Rollup throws an error with the argument flag when using a custom config - rollupjs

I'm trying to use a custom config file
rollup --environment NODE_ENV:dev -c rollup.d3.config.js
Rollup successfully passes the argument into the config file.
But it throws a warning in the command line:
(!) You have passed an unrecognized option
Unknown input option: options. Allowed options: acorn, acornInjectPlugins, cache, context, entry, experimentalCodeSplitting, experimentalDynamicImport, experimentalPreserveModules, external, input, moduleContext, onwarn, perf, plugins, preferConst, preserveSymlinks, treeshake, watch
Is this the expected behavior? Am I writing the command the wrong way somehow? Whether I put the -c or --environment first, the same error throws.

Rollup is expecting one of the options mentioned in "Allowed options" but based on the error, it looks as if you're adding a property called options, which rollup doesn't know what to do with.
If you have a variable called options whose contents you would like to merge with the rest of the configuration, you could use Object.assign:
const rollupConfig = {
// ...
const options = {
// ...
export default [Object.assign(rollupConfig, options)]


dart-define not working when running a standalone Dart program

I have a single file Dart program - let's say main.dart. I'm trying to provide some compile time environment values to it using --dart-define=env=env_value but in the Dart program, I'm always getting the default values.
This is what my Dart program looks like
void main() {
const myValue = const String.fromEnvironment("MY_VALUE", defaultValue: "DEFAULT");
print('My value: $myValue'); // Always prints "DEFAULT"
This is the command I'm using to run my program
dart main.dart --dart-define=MY_VALUE=SOME_VALUE
Now, when I include the exact same code from above in a Flutter app and run it with the below command, everything seems to work as expecetd but for some reason the above program always prints DEFAULT as the output on console.
flutter run --dart-define=MY_VALUE=SOME_VALUE
Is there something I'm missing when it comes to providing these values in a Dart program? I'm running macOS if that helps in any way.
If you type:
dart --help --verbose
It will give you the list of supported flags.
Usage: dart [<vm-flags>] <dart-script-file> [<script-arguments>]
Executes the Dart script <dart-script-file> with the given list of <script-arguments>.
Supported options:
--define=<key>=<value> or -D<key>=<value>
Define an environment declaration. To specify multiple declarations,
use multiple instances of this option.
So it appears that the flag you want is --define or -D, rather than --dart-define. Also note that this is considered a "vm-flag" and must come before the file name in order to work.
Therefore the following command should work:
dart --define=MY_VALUE=SOME_VALUE main.dart

Gradle 6.3 Docker Palantir Plugin: No signature of method: build_8uxeoxw0v35xxabibl49jhru8.docker()

Below is my build.gradle
plugins {
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.3.1.RELEASE'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.9.RELEASE'
id 'java'
id("com.palantir.docker") version "0.25.0"
id("com.palantir.docker-run") version "0.25.0"
apply plugin:"com.palantir.docker"
docker { //line 50
name = "dev/${}:${version}"
tag("name", "dev/${}:${version}")
buildArgs(["name", "${}"])
dockerfile file('Dockerfile')
dockerRun {
name = "${}"
image = "dev/${}:".plus(version)
AM getting the below error during the gradle build
Build file 'build.gradle' line: 50
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'currency-conversion-service'.
> No signature of method: build_8uxeoxw0v35xxabibl49jhru8.docker() is applicable for argument types: (build_8uxeoxw0v35xxabibl49jhru8$_run_closure5) values: [build_8uxeoxw0v35xxabibl49jhru8$_run_closure5#249d76b5]
is this a bug? or am I doing anything wrong?
is this a bug? or am I doing anything wrong?
The latter :P
The annoying thing about Groovy closures in the Gradle DSL is that when you reference something that doesn't exist, it does not always show the exact location of the error.
For instance, everything in the {} block for the docker method could in theory be correct, depending on what context it is executed in. However, when you run it, Groovy says the block isn't valid for the docker method, but doesn't tell you why.
I found that the best way to find the offending line is to just start commenting them out one-by-one until compilation succeeds (though it might fail on other things, which is fine).
In your case, you are passing an array to buildArgs where it really should be a map. To fix it, change it to buildArgs(["name": "${}"]) (notice the colon instead of the comma).

