Reading Exif data usind CCR.Exif causing access violations - delphi

I have a programme, called ViewPhotos, that gives me problems when reading Exif data. I am using CCR.Exif (by Chris Rollistone). CCR.Exif does not reside in the project directory.
To figure out what is happening I created a small programme called TestExif, which consists of a form and a button that invokes the procedure shown below. I also copied the exact same procedure to ViewPhotos. TestExif is using the same unit CCR.Exif as ViewPhotos.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ExifData: TExifData;
ADate: TDateTime;
OriginalDate: TDateTime;
Mes: string;
ExifData := TExifData.Create;
ADate := ExifData.DateTime;
Mes := 'Date' + ' = ' + DateToStr(ADate) + #13;
OriginalDate := ExifData.DateTimeOriginal;
Mes := Mes + 'OriginalDate' + ' = ' + DateToStr(OriginalDate);
Now, I do the following:
Build ViewPhotos.
Run the Test-Procedure in ViewPhotos. This
generates an access violation.
Close ViewPhotos and open TestExif.
Run TestExif. This generates an access violation.
Build TestExif.
Run TestExif and get the expected result.
Close TestExif and open ViewPhotos.
Run ViewPhotos and get the proper result.
How can I find the cause of my problem and rectify it? What are the steps I should take?
The access violations are:

For CCR.Exif to compile correctly, the Syntax option for Complete boolean evaluation must be left false (which is the default setting).


How to correctly use IFileOperation in Delphi to delete the files in a folder

I'm trying to create a simple example of using IFileOperation to delete the files in a
given directory, to include in the answer to another q for comparison with other methods.
Below is the code of my MRE. It
successfully creates 1000 files in a subdirectory off C:\Temp and then attempts to delete
them in the DeleteFiles method. This supposedly "easy" task fails but I'm not sure
exactly where it comes off the rails. The comments in the code show what I'm expecting
and the actual results. On one occasion, instead of the exception noted, I got a pop-up
asking for confirmation to delete an item with an odd name which was evidently an array of
numbers referring to a shell item, but my attempt to capture it using Ctrl-C failed;
I'm fairly sure I'm either missing a step or two, misusing the interfaces involved
or both. My q is, could anybody please show the necessary corrections to the code to get IFileOperation.DeleteItems() to delete the files in question, as I am completely out of my depth with this stuff? I am not interested in alternative methods of deleting these files, using the shell interfaces or otherwise.
procedure TForm2.DeleteFiles;
iFileOp: IFileOperation;
iIDList : ItemIDList;
iItemArray : IShellItemArray;
iArray : Array[0..1] of ItemIDList;
Count : DWord;
iFileOp := CreateComObject(CLSID_FileOperation) as IFileOperation;
iIDList := ILCreateFromPath(sPath)^;
// IFileOperation.DeleteItems seems to require am IShellItemArray, so the following attempts
// to create one
// The definition of SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists
// seems to require a a zero-terminated array of ItemIDLists so the next steps
// attempt to create one
ZeroMemory(#iArray, SizeOf(iArray));
iArray[0] := iIDList;
OleCheck(SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists(1, #iArray, iItemArray));
// Next test the number of items in iItemArray, which I'm expecting to be 1000
// seeing as the CreateFiles routine creats that many
Caption := IntToStr(Count); // Duh, this shows Count to be 1, not the expected 1000
OleCheck( iFileOp.PerformOperations );
// Returns Exception 'No object for moniker'
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure CreateFiles;
i : Integer;
SL : TStringList;
FileContent : String;
SL := TStringList.Create;
if not (DirectoryExists(sPath)) then
for i := 0 to 999 do begin
FileName := Format('File%d.Txt', [i]);
FileContent := Format('content of file %s', [FileName]);
SL.Text := FileContent;
SL.SaveToFile(sPath + '\' + FileName);
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
You are leaking the memory returned by ILCreateFromPath(), you need to call ILFree() when you are done using the returned PItemIDList.
Also, you should not be dereferencing the PItemIDList. SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists() expects an array of PItemIDList pointers, but you are giving it an array of ItemIDList instances.
Try this instead:
procedure TForm2.DeleteFiles;
iFileOp: IFileOperation;
iIDList : PItemIDList;
iItemArray : IShellItemArray;
Count : DWord;
iFileOp := CreateComObject(CLSID_FileOperation) as IFileOperation;
iIDList := ILCreateFromPath(sPath);
OleCheck(SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists(1, #iIDList, iItemArray));
// Next test the number of items in iItemArray, which I'm expecting to be 1000
// seeing as the CreateFiles routine creates that many
Caption := IntToStr(Count); // Duh, this shows Count to be 1, not the expected 1000
OleCheck( iFileOp.PerformOperations );
// Returns Exception 'No object for moniker'
That being said, even if this were working correctly, you are not creating an IShellItemArray containing 1000 IShellItems for the individual files. You are creating an IShellItemArray containing 1 IShellItem for the C:\Temp subdirectory itself.
Which is fine if your goal is to delete the whole folder. But in that case, I would suggest using SHCreateItemFromIDList() or SHCreateItemFromParsingName() instead, and then pass that IShellItem to IFileOperation.DeleteItem().
But, if your goal is to delete the individual files without deleting the subdirectory as well, then you will have to either:
get the IShellFolder interface for the subdirectory, then enumerate the relative PIDLs of its files using IShellFolder.EnumObjects(), and then pass the PIDLs in an array to SHCreateShellItemArray().
get the IShellFolder interface of the subdirectory, then query it for an IDataObject interface using IShellFolder.GetUIObjectOf(), and then use SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject(), or just give the IDataObject directly to IFileOperation.DeleteItems().
get an IShellItem interface for the subdirectory, then query its IEnumShellItems interface using IShellItem.BindToHandler(), and then pass that directly to IFileOperation.DeleteItems().

