I have an object that takes the information from a rest API. Let's say I call Posts from an API and I can specify which fields I want to extract. Just an example of how it looks:
Post.find!(id: 1, fields: [:id, :title, :description])
This does an API call and it returns me a Post object with these specified fields.
For testing, I am stubbing this API call with Factory Bot and returns directly a Post object with all possible fields it can query.
This approach is not the best since the tests are always returning all fields and code itself maybe I just need a couple of fields not all of them
So I am trying to achieve something like (in FactoryBot):
build(:post, fields: [:id,:title]) and set up a Post object just with id and title.
If I do build(:post, fields: [:title, :created_at]) and set up a Post object just with title and created_at. And so on...
Did some research and trying some ideas, but failed in all of them about how to build this flow.
Any idea about how to achieve this behavior?
Traits seems a nice alternative, but I must be as consistent as the API call, specifying these fields. So traits are not working for me...
Let's assume that this is your factory for the Post:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :post do
sequence(:title) { |n| "Post no. #{n}" }
description 'Post description'
created_at { DateTime.now }
When you call build(:post) it will create an object with title, created_at and description set.
But if you will remove those fields from your factory (or move them under trait):
FactoryBot.define do
factory :post do
trait :all_fields do
sequence(:title) { |n| "Post no. #{n}" }
description 'Post description'
created_at { DateTime.now }
calling build(:post, title: 'Post title', description: 'Post description') will create a post object where only title and description are set (created_at will be nil)
calling build(:post, :all_fields) will create a post object will all fields set.
I think I understand the problem better now. Let's assume that this is you factory:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :post do
sequence(:title) { |n| "Post no. #{n}" }
created_at { DateTime.now }
description 'Post description'
Change it to:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :post do
transient do
fields []
sequence(:title) { |n| "Post no. #{n}" }
created_at { DateTime.now }
description 'Post description'
after :build do |post, evaluator|
unless evaluator.fields.empty? do
(post.attributes.keys - evaluator.fields).each do |attribute_to_remove|
post.send("#{attribute_to_remove}=", nil)
Then, you can call it like this:
build(:post) creates post with all fields
build(:post, fields: ['description', 'title']) creates a post where everything except description and title is nil.
This solution should work as expected but it might slow down your tests (and I think it does not look nice :) )
FactoryBot lets you override the factory by passing a hash of attributes - so why not just set the attributes to nil:
build(:post, {
title: nil,
description: nil
Best practice in FactoryBot is to have your standard factory produce objects that contain only the required fields for a model. (Note that FactoryBot will generate an id for you automatically.)
Assume you have a model called Post that requires only a title, but has optional fields description and date. Your factory would look like this:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :post do
title 'Post Title'
Now when you build a Post, it will look like this:
>> FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:post)
#> <Post id: 1001, title: "Post Title", description: nil, date: nil>
You can add the optional fields on a case-by-case basis:
>> FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:post, description: 'This is a test post.')
#> <Post id: 1001, title: "Post Title", description: 'This is a test post.', date: nil>
Or you can add traits within the factory:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :post do
title 'Post Title'
trait :with_description_and_date do
description 'This is a test post.'
date Date.today
>> FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:post, :with_description_and_date)
#> <Post id: 1001, title: "Post Title", description: 'This is a test post.', date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018>
I am beginner to RSpec. I am having a model teacher that has_many :lessons. Here is my FactoryGirls records:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :lesson do
title "Rspec test"
description "test description"
company_name "narola pvt"
association :teacher
location "Zwanenplein 34"
days_to_pay 2
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :teacher do
first_name "Teacher's name"
last_name "Teacher's last name"
address "los angeles"
city "california"
zip_code "12345"
country "USA"
birthdate nil
phone nil
password "password"
email { "example#{SecureRandom.uuid}#email.dummy" }
Following is my try with models test:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Teacher, type: :model do
let(:teacher) { FactoryGirl.create(:teacher) }
it "should have at least one lesson" do
config.expect_with(Lesson.where(teacher_id: teacher)){|c| c.syntax = :should}
I am willing to write a rspec test case to find if lesson exists for particular lesson.
Please try this:
it "should have at least one lesson" do
expect(Lesson.where(teacher_id: teacher.id)).to exist
Let me know if it's work for you. I haven't try this.
it "should have at least one lesson" do
expect(Lesson.where(teacher_id: teacher.id).exists?).to be_truthy
This would be faster because of the use of 'exists?' method compared to
expect(Lesson.where(teacher_id: teacher.id)).to exist
Underlying query execution due to use of 'exists?' the method is fast. More details are here ->
I'm with the following problem:
Environment: Ruby: 2.3.1 and Rails
I'm trying to validate a datetime field with RSpec and Factory Girl.
