On-prem docker swarm deployment with HA - docker

I’m doing on-prem deployments using docker swarm and I need application and DB high availability.
As far as application HA is concerned, it works great within docker (service discovery and load balancing), but I’m not sure how to use it on my network. I mean how can I assign a virtual IP to all of my docker managers so that if any of them goes down, that virtual IP automatically points to the other docker manager in the cluster. I don’t want to have a single point of failure in my architecture, that’s why I’m not inclined to use any (single) reverse proxy solution in front of my swarm cluster (because to my understanding, if nginx/HAProxy goes down, the whole system goes into abyss. I would love to know that I’m wrong).
Secondly, I use WebSockets in my application for push notifications which doesn’t behave normally with all the load balancing stuff because socket handshakes get distorted.
I want a solution to these problems without writing anything in code (HA-specific and non-generic like hard coding IPs etc). Any suggestions? I hope I explained my problem correctly.

Docker Flow Proxy or Traefik can be placed on a set of swarm nodes that you want to receive traffic for incoming connections, and use DNS routing to get packets to the correct containers. Both have sticky sessions option (I know Docker Flow does, not sure about Traefik).
Then you can either:
If your incoming connections are just client HTTP/S requests, you can use DNS Round Robin with multiple A records, which works great, or
By an expensive hardware fault tolerant reverse proxy like F5
Use some network-layer IP failover that is at the OS and physical network level (not related to Docker really), but I'm not sure how well that would work with Swarm.
Number 2 is the typical solution in private datacenters that need full HA at all layers.


How to route all internet requests through a proxy in docker swarm

tldr; does docker swarm have a forceful and centered proxy setting that explicitly proxies all internet traffic in all services that is hosted in the cluster? Or any other tip of how to go about using a global proxy solution in a swarm cluster...?
Obs! this is not a question about a reversed proxy.
I have a docker swarm cluster (moving to Kubernatives as a solution is off-topic)
I have 3 managers and 3 workers, I label the workers accordingly to the expected containers they can host. The cluster only deploys docker swarm services, when I write "container" in this writing I'm referring to a docker swarm service container.
One of the workers is labelless, though active, and therefore does not host any containers to any service. If I would label the worker to allow it to host any container, then I will suffer issues in different firewalls that I don't always control, because the IP simply is not allowed.
This causes the problem for me that I can't do horizontal scaling, because when I add a new worker to the cluster, I also add a new IP that the requests can originate from. To update the many firewalls that would need to be updated because of a horizontal scaling is quite large, and simply not an option.
In my attempt to solve this on my own, I did what every desperate developer does and googled for a solution... and there is a simple and official documentation to be able to achieve this: https://docs.docker.com/network/proxy/
I followed the environment variables examples on that page. Doing so did however not really help, none of the traffic goes through the proxy I configured. After some digging, I noticed that this is due to nodejs (all services are written using nodejs), ignoring the proxy settings set by the environment. To solve that nodejs can use these proxy settings, I have to refactor a lot of components in a lot of services... a workload that is quite trumendus and possibly dangerous to perform given the different protocols and ports I use to connect to different infrastructural services outside the cluster...
I expect there to be a better solution for this, I expect there to be a built in functionality that forces all internet access from the containers to go through this proxy, a setting I don't have to make in the code, in my implementations. I expect there to be a wrapping solution that I can control in a central manner.
Now reading this again, I think maybe I should have tested the docker client configuration on the same page to see if it has the desired effect I'm requiring, but I assume they both would have the same outcome, being described on the same page with no noticeable difference written in the documentation.
My question is, is there a solution, that I just don't seem to be able to find, that wraps the proxy functionality around all the services? or is it a requirement to solve these issues in the implementation itself?
My thought is to maybe depend on an image, that in its turn depends on the nodejs image that I use today - that is responsible for this wrapping functionality, though still on an implantation level. Doing so would however still force the inheriting of a distributed solution of this kind - if I need to change the proxy configurations, then I need to change them everywhere, and redeploy everything... given a less complex solution without an in common data access layer.

