RouteAttribute's Order is completely ignored on IRouteConstraint -

We have an IRouteConstraint that is getting checked much more than it should. Upon further testing, it looks like that Order on [Route] gets ignored by route constraints.
For example, if I have the following constraint:
public class TestConstraint : IRouteConstraint {
public bool Match(
HttpContextBase httpContext,
Route route,
string parameterName,
RouteValueDictionary values,
RouteDirection routeDirection
) {
return true;
And wire it up:
constraintResolver.ConstraintMap.Add("testConstraint", typeof(TestConstraint));
And have the following routes:
public partial class HomeController {
[Route("test/0", Order = 1)]
public ActionResult Test0() {
return Content("Test0");
[Route("{someParam}/{test:testConstraint}", Order = 10)]
public ActionResult Test1() {
return Content("Test1");
And then make a request for http://localhost/test/0, it will return the proper content (Test0), but TestContraint.Match() is still executed.
I would think that route constraints are only executed once the route is encountered in the RouteTable, but it seems to run it on every request that can match the [Route] pattern.
If it makes a difference, we are on ASP.NET MVC v5.2.4.

In ASP.NET MVC pipeline, the stage of routing and the stage of selection of invoked controller action are separated. On routing stage you can't just select the first matching action and stop further lookup. Found action (strictly speaking method) could be filtered on later stage. For example it may not satisfy applied action selectors (e.g. NonAction attribute).
That's why basic action selection algorithm is the following:
Pass Request URL through configured routes and select all matching actions.
Pass all matching actions through action selectors, filter out non matching.
Order candidate actions by routing order.
Now there are following options:
No matching actions found. Request result to 404 error.
Multiple matching actions share the same highest order. Exception is thrown ("The current request is ambiguous between the following action methods ...").
Exactly one matching action have highest order (or one action matches at all). The action is selected and executed.
If you are interested in correspondig ASP.NET MVC source code, here are some references:
IRouteConstraint.Match() is invoked by ProcessConstraint() method in System.Web.Routing.Route. The nearest method in call stack, which operates on route collection level, is GetRouteData() method in System.Web.Mvc.Routing.RouteCollectionRoute class:
Here is its source code:
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
List<RouteData> matches = new List<RouteData>();
foreach (RouteBase route in _subRoutes)
var match = route.GetRouteData(httpContext);
if (match != null)
return CreateDirectRouteMatch(this, matches);
As you see, the loop does not break when matching route is found.
The code that applies action selectors, performs ordering and chooses action candidate resides in DirectRouteCandidate.SelectBestCandidate() (source code):
public static DirectRouteCandidate SelectBestCandidate(List<DirectRouteCandidate> candidates, ControllerContext controllerContext)
Debug.Assert(controllerContext != null);
Debug.Assert(candidates != null);
// These filters will allow actions to opt-out of execution via the provided public extensibility points.
List<DirectRouteCandidate> filteredByActionName = ApplyActionNameFilters(candidates, controllerContext);
List<DirectRouteCandidate> applicableCandidates = ApplyActionSelectors(filteredByActionName, controllerContext);
// At this point all of the remaining actions are applicable - now we're just trying to find the
// most specific match.
// Order is first, because it's the 'override' to our algorithm
List<DirectRouteCandidate> filteredByOrder = FilterByOrder(applicableCandidates);
List<DirectRouteCandidate> filteredByPrecedence = FilterByPrecedence(filteredByOrder);
if (filteredByPrecedence.Count == 0)
return null;
else if (filteredByPrecedence.Count == 1)
return filteredByPrecedence[0];
throw CreateAmbiguiousMatchException(candidates);


Multiple actions were found that match the request error when adding a second GET action method to web api controller

