Can't save image from API with paperclip - ruby-on-rails

I want to save an image from my react app in my rails app.
I post this to my api:
and when I try to save it i get this error:
"has contents that are not what they are reported to be",
"file type is not acceptable"
"file type is not acceptable"
my model looks like this:
class Photo < ApplicationRecord
validates :title, presence: true
belongs_to :user
has_attached_file :file, styles: { square: "350x233#", medium: "300x300>", thumb: "100x100>" }, default_url: "/images/:style/missing.png"
validates_attachment_content_type :file, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\z/, message: 'file type is not acceptable'
validates_attachment_size :file, less_than: 10.megabytes, message: 'file size is more than 50MB'
and my controller:
def create
uploaded_file = false
if params[:photo][:image]
tempfile =[:photo][:filename])
uploaded_file =
:tempfile => tempfile,
:filename => params[:photo][:filename],
:original_filename => params[:photo][:filename],
:content_type => Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(File.extname(params[:photo][:filename])[1..-1]).to_s
params[:photo][:file] = uploaded_file
params[:photo][:title] = params[:photo][:filename] if params[:photo][:title] == ""
# #picture =
#photo = photo_params
render json: #photo.errors
and in my logs i found this:
Unpermitted parameters: :image, :filename
Command :: file -b --mime '/tmp/homepage.jpg20180415-7-1wa7yr3'
[paperclip] Trying to link /tmp/homepage.jpg20180415-7-1wa7yr3 to /tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-jpgu5m.jpg
[paperclip] Trying to link /tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-jpgu5m.jpg to /tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-147ntu1.jpg
Command :: file -b --mime '/tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-147ntu1.jpg'
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename homepage.jpg (application/octet-stream from Headers, ["image/jpeg"] from Extension), content type discovered from file command: application/octet-stream. See documentation to allow this combination.
[1m[35m (1.5ms)[0m [1m[35mBEGIN[0m
[paperclip] Trying to link /tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-jpgu5m.jpg to /tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-ndp9hd.jpg
Command :: file -b --mime '/tmp/ba3988db0a3167093b1f74e8ae4a8e8320180415-7-ndp9hd.jpg'
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename homepage.jpg (application/octet-stream from Headers, ["image/jpeg"] from Extension), content type discovered from file command: application/octet-stream. See documentation to allow this combination.
I didn't get my mistake. Can anyone help me with that upload?
I think the content_type is missing, but I don't know where.

Have you tried using Paperclip's io_adapter to decode the base64 into the attachment object? Something along the lines of:
def create
file = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(params[:photo][:image])
file.original_filename = params[:photo][:filename]
#photo = file, user: current_user)


Paperclip for both images and Videos

In my app I already have paperclip for upload images, but requirement changed in order to accept both images and videos. The images are already defined in a model with a belongs_to relationship, called Attachment. Since the video will also be an attachment of the same parent model (in my case, articles) I wanted to reuse the same Attachment model for images & videos. Is this a good idea?
The code of my attachment.rb is:
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :article
has_attached_file :url, :s3_protocol => :https ,
styles: {
medium: "300x300>", thumb: "100x100>", big: "1200x1200>", normal: "600x600>"
validates_attachment_content_type :url, content_type: /\Aimage|\Avideo\/.*\Z/
validates_attachment :url, content_type: { content_type: ["image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", "video/mp4"] }
But as it is, it's not storing videos on the S3. I get the following in the terminal
Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/v_/pf2bsxnj1y37ccd2pjksv7z80000gn/T/f3e2afc957bb9fb2aa3e77e69359c48920160131-13311-pyeez1.mp4'
Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/v_/pf2bsxnj1y37ccd2pjksv7z80000gn/T/8dc7385648e2164764b72fda6fd9099a20160131-13311-1l40ccn.mp4[0]' 2>/dev/null
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError>
Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/v_/pf2bsxnj1y37ccd2pjksv7z80000gn/T/8dc7385648e2164764b72fda6fd9099a20160131-13311-1l40ccn.mp4[0]' 2>/dev/null
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError>
Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/v_/pf2bsxnj1y37ccd2pjksv7z80000gn/T/8dc7385648e2164764b72fda6fd9099a20160131-13311-1l40ccn.mp4[0]' 2>/dev/null
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError>
Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/v_/pf2bsxnj1y37ccd2pjksv7z80000gn/T/8dc7385648e2164764b72fda6fd9099a20160131-13311-1l40ccn.mp4[0]' 2>/dev/null
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError>
Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/v_/pf2bsxnj1y37ccd2pjksv7z80000gn/T/f3e2afc957bb9fb2aa3e77e69359c48920160131-13311-kvb5nr.mp4'
The second question is since I'm using AngularJS for the frontend, can I just take advantage of HTML <video> tag to render the video to the user?
Looks like the issue is that ImageMagick is trying to transcode the video, which it cannot.
The way to handle transcoding of videos within Paperclip is to use the paperclip-av-transcoder gem (formerly paperclip-ffmpeg). I only have experience with the latter:
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :url, :s3_protocol => :https ,
styles: lambda { |a| a.instance.is_image? ? medium: "300x300>", thumb: "100x100>", big: "1200x1200>", normal: "600x600>" } : {:thumb => { :geometry => "100x100#", :format => 'jpg', :time => 10}, :medium => { :geometry => "300x300#", :format => 'jpg', :time => 10}}}, processors: [:transcoder]
validates_attachment :url,
content_type: ['video/mp4'],
message: "Sorry, right now we only support MP4 video",
if: :is_video?
validates_attachment :url,
content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif'],
message: "Different error message",
if: :is_image?
def is_video?
url.instance.attachment_content_type =~ %r(video)
def is_image?
url.instance.attachment_content_type =~ %r(image)
Our old code & ref

