Need constraints for y position, height - Auto layout Storyboard - ios

First let me tell that I have gone through multiple same kind of questions available in Stack Overflow but neither of them helped me.
So I created new question for discussing my problem.
I am beginner with iOS programming and with layout making in Storyboard so daily facing few problem in designing. With this problem, I already spent my 2 days but may be its really easy for an expert person to help me in this problem.
I was getting red warning in layout for need constraints for y position, height and any how I want to resolve this.
Following image will make you more clear regarding this:
Specifically I was getting problem in video view and button below that regarding y position constraints.
So please suggest me, how to solve this problem?
I was getting same problem multiple times when I was making layout so if I learn this solution then it will be big relief for me.

You need to set the VideoView Height constraint.
Select the VideoView.
Click in "Add New Constraints" next to "Align" and after "Resolve Auto Layout Issues" option.
Set the height constant you want.
Check the height box.
You also need set the Y position, because the VideoView don't know what is below and above. So, click the top constraint to make it look red, set the space that you need between your topView and the VideoView (in this case of my image example: 0)evidency of top constraint
Click "Add 1 constraint"

You can give the constraints in the different ways as per your requirement:
1) Select your video view
2) Add new constraint and add the top constraint (Constraint between your Video view and top view, in your case the view with text surfa)
3) Select bottom constraint (if bottom buttons hight is fixed)
3) Select the height constraint (if you want to fix your video view height)
3) You can give the aspect ratio to video view (In this situation your view's height will be change as per the screen size)
Hope this will be helpful to you.


Swift - Why ScrollView not full screen?

I had inserted a ScrollView into UIViewController and dragged ScrollView to fill the space between the navigation bar and the RAM label below:
But when I run the app, the ScrollView does not fill the space:
Please help me! Thank you very much.
P/S: Sorry for my english is bad.
The scroll view is not covering up the whole thing because you are running the app on a much bigger phone. The simplest solution is to run the app on iPhone 5.
However, if you want to solve the problem on all sizes of iOS device, you need to add constraints.
Constraints are things that tells a view when and how much it should resize and where it should be positioned.
To add a constraint, just select the view you wish to add a constraint to and go to the bottom right corner. You will see 4 buttons:
The leftmost button is used to embedding views in stack views. This is a feature of iOS 9. If your deployment target is lower, just ignore it.
The second button to the left is for adding constraints related to alignment - where the edges of the views are, what its baseline is and where it is positioned in the X and Y axes:
The third button to the left is used to add constraint related to margins, width, height and how the width and height should change when it is asked to resize (keep the aspect ratio, for example):
The rightmost button is used to let Xcode decide what constraints you should add. And I think most of the times its choices are okay. Sometimes though, you still need to do some tweaking before it works.
"So... what constraints should I add?" you asked.
Well, I think I should teach you how to think when you want to add a constraint. This way, you can figure it out yourself in the future.
You should first let Xcode guess what constraints you want. Just click the rightmost button and click "Reset to Suggested Constraints". This can save a lot of work if Xcode can get it right. So remember to always do this first.
Then, run your app on various devices and see if the view's position, size, and alignment are as you expected. If it is not, you might have to add and/or remove some constraints.
For example, if you found that your view is always the same size on different devices, (that could be bad because it means that some content my go out of view on smaller devices) it's probably because Xcode added a width and/or height constraint to the view. You should delete that so that the view's width and/or height is not fixed.
You can find your view's constraints in the view hierarchy:
Just select the constraint and press delete.
Uncheck Adjust subview option and add
scrollview.view.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
You need to add constraints for your scrollView. Set the leading and trailing constraints to 0. Pin the height of your scrollView and also don't forget to set the top layout constraint. You can either pin the height or add bottom layout constraint to your page control.
Constraints are very important and its even more important to set it correctly. Check the Apple Documentation - Working with constraints in IB
Uncheck constrain to margins and add 0 every one of the four limits of spacing to nearest neighbour.
My guess (from the little information we have) is that you are creating a constraint from your scrollview to the top of your view with a value equal to the height of the navigation bar. Set the value of this constraint to 0.
Just set the 4 constraints to 0 to the area you need and then uncheck the "Content Layout Guides" checkbox in the constraints tab here. It will automatically adjust to the area you have specified.
The checkbox to uncheck

What should I do to make generic size of all UI controls in iOS?

I was trying to practice Auto Layout in iOS, and I started with very simple UI. Please see image for understanding my problem.
All the text files are in middle of screen (I have deliberately kept on guide line), still you can see in preview, controls are not fully shown. I have not chosen specific size. Size is 'Inferred' still I am not able to see all the controls on UI.
I tried both adding and removing Auto Layout, but no luck. What should I do to create generic UI which will work with all the sizes of iPhone and iPad.
This image is without use of Auto Layout.
After enable autolayout and size classes you have to apply autolayout constraints.
Autolayout is a detail topic. Few basic things when applying autolayout is:
UI element need four constraints.
position x
Position y
So you will select first label (Number 1). Then press control and drag to superview. You will be provide options. Select Leading space (This will handle x position)
This is the way you can press control and drag:
Go to size inspector. You can see the constraint.
Press edit and change its value to 25(for test).
similarly control and drag again to superview and select Top space. (This will set y position for label)
This is simple way for the above taken from AppCoda
You can change the value of these constraints according to your need.
UILabel and uitextfield get width and height from their content size. So don't need width and height constraints.
Now when you preview on any device this label will be stick on top left side of screen.
So this is a complete mechanism. You have to apply constraint to every ui element.
Below is a link to very comprehensive tutorial by
At start this tutorial tried to create three views using autolayout. At the end it shows very similar scenario like yours by applying constraints to button and labels.
The problem here is that your constraints are not set correctly to work with every size of iPhone and iPad. You are setting the leading edge constraint to be a fixed size from your view controller's view to the subviews.
The simplest way to solve this issue would be to have a container view that you center in the view controller's view and then use constraints to set 'Center X Alignment Constraint' and 'Center Y Alignment Constraint' to set the container view's center to that of the view controller and then add your subviews to the container view.
As a side note auto layout has a reputation of being hard to learn, you have to put the time in to learn it, I would start with Apple's Auto Layout Guide.