Service mesh with consul and docker swarm EE

I'm new in service mesh with Consul.
I found a lot of documentation about using Consul and Envoy for service mesh in K8S but I'm not finding much documentation about using it on docker swarm (Enterprise Edition).
My question is: is it possible to implement it on Docker Swarm EE? If not, what are the technical reasons that prevent or not recommend to implement it?
I wondered the same.
The main problem with docker swarm it seems is it lacks the concept of "sidecar" containers. For example, k8's has "pods". I haven't used k8's, but my understanding is that, you can group services into a unit called a "pod". This has benefits and really enables the mesh style architecture.. one reason is that services in the same "pod" can all communicate through "localhost" on different port bindings - i.e the services are "local" to eachother. When you want a "companion" service this is what you need as you know communicating with it is going to be fast as it is essentially local / co located with your app. Now consider swarm. You can add services to your stack, but you don't necessarily know where they are going to be placed - your "side car proxy" servcice could end up being placed on node 2 whilst your app is on node 1. This is not very efficient as it means there are now network hops to route traffic between your app and its "sidecar" proxy which could be on the other side of the data centre, but should really be local. So you start thinking of creative workarounds.. What about if I use "placement" settings to place my service and the sidecar service on the same node? Well then you lose the ability for swarm to place them on a different node if that node goes down, because your placement options have confined it to only one node. What if.. you deploy the "sidecar" proxy as a "global" service so that it is available on each node? Then your apps should all be able to communicate with the service via the IP address of whatever node its on.. but how do you configure that IP address per task (container)? I'm exploring that option, but then that gives you a single sidecar instance per node (1 instance to potentially serve many services) so this has impacts for how you scale that sidecar. I think possibly one other solution is that you have to embed these "sidecar" services into your own service docker image so that they are truly running locally with your app. However I haven't seen any that really advocate that approach so it's most likely fraught with hurdles to overcome. Most documentation is for k8s,, and nothing for swarm for these sorts of reasons. If only swarm could have added this ability in it's style of simplicity it would extend its reach so much.

Sending requests Google Kubernetes Engine, multiple deployments, under one external IP address

The Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Engine based backend deployment I work on has between 4-60 nodes running at all times, spanning two different services.
I want to interface with an API that employs IP whitelisting however, which would mean that all outgoing requests would have to be funneled through one singular IP address.
How do I do this? The deployment uses an Nginx Ingress controller, which doesn't allow many options when it comes to the egress part of things.
I tried setting up a VM outside of the deployment, but still on GCP in the same region, and was unable to set up a forward proxy. At least, not one that I could connect to off my local device. Not sure if this was because of GCP's firewall or anything of that sort. This was using Squid, as well Apache, with no success in either.
I also looked at the Cloud NAT option, but it seems like I would have to recreate all the services, CI/CD pipelines, and DNS settings etc. I would ideally avoid that, as it would be a few days worth of work and would call for some downtime of the systems as well.
Ideally I would have a working forward proxy. I tried looking for Docker images that would function as one, but that does not seem to be a thing, sadly. SSHing into a VM to set up such a proxy hasn't led to success yet, either.
You have already found the solution, you have to rebuild things using either Cloud NAT or an equivalent solution made yourself. Even that is relatively recent and I've not actually tried it myself, as recently as a 6 months ago we were told this was not supported for GKE. Our solution was the proxy idea you mentioned, an HTTP proxy running outside of GKE and directing things through it at the app code level rather than infrastructure. It was not fun.

How to configure Prometheus in a multi-location scenario?

I love using Prometheus for monitoring and alerting. Until now, all my targets (nodes and containers) lived on the same network as the monitoring server.
But now I'm facing a scenario, where we will deploy our application stack (as a bunch of Docker containers) to several client machines in thier networks. Nearly all of the clients networks are behind a firewall or NAT. So scraping becomes quite difficult.
As we're still accountable for our stack, I'd like to have a central montioring server, altering and dashboards.
I was wondering what could be the best architecture if want to implement it with Prometheus, but I couldn't find any convincing approaches. My ideas so far:
Use a Pushgateway on our side and push all data out of the client networks. As the docs state, it's not intended that way: https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/pushing/
Use a federation setup (https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/federation/): Place a Prometheus server in every client network behind a reverse proxy (to enable SSL and authentication) and aggregate relevant metricts there. Open/forward just a single port for federation scraping.
Other more experimental setups, such as SSH Tunneling (e.g. here https://miek.nl/2016/february/24/monitoring-with-ssh-and-prometheus/) or VPN!?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Nobody posted an answer so I will try to give my opinion on the second choice because that's what I think I would do in your situation.
The second setup seems the most flexible, you have access to the datas and only need to open one port on for the federating server, so it should still be secure.
One other bonus of this type of setup is that even if the firewall stop working for a reason or another, you will still have a prometheus scraping, you will have an alert because you won't be able to access the server(s) but when the connexion comes again you will have all the datas. You won't have a hole in the grafana dashboards because there was no datas, apart during the incident.
The issue with this setup is the fact that you need to maintain a number of server equivalent to the number of networks. A solution for this would be to have a packer image or maybe an ansible playbook to deploy.