I'm currently developing a Web API and I'm figuring out about how to add a new method inside my controller FilmsController which has to execute a LINQ query simply returning the related JSON to the user. Everything seems correct but when I try to call that API an error 404 appears. The API I'm trying to call is api/NewFilms, which should be correct.
Here is the method GetNewFilms inside FilmsController:
public IQueryable<Film> GetNewFilms()
var query = from f in db.Films
orderby f.ReleaseYear descending
select f;
return query;
// GET: api/Films
public IQueryable<Film> GetFilms()
return db.Films;
With the default routing configuration, web api controller allows to have only one GET action (without any parameters). If you have more than one GET actions, you will get a 500 error with message like
Multiple actions were found that match the request
If you need to have more than one GET actions, you may explicitly define a route pattern for those using Attribute routing.
public class FilmsController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<string> GetNewFilms()
return new List<string> { "New Film 1","New Film 1"};
// GET: api/Films
public IEnumerable<string> GetFilms()
return new List<string> { "Film 1","Film 2"};
public string GetFilm(int id)
return "A single film";
Also, you may consider changing your return type from IQueryable to IEnumerable of your Dto ( instead of the entity class created by your ORM)

MVC routing a repeatable pattern?

A design goal for a website I'm working on is to keep the URL in the browser in a state where the user can copy it, and the link can be used from another browser/user/machine to return to the spot that the url was copied. (The actual changes will happen via AJAX, but the URL will change to reflect where they are.)
Example: If you were on the customer page looking at customer 123, and had details pulled up on their order #456, and full details on line 6 of this order, your url could simply be /customer/123/456/6
The challenge comes with a second feature: Users can add UI columns (analogous to adding a new tab in a tab view, or a new document in an MDI app) Each column can easily generate a routable url, but I need the url to reflect one or more columns. (E.G. User has both /customer/123/456/6 and /customer/333/55/2 in two side by side columns)
In a perfect world, I'd like the url to be /customer/123/456/6/customer/333/55/2 for the above scenario, but I don't know if MVC routing can handle repetitive patterns, or, if so, how it is done.
Can this be done via routing? If not is there a way to get this type of one-or-more functionality from Url?
You could create a custom route handler (see my previous answer) or derive from a RouteBase like NightOwl888 suggested. Another approach would be to simply use a model binder and a model binder attribute.
public class CustomerInvoiceLineAttribute : CustomModelBinderAttribute
public override IModelBinder GetBinder()
return new CustomerInvoiceLineModelBinder();
public class CustomerInvoiceLineModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var path = (string)bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName).AttemptedValue;
var data = path.Split(new[] { "/customer/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return data.Select(d =>
var rawInfo = d.Split('/');
return new CustomerInvoiceLine
CustomerId = int.Parse(rawInfo[0]),
InvoiceId = int.Parse(rawInfo[1]),
Line = int.Parse(rawInfo[2])
You define your route by specifying a star route data. This mean that the route parameter will contains everything following the action
name: "CustomerViewer",
url: "customer/{*customerInfo}",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "Index" });
Then in your controller, you bind your parameter with the same name as the star route parameter using the custom model binder defined above:
public ActionResult Index([CustomerInvoiceLine] IEnumerable<CustomerInvoiceLine> customerInfo)
return View();
You will need to add validation during the parsing and probably security too, so that a customer cannot read the invoice of other customers.
Also know that URL have a maximum length of 2000 characters.
You can do this with the built-in routing as long as you don't anticipate that any of your patterns will repeat or have optional parameters that don't appear in the same segment of the URL as other optional parameters.
It is possible to use routing with optional parameters by factoring out all of the permutations, but if you ask me it is much simpler to use the query string for this purpose.
NOTE: By definition, a URL must be unique. So you must manually ensure your URLs don't have any collisions. The simplest way to do this is by matching the page with the path (route) and adding this extra information as query string values. That way you don't have to concern yourself with accidentally making routes that are exactly the same.
However, if you insist on using a route for this purpose, you should probably put your URLs in a database in a field with a unique constraint to ensure they are unique.
For the most advanced customization of routing, subclass RouteBase or Route. This allows you to map any URL to a set of route values and map the route values back to the same URL, which lets you use it in an ActionLink or RouteLink to build the URLs for your views and controllers.
public class CustomPageRoute : RouteBase
// This matches the incoming URL and translates it into RouteData
// (typically a set of key value pairs in the RouteData.Values dictionary)
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
RouteData result = null;
// Trim the leading slash
var path = httpContext.Request.Path.Substring(1);
if (/* the path matches your route logic */)
result = new RouteData(this, new MvcRouteHandler());
result.Values["controller"] = "MyController";
result.Values["action"] = "MyAction";
// Any other route values to match your action...
// IMPORTANT: Always return null if there is no match.
// This tells .NET routing to check the next route that is registered.
return result;
// This builds the URL for ActionLink and RouteLink
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
VirtualPathData result = null;
if (/* all of the expected route values match the request (the values parameter) */)
result = new VirtualPathData(this, page.VirtualPath);
// IMPORTANT: Always return null if there is no match.
// This tells .NET routing to check the next route that is registered.
return result;
name: "CustomPage",
item: new CustomPageRoute());
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