Apache Beam exception when running wordcount example

I think I followed very step on the document, but I still ran into this exception. (the only different is that I run this from Eclipse J2EE, but I won't expect this really maters, doesn't it?)
Code: (I didn't write this, it's right from the beam project example). I think you'd have to specify a google cloud platform project and provide the right credential to access it. However, I didn't find anywhere in this example project that does the setting up.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a PipelineOptions object. This object lets us set various execution
// options for our pipeline, such as the runner you wish to use. This example
// will run with the DirectRunner by default, based on the class path configured
// in its dependencies.
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
// Create the Pipeline object with the options we defined above.
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
// Apply the pipeline's transforms.
// Concept #1: Apply a root transform to the pipeline; in this case, TextIO.Read to read a set
// of input text files. TextIO.Read returns a PCollection where each element is one line from
// the input text (a set of Shakespeare's texts).
// This example reads a public data set consisting of the complete works of Shakespeare.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to validate gs://apache-beam-samples/shakespeare/*
at org.apache.beam.sdk.runners.PipelineRunner.apply(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline.applyInternal(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline.applyTransform(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PBegin.apply(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline.apply(
at google.dataflow.beam.example.MinimalWordCount.main(
Caused by: Unable to match files in bucket apache-beam-samples, prefix shakespeare/ against pattern shakespeare/[^/]*
at org.apache.beam.sdk.util.GcsUtil.expand(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.util.GcsIOChannelFactory.match(
... 8 more
Caused by: 400 Bad Request
"error" : "invalid_grant"
at org.apache.beam.sdk.util.GcsUtil.expand(
... 10 more
Try to run it From command Prompt if using Windows.
Go to the folder containing pom.xml file and open cmd there.
then give command with the respective arguments.
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount -Dexec.args=" --output=counts" -Pdirect-runner
If you want to run with your input file. Then make a txt file with any name and put it in the folder containing pom. And then Fire following Command.
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount -Dexec.args="--inputFile=YOURFILENAME.txt --output=counts" -Pdirect-runner**
Hope this will do. Rest i am looking into your issue

Make shell aliases declaratively depend on packages

In NixOS, definitions of shell aliases can be defined inside the configurations.nix file like so:
environment.shellAliases = {
"my_some_cmd" = "some_cmd -flag 123";
This gets assigned even when the referred command (here: some_cmd) is not available in the system. Say, this command is included in a package. So it would be desirable to declare that the alias should only be assigned if the package is installed.
How could that be done? Would I have to just work with an wrapping if-statement or are there other ways to archive this?
If the if statement is the way to go, how could that be implemented?
You can bypass the need to install the package by using the full path to the command, example:
environment.shellAliases = {
"colored-tree" = "${pkgs.tree}/bin/tree -C";

How to achieve precompiler directive like functionality

I'm developing an angular app, and it's recommended to use generated code for a lot of things running in production, namely template caches, expression caches, and a static DI injector. There's currently no nice way to switch between different build configurations, so I'm using the pattern recommended here:
In lib/main.dart you can see initializer-prod.dart file being imported, which has initializer-dev.dart counterpart. Switching between those two file will allow you to switch between prod and dev modes. You will need to run the generator script before using the prod mode.
This results in the following import:
//import 'initializer_prod.dart' as init; // Use in prod/test.
import 'initializer_dev.dart' as init; // Use in dev.
As you can see, switching the import is a manual process. Is there a better, more automatic way to achieve this?
I see two possibilities (haven't tried any of these myself yet)
one is to use a transformer (see also Pass custom parameters to a dart application when using pub serve to run it)
Compile-time dead code elimination with dart2js
Recently a feature should have been added that pub build allows adding an environment variables using a command line option (like dart2js's -d)
log(String msg) {
if (const String.fromEnvironment('DEBUG') != null) {
print('debug: $msg');
main() {
log('In production, I do not exist');
Some links about transformers:
Can We Build It? Yes, We Can!
Assets and Transformers
Day 992: Search and Replace Dart Transformer to Hide from Polymer
Dart Transformers for Polymer Cleanup
Pub transformers
Document user-defined transformers
I was able to configure dart2js options in pubspec.yaml like
- $dart2js:
commandLineOptions: [-DDEBUG=true]
DEBUG: "true"
suppressWarnings: true
terse: true
They are validate and pub build fails if an unknown option is provided or if it's not the expected format (yaml list for commandLineOptions, yaml map form environment)
BUT String.fromEnvironment() didn't get a value
According to this issue, this is supported:
Passing in arguments to dart2js during pub build
I filed a bug How to pass options to dart2js from pubspec.yaml
I tried it and it is working now:
transformers: # or dev_transformers
- $dart2js:
environment: { PROD: "true" }
access it from the code like
main() {
print('PROD: ${const String.fromEnvironment('PROD')}');
// works in the browser
// prints 'PROD: null' in Dartium
// prints 'PROD: true' in Chrome
see also Configuring the Built-in dart2js Transformer
Another way is to use assert to set variables.
assert is ignored in production.
