Triangles Update in Mesh - SharpDX - sharpdx

I'm working with SharpDX C# libraries for DirectX11. I'm following the "Direct3D Rendering Cookbook" to load an external mesh. I need to find intersections between that mesh and a particular ray but here comes the problem. If I load the mesh and then do some operations on the World matrix (translation/rotation) the Triangles list of that mesh, which I use to compute the intersections, is not updated consequently.

the way to deal with ray cast intersection with the original model is fairly straightforward. I will though assume you have a matrix for transformation of the model into the world. What you need to do is create an inverse of this matrix and multiply the ray cast start and end by this matrix. This gives you the ray in the local space of the model (the untransformed version of the model). You then can call your ray cast function to get an accurate location hit. It's one of those unwritten tricks, don't move the model, move the ray, its cheaper and faster to do.


Texture baking with 3Dsmax

I'm struggling with a texture-baking process with 3DSmax software. I have a white 3D mesh with 2 image textures. I'm trying to get a diffusemap (see target_diffuse_map.jpg). To do this, I exectue the following steps:
1) Affect image-texture1 and image-texture2 to face1 and face2 of the objet.
2) Clone the object to get the white colors when baking texture.
3) unwrap UVM.
4) Rendering Texture to obtain the diffuse map.
5) Projection of the texture + white colors on the cloned object.
Please, find these steps on this small video I made:
I obtain a bad sampled and weird diffuse map (please see obtained_diffuse_map.jpg). What I want is target_diffuse_map.jpg.
I'm I forgetting some steps?
Thank you for your help.
You need to either:
Add a small amount of "Push" in the Projection Modifier
Uncheck "Use Cage" in the Projection Options dialog, while setting a very small value for the offset
Projection Mapping works by casting rays from points on the cage towards corresponding model points on your mesh. You did not push the cage out at all, therefore rays are not well defined; rays are cast from a point toward a direction which is the exact same point. This causes numerical errors and z-fighting. The there needs to be some time amount of push so the "from" and "to" points of each ray are different giving them a well-defined direction to travel.
The second option, instead of using the cage defined in the projection modifier, is to use the offset method (you probably still need to apply projection modifier though). This method defines each rays as starting from a point defined by taking the model point of the mesh and moving outward by a fixed offset amount in the direction of the normal. The advantage is that for curved objects with large polygons, it produces less distortion because the system uses the smoothed shading normal at each point. The disadvantage you can't have different cage distances at different points of the model, for better control. Use this method for round wooden barrels and other simplistic objects with large, smooth curves.
Also, your situation is made difficult by having different parts of the model very close to each other (touching) and embedded within each other - namely how the mouth of the bottle is inside the cap and the cap it touching the base. For this case, it might make sense to break the objects apart after you have the overall UV mapping, run projection mapping separately on each one separately, and then combine the maps back together in an image editor.

Reconstructing a non-planar polygon in 3D given a 2d projection and known polygon dimensions

I have a non-planar object with 9 points with known dimensions in 3D i.e. length of all sides is known. Now given a 2D projection of this shape, I want to reconstruct the 3D model of it. I basically want to retrieve the shape of this object in the real world i.e. angles between different sides in 3D. For eg: given all the dimensions of every part of the table and a 2D image, I'm trying to reconstruct its 3D model.
I've read about homography, perspective transform, procrustes and fundamental/essential matrix so far but haven't found a solution that'll apply here. I'm new to this, so might have missed out something. Any direction on this will be really helpful.
In your question, you mention that you want to achieve this using only a single view of the object. In that case, homographies or Essential/Fundamental matrices wont help you, because these require at least two views of the scene to make sense. If you don't have any priors on the shape of the objects that you want to reconstruct, the key information that you'll be missing is (relative) depth, and in that case I think those are the two possible solutions:
Leverage a learning algorithm. There is a rich literature on 6dof object pose estimation with deep networks, see this paper for example. You wont have to deal with depth directly if you use those since those networks are trained end to end to estimate a pose in SO(3).
Add many more images and use a dense photometric SLAM/SFM pipeline, such as elastic fusion. However, in that case you will need to segment the resulting models since the estimation they produce is of the entire environment, which can be difficult depending on the scene.
However, as you mentioned in your comment, it is possible to reconstruct the model up to scale if you have very strong priors on its geometry. In the case of a planar object (a cuboid will just be an extension of that), you can use this simple algorithm (that is more or less what they do here, there are other methods but I find them a bit messy, equation-wise):
//let's note A,B,C,D the rectangle in 3d that we are after, such that
//AB is parellel with CD. Let's also note a,b,c,d their respective
//reprojections in the image, i.e. a=KA where K is the calibration matrix, and so on.
1) Compute the common vanishing point of AB and CD. This is just the intersection
of ab and cd in the image plane. Let's call it v_1.
2) Do the same for the two other edges, i.e bc and da. Let's call this
vanishing point v_2.
3) Now, you can compute the vanishing line, which will just be
crossproduct(v_1, v_2), i.e. the line going through both v_1 and v_2. This gives
you the orientation of your plane. Let's write its normal N.
5) All you need to find now is the boundaries of the rectangle. To do
that, just consider any plane with normal N that doesn't go through
the camera center. Now find the intersections of K^{-1}a, K^{-1}b,
K^{-1}c, K^{-1}d with that plane.
If you need a refresher on vanishing points and lines, I suggest you take a look at pages 213 and 216 of Hartley-Zisserman's book.

