Error running powerbuilder .net assembly in IIS wit ASP.NET MVC app -

i got a Powerbuilder (12.5) .net assembly application which dll generated is referenced by an ASP.NET MVC application.
Basically, ASP.NET call to PB assembly NVO function with some parameters, then PB retrieves data from DB (SQLServer) through a dataStore and then saves it as PDF, then returns the name of PDF file to ASP.NET MVC app and then Web application send PDF file to user for downloading.
In local PC it works nice.
but when i deploy into web server it fails:
Error: "Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
I have installed all dll from Runtime Packager.
I have sent all dll, xml and pbds that PB gnerate when project is deployed.
In IIS everything is rightly configured.
So id like to know if someone kwows anything about this error.
thanks in advance

There is a role or feature that needs installed called desktop experience if I remember correctly. This allows a service to have a desktop to run under otherwise it is a console app. I ran into this when printing PDFs from a service. The fonts were wrong and not set to what I set them to until I installed that feature.
It sounds like you already gave iis access to run on the server with full access to windows and file system.


What is needed to open up an MVC project on a remote server?

I'm new to web development so please be kind. Anyway, I'm writing a web page in visual web developer 2012 and have hit a roadblock. I've got lots more experience with writing console applications. When writing one of those and you build the application, the bin folder is populated with the files that are required to run the application, most notable the .exe . But when I build the page all I get is .cshtml files, which when opened all it does is open the code in my web browser. I tried to get an answer on another web site but all that i got was "open it up on a web server". That doesn't make any sense to me. Please help.....
You open the project locally on your workstation, as you would any other project. But when you're ready to publish the project you would send it to a web server.
Visual Web Developer (being akin to Visual Studio, no?) should have a small built-in web server of some sort which it uses when you execute your project in debug mode. (There are more details than that, but that statement alone should be true enough to get you debugging.) That's fine for ongoing development work, but not for the resulting production application.
Analogous to installing a console application on a target workstation, you would need to publish your web application to a web server. This server may coincidentally by the same workstation on which you develop the code, but that's not a requirement.
A "web server" in this case can be one of many things. Your computer (running IIS, most likely), a server hosted somewhere, a service in the cloud, etc. And "publishing" could mean any number of things as well. Uploading the files, using built-in publishing tools in the IDE, even just committing the files to source control and allowing an automated publish service to fetch them (I do this a lot in Azure web sites).
Ultimately, the way you execute a web application that's been published isn't by double-clicking on a file anywhere. The .cshtml files, as well as any other needed files (binaries, config files, images, style sheets, etc.) are stored on a web server somewhere and you would "run" the application by making a request to that web server, which takes the form of browsing to a URL in your web browser.

Deploying ASP.NET Web API App to IIS 7 On Different Server

I have been literally stuck for hours trying to deploy a Web API app to IIS. I can not believe there are no useful tutorials online anywhere that I can find. Here is my situation.
I have a VERY basic Web API app. It is using .NET Framework 4.0. It doesn't do anything I just want to see the home page at this point.
I am developing it in Visual Studio 2012 on my local machine. I can hit my localhost and see the home page, even post some data through Fiddler works great.
I publish the solution using Build->Publish to my local file system.
I then copy and paste everything in that directory to my web server (actually using a repository but for simplicity sake)
I created a brand new application pool in IIS. .NET 4.0 Integrated.
I placed the folder that contains my published code inside of the directory of my main website. The folder name is WebAPI.
I created a new website in IIS, attached to that new app pool I created.
I start the website, browse it on localhost and everything works perfectly.
I try to go to the website externally "" and get a
403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, I've never deployed an MVC app to IIS on another server. I'm able to deploy it just fine on my local machine through IIS too. What am I missing? Thanks!
Edit: Yes, my server has other .NET 4.0 apps running just fine.
Is this correct?
If so, looks like it could be a path problem.