Auto height setting for labels in iOS

I have previously worked in Windows phone and see that every control in windows phone has an Auto property, meaning occupy the size of the content.
I see that in iOS such a property does not exist. When there are dynamic data to be bound to a UILabel, I always need to calculate the height of the data and then assign to the UILabel. This takes a good amount of time and bit painful. Is not there an Auto property or am I missing anything here?
iOS has AutoLayout which is really helpful, get familiar with it.
Click on the Label
Click on the pin constraints button (little square button)
Add your custom LEFT, RIGHT, TOP margins or LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM margins
Click on "Add 3 Constraints"
Set number of Lines to 0 which means as much lines as view needs
Then you probably got warning lines, but you can solve them
Just click on fix constraints button (little triangle button)
Click update frames
Important: the answer to your question is to PUT NUMBER OF LINES TO 0 you can use that UILabel with 0 lines(which is autosizing) with frames and AutoLayout. AutoLayout is just a friendly suggestion that can be helful to setup views. Also put Line Breaking Word Wrap
Here you go also with some useful links for working with AutoLayout. AutoLayout is great because you don't care anymore what size is the screen, what orientation has the device at that moment. You just need to setup everything correctly and everything works amazingly but if your setup is wrong then AutoLayout might become your enemy. So start learning and experiencing right now.
Very good point to Begin learning AutoLayout
If Your are being lazy, start from video tutorial series
Great iOS7+ table view tutorial with autoresizing cells
Also check out this Stack Overflow discussion
You need to familiarize yourself with Auto Layout:
Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the
views in your view hierarchy, based on constraints placed on those
Just give top, left and right constraints and make label's numberOfLines to 0. That's it. Label's height will resize automatically.

ios - UIScrollview w/ autolayout on Xcode 6

I have been struggling for days with this implementation, and even though I have tried to do every tutorial I found on the web, I still cannot make things work the way I want.
Basically, I am trying to put my login form in a scrollview, so that it takes the whole screen at first (and on all iPhones / iPads), and if the keyboard appears everything should move. The problem IS, my view doesn't take the whole screen... Either it is too large, or too high, even though in Interface Builder everything seams correct (from layout to constraints). Below and image of the layout I want to achieve (I am using an universal storyboard, with Size Classes and Autolayout enabled):
Can someone point me out on achieving this layout ?
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest pinning top, leading and trailing spaces of your scroll view to its superview. And set a bottom space constraint less or equal to the keyboard's height if you set it to 0, the scroll view won't be able to resize.
With your form layout set vertical center constraints and top space to superview constraints for your top label being more or equal than the distance you set in the IB, and then you can set relative space constraints between each of the components.
Hope I answered your question.
Edit: Just the provided project and got it working. I think the problem is caused by it being a containerView inside a scrollView. And both the container and the scrollViews content view adapt to the size of its subviews. Because of that, setting relative constraints won't help.
What I did was to set an explicit size (screen's size) to the containerView and setting setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(true) to it.
I modified your project and uploaded it here

Button At Center of iPhone 3.5 and iPhone 4 inch using AutoLayout?

I have simply Drag and button and set Image on it as following
Yet I have not used any CONSTRAINTS. As I run on iPhone 3.5 inch, it shows like below, where Button goes slightly down towards Y-Axis.
I have TWO Questions here to ask.
1. Which Constraints should I add to this Button?
2. Why these constraints are added, Simply I want to know Formula for calculating it.
I would be thankful, If someone comprehensively describe my questions.
Question 1:
This should be pretty easy in IB, using the Alignment Constraints dialog. Click the button, and in the Alignment Constraints, check Horizontal Center in Container and Vertical Center in Container. In the below collage, you can see how this centers the button on both 3.5 and 4 inch displays.
(Don't forget to click the button "Add 2 constraints" :-) )
Question 2:
Not sure what you are after... Formula?
select button
click resolve autolayout issues (bottom right)
add missing constraints
Question 1 & 2:
It is depends on your requirement and layout design.
adding constraints for alignment or spacing, you can also use this menu to resolve layout issues, and determine constraint resizing behavior.
Align. Create alignment constraints, such as centering a view in its
container, or aligning the left edges of two views.
Pin. Create spacing constraints, such as defining the height of a
view, or specifying its horizontal distance from another view.
Issues. Resolve layout issues by adding or resetting constraints
based on suggestions (see “Resolving Auto Layout Issues”).
Resizing. Specify how resizing affects constraints .