I got this error:
expected: "2016-11-11 13:30:31 UTC" (From Factory Girl)
got: "2016-11-11T13:30:31.218Z" (From database)
My code:
klass_object = FactoryGirl.create(:character)
klass = Character
RSpec.shared_examples 'API GET #index' do |klass|
before { get :index, params: params, accept: Mime[:json] }
it "returns a list of #{klass.to_s.underscore.pluralize}" do
object_array = json(response.body)
klass_attributes = klass.attribute_names.without("id", "created_at", "updated_at").map(&:to_sym)
klass_attributes.each do |attribute|
object_array.each do |object|
expect(object[attribute].to_s).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_s)
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :character do
marvel_id { Faker::Number.number(6).to_i }
name { Faker::Superhero.name }
description { Faker::Hipster.paragraphs(1) }
modified { Faker::Date.between(DateTime.now - 1, DateTime.now) }
factory :invalid_character do
id ''
name ''
marvel_id ''
modified ''
How can I correct this problem?
I did that, it works but I think it is not so good. There is a better way to do it?
object_array.each do |object|
if ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone == klass_object[attribute].class
expect(object[attribute].to_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
expect(object[attribute].to_s).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_s)
Thanks for your help.
I can suggest you to change your approach to compare the results. You can use approach, which based on the idea of the golden master.
In according to this approach you take a snapshot of an object, and then compare all future versions of the object to the snapshot.
In your case you can write json fixture first time, check that json is correct and compare it with result json next time.
For example
"travel_time_seconds": 43200,
"available_seats_amount": 10,
"departure_at": "2016-04-08T02:00:00.000+03:00",
"arrival_at": "2016-04-08T17:00:00.000+03:00",
"source_point_name": "New York",
"destination_point_name": "Moscow",
"tickets_count": 2
RSpec.shared_examples 'API GET #index' do |klass|
before { get :index, params: params, accept: Mime[:json] }
it "returns a list of #{klass.to_s.underscore.pluralize}" do
verify(format: :json) { json(response.body).map {|o| o.except('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at' }
approvals gem, for example, can help you with that
I know this is a very old question but I just came across the solution to this today and couldn't find another answer. I've been using Faker too, but the Date/Time formats don't seem to work very well with Ruby time math without a lot of finagling.
However, if you use Time in your factory, and then convert it .to_i, it will get sent to the db in the correct format for comparison in rspec.
class CreateExperiences < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
create_table :experiences do |t|
t.datetime :start_date
FactoryBot.define do
when_it_started = Time.zone.now - rand(3000).days
factory :experience do
start_date { when_it_started.to_i }
RSpec.describe "Experiences API", type: :request do
let!(:valid_attributes) { attributes_for(:experience) }
describe "POST /v1/experiences" do
before { post "/v1/experiences", params: valid_attributes }
it "creates an experience" do
expect(JSON.parse(response.body).except("id", "created_at", "updated_at")).to eq(valid_attributes.stringify_keys)
Then my tests passed. Hopefully this will help someone else!
Try to use to_datetime instead to_s
expect(object[attribute].to_datetime).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_datetime)
I'm pretty new to testing.
I have a custom validation at my Profile model
def birth_date_cannot_be_in_the_future
errors.add(:birth_date, "the birth date cannot be in the future") if
!birth_date.blank? && birth_date > Date.today
At my factories.rb
sequence(:email) {|n| "person-#{n}#example.com"}
factory :user do
password 'password'
password_confirmation 'password'
confirmed_at Time.now
factory :profile do
first_name { "User" }
last_name { "Tester" }
birth_date { 21.years.ago }
At my models/profile_spec.rb
it 'birth date cannot be in the future' do
profile = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now)
expect(profile.errors[:birth_date]).to include("the birth date cannot be in the future")
expect(profile.valid?).to be_falsy
When I run my test I receive the follow message:
Failure/Error: profile = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now)
The validation fails: Birth date the birth date cannot be in the future
What am I doing wrong?
There's a matcher just for catching errors. Without having tested, I'm assuming you can go:
expect { FactoryGirl.create(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
Another approach though is to include the shoulda gem, which has the allow_value matcher. This lets you do something more like this in your model spec:
describe Profile, type: :model do
describe 'Birth date validations' do
it { should allow_value(100.years.ago).for(:birth_date) }
it { should_not allow_value(100.days.from_now).for(:birth_date) }
Generally you wont need FactoryGirl at all when you're testing things like validations. They become super useful in controller tests though.