Paperclip image upload (base64) - getting 500 internal server error (undefined method 'permit')

I'm trying to upload an image using Paperclip; I followed the paperclip quick start guide as closely as possible, but I'm doing something wrong and can't find out what. I'm new to Ruby and Rails; the whole project is set up with the AngularJS framework.
What I'm doing is sending a POST request that contains a base64 encoded image:
DataService.add("uploads", {image: file}) [...]
The service looks like this:
add: function(type, object) {
return $ + "/" + type, object) [...]
"file" is the base64 encoded image; I hope it is somewhat clear how the POST works. Now the backend:
module Api
class UploadsController < ApplicationController
# POST api/uploads
def create
p params
#upload = Upload.create(upload_params)
def upload_params
class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :content_type, :original_filename, :image_data
before_save :decode_base64_image
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/storage/images/:style/missing.png", :url => "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:basename.:extension"
validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
validates :image, :attachment_presence => true
# validates_attachment :image, :size => { :in => 0..100.kilobytes }
def decode_base64_image
if image_data && content_type && original_filename
decoded_data = Base64.decode64(image_data)
data =
data.class_eval do
attr_accessor :content_type, :original_filename
data.content_type = content_type
data.original_filename = File.basename(original_filename)
self.image = data
That's basically it - I hope I included everything that's important for my problem (first question here).
When testing this with a simple image I get a 500 - Internal server error, with request payload
{"image":"data:image/png;base64,...<base64 code>...}
I understand that the mistake is most likely in the controller/model part, but I don't know how to solve this.
Thanks for your help :)
When testing this locally with Postman (form-data, POST, Key: upload and an image) I get this:
Started POST "/api/uploads" for at 2015-06-13 16:34:08 +0200
Processing by Api::UploadsController#create as */*
Parameters: {"upload"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000002f0e108 #tempfile=# <Tempfile:/tmp/RackMultipart20150613-7296-8zu01e.jpeg>, #original_filename="meise.jpeg", #content_type="image/jpeg", #headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upload\"; filename=\"meise.jpeg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n">}
{"upload"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000002f0e108 #tempfile=#<Tempfile:/tmp/RackMultipart20150613-7296-8zu01e.jpeg>, #original_filename="meise.jpeg", #content_type="image/jpeg", #headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upload\"; filename=\"meise.jpeg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n">, "controller"=>"api/uploads", "action"=>"create"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 0ms
NoMethodError (undefined method `permit' for # <ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000002f0e108>):
app/controllers/api/uploads_controller.rb:16:in `upload_params'
app/controllers/api/uploads_controller.rb:7:in `create'
It works now, but for everyone with the same problem: if you're sending the base64 encoded image like I'm doing it in the DataService and having the same controller/module setup, it will work with Paperclip, but not with the frontend. In
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :medium => "1000x1000>", :thumb => "150x150#" }, :default_url => "/storage/images/:style/missing.png", :url => "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:basename.:extension"
I had to change the last part to
Because somehow the name and extension got lost somewhere. I used the id as the file name now, and .png as an extension because the base64 is created from a png that I created in the frontend.
The problem is with this line:
require ensures that a parameter is present. If it's present, returns the parameter at the given key. In your case it is returning ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile object which doesn't have permit method.
You can solve this by removing require and passing the file in image parameter instead of upload:
If you want to keep the existing code, have the client pass the image in a field with name upload['image']
In Rails log, it should be like
Parameters: {"upload"=> { "image" =>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000002f0e108 #tempfile=# .....}}
Notice how image is inside upload.

