3rd-libraries report errors during compile (using cocoaPods) - ios

After I updated my mac to MAC OS 10.13.4.
Some of pods that I installed using cocoaPods, now could not be compiled properly.
There are errors from these pods when I build my project.
for example:
one of the pods that i used(RaptureXML), keep giving me errors such as
semantic issues
Unsupported: typedef changes linkage of anonymous type, but linkage was already computed
Conflicting types for 'xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler'
I'm sure that the there is nothing wrong with these pods, cocoaPods should be the root cause.
However, after searching online for solution whole day, I found looks like the situation that I have.
I also tried remove and reinstall cocoaPods
But it doesn't work. These Pods still keep giving me errors.
So...is anyone have ideas? or should I reinstall my OS?

I can say that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the OS version since it is working for me. Try a simpler project with different pods.
If that works, then the pods you are using may have some compatibility issues. If it doesn't, you may have to reinstall your Xcode and other developer components.


How to build a working existing react native app on iOS?

So I have an app that I have been working on for a far few months now. I developed it on Ubuntu and tested on my android phone and tablet. The app is setup using the basic react native library and I also added in expo later on for some little thing expo had that I needed. Let me know if you need more information about this.
The app is 'feature complete' and just needs to be play tested and released. So naturally I need to get it up and running on iOS. I am currently renting a mac that I can remote into (as I own no apple products).
It has been nearly a week now and I just cannot move past this error (see bottom) (or variations of what seem to be the same/similar errors). I can build a fresh app on this mac so everything is there to build react native apps. I have tried: Deleting pod and and running
pod install
pod deintegrate && pod install
deleting node modules and running
npm install
Initially I had an error complaining that some libraries were manually linked and this was bad so I unlinked them and now I get this error. I am opening that app using the workspace file when I run in xcode. I also get the error if running through command line i.e.
npx react-native run-ios
Using different simulators makes no difference...not sure if it is even getting that far in the build process for that to matter. I think this has something to do with the linking of RN libraries and this new auto link thing. Any thoughts? There are loads of posts with this error (or close to) that have all sorts of 'solutions', but none seem to make a difference. Overwhelmingly peoples solve this by pod install after deleting pod folder or running the pod deintegrate command. Looking at the error you can see that it prints out loads of libraries some of which I installed and others probably come with my 3rd party libraries, but some look like the core libraries and even low level looking ones that presumably RN is built on (but I honestly wouldn't know).
I was having issues before 'compiling' stuff and again I think it was to do with the linking.
Also, is there a 'react native' support service or something i.e. I pay some who knows apple and will just fix the damn thing for me
ERROR (scroll to the bottom for what is probably the important bit):
I think this has something to do with my podfile: https://pastebin.com/5J7BbG2Q other pod files do not look like mine.

Module Bolts not found

I have xcode version 12.0.1 and version 10.15.7 macOS on my macbook
I keep getting this error, no matter how many times I restart my laptop, xcode, pod deintegrate and pod install, and have cleaned derived data multiple times, to no avail
Please help!
This Issue is related to Parse end. I just got a description from Parse team to fix this and they recommended to use Xcode 11, They accepted that they have an issue with Xcode 12. they are working on it and will update once got this fixed. Reference Screenshot is attached.
Did you see if during your pod install the logs specifically said Bolts was installed?
It should be by default, but it could be missing due to some reason (that would be specified in the logs).
Just to be double-sure, also check if your Cocoapods is in the latest version (1.9.3 as I write this answer).
And last but not least, you can integrate it manually if you need to:
But again, Cocoapods usually would integrate that for you.

Missing Frameworks from Cocoapods after switching computers

I recently switched computers and brought over my project but when I opened the workspace I noticed that all of my frameworks via Cocoapods were missing.
I closed the workspace and went into the folder directory and deleted the current xcworkspace, 'Pod' folder, and podfile.lock file, and ran a pod update and pod install. I also deleted the Derived Data for safety measures. However, after reopening the newly created workspace the frameworks were still missing and I am getting an error saying that functions that are within my frameworks have been renamed.
Can anyone point me to another solution? I feel like I've tried just about everything that I could find on here and what I know. Thanks in advance!
Missing Frameworks
Framework Incorrect Full Path
Function Renamed Errors
The frameworks are probably missing because they've not been built yet, but they will show up the first time you run the project.
The function rename warnings are probably because you're using a newer version of Xcode that is using Swift 4.2 by default. Usually the easiest way to tackle this is to upgrade your Pods to newer versions.

Too many semantic issues. Xcode 8.2.1

I was working on a project before in Xcode 7, it perfectly compiled and ran. When I copied the entire project onto a fresh installed macOS and tried to compile in Xcode 8.2.1 I get these errors. I tried all these links listed below, none of them helped. Is there a fix to this?
Tried Solutions:
Thread 1
Thread 2
I was working on a project before in Xcode 7, it perfectly compiled and ran. When I copied the entire project onto a fresh installed macOS and tried to compile in Xcode 8.2.1 I get these errors.
It appears that your project has external dependencies that you haven't accounted for. It's hard to say what those are without a look at the project, but the header files that Xcode is complaining about (e.g. L2SDKIPCamViewer.h, DGActivityIndicatorView.h, etc.) should provide some clues. Check the original machine to see whether it has a package manager like CocoaPods installed, and if so, which packages are installed. The project's dependencies should be documented in a README file somewhere near the top of the project's file hierarchy, but if the project was developed by you or someone in your organization, or if the developer was just too busy to bother, that might not be the case and you'll have to find and fix the dependencies one at a time.

What is causing Cocoapods/RedditKit to not work with version 0.39?

I've updated to version 0.39 of Cocoapods per the persistent recommendation in the terminal, and I'm using RedditKit, an Objective-C wrapper for the Reddit API in an app I'm playing around with.
It's installed through Cocoapods, and I've never had an issue, but since updating to Cocoapods version 0.39 it will not compile any longer, even in a small sample project such as what's included with the repo.
I keep getting "RKClient.h not found" as the compile error, but the file is very clearly there in the Pods folder - I can command-click it!
Was there a big change in 0.39 of Cocoapods that stops it from recognizing files that it would previously? A syntactical issue in my Podfile? How would I fix this to allow the project to compile? (Note, I cannot just revert Cocoapods to a previous version unfortunately.)
