How to clear console messages in Capybara (Driver: capybara-webkit) - capybara

I'm using Capybara with the capybara-webkit driver.
I can access console messages with
Is there an easy way to clear the messages, similar to how I would in a live browser?

No there is not (while leaving the page alone), however they do get cleared when the driver is reset (normally between each test)


Javascript tests using poltergeist and capybara accessing internal api

I am using capbara with poltergeist to run my javascript tests and i often get this error, it is trying to access internal api,it is even worse when my internet connection is off as more tests start failing, I am also using vcr and webmock to test external apis. What might the problem be
Failure/Error: visit user_session_url
Request to '' failed to r
reach server, check DNS and/or server status - Timed out with no
open resource requests
Could be a restriction on the app to allow traffic hitting internal API's.
On a side note, PhantomJS is not being actively supported/developed anymore. Consider alternative headless browser solutions. Chrome Headless was suggested by the guy that declared PhantomJS dead.

Changing the value of a session variable in RSpec/Capybara/Selenium

I'm starting to write feature specs for a Rails application using Rspec with Capybara and Selenium to drive the browser.
While executing one of the specs I want to change the value of a session variable. Eg: I want to set session[:user_id]=123 so that I can test features in my application without having to go via the login screen every time.
When using Capybara with the default rack_test driver, the rack_session_access gem works for accessing the session. But it doesn't seem to work when using the Selenium driver.
And yes, this question has been asked before, but no satisfactory answer has been given.
Short answer, you don't. Longer answer, that's completely against the point of feature tests which are meant to be end to end.
That being said, if for performance reasons you want to short circuit the login, most authentication libraries provide a test mode that will allow you to do that - devise via the Warden TestHelpers for instance

How can I use VCR with Rails 5.1 system tests?

Many things on the web seem to suggest that VCR can be used with Capybara.
I have three problems.
This doesn't make much sense to me, because the test driver and the application code don't share memory.
I'm not finding full recipes on how to set this up.
I'm finding bits and pieces of how people have set this up, but it's outside of the context of rails 5.1, which does the capybara setup behind the scenes.
How do I configure a Rails 5.1 app, Capybara, and VCR to work together for system tests?
(My headless browser is phantomjs, driven by poltergeist. But I don't need to intercept requests from the browser, only server-side requests. If I needed to intercept from the browser I would probably use a full http proxy server, like puffing-billy.)
I'm assuming you mean Rails 5.1 since Rails 5 doesn't have system tests.
The copy of the application Capybara runs for testing is run in a separate thread, not a separate process. This means they do have access to the same memory, and loaded classes
There is nothing special required for configuring WebMock or VCR beyond what their READMEs already provide
The setup of Capybara and how Rails handles it is irrelevant to the configuration of WebMock or VCR. Additionally, even when using Rails 5.1 system tests all of the normal Capybara configuration options are still usable.
That all being said, there are a couple of things to be aware of here. Firstly, WebMock/VCR can only deal with requests made by your app (not from the browser which you stated you don't need) and it's generally better to use faked services (if possible) rather than WebMock/VCR when doing end to end system tests since there is less interference with the code under test.
If this doesn't answer your issues, post a question with a specific issue you're having, the code that's causing your issue, and the error you're getting.

Using PhantomJS in Ruby on Rails application

I would like to use PhantomJS as part of my main application lifecycle to take screenshots of a remote URL submitted by the user.
I'm familiar with using Poltergeist in conjunction with Capybara/Rspec. But how would I go about initializing the page object manually?
To initialize a capybara session in your app you can just do something like
session =
( as documented here) and then rather than using page just call Capybara methods on session. One thing to note is that if you're going to test the app with Capybara too you will probably want to register a separate driver for the app and testing - . Also since Capybaras config is not thread-safe changing any of Capybaras setting would potentially affect both the test session and the in app session.
A far better solution may be to setup a separate Node.js service which runs phantom.js - in fact there are quite a few projects that provide a ready made screen capture webserver / console command.
Capybara is a testing tool and invoking a javascript runtime via ruby adds tons of overhead as well as not being thread-safe. The fact that it is not designed to be run in production is also a pretty big concern.
Instead you would simply call your screenshot service via HTTP or by running a shell command from Ruby.
I really like phantomjs in Rails app.
My suggest are using:
watir (
phantomjs (
You can take a screen shot very easy by using follow this:
And if you want to use Page, i thinks you should see PageObject in here:

How to disable console output on Rails 3 development server?

How can I disable the console output on a Rails 3 application?
More specifically, I want to disable at least the Mailer output, that outputs the entire email content, including the pictures, making the action processing much slower (it takes almost 10sec to send an email).
ps: I think the slowdown is because of the output, if it can be from another source, such as slow smtp server (it's gmail atm, so no.) or something else like that please let me know.
By this you mean you want to hide the output shown in the console run you run rails s (or script/server in rails 2)?
Are you on Linux or OSX?
If so, then just do the following
$ rails server 1> /dev/null
this sends all output from stdout into a blackhole.
So right now you are trying to send emails from your dev machine?
I try to avoid this,
as accidents are going to happen
and you'll send clients test data.
Try Mailcatcher
It lets you catch all the emails your app would be sending
shows them off in a nice web interface
and importantly avoids the risk of accidentally sending real emails to customers with random test data.
SMTP server's (even Gmail) response can really take some time. You'd rather use a mail queue that stores all emails in a database and then they are sent by an independent process.
Concerning logger - make sure that your logging level is :error or :fatal. If not, run:
config.log_level = :error
config.logger ='log/development.log')