Delphi: SetFileDate creates wrong LastWriteTime (Summer/Wintertime)

i am downloading a file from my server (i only get the bytes and a DateTime for the lastwritetime attribute) and after downloading the data i create a new file on my local machine and want to set the lastwritetime attribute.
For this i am using the following method:
procedure SetFileDate(const FileName: string; NewDate: TDateTime);
FileDate, FileHandle: Integer;
FileDate := DateTimeToFileDate(NewDate);
FileHandle := FileOpen(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
if FileHandle > 0 then
FileSetDate(FileHandle, FileDate);
// ERROR Log
For the 'NewDate' parameter i use the DateTime which i get from my server.
I tried to convert the DateTime from the server like this to get the valid lastwritetime (i am requesting the data from a WCF this is why i am converting it to UTCDateTime, the untouched data from the WCF service is TXSDateTime):
TDateTime cloudFileDateTime := StrToDateTime(DateTimeToStr(cloudDownloadResult.FileCloudData.Lastwritetime.AsUTCDateTime));
But in the end my lastwritetime attribute from files which have a lastwritetime in the wintertime period are wrong with -1h.
I hope you understand my problem and can give me an idea how to solve it.
Best regards
The easiest way to do this is to call TFile.SetLastWriteTimeUtc from the System.IOUtils unit.
If this function is not available use the Win32 API function SetFileTime.
You'll also need DateTimeToSystemTime and then SystemTimeToFileTime in that scenario.
The answer provided by David (to use TFile.SetLastWriteTimeUtc) is correct. However, there was some discussion in the comments about bugs. As I am unable to comment (due to lack of rep), I'll add this here for anyone who comes across this problem in future.
While TFile.SetLastWriteTimeUtc works correctly, TFile.GetLastWriteTimeUtc does indeed have a bug relating to daylight saving time. There is a bug report filed with Embarcadero, and it looks like they've now fixed it in Delphi 10.3 Rio (though I haven't tried it yet).
If you are working with an older version of Delphi, you will have to work around the problem via use of the Windows API. e.g. GetFileAttributesEx:
function GetFileModTimeUtc(filePath: string): TDateTime;
var data: TWin32FindData;
var sysTime: TSystemTime;
if GetFileAttributesEx(PChar(filePath), GetFileExInfoStandard, #data) and
FileTimeToSystemTime(data.ftLastWriteTime, sysTime) then begin
Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(sysTime);
end else begin
raise Exception.Create('Unable to get last file write time for ' + filePath);

Delphi, OLE and problems with Microsoft Scheduler

I have console Delphi application which works with Excell though OLE.
The examle of code is pretty simple
procedure SaveBaseRecordsToFile(BaseName: string; PaymentRecords: TPaymentRecords);
i: integer;
Excel: Variant;
on E: Exception do begin
LogWriter.WriteLog(E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message);
Excel.Worksheets[1].Cells[2, 1].Value := 'Account number';
Excel.Worksheets[1].Cells[2, 2].Value := 'Sum';
for i := 0 to Length(PaymentRecords) - 1 do begin
Excel.Worksheets[1].Cells[i + 3, 1].Value := PaymentRecords[i].NUMBER;
Excel.Worksheets[1].Cells[i + 3, 2].Value := PaymentRecords[i].SUMMA;
Excel.ActiveSheet.Name := 'SHEET1';
Excel.Application.Workbooks[1].SaveAs(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + BaseName + '.xls', 56);
Excel := Unassigned;
When I run this application in interactive mode (by myself) it wors perfect.
But when I try to run it through standart Microsoft Scheduler I see in log of my applications such records:
21:41:40.523: EOleSysError: Отказано в доступе, ProgID: "Excel.Application" (Access denied from Russian)
If I set in schedule task option "Run with highest privileges" I see in log of my applications such records:
20:12:04.475: EOleException: Метод SaveAs из класса Workbook завершен неверно (SaveAs method of Workbook class finished incorrectly from Russian)
Is there any way to run application with OLE call through Microsort Scheduler?
Or maybe I can work with Excel without OLE (it's pretty simple operations as you could see in my examle)? How can I do it?
The fundamental issue is that Excel needs to run in an interactive desktop. Running through the task scheduler, as you have configured it, runs it in a non-interactive desktop. That's not a supported mode of operation for Excel:
Your only real hope of success is to create the Excel file without using COM automation of Excel. There are many libraries to help you do that.

Delphi7, Save User's Changes or other User's Information / Notes

In my program, the user completes a form and then presses Submit. Then, a textfile or a random extension file is created, in which all the user's information is written. So, whenever the user runs the application form, it will check if the file, which has all the information, exists, then it copies the information and pastes it to the form. However, it is not working for some reason (no syntax errors):
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
filedest: string;
f: TextFile;
info: array[1..12] of string;
filedest := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'User\Identity\IdentityofMyself.txt';
if FileExists(filedest) then
ReadLn(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7],
info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11], info[12]);
Edit1.Text := info[1];
Edit2.Text := info[2];
ComboBox1.Text := info[3];
ComboBox5.Text := info[4];
ComboBox8.Text := info[4];
ComboBox6.Text := info[5];
ComboBox7.Text := info[6];
Edit3.Text := info[7];
Edit4.Text := info[8];
Edit5.Text := info[11];
Edit6.Text := info[12];
ComboBox9.Text := info[9];
ComboBox10.Text := info[10];
ShowMessage('File not found');
The file exists, but it shows the message File not found. I don't understand.
I took the liberty of formatting the code for you. Do you see the difference (before, after)? Also, if I were you, I would name the controls better. Instead of Edit1, Edit2, Edit3 etc. you could use eFirstName, eLastName, eEmailAddr, etc. Otherwise it will become a PITA to maintain the code, and you will be likely to confuse e.g. ComboBox7 with ComboBox4.
One concrete problem with your code is this line:
readln(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7],
info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11], info[12]);
You forgot to specify the file f!
Also, before I formatted your code, the final end of the procedure was missing. Maybe your blocks are incorrect in your actual code, so that ShowMessage will be displayed even if the file exists? (Yet another reason to format your code properly...)
If I encountered this problem and wanted to do some quick debugging, I'd insert
ShowMessage(BoolToStr(FileExists(filedest), true));
just after the line
filedest := ...
just to see what the returned value of FileExists(filedest) is. (Of course, you could also set a breakpoint and use the debugger.)
If you get false, you probably wonder what in the world filedest actually contains: Well, replace the 'debugging code' above with this one:
Then use Windows Explorer (or better yet: the command prompt) to see if the file really is there or not.
I'd like to mention an another possibility to output a debug message (assuming we do not know how to operate real debugger yet):
{ ... }
filedest := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'User\Identity\IdentityofMyself.txt';
AllocConsole; // create console window (uses Windows module) - required(!)
WriteLn('"' + filedest + '"'); // and output the value to verify
if FileExists(filedest) then
{ ... }