Paperclip: Content Type Spoof trying to upload .gpx files

Apologies if this has been answered and I failed to find it. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Using Rails 4.1.4, Paperclip 4.2.0 and Simple Form 3.0.2.
After Submit, I get has an extension that does not match its contents output in the form error message.
In the server window:
Started POST "/routes" for at 2014-08-28 15:18:25 +0700
Processing by RoutesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"5BCHGBkwQH4mlnTVjy/PpD53mJKJpSmBXwXT/oul7yY=", "route"=>{"track_attributes"=>{"gpx"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x007fa89c9cd348 #tempfile=#<Tempfile:/var/folders/_g/6shs5yrj36n960wpt880ysl80000gn/T/RackMultipart20140828-42106-vi71nb>, #original_filename="Serge's tracks.gpx", #content_type="application/octet-stream", #headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"route[track_attributes][gpx]\"; filename=\"Serge's tracks.gpx\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n">}, "title"=>"Serge track", "description"=>"loop of hang dong", "distance"=>"", "total_ascent"=>""}, "commit"=>"Create Route"}
Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/_g/6shs5yrj36n960wpt880ysl80000gn/T/f55fe48e09c9cc3ee6c6271fe94f407520140828-42106-1hgpby7.gpx'
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename Serge's_tracks.gpx ([]), content type discovered from file command: application/xml. See documentation to allow this combination.
(0.3ms) BEGIN
Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/_g/6shs5yrj36n960wpt880ysl80000gn/T/f55fe48e09c9cc3ee6c6271fe94f407520140828-42106-62bkvh.gpx'
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename Serge's_tracks.gpx ([]), content type discovered from file command: application/xml. See documentation to allow this combination.
(0.8ms) ROLLBACK
I haven't been able to find said documentation in the Paperclip docs.
Running file Serge\'s\ tracks.gpx --mime-type -b produces application/xml
My MVC looks like this:
class Track < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :route
has_attached_file :gpx
validates_attachment_content_type :gpx, :content_type => /application\/xml/
class Route < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :track, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :track
validates :title, presence: true
Inside RoutesController
def new
#route =
#route.track =
def create
#route =
def route_params
params.require(:route).permit(:title, :description, :distance, :total_ascent, track_attributes: [:gpx])
The simple_form:
= simple_form_for #route do |r|
= r.simple_fields_for :track do |t|
= t.input :gpx
= r.input :title
= r.input :description
= r.input :distance
= r.input :total_ascent
= r.button :submit
As mentioned in this post: Paperclip gem spoofing error? and this article, the problem was solved by apparently bypassing the command file -b --mime-type that is called by Paperclip.
To do this I created a paperclip.rb file in config/initializers.
Paperclip.options[:content_type_mappings] = {
:gpx => 'application/xml'
While the problem is solved, I am still confused as to why the problem existed when the file command was returning a correct result, and also curious where the #content_type="application/octet-stream" in the params is coming from.

How to create thumbnails only for image files with Paperclip?

I use the following code to create Assets from the uploaded files:
def upload
uploader = User.find_by_id(params[:uploader_id])
params[:assets].each do |file|
new_asset = => file) # Here the error appears
I noticed that when I upload non-image files, e.g. my.xlsx, I got the following error:
[paperclip] identify -format %wx%h "C:/temp/stream20110628-460-3vqjnd.xlsx[0]" 2>NUL
[paperclip] An error was received while processing:
#<Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: C:/temp/stream20110628-460-3vqjnd.xlsx is
not recognized by the 'identify' command.>
(For image files everything works fine: a thumbnail is created, and there is no error.)
Is that because Paperclip tries to create a thumbnail from my.xlsx ?
What configuration will create thumbnails only for image files ?
Here is some relevant code:
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :uploader, :class_name => "User"
has_attached_file :asset, :styles => { :thumb => "80x80#" }
I used the following nice solution:
before_post_process :image?
def image?
(asset_content_type =~ SUPPORTED_IMAGES_REGEX).present?
SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS = ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/bmp"]
Change the has_attached_file line to read:
has_attached_file :asset, :styles => { :thumb=> "80x80#" }, :whiny_thumbnails => false
This will prevent it from raising an error when thumbnails are not created. Note though that it won't raise errors if one occurs when processing an image though.

paperclip processors in rails3

I'm trying to upload mp3s to S3 using paperclip which works fine, but when I try using a custom processor to create a lower quality audio file I run into problems.
It seems to work, but instead of outputting the whole song in 128k, it only does the first 6 seconds. (it works fine when i try using ffmpeg at the command line) And it does it for both "styles" not just the snippet style, the original gets processed as well which I don't want.
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :record
#after_save :create_metadata
Paperclip.interpolates :record_id do |attachment, style|
has_attached_file :mp3,
:styles => {
:snippet => { :processors => [:audio_prehear] }
:storage => 's3',
:s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3_credentials.yml"....
My processor
module Paperclip
class AudioPrehear < Processor
attr_accessor :resolution, :whiny
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
#file = file
#whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny]
#basename = File.basename(#file.path, File.extname(#file.path))
def make
target = File.dirname(#file.path) + "/" + #basename + ".mp3"
convert File.expand_path(file.path), target
dst = target
def convert (infile, outfile)
cmd = "-y -i #{infile} -ab 128k #{outfile}"
success ='ffmpeg', cmd)
rescue PaperclipCommandLineError
raise PaperclipError, "There was an error processing the preview for #{#basename}" if whiny
[paperclip] ffmpeg -y -i /var/folders/Ue/UehOEbyxHkS9voyeIiUx3++++TI/-Tmp-/stream20101223-93966-18vy7po-0.mp3 -ab 128k /var/folders/Ue/UehOEbyxHkS9voyeIiUx3++++TI/-Tmp-/stream20101223-93966-18vy7po-0.mp3 2>/dev/null
[paperclip] Saving attachments.
[paperclip] saving music/7635/snippet/monkey.mp3
[paperclip] saving music/7635/original/monkey.mp3
