customs sticks in piecharts using highcharts - highcharts

I am trying to create a piechart using highcharts. And I am facing one problem: The sticks that are denoting the contents are not editable, meaning I am not able to customize it, say giving a different color or make the stick size small/big or thin/thick whatever.
Here is the code. Please help me to resolve.
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'pie'
series: [{
data: [29.9, 71.5],
color: '#000'

You can set colors globally as
colors: ['#058DC7', '#50B432', '#ED561B', '#DDDF00', '#24CBE5', '#64E572',
'#FF9655', '#FFF263', '#6AF9C4'
Or you can override global colors in series
series: [{
data: [{
name: 'Firefox',
y: 44.2,
color: "#fff"
['IE7', 26.6],
['IE6', 20],
['Chrome', 3.1],
['Other', 5.4]
Change size of connector
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
connectorWidth: 20
fiddle demo


remove xAxis label of vertical crosshair in highchart highstock

i have a highstock chart with multiple series, each one has it's own tooltip(shared:false), after hovering mouse, a label appear on xAxis, how to get ride of it?
xAxis: {
crosshair: false
tooltip: {
useHTML: true,
shadow: false,
borderRadius: 0,
borderColor: "transparent",
backgroundColor: "transparent",
borderWidth: 0,
plotOptions: {
series: {
turboThreshold: 0,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: false,
series: [ {
type: "line",
name: series[0].name,
data: [...],
color: series[0].color,
tooltip: {
pointFormatter() {
return `<span>tooltip1:xxx</span>`;
type: "line",
data: [...],
name: series[1].name,
color: series[1].color,
pointFormatter() {
return `<span>tooltip1:xxx</span>`;
in here i put a sample of what i mean and a picture:
js fiddle
From Highcharts API:
split: boolean Since 5.0.0
Split the tooltip into one label per series, with the header close to
the axis. This is recommended over shared tooltips for charts with
multiple line series, generally making them easier to read. This
option takes precedence over tooltip.shared.
To get rid of the header set headerFormat to an empty string.
tooltip: {
headerFormat: ''
Live demo:
API Reference:

How can I get every bar in different colour using Highchart?

The Highchart graph code is shown below I want every bar label color is different. Currently, I'm getting the same color in bar
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'column',
title: {
text: 'Popular '
xAxis: {
max: 20,
type: 'category',
fontSize: '12px'
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Number of applications',
fontSize: '12px'
minorGridLineWidth: 0,
tickLength: 5,
tickWidth: 1,
tickPosition: 'inside',
scrollbar: {
enabled: true
legend: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
pointFormat: 'hi'
series: [{
name: Stats',
data: data,
pointWidth: 25,
Data format is :
"The ram",
The output is shown in the picture I want every bar is in a different color can you help me?
Referring to comments you can set a specific color to a single point by adding a color property programmatically to its object like that:
series: [{
data: [
["Qualcom", 17],
name: "The ram",
y: 12,
color: 'red'
["Aoperty", 8],
["Ob.", 8],
["Sugh", 8]
color: '#2ecc71'
API reference:
If you want to add a specific color to a point when a condition is matched you can loop through each series point in chart load event and update a matched point:
chart: {
type: 'column',
events: {
load: function() {
var chart = this,
series = chart.series[0];
series.points.forEach(function(point) {
if ( === 'The ram') {
color: 'red'
API reference:
You need to set colorByPoint :true to use different colors like that
series: [{
name: 'Stats',
data: [
"The ram",
colorByPoint: true,
pointWidth: 25,

Highcharts population pyramid opposite x axis not labeled correctly when using axis type 'category'

I adapted the highcharts population pyramid ( as follows:
I omitted the option "categories", instead used the option "type: 'category'" and added the categories to the data series. I want to do this because the data comes as a tuple from a file. Unfortunately, the right-hand x-axis is not labeled correctly. I want the right hand x-axis labeled same as the left one. Is this possible without using the option "categories"?
Here is the jsfiddle:
chart : {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'bar',
height: 480,
xAxis : [{
type: 'category',
reversed: false,
}, { // mirror axis on right side
type: 'category',
opposite: true,
linkedTo: 0,
reversed: false,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return Math.abs(this.value) + '%';
plotOptions: {
series: {
stacking: 'normal'
series: [{
name: 'Male',
data: [
['0-4', -2.2],
['5-9', -2.1],
['10-14', -2.2],
['15-19', -2.4],
['20-24', -2.7],
['25-29', -3.0],
['30-34', -3.3],
['35-39', -3.2],
['40-44', -2.9],
['45-49', -3.5],
['50-54', -4.4],
['55-59', -4.1],
['60-64', -3.4],
['65-69', -2.7],
['70-74', -2.3],
['75-79', -2.2],
['80-84', -1.6],
['85-89', -0.6],
['90-94', -0.3],
['95-99', -0.0],
['100 +', -0.0]
}, {
name: 'Female',
data: [
['0-4', 2.1],
['5-9', 2.0],
['10-14', 2.1],
['15-19', 2.3],
['20-24', 2.6],
['25-29', 2.9],
['30-34', 3.2],
['35-39', 3.1],
['40-44', 2.9],
['45-49', 3.4],
['50-54', 4.3],
['55-59', 4.0],
['60-64', 3.5],
['65-69', 2.9],
['70-74', 2.5],
['75-79', 2.7],
['80-84', 2.2],
['85-89', 1.1],
['90-94', 0.6],
['95-99', 0.2],
['100 +', 0.0]
You need to set the right xAxis for the second series:
series: [{
// xAxis: 0 by default
name: 'Male',
data: [
}, {
name: 'Female',
xAxis: 1,
data: [
Live demo:

Highcharts 3d Pie Data Labels

The data labels when using 3d Pie Chart displays in an incorrect manner.
I only have two slices and most of the times, the labels of one slice ends up being in the space of other slice. See
I do want to use the distance property so it does not show labels outside of the pie chart.
This is my code -
$(function () {
chart: {
type: 'pie',
options3d: {
enabled: true,
alpha: 65,
beta: 0
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
plotOptions: {
pie: {
allowPointSelect: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
depth: 35,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '{}'
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'Browser share',
data: [
['Firefox', 10.0],
['Chrome', 90]
Please suggest how the labels can be shown on the respective slice.

Set Opacity Pie Chart Highcharts

How can I set the opacity for the fill color in the pie chart? I am using the highcharts js library. See code below:
$(function () {
chart: {
backgroundColor: 'none',
type: 'pie',
title: {
text: 'Health'
plotOptions: {
series: {
borderWidth: 0,
fillOpacity: 0.1,
colors: ['#50B432', '#ED561B', '#DDDF00', '#24CBE5', '#64E572', ],
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'Browser share',
data: [
['Firefox', 45.0],
['IE', 26.8],
['Safari', 8.5],
['Opera', 6.2],
['Others', 0.7]
A bit of a JS newbie, so please be kind. Thanks!
I'll be kind. You can specify the color in rgba format with the fourth parameter being the opacity. See 'Chrome' below:
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'Browser share',
data: [
['Firefox', 45.0],
['IE', 26.8],
name: 'Chrome',
y: 12.8,
sliced: true,
selected: true,
color: 'rgba(150,100,50,0.1)'
['Safari', 8.5],
['Opera', 6.2],
['Others', 0.7]
Here's a working fiddle:
The above solution works fine if you know what color you wish to assign to the slice. But if the color is picked from a palette which is generic, there is no way to give the opacity. It always takes 0. For example:
{colors: [my palette]},
type: 'pie',
data: [1, 2, 3]
In the above case if I set series: [{fillOpacity: 0.5}] it is not honored.
The only option I see is that the palette should have the colors in rgba format. This may not be possible since my palette is a generic palette. Is there any other way in which I can set the opacity of the slices in a pie chart.