Kubernetes scaling pods using custom algorithm

Our cloud application consists of 3 tightly coupled Docker containers, Nginx, Web and Mongo. Currently we run these containers on a single machine. However as our users are increasing we are looking for a solution to scale. Using Kubernetes we would form a multi container pod. If we are to replicate we need to replicate all 3 containers as a unit. Our cloud application is consumed by mobile app users. Our app can only handle approx 30000 users per Worker node and we intend to place a single pod on a single worker node. Once a mobile device is connected to worker node it must continue to only use that machine ( unique IP address )
We plan on using Kubernetes to manage the containers. Load balancing doesn't work for our use case as a mobile device needs to be tied to a single machine once assigned and each Pod works independently with its own persistent volume. However we need a way of spinning up new Pods on worker nodes if the number of users goes over 30000 and so on.
The idea is we have some sort of custom scheduler which assigns a mobile device a Worker Node ( domain/ IPaddress) depending on the number of users on that node.
Is Kubernetes a good fit for this design and how could we implement a custom pod scale algorithm.
Piggy-Backing on the answer of Jonah Benton:
While this is technically possible - your problem is not with Kubernetes it's with your Application! Let me point you the problem:
Our cloud application consists of 3 tightly coupled Docker containers, Nginx, Web, and Mongo.
Here is your first problem: Is you can only deploy these three containers together and not independently - you cannot scale one or the other!
While MongoDB can be scaled to insane loads - if it's bundled with your web server and web application it won't be able to...
So the first step for you is to break up these three components so they can be managed independently of each other. Next:
Currently we run these containers on a single machine.
While not strictly a problem - I have serious doubt's what it would mean to scale your application and what the challenges that come with scalability!
Once a mobile device is connected to worker node it must continue to only use that machine ( unique IP address )
Now, this IS a problem. You're looking to run an application on Kubernetes but I do not think you understand the consequences of doing that: Kubernetes orchestrates your resources. This means it will move pods (by killing and recreating) between nodes (and if necessary to the same node). It does this fully autonomous (which is awesome and gives you a good night sleep) If you're relying on clients sticking to a single nodes IP, you're going to get up in the middle of the night because Kubernetes tried to correct for a node failure and moved your pod which is now gone and your users can't connect anymore. You need to leverage the load-balancing features (services) in Kubernetes. Only they are able to handle the dynamic changes that happen in Kubernetes clusters.
Using Kubernetes we would form a multi container pod.
And we have another winner - No! You're trying to treat Kubernetes as if it were your on-premise infrastructure! If you keep doing so you're going to fail and curse Kubernetes in the process!
Now that I told you some of the things you're thinking wrong - what a person would I be if I did not offer some advice on how to make this work:
In Kubernetes your three applications should not run in one pod! They should run in separate pods:
your webservers work should be done by Ingress and since you're already familiar with nginx, this is probably the ingress you are looking for!
Your web application should be a simple Deployment and be exposed to ingress through a Service
your database should be a separate deployment which you can either do manually through a statefullset or (more advanced) through an operator and also exposed to the web application trough a Service
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!
Building a custom scheduler and running multiple schedulers at the same time is supported:
That said, to the question of whether kubernetes is a good fit for this design- my answer is: not really.
K8s can be difficult to operate, with the payoff being the level of automation and resiliency that it provides out of the box for whole classes of workloads.
This workload is not one of those. In order to gain any benefit you would have to write a scheduler to handle the edge failure and error cases this application has (what happens when you lose a node for a short period of time...) in a way that makes sense for k8s. And you would have to come up to speed with normal k8s operations.
With the information provided, hard pressed to see why one would use k8s for this workload over just running docker on some VMs and scripting some of the automation.