AttributeRouting - Correct way of Getting the Action Name from RouteData

I have recently started using attribute routing for my action methods and am struggling in getting the action name (and/or id) from the RouteData. Below is an example of how I use the attrubues like so:
[Route( "Edit/{id:int}" )]
public ActionResult Edit( int id )
Previously I used the following method as an extension of RouteData to retrieve the value
public static string GetActionName( this RouteData routeData )
return routeData.Values[ "Action" ] as string;
This used to return the action name (in this example "edit"). Now this alway returns null. An inspection of the RouteData dictionary shows that these values seem to no longer be placed in the root of the array but rather in an item keyed "[0] = "MS_DirectRouteMatches".
I am able to access this value in the following manner but due to my limited understanding of how these values are populated I am concerned that, for e.g. routes where there are more than one match, this code will fall over in some cases.
public static string GetActionName( this RouteData routeData )
if( routeData.Values.ContainsKey( "MS_DirectRouteMatches" ) )
routeData = ( ( IList<RouteData> )routeData.Values[ "MS_DirectRouteMatches" ] )[ 0 ];
return routeData.Values[ "Action" ] as string;
What is the correct way to access the RouteData values populated by AttributeRouting?
Your solution will work in all but one case. It is possible that a request will not match any route, so you should ensure the action key exists before you return it, or you may get an exception.
public static string GetActionName( this RouteData routeData )
if( routeData.Values.ContainsKey( "MS_DirectRouteMatches" ) )
routeData = ( ( IEnumerable<RouteData> )routeData.Values["MS_DirectRouteMatches"] )[0];
return routeData.Values.ContainsKey("action") ?
routeData.Values["action"] as string :
That one case typically passes the request to IIS so it can return the 404 page (or a custom one if configured), and this basically just covers the custom 404 page case.
I would also change IList to be IEnumerable, since you are adding nothing to the list in the method.
There is no such thing as a request that matches more than one route (0 or 1 route are the only possibilities). In the case where there is no match, MS_DirectRouteMatches will not exist. In the case where it does exist, there is 1 value in the collection.
Unfortunately, there aren't really any guarantees that the number of values in the collection won't change to more than one in a future version, but for now that holds true. But since there isn't a more robust way to determine an action name than this, it is what we are stuck with until the next breaking change.