3D object transformation to match location

I have a partial mesh (vertices and normals) of a 3d object in world coordinates and also the 3d Model of the object.
How can I best match the location and place the 3D model in place of the mesh?
I know how to match 2 point clouds using methods like ICP in opencv and open3d etc.,
However, I do not know how to go about with 3d objects. Could anyone give a pointer to this?
I solved this by using ICP (point to point / point to plane methods) on two generated point clouds of 3D model and the partial mesh.
I generated one point cloud by re-sampling the 3D model and the second point cloud by re-sampling the partial mesh (libigl). I had to resample to have uniform number of points as ICP gave unstable results, if not.
Hope this helps someone.
P.S.: This was also suggested by #VB_overflow in the comments.

Extrinsic Camera Calibration Using OpenCV's solvePnP Function

I'm currently working on an augmented reality application using a medical imaging program called 3DSlicer. My application runs as a module within the Slicer environment and is meant to provide the tools necessary to use an external tracking system to augment a camera feed displayed within Slicer.
Currently, everything is configured properly so that all that I have left to do is automate the calculation of the camera's extrinsic matrix, which I decided to do using OpenCV's solvePnP() function. Unfortunately this has been giving me some difficulty as I am not acquiring the correct results.
My tracking system is configured as follows:
The optical tracker is mounted in such a way that the entire scene can be viewed.
Tracked markers are rigidly attached to a pointer tool, the camera, and a model that we have acquired a virtual representation for.
The pointer tool's tip was registered using a pivot calibration. This means that any values recorded using the pointer indicate the position of the pointer's tip.
Both the model and the pointer have 3D virtual representations that augment a live video feed as seen below.
The pointer and camera (Referred to as C from hereon) markers each return a homogeneous transform that describes their position relative to the marker attached to the model (Referred to as M from hereon). The model's marker, being the origin, does not return any transformation.
I obtained two sets of points, one 2D and one 3D. The 2D points are the coordinates of a chessboard's corners in pixel coordinates while the 3D points are the corresponding world coordinates of those same corners relative to M. These were recorded using openCV's detectChessboardCorners() function for the 2 dimensional points and the pointer for the 3 dimensional. I then transformed the 3D points from M space to C space by multiplying them by C inverse. This was done as the solvePnP() function requires that 3D points be described relative to the world coordinate system of the camera, which in this case is C, not M.
Once all of this was done, I passed in the point sets into solvePnp(). The transformation I got was completely incorrect, though. I am honestly at a loss for what I did wrong. Adding to my confusion is the fact that OpenCV uses a different coordinate format from OpenGL, which is what 3DSlicer is based on. If anyone can provide some assistance in this matter I would be exceptionally grateful.
Also if anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to ask. This is a pretty big project so it was hard for me to distill everything to just the issue at hand. I'm wholly expecting that things might get a little confusing for anyone reading this.
Thank you!
UPDATE #1: It turns out I'm a giant idiot. I recorded colinear points only because I was too impatient to record the entire checkerboard. Of course this meant that there were nearly infinite solutions to the least squares regression as I only locked the solution to 2 dimensions! My values are much closer to my ground truth now, and in fact the rotational columns seem correct except that they're all completely out of order. I'm not sure what could cause that, but it seems that my rotation matrix was mirrored across the center column. In addition to that, my translation components are negative when they should be positive, although their magnitudes seem to be correct. So now I've basically got all the right values in all the wrong order.
Mirror/rotational ambiguity.
You basically need to reorient your coordinate frames by imposing the constraints that (1) the scene is in front of the camera and (2) the checkerboard axes are oriented as you expect them to be. This boils down to multiplying your calibrated transform for an appropriate ("hand-built") rotation and/or mirroring.
The basic problems is that the calibration target you are using - even when all the corners are seen, has at least a 180^ deg rotational ambiguity unless color information is used. If some corners are missed things can get even weirder.
You can often use prior info about the camera orientation w.r.t. the scene to resolve this kind of ambiguities, as I was suggesting above. However, in more dynamical situation, of if a further degree of automation is needed in situations in which the target may be only partially visible, you'd be much better off using a target in which each small chunk of corners can be individually identified. My favorite is Matsunaga and Kanatani's "2D barcode" one, which uses sequences of square lengths with unique crossratios. See the paper here.

Voxel Animation

I have been able to convert a 3D mesh from Maya into Voxel art (looks like a bunch of cubes--similar to legos), all done in Maya. I plan on using the 3D art to wrap around my 2D textures to make it 2.5D. My question is: does the mesh being voxelized allow me to use the pieces as particles that i can put into a particle engine in XNA to have awesome dynamic effects?
No, because you get a set of vertices and index defining triangles with no information about cubes.
But you can create an algorithm that extract the info from the model. It's a bit hard but it's feasible.
I'd do it creating a 3d grid, and foreach face I'd launch rays from that face to the opposite face, taking every collision with the mesh, getting for each ray a number of collisions that should be pair (0, 2, 4,...), this between two points should have a solid volume.
That way it can be converted to voxels... on each collision it would be useful to store the bones that are related to the triangle that collides, this way you would be able to animate the voxel model.