Just put assertions for your model in a model spec, which tests your model code directly. These usually live in spec/models/model_name_spec.rb There are convenient shoulda matchers for a bunch of common model stuff:
describe SomeModel, type: :model do
it { should belong_to(:user) }
it { should have_many(:things).dependent(:destroy) }
it { should validate_presence_of(:type) }
it { should validate_length_of(:name).is_at_most(256) }
it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:code).allow_nil }
It should be using build instead of create
Also profile.valid? should be called before checking profile.errors
it 'birth date cannot be in the future' do
profile = FactoryGirl.build(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now)
expect(profile.valid?).to be_falsy
expect(profile.errors[:birth_date]).to include("the birth date cannot be in the future")
So I have a Request model (I know it's a terrible name), and 2 single inherited models TenantRequest and PropertyRequest. Now I have fixtures for all 3. So I wrote functional controller tests for my requests_controller and my tenant_requests_controller, which both work fine. But for some reason, my property_controller tests show me the following error for every setup:
1) Error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Request with 'id'=298486374
test/controllers/property_requests_controller_test.rb:12:in `block in <class:PropertyRequestsControllerTest>'
This is the tenant_requests.yml:
title: This is the title of the tenant request
body: This is the body
user: regular
email: jim#retail.com
type: TenantRequest
contact_name: Jim
Here is my property_request.yml:
title: This is the title of the property request
body: This is the body for property
user: broker
email: sue#broker.com
type: PropertyRequest
contact_name: Sue
budget: 1234
city: New York
region: Manhattan
created_at: now
updated_at: now
status: open
company: Walmart
contact_position: Boss
contact_phone: 555-555-5555
squarefeet: 12345
broker: true
parking: true
onsite_tour: true
part_of_town: Downtown
time_to_reach: 7pm
budget: 1234
Here is the property_requests_controller_test:
require 'test_helper'
class PropertyRequestsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
setup do
#regular = users(:jim)
#broker = users(:sue)
#analyst = users(:kev)
#admin = users(:lin)
sign_in :user, #analyst
#myrequest = property_requests(:one)
test "should get index" do
get :index
assert_response :success
assert_not_nil assigns(:requests)
test "should get new" do
get :new
assert_response :success
test "should create request successfully" do
assert_difference('Request.count') do
post :create, request: { contact_name: 'Sue', body: 'this is the body', email: 'sue#broker.com', title: 'newly created property request', type: 'PropertyRequest' }
assert_redirected_to property_request_path(PropertyRequest.last)
If you need more information, please let me know and I can add it. Thank you,
According to this blog post, fixture files have a one-to-one relationship with database tables. There could be a conflict occurring from having files for each child class. Try placing all fixtures into requests.yml.
Your fixture file is named property_request.yml (singular), while you're calling property_requests(:one) (plural) in the test itself. The Rails Guides show fixture files given pluralized names, so I would rename the file to property_requests.yml to make them match and conform to Rails' conventions (and hope that's the issue).
I have a Code model factory like this:
Factory.define :code do |f|
f.value "code"
f.association :code_type
f.association(:codeable, :factory => :portfolio)
But when I test my controller with a simple test_should_create_code like this:
test "should create code" do
assert_difference('Code.count') do
post :create, :code => Factory.attributes_for(:code)
assert_redirected_to code_path(assigns(:code))
... the test fails. The new record is not created.
In the console, it seems that attributes_for does not return all required attributes like the create does.
rob#compy:~/dev/my_rails_app$ rails console test
Loading test environment (Rails 3.0.3)
irb(main):001:0> Factory.create(:code)
=> #<Code id: 1, code_type_id: 1, value: "code", codeable_id: 1, codeable_type: "Portfolio", created_at: "2011-02-24 10:42:20", updated_at: "2011-02-24 10:42:20">
irb(main):002:0> Factory.attributes_for(:code)
=> {:value=>"code"}
Any ideas?
You can try something like this:
(Factory.build :code).attributes.symbolize_keys
Check this: http://groups.google.com/group/factory_girl/browse_thread/thread/a95071d66d97987e)
This one doesn't return timestamps etc., only attributes that are accessible for mass assignment:
(FactoryGirl.build :position).attributes.symbolize_keys.reject { |key, value| !Position.attr_accessible[:default].collect { |attribute| attribute.to_sym }.include?(key) }
Still, it's quite ugly. I think FactoryGirl should provide something like this out of the box.
I opened a request for this here.
I'd suggest yet an other approach, which I think is clearer:
attr = attributes_for(:code).merge(code_type: create(:code_type))
heres what I end up doing...
conf = FactoryGirl.build(:conference)
post :create, {:conference => conf.attributes.slice(*conf.class.accessible_attributes) }
I've synthesized what others have said, in case it helps anyone else. To be consistent with the version of FactoryGirl in question, I've used Factory.build() instead of FactoryGirl.build(). Update as necessary.
def build_attributes_for(*args)
build_object = Factory.build(*args)
Simply call this method in place of Factory.attributes_for:
post :create, :code => build_attributes_for(:code)
The full gist (within a helper module) is here: https://gist.github.com/jlberglund/5207078
In my APP/spec/controllers/pages_controllers_spec.rb I set:
let(:valid_attributes) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:page).merge(subject: FactoryGirl.create(:theme), user: FactoryGirl.create(:user)) }
Because I have two models associated. This works too:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :page do
title { Faker::Lorem.characters 12 }
body { Faker::Lorem.characters 38 }
discution false
published true
tags "linux, education, elearning"
section { FactoryGirl.create(:section) }
user { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
Here's another way. You probably want to omit the id, created_at and updated_at attributes.
FactoryGirl.build(:car).attributes.except('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at').symbolize_keys
It does not generate attributes for HMT and HABTM associations (as these associations are stored in a join table, not an actual attribute).
Association strategy in the factory must be create, as in association :user, strategy: :create. This strategy can make your factory very slow if you don't use it wisely.