Using VLOOKUP with an additional VLOOKUP on FALSE - google-sheets

I am trying to use vlookup in Google Sheets to populate my price data in my inventory database called "Food Inventory". The data I am looking to match is the "description" which is the A column in all three sheets.
I have a price data sheet with a named range pricedata and an Old Price Data sheet with a named range oldprice.
I would like to find the most current price data and if there is no match look in the Old price data sheet.
Here is the formula I am using which is not working:
I would prefer not to use array formulas, if possible.

Almost there but one can't link two VLOOKUPs with just a , in the way you attempted. If the first attempt (in PriceData) fails an error will be returned. This can be used to trigger the second attempt with IFERROR:


Formula for looking up and filtering data from a sheet

I want to do a complex formula using google sheets:
I have a list of place that will be visited by different people.
Some places are not to be visited, marked with /
Some places need to be assigned, marked with ?
Wanted outcome:
A list of cells that changes every day automatic.
An overview of who is going where that day and what needs to be assigned.
So I need a formula that can select a row based on today() and then filter out Persons in that row. Then for each person, another formula that looks up the first row in the table and puts duplicates together.
Wanted outcome:
Link to excel file, but it needs to work in google sheets too: xlsx
My solution is not the most elegant but it does the job.
First I build a column with date and unique persons or ? in this column:
Then I find Places corresponding to these persons (I use filter function for it and then I use textjoin to keep them in single cell).
The formula is copied down as filter function does not accept a range and arrayformula as a filtering criterium.
My solution is available here:

How to apply arrayformula to a series of columns

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet to track membership for an organization.
Basically my design is an input sheet with columns of names associated with expiration dates, then another sheet that collects all the unique names and all of their associated expiration dates, and then one last sheet that filters the names into only those with expiration dates in the future.
I am able to collect all the unique names into one column using an arrayformula, but I am stuck trying to do a lookup operation of some kind that, for each name, will look for the name in each column and if it appears then it will add the associated expiration date to it's list (and otherwise add a blank cell, and then I can filter out the blank cells).
Is there a way to use vlookup or anything else in an arrayformula to do a series of operations for all columns in a range? Also, I want to use arrayformula because I want the formula to be infinite so the spreadsheet can keep growing. I've tried using
But vlookup, and anything else I tried like match, interprets Sheet1!A2:200 as a single range and performs a lookup only in the first column and does not do a separate lookup in each column.
For example, I might have this input on Sheet1
And want this result on another sheet
I suspect the combination of what you would really like and what is reasonably practical is a script but the following is an array formula, though would be cumbersome to extend and does require copying down (from B1):
Assumes a unique list of names in ColumnA, such as created by:
=unique(QUERY({Sheet1!A2:A6;Sheet1!B2:B6;Sheet1!C2:C6},"where Col1 is not NULL"))
in A1.

Compare data google sheets

I am using google sheets and I want to compare the quantity of interactions o a given person in a period of time.
My problem is that between one week and another, the people can change, some people can have no interactions and is not reported and I can have new people.
So I need a formula that allow me to compare the previous period of time but also the name.
I am trying this in order to follow up how the people's behavior is changing.
This is the example spreadsheet.
This is an easy, quick-and-dirty solution using vlookup.
There are two variations. One using a single criteria and one using multiple criteria. has a good article on How to Use VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria in Google Sheets.
Single Criteria: This is the formula.
This involves a cheat by creating a new column A which contains the concatenation of the date and name values for each row. This is a unique value.
The lookup criteria is the (date (B2) plus 1=the next day) and the name.
The lookup range is self-explanatory and the value returned is the Quantity (from column 4).
The vlookup formula is inside an iferror() so that any problems are highlighted.
Multiple Criteria: This uses an array formula.
=ArrayFormula(iferror(vlookup((B2+1)&C2, {B2:B&C2:C, D2:D}, 2, 0 ), "error"))
The vlookup component is very similar to the "simple" formula. The difference is that each criteria 1:(Date plus 1) and 2:Name are recognised separately, and assigned discrete lookup columns (B and C respectively).
Again, the whole thing is wrapped in an iferror statement to highlight any problems.
This spreadsheet shows the workings:

How to get last value of column in multiple sheets and add them together

I'm currently trying to get the last value of Column "D" in several sheets, then add all the values together, then calculate a percentage based on a value from a main sheet cell.
I can get =VALUE(D:D) to work and =VALUE(Animations!D15), but not a combination of both which is what I need (since the size of the column will continue to grow).
It would be best if it was the last numerical value in column D, and not account for blank spaces or strings.
To find the last populated number in a column use Index with an approximate Match to 1E+99.
=index(sheet2!d:d, match(1e99, sheet2!d:d))
The above retrieves the last number in column D on Sheet2.
Google sheets will not process an array of worksheet names through INDIRECT like Excel will but a 'helper' column will take care of that. If you want to hard-code a series of worksheet names into a sum of index/match formulas, then Indirect isn't even necessary.
In the accompanying linked worksheet, I've used this method to retrieve the last number from columns with numbers, text and errors. I've thrown in the 'last number' cell address as well.
Linked spreadsheet

How to Aggregate All Values in a Worksheet for a Particular Unique ID (Google Sheets)

Assume that you have a worksheet that contains two columns: unique_id and variable_a. Assume further that there are multiple values in the worksheet for each unique_id (i.e. multiple rows that start with the same unique_id). Now, my task is to aggregate all of these values by unique_id. Per the recommendation in the comments, I use SUMIF(Sheet1!$A:$A,A2,Sheet1!$D:$D) to pull all of these values. However, some of the cells for variable_a are #N/A. Obviously, this returns a #NA for the SUMIF function as well. How can I edit the SUMIF function so that it does not include these #N/A values since I do not want to filter out and delete all rows containing #NA values in the original spreadsheet?
Sample Worksheet
Output Worksheet
You can use IF function and use Vlookup as a part of it... post the example requirement, I will share you the answer...
enter image description here
You can get from below one