OnActionExecuting fires multiple times

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to go about the problem I need to solve... however in an OnActionExecuting action filter that I have created, I set a cookie with various values. One of these values is used to determine whether the user is visiting the website for the very first time. If they are a new visitor then I set the ViewBag with some data so that I can display this within my view.
The problem I have is that in some of my controller actions I perform a RedirectToAction. The result is OnActionExecuting is fired twice, once for the original action and then a second time when it fires the new action.
Function Index(ByVal PageID As String) As ActionResult
Dim wo As WebPage = Nothing
wp = WebPages.GetWebPage(PageID)
Catch sqlex As SqlException
Catch ex As Exception
Return RedirectToAction("Index", New With {.PageID = "Home"})
End If
End Try
Return View("WebPage", wp)
End Function
This is a typical example. I have a data driven website that gets a webpage from the database based on the PageID specified. If the page cannot be found in the database I redirect the user to the home page.
Is it possible to prevent the double firing in anyway or is there a better way to set a cookie? The action filter is used on multiple controllers.
Had the same issue. Resolved by overriding property AllowMultiple:
public override bool AllowMultiple { get { return false; } }
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
//your logic here
You can save some flag value into TempData collection of controller on first executing and if this value presented, skip filter logic:
if (filterContext.Controller.TempData["MyActionFilterAttribute_OnActionExecuting"] == null)
filterContext.Controller.TempData["MyActionFilterAttribute_OnActionExecuting"] = true;
You could return the actual action instead of redirecting to the new action. That way, you dont cause an http-request, thereby not triggering the onactionexecuting (i believe)
Old question, but I just dealt with this so I thought I'd throw in my answer. After some investigating I disovered this was only happening on endpoints that returned a view (i.e. return View()). The only endpoints that had multiple OnActionExecuting fired were HTML views that were composed of partial views (i.e. return PartialView(...)), so a single request was "executing" multiple times.
I was applying my ActionFilterAttribute globally to all endpoints, which was working correctly on all other endpoints except for the view endpoints I just described. The solution was to create an additional attribute applied conditionally to the partial view endpoints.
// Used specifically to ignore the GlobalFilterAttribute filter on an endpoint
public class IgnoreGlobalFilterAttribute : Attribute { }
public class GlobalFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// Does not apply to endpoints decorated with Ignore attribute
if (!filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IgnoreGlobalFilterAttribute), false).Any())
// ... attribute logic here
And then on my partial view endpoints
[IgnoreGlobalFilter] //HERE this keeps the attribute from firing again
public ActionResult GetPartialView()
// partial view logic
return PartialView();

Web API - Only 1 Action Per HTTP Verb/Parameter Combination?

I'm quite familiar with MVC, but fairly new to WebAPI and I've run into a confusing issue.
I have a controller (Which inherits from ApiController) called "DummyController" and it's got the 5 default scaffolded methods for get,post,put and delete (2 for get), and I've addd my own method at the bottom called "FindDummyObjects()" which I've decorated with the [HttpGet] attribute.
when I navigate to "api/dummy" or "api/dummy/get", I get the default result fo the 2 string objects ("value1" and "value2").
However, when I navigate to "api/dummy/FindDummyObjects", it complains that "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id'".
This means that it's not pointing to my Action at all (As it is parameterless), so it's probably pointing to the default "Get(int id)" action.
When I comment out all actions except my own, I get the results I expect.
So my question is this, with WebAPI, is it only possible to have 1 action per http verb with a certain set of parameters, regardless of whether the action's names differ?
For example, it seems as though it will not be possible for me to 10 different http GET actions in a single controller, unless they all have different parameters and use the action name "Get" (Unless I do some custom routing I suppose).
Is that correct?
// GET api/dummy
public IEnumerable Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET api/dummy/5
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
// POST api/dummy
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
// PUT api/dummy/5
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
// DELETE api/dummy/5
public void Delete(int id)
public IEnumerable<Models.DummyObject> FindDummyObjects()
IList<Models.DummyObject> myDummyList = new List<Models.DummyObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Models.DummyObject dumObj = new Models.DummyObject();
dumObj.ObjectId = i;
dumObj.ObjectName = string.Empty;
return myDummyList;
Web API routing has quite a few holes (I'm being polite), you happened to hit on one. This is one of the reasons that they introduced Attribute Routing in Web API2. You might want to try that as it is quite a bit more flexible.