Stream read error

I'm getting this error message under heavy load. Here is code abstract and message from my error log.
I tried everything I could think of. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Procedure tCacheInMemory.StreamValue(Name: String; IgnoreCase: Boolean; Var Stream: TStringStream);
i: Integer;
i := 0;
If Not active Then
i := Search(Name);
If i > -1 Then Begin
If fItems[i].value = Nil Then
fItems[i].value.Position := 0;
Stream.Position := 0;
Stream.CopyFrom(fItems[i].value, fItems[i].value.Size);
Except { ...execution jumps to here }
On E: Exception Do Begin
x.xLogError('LogErrorCacheInMemory.txt', 'StreamValue:' + E.Message + ' ItemsCount:' + IntToStr( High(fItems)) + 'Memory:' + IntToStr(x.GetMemoryInfoMemory) + endLn + 'StreamSize : ' + IntToStr(fItems[i].value.Size) + ' i=' + IntToStr(i) + 'Name: ' + Name);
Log Entries:
3/10/2011 10:52:59 AM: StreamValue:Stream read error ItemsCount:7562 Memory:240816
StreamSize : 43 i=7506 Name: \\xxxxxxxx\WebRoot\\images\1x1.gif
3/10/2011 12:39:14 PM: StreamValue:Stream read error ItemsCount:10172 Memory:345808
StreamSize : 849 i=10108 Name: \\xxxxxxxx\WebRoot\\css\screen.add.css
3/10/2011 3:45:29 PM: StreamValue:Stream read error ItemsCount:11200 Memory:425464
StreamSize : 3743 i=11198 Name: \\xxxxxxxx\WebRoot\\JS\ArtWeb.js
arrayLock: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
fItems: Array Of rCache;
rCache = Record
Name: String;
value: TStringStream;
expired: TDateTime;
And calling function:
Function tCacheInMemory.CacheCheck(cName: String; Out BlobStream: TStringStream): Boolean;
Result := False;
If Not IfUseCache Then
BlobStream.Size := 0;
StreamValue(trim(cName), True, BlobStream);
If BlobStream.Size > 0 Then
Result := True;
You're not using correct locking. You're acquiring a read lock on the array of cache entries, but once you find the item you want, you modify it. First, you explicitly modify it by assigning its Position property, and then you implicitly modify it by reading from it, which modifies its Position property again. When other code attempts to read from that same cache item, you'll have interference. If the source stream's Position property changes between the time the destination stream calculates how many bytes are available and the time it actually requests to read those bytes, you'll get a stream-read error.
I have a couple pieces of advice related to this:
Don't use streams as a storage device in the first place. You're apparently holding the contents of files. You're not going to change those, so you don't need a data structure designed for making sequential changes. Instead, just store the data in simple arrays of bytes: TBytes. (Also, use of TStringStream in particular introduces confusion over whether those strings' encodings are important. A simple file cache shouldn't be concerned with string encodings at all. If you must use a stream, use a content-agnostic class like TMemoryStream.)
Don't quell an exception that you haven't actually handled. In this code, you're catching all exception types, logging some information, clearing the cache, and then proceeding as though everything is normal. But you haven't done anything to resolve the problem that triggered the exception, so everything is not normal. Since you're not really handling the exception, you need to make sure it propagates to the caller. Call raise after to call Clear. (And when you log the exception, make sure you log the exception's ClassName value as well as its message.)
It looks like something external is blocking your stream files.
You could try to use Process Monitor to see what blocks it.
Another thing you can try is to open the stream in read-deny-write mode (please show us how you open the stream).
Something like this:
Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) ;
Edit 1: Disregard the strike through part: you are using TStringStream.
I'll keep the answer just in case anyone ever gets this kind of error when using TFileStream.
Edit 2: Yuriy posted this interesting addendum, but I'm not sure it will work, as the BlobStream is not initialized, just like Robert Love suspected:
Function TCacheInMemory.CacheCheck(cName: String; Out BlobStream: TStringStream): Boolean;
Result := False;
If Not IfUseCache Then
BlobStream.Size := 0;
StreamValue(trim(cName), True, BlobStream);
If BlobStream.Size > 0 Then
Result := True;
On E: Exception Do
x.xLogError('LogErrorCacheInMemory.txt', 'CheckCacheOutStream:' + E.Message + ' ItemsCount:' + IntToStr( High(fItems)) + 'Memory:' + IntToStr(x.GetMemoryInfoMemory));
