# Xcode
I had this same issue and it was fixed by deleting the contents of node_modules and doing a npm install in the parent folder.
I was faced with this problem too. And I noticed that my folder name was too long. I changed the project folder's name with the short one and this error gone. Try to change the project folder name.
It was really a time killer issue. I rebased the complete code base to a collegue's mac where it worked fine. After sparing more than a couple of morning hours I could find a solution.
Solution - Simply shorten your Project folder name (in mac).
This is undoubtedly irritating that its suggested to have longer and meaningful variable names but the folder name has to be this concise.
I had a issue with XCode 9.1 and iOS 11...
I solved this issue moving up my folder to another path, I know it doesn't make sense and is dumb but it really work for me. My project was at /Users/Me/Documents/MyProjectDir and I changed to /Users/Me/Desktop/MyProjectDir
What helped me was removing the ios/build folder in my React Native project, followed by rebuilding the project.
I highly recommend to run the build on console, to see if it outputs any other relevant information.
react-native run-ios --scheme "app-debug" # Or any aproppriate target
Read more about building+archiving from CLI here or try with other OSS tooling like fastlane.
For me it found bugs twice, that both were unrelated with the building process itself:
1) One was fixed rolling back to node v8 (LTS) apparently. It was very obscure, but I suspect had to do with having little memory available (running flow + packager + xcode + spotify + chrome on 8GB RAM MBP)
2) The other one was related to having a space on the xcode output. "App" could not be installed. I figured it out doing ls ios/build/Build/products.... This error only happened after upgrading xcode, and wasn't happening with the release target, that did not have any whitespaces.
The only take away here is to run build directly on the console to debug further. You might find out things that are completely unrelated, and probably can't be solved by just removing the build folder.
Hope it helps.
Trashing ios/Build resolved this issue for me
In my case simulator is not shutdown correctly.
So I opened simulator manually again then I got an error that simulator is not shutdown correctly.So I relaunched the simulator successfully and built xcode project again. Error is resolved
