OneSignal iOS Settings keeps disappearing - ios

I'm currently working on implementing push notification for my app using React Native and OneSignal. I've managed to set the settings for Android and iOS, but I noticed the iOS side keeps disappearing from time to time and appearing again. Same thing with the dashboard, the iOS logo sometimes appear and disappear.
When trying to send notification while only targeting my iOS device, sometimes the system would show Total Number of Recipient to be 0 as well. The device itself only received the notifications from time to time while the android side always received them.
Anyone ever have this issue as well? And did you managed to solve it?
I cannot seem to find a way to fix this so I decided to do a workaround instead by creating another project inside OneSignal and disable the old one. The push notification is working fine now.

OneSignal fixed this issue today with the dashboard not saving/persisting data. You should be able to save your settings now. Best to contact OneSignal directly with issues like this.


Is there a way of keeping notifications in the Notification Centre even after opened/interacted with

I wanted to know if there was a way to keep messages in the Notification Centre in iOS 16. Even after the message has been responded to or the app has been opened.
I used to be able to do it on iOS 15 but on iOS 16 it seems to clear all messages after they have been interacted with. I recently moved over to a new iPhone and all the app settings have been copied across from the old phone.
In particular for apps like Slack and TikTok.
I’ve been through all the notification setting on my iPhone and I can’t seem to figure out why it works for some apps like Instagram, News and Twitter.

iOS Push Notification Programming - Is there a way to disable push notification on iPhone by programming

A few days ago, I got the issue below.
I've been getting notifications for the past several days. The notification had been enabled, and the app was working (I received push notification) until it suddenly didn't yesterday. And when I open the app, it suddenly asks me to enable notification (please see the picture "iOS Push Notification Permission Alert.png")
iOS Push Notification Permission Alert.png
I guessed that my client removed the app and re-installed, so all permissions were lost. But they said that they didn't.
So, How can it happen?
My concerns are:
If notification was enabled, how can it show the alert above again? Is there a possible way?
If notification was not enabled, why have I received the notification for the past several days?
Under which scenario(s), would an app suddenly disable already enabled notification? Is there a way to disable notification permission for the app on the iOS phone by programming?
I will appreciate your answers so much!
P/s: I read the post disable push notification in app, but it doesn't help for my questions.
This is only possible if the app is reinstalled or the notifications are turned off from the settings.
There is one setting in iPhone which will allow iPhone to offload the unused apps and if this happened, there will be a cloud icon on the left of app title.The app will be reinstalled when you click it again.
And it seems that it will also happened when the storage of iPhone is not enough.
So I guess this happened in your client's phone.
This setting is in both Setting-iTunes & App Stores-Offload Unused Apps and Setting-General-iPhone Storage-Offload Unused Apps.

Badge Notification shows up after reinstalling ionic app on IOS

I am using ionic framework and I am showing badge notifications following this article
I first installed the app (in IOS), calculated badges and closed the app. Now badges are still there on app icon. Now when I delete the app and reinstalled it, same number of badges are showing up, over the icon. I don't want this thing to happen.
I have read that it takes 1 day to get the app data cleaned up after deletion.
I have followed many solutions to remove device memory for the app when we delete it, this is from within the ios device, but I need a solution from coding perspective. Is there any way I can add some thing on config.xml or install any package that remove app data instantly when we delete the app in IOS?
I have following these articles, but nothing working.
ionic set badge after push notification
iOS reinstalling app does not clear badges
there's a cordova plugin which handles badge staus on app icon.
Cordova Badge Plugin
hope you'd get a hint from this plugin. thanks

WhatsApp VoIP Push non-delivery and iOS 11

There's lots of problems with push in general in iOS 11.0n. I have two apps, one uses silent pushes and I can reproduce problems with the pushes not being delivered. Theres nothing I can do to fix it, its an Apple issue, they have changed the behavior of silent pushes and also introduced a bug with iOS 11.0.
However I also have another app which uses VoIP push. WhatsApp uses VoIP push and their users have been experiencing lots of notification issues with iOS 11.0n too:
That link above (and WhatsApp web site states something sililar)
It’s indeed an iOS 11 bug. It is affecting users who habitually force
close their app.
I'm unable to reproduce any similar issue with my app which uses VoIP push (tried force quitting it several times).
And that's my problem - the fact that I can't reproduce it. Just because I can't reproduce it doesn't mean it doesn't affect my app.
If there is a problem with VoIP push and therefore potentially with my app's behavior I would like to reproduce it, and fix it.
WhatsApp claim they fixed their issue without waiting for a new release from Apple, so it must be something they can work around.
I would like to know if anybody knows what this VoIP push problem is with WhatsApp and what they did to fix it.

IOS9 Push notifications dialog appears after delete and launch app with xCode7

I have an application, it uses APNS, so I have code that subscribes to notifications, and everything works fine. But every time I reinstall app, and run it with xcode, I get allow push notification dialog. Every time.
I found hundreds questions about how to achieve this dialog again, but none - how to stop achieving them. I need help!
It's seems known IOS9 bug, here is a link for developer forum and still no response from apple and no solution:
