PC wakes up automatically only for a few minutes(I need more time) - jenkins

I set up Jenkins to run some jobs(It runs 10 minutes) at night. In that time PC is already went sleep. Thats why i set up Task Scheduler:
Triggered every days. Actions cmd.exe/c"exit". This think wake up PC only for two minutes, but i need 10(and more in the future). Do you mind helping me solve this problem?


Job taking forever to cancel

I have had this issue two times these days when I try to cancel a Dataflow job : it is taking forever to cancel.
last thursday it took almost 9 hours to cancel and now another job is stuck for 2 minutes.
Is it not possible to kill a job directly ?
What can explain such a behaviour ?
This is a new issue having to do with the size of the job and ensuring clean shutdown. We're investigating a few approaches to make shutdown faster.

Run a Rails job at precise time (accurate to the second)

I'm making an application that needs to run a job at extremely precise intervals of time (say 30 seconds, maximum acceptable delay is +-1 second).
I'm currently doing so using an external Go application that polls an API endpoint built within my application.
Is there a way that I could run the task on a worker machine (eg a Heroku dyno) with delays less than one second?
I've investigated Sidekiq and delayed_job, but both have significant lag and therefore are unsuitable for my application.
Schedule the job for 60 seconds prior to when you need it run. Pass in the exact time you need the job executed, as a parameter. Then, run sleep until Time.now == exact_time_down_to_the_second?

All background jobs failing with max concurrent job limit reached - Parse

I have a background job that runs every minute and it has been working fine for the last few weeks. All of a sudden when I log in today, every job is failing instantly with max concurrent job limit reached. I have tried deleting the job and waiting for 15 minutes so any job running currently can finish but when I schedule the job again it just starts failing every time like before. I don't understand why parse thinks I am running a job when I am not.
Someone deleted my previous answer (not sure why). This is and continues to be a Parse Bug. See this Google Group for other people reporting the issue (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/parse-developers/_TwlzCSosgk/KbDLHSRmBQAJ) there are several open Parse bugs about this as well.

How to run jobs longer than 24 hours on Heroku?

How can we run background jobs that take longer than 24 hours on Heroku? Since every dyno is killed once a day it seems impossible, even if I have a dedicated worker dyno to handle it. Is writing my job in a way that it'll continue from where it stopped when was killed the only way?
Ideally you want to break that long job up into a number of small jobs that can be handled independently. What exactly are you doing that takes more than 24 hours?

How to run a scheduled task at specific times?

I need to run a scheduled task every day at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. How can I do this? I looked into PeriodicTask but it runs once every 30 mins. How do I achieve this task?
You can't. However, you can check if the time is close to 9am/6pm when the Scheduled Task is running every 30 minutes. The furthest off you'll get is 29 minutes.
Consider using a Reminder instead.
you can use the scheduled notification of Alarm in windows phone os7.1.
check here:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh202946(v=VS.92).aspx