Unable to run Silverlight application from Visual Studio 2010

I'm in the process of setting up a new machine as a development environment and I'm having issues getting an existing code base that hosts a Silverlight application to work. The code runs fine on all other machines that my team uses.
Here is the error:
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web server settings
I have had a Google around for some answers on this and I realize there is a duplicate question on StackOverflow already, but it does not provide enough information and the answers have not worked for me.
I am attempting to run the solution through Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, using IIS Express 7.5 integration (as opposed to the Cassini web server). This approach works perfectly fine on all other machines, except for this one.
I have found that if I specify to use full IIS integration (instead of Express) and select the SilverlightTestPage.aspx as the start up page, then the application runs (although not perfectly). Also, if I publish the application and host it on IIS, it again works fine. However, when running through Cassini or IIS Express 7.5 integration, or when trying to get it to run through the Default.aspx or correct start up page it does not work.
Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I've already checked that the MIME type in IIS is correct (not sure if I can do this in IIS Express as well?) and that the XAP files are building into the correct directory.
Check MIME types in IIS Express configuration file %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config and make sure that you have MIME types set correctly and restart IIS Express.
Please check the aspx file whether it has the "minRuntimeVersion" correctly for the Silverlight plug in.
<param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="4.0.50826.0"/>
also check the following link for hosting the Silverlight application .
Configuring IIS for silverlight

Issue hosting ASP.NET MVC 4 application using IIS 7.5 after creating virtual directory - Script files are not working

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application that I am trying to host in IIS 7.5. I tried creating a virtual directory using "Use Local IIS Web server" option in Project properties and have set the Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication set in IIS.
When I run the application, it opens in the browser with the url, "http://localhost\ApplicationName" and I am able to view only the tab names I have created. When I right click and view the page source, I have my scripts listed and the body defined with divs and tables. When I click the tab names, nothing happens.
In the view page source, when I click any script, it throws an error,
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Detailed Error Information
Module IIS Web Core
Notification MapRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070002
Requested URL http://localhost:80/Scripts/Script.js
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Scripts\Script.js
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
In IIS, I have enabled Anonymous, ASP.NET Impersonation and Windows Authentication.
Also, When I look at the Advanced settings for the directory, it shows the physical path in C\Users........ but in the Detailed Description, it shows the Physical Path as "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Scripts\Script.js".
Am I giving the path wrong? or should I place the project files in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Scripts\Script.js"?
Please help. I have been struggling with this for a while now and it's driving me crazy.
Are you using URL Bundles or are you manually hard coding .JS paths in your front-end code? Are you seeing good/expected behavior when you run the site in debug mode within Visual Studio? I would try and gather some hints with those considerations and perhaps furnish some more information...

Routing problem with particular controller name using ASP.NET MVC 1 in IIS 7

I have joined a team developing an ASP.NET MVC version 1 application. I run this app on my local machine using IIS version 7.5. My operating system is Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition. I use Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for development.
One of the controllers in this app is called ReportsController. The route table entries for this controller use 'Reports' as the controller name part. The problem I have is that, using IIS 7.5 on my local machine, I simply cannot access any of the Reports action methods. If I try to access, say, '/Reports/Index' from Chrome or Firefox, I get a 401 Unauthorized response (as seen using Fiddler) and the browser displays its username/password entry dialog.
Please note the following:
All other non-Report pages in the application work correctly.
If I add a breakpoint to Application_BeginRequest, it is not hit when requesting a Reports page.
If I change the Reports routing entries in the route table registration code so that I have to access paths like '/Reportss/Index' (note the extra 's') then these Reports pages work correctly.
I have tried deleting then recreating my Web application in IIS.
The Reports pages work fine if I run the application using the Visual Studio 2008 development server (Cassini).
There is no directory called Reports in the application directory.
The Reports pages work correctly on our UAT environment, also under IIS 7.5.
I have reviewed my IIS setting several times, including comparing them with those on UAT, and I can't see a problem.
While I can use Cassini to access the Reports pages, I would really like to understand what is causing this issue.
If you have Reporting Services installed on your machine. try to create a new web site and use it. If you have SSRS installed on your machine it uses /reports for hosting reports.
I have had problems using the directory name 'Reports' at the root of a .net 2.0 website on IIS 7.5. It generates a 503 Error, indicating that there is an error at the system level before IIS tries to serve the page. I am not sure if reporting services is installed on my server. I just changed the directory name, all links and everything worked.
I have the exact same issue in my MVC Application with reporting services installed on the same server where code was deployed. I have changed the Reporting Manager URL in "SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration" which was hostName/Reports and assigned a new name i.e. SSRSReports so the virtual directory is now hostName/SSRSReports.
Now my application as well as SSRS Reports are working as expected.
