Push notifications on iOS - Which architecture? - ios

I've successfully implemented push notifications on Android devices using: GCM, ti.goosh and HTTP cURL POSTs. What similar options are there for iOS?
Do you suggest Appcelerator Mobile Backend Services? https://onesignal.com ? Any other Ti module?

We have had poor experience with Appcelerator's push service. I don't think that Appcelerator is focused enough on push notifications specifically. On numerous occasions, their platform would mysteriously underdeliver (maybe getting to only 30% of our audience), and getting diagnostics on these events was like pulling teeth (like a week of back-and-forth with their support team to get them to investigate the problem). They never really provided much guidance in terms of best practices for client-side integration of their SDK.
We recently moved to Pushwoosh, and have been much happier with their platform. They are extremely knowledgeable on all things push-related, and they have given us an impressive amount of support in our questions about arcane topics like push tokens, ios do-not-disturb mode, android background services, using multiple push providers, etc.


How does Apple Push Notifications work with HTTP/2

I have written a number of enterprise iOS apps for our company, all of which have been using the Apple Push Notification function.
I've also written the server-side code for sending the notifications without using a third-party API. It all works great.
Now, Apple is deprecating the old method for sending notifications and moving to an HTTP/2-based system.
I am trying to understand how the HTTP/2 protocol fits in with server-side code in issuing push notifications.
Isn't HTTP/2 just a standard for browsers to follow?
I've studied as much as I can of the Apple documentation for this, and it's no more clear to me now than it was before.
Please pardon my ignorance on this, but even getting the old system to work was an enormous accomplishment for me.
I wish I didn't have to change it.

ionic app - APNS & GCM to multiple apps from one server

we have an app built in ionic that sends out push notifications.
We are now making branded versions of the same app for different companies that share the same user & code base.
The way we are currently sending out notifications is a cron job that runs a PHP script every minute which connects to a MySQL Database to find new notifications that need to be push out, however we are willing to change this if anyone has a better suggestion.
Having one server needing to send out notifications to multiple apps is the problem we are facing. If we open and close connections to APNS for each app every time we run our push cron job, we fear Apple will see it as a DDOS attack and block it.
The only other solution we can think of is making a new server on AWS for each branded app and having them send notifications out for only one app each. That way they would each have their own IP Address and Apple wouldn't pick it up as a DDOS attack.
We looked into AWS SNS but the only tutorials are for Swift, Obj-C & Android. Our app is fully made on ionic meaning its written in Angular so none of these tutorials are helpful for us.
I've been searching Google for awhile with no valuable information.
Please answer with a way to accomplish sending notifications to multiple apps. Thanks in advance for reading!

How to de-duplicate notifications between native and progressive web app?

If I have both a native app and a progressive web app using web push notifications powered by service worker, is there a way to prevent a user from receiving duplicate notifications if they opt in to receiving notifications from the web site and also have the app installed?
In short - there is no easy way to do this today.
There is a discussion on Chrome here on this: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=402223
The last comment from October 2015:
For now the safest minimal solution is for sites to provide an easy
opt out mechanism (which we strongly recommend you do anyway!) so
users can turn off notifications from one platform
Another possible heuristic based solution is to take some measure for
which interface (web or native) the user most often uses (or most
recently used) and only send to that. Combined with grouping these
devices by rough screen size should give a pretty good approximation.
The issue is that if the user has two similar sized devices and uses
native on one and web on the other then notifications will only be
delivered to one, which is an edge case.
We've also been discussing building an API so sites can tell whether
their corresponding native app is installed to avoid this case, but
need to start discussing that with other browser vendors to see if
they'd be supportive.

Parse.com push notifications VS. Google Cloud messaging for iOS?

I am using Parse Data Core and was planning to use Parse Push notifications for iOS, however Google just announced cloud messaging for iOS # I/O 2015. I'm a newbie and a little unclear so thought i'd ask. what are the pro's and Con's of using one service over the other? My thought is that since parse counts each push message as a request , GCM might be better since its free with no limit.I think I can trigger GCM in Parse cloud code. Parse notifications also have a large allowable quota under free tier, but not sure if it offers extra simplicity of use over GCM. Also not sure if google requires iOS device to have a linked google account on device to receive a notification. Thanks in advance
it would be helpful,
all you need it's there.

Blackberry push notification tutorial

I have registered with RIM for the push notification evaluation. But i cant find good sources for implementing push notifications. There are some samples in the sdk but i couldnt find out a way to implement them. So, i am looking for a good tutorial where i could find step by step implementation of push notification services...
RIM's samples for the server side involve setting up a web application container (e.g. Tomcat), setting up a backend database, and then building their Spring-based application. This sample web app handles things like device registration, content subscription, etc. and features a portal to manage everything.
The bare minimum that is required, though, is to send a WAP Push message which is just an HTTP POST to their Push Service servers. Here is a thread from the BlackBerry Support Forums that describes how to use their low-level PAP API to construct this message. Pay attention in particular to the messages by the user mdicesare.
There's also another SO question that has some tips.
