Unison fails because it cannot set time stamp - data-synchronization

Trying to sync from a mac to a linux machine, I get multiple failures with a message of the following type:
100% 00:00 ETAFailed [www/sandbox/my-vue-buefy-project/node_modules/spdy-transport/lib/spdy-transport/protocol/spdy]:
Failed to set modification time of file /users/guerrini/www/sandbox/my-vue-buefy-project/node_modules/spdy-transport/lib/spdy-transport/protocol/.unison.spdy.1db0b477154fc6ddf40346e8e27082da.unison.tmp/constants.js
to 1970-01-01 at 1:00:00 (0.000000):
the time was set to 2018-04-12 at 8:49:57 (1523515797.000000) instead`
It seems that it cannot set the modification time and that it uses the current time instead. But, unfortunately, after this the synchronisation of all the files with the above modification date fails.
Moreover, I have tried to set modification date to the given time by hand with "touch" and it works.


Windowing and Watermark in Apache beam : Google dataflow

I have a fixed window of 1 minute. I am considering event time.
When I deploy this code ,is the window created instantly even if I have not published any message .suppose I deployed at 6:30 , is it like the windows are automatically created as 6:30 to 6:35, 6:35 to 6:40 and so on ?
If I publish a message to topic having
event timestamp = 6:31 (unix seconds i.e 10,176589653)
when system time = 6:36
..does it mean the watermark for that specific message is at 6:31 and it will miss the window as system time is at 6:36 and allowed lateness=0 and will be rejected.
Windows are always created using UNIX time 0 as a base, meaning, no matter if you start the pipeline at 6:31, 6:32 or 6:35, the windows would always be [6:30, 6:35), [6:35, 6:40).... Note that this also applies for days, the windows would start at 00:00 UTC.
If you want to change this, there's an offset parameter.

How to do time comparison between client's system time and date time from internet server (actual local time)

I am trying to validate the system time of client’s computer with the actual time (internet time). If for some reason the client’s time settings are not correct or the time and timezone don’t match the local time, I want to notify them to sync the time with their local time in order to use the application. If my question is not clear then this is something that I am trying to mimic, https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Incorrect-System-time-warning-when-starting-an-Autodesk-360-application.html
How can I do this time comparison/validation in dart?
The main question is IMHO what accuracy you need.
You can just query a NTC and report if there is a discrepancy. If the server is synchronized with such a time server, there shouldn't be a problem.
You can also add an API to your server that returns the server time.
Then you read the time from the local system and from the server and check the difference
bool compareTime() {
var serverTime = await getTimeFromServer(); // not yet existing method to fetch the date and time from the server
var clientTime = new DateTime.now().toUtc();
var diff = serverTime.difference(clientTime).abs();
if(diff > const Duration(seconds: 5)) {
print('Time difference too big');
} else {
print('Time is fine');
Ensure that the time returned from the server is UTC as well, otherwise you're comparing apples with pears.
If you're running server-side, you can shell out to ntpdate -d pool.ntp.org and read the output, parsing the last line. If the time offset is small enough, you're good.
For browser apps, see the StackOverflow at Getting the current GMT world time for a few options.

what mi_command is used to get server time and date in opensips?

How can I get server date and time in Opensips,through MI_commands and how can I calculate call duration in Opensips??
$message= ":dlg_list_ctx:\n\n"
At script level, you can print the current time with $Ts (Unix timestamp).
Additional information about the current server time can be fetched with:
opensipsctl fifo uptime
From what I see, you are trying to write a script that monitors the duration of all your calls. For this, you could use the timestart:: field of opensipsctl fifo dlg_list_ctx and figure out the duration of that call.

php 5.2.17 date('T') gives incorrect timezone. Server time+phpinfo time are correct

I am having a bit of a weird issue:
the date function gives timezone=MST
the date function from the centOS prompt gives me EST
the phpinfo() function returns America/New_York
As Plesk was showing America/New_York but centOS was not, Techsupport did something to the
/usr/share/zoneinfo/ files, because they said that somehow the New_York file was showing MST (Mountain Time).
After that operation, centOS time and phpinfo() display EST correctly but the date function still display MST.
Any ideas?
Did you tried date_default_timezone_set()?
Since PHP 5.1.0 (when the date/time functions were rewritten), every call to a date/time function will generate a E_NOTICE if the timezone isn't valid, and/or a E_WARNING message if using the system settings or the TZ environment variable.

XDoclet Ant Tasks Not Respecting force="true" Attribute

I've been running into some issues with the ejbdoclet Ant task, specifically, it is giving me output such as the following:
[ejbdoclet] XJavaDoc Ignoring class myClass in
/path/myClass.java. It was generated (Wed Mar 28 16:59:12 EDT 2012) after XJavaDoc's timestamp was reset (Wed Mar 28 16:58:52 EDT
You will note that the file is being ignored because it was generated after the timestamp on the file. The source files are currently sitting on an NFS share connected to the build cluster and for various resasons, generating the files on the local machines will not be posible. As such, I have used the force="true" tag as documented as follows:
<ejbdoclet ejbSpec="2.0" destdir="${common.generated}" force="true">
However, it is not being respected by XDoclet, any thoughts as to what might be going on?
Oddly enough, this appears to be an error where the message that was provided didn't accurately reflect what was expected. The error message indicates that the file is being ignored due to the fact that it's date stamp is in the future when compared to the one that ejbdoclet is using to determine if the files should be generated. This actually bypasses the force attribute so the error is actually with regards to the system clocks not being synchronized as opposed to with ejbdoclet itself per se.
