PushNotification options for c# server to iOS device - asp.net-mvc

Is it possible to use OneSignal to create a native PushNotification to an iOS device from an asp.Net server? What's the difference between OneSignal and PushSharp? Is the difference that I would have to setup OneSignal on my mobile app instead of just allowing the app to hit endpoints on my server to register/unregister for pushNotifications(Which I was planning to use PushSharp for)
The webapp is currently being hosted on Azure, so the notification hub is an option too. But would the communication hub make me be tied down to azure?(Say I wanted to host my webapp on a different service and maybe change the server code to node)
On mobileApp startup, I'd like to send a request to the server to register the device token. It'd be best if I didn't have to config the app.
edit: I also contacted OneSignal with questions, I'll report back with any findings.


Is it possible to call MDM web service through iPhone code?

I have to access MDM commands to my device. Without using local server can I access MDM commands through mobile service call ?
From the abow link, service call is in Shell. Can I use this for iOS service call from device? How to convert the URL to swift language?
My understanding from the below link , that only through local web service device can use MDM commands. If manually call MDM commands from mobile web service to MDM server that won’t help.
Reference link:
How to develop mobile device management application in iOS
If this is the flow, anyone know how exactly the process will be ?

Turn web app into iOS app with push notification

I developed a web application for a customer.
Web users can login and have their private account.
The application manager want to send "push" notification to users connected on iOS mobile devices.
Since I cannot achieve this feature with a simple web applications but I don't have resources to develop a native iOs application, the question is:
Is there a simple way to create an iOS "wrapper" to my web application and enable push notification for that app?
It will just be a webView pointing to my web application?
I'll be grateful if somebody can point me to resources, skeleton apps, alternative solutions, etc.
The kind of app you are talking about would be rejected from the app store due to the poor value aported in comparison to your website. This is part of the policy apple applies for a while now.

iOS Push Notification not sent from server (Jetpack)

I'm implementing an iOS application to manage my self-hosted website. My app make use of the many features already built for WordPress-iOS app, but it has differences and extra features.
One of the problem I'm currently having is that push notification was not sent from Jetpack (WordPress.com server) to Apple's APNs, because I'm not getting any notification on my device. I have already registered successfully my device token with Jetpack during app launch.
My problem could be the certificate key (.pem) file not getting uploaded to Wordpress.com (which I do not have access). Is this the reason why I'm not receiving any push notification to my iphone?
Additionally, I'm not getting any result on the NotificationsViewController. I do not have Simperium account setup yet. Could that be my problem for getting no results in NotificationsViewController?
Many thanks.
Sorry about the delay!. For the time being, i'm afraid that WordPress iOS doesn't support 3rd party apps integrations with its Notifications stack.
Meaning that if you'd like to handle Push Notifications support, you'd need to implement a WordPress.org plugin to handle the APN message delivery.
As per the Simperium side, there is no 3rd party app support -at least for now!- due to security restrictions.
If there's anything we could help you with, you may find us on the WordPress Slack (#mobile channel!).

Push Notifications in Blackberry

I developed a Blackberry Native application and now the client want notifications even when the device is turned-off. After a few searching, Blackberry Push Service seems the way to go, but i have some concerns:
Blackberry Push Service is a free or paid service?
What are the library requirements on the client side? Do I need additional libraries or it only work with Blackberry SDK?
How are the notifications sent? Do I need to build an additional application for that? The client has IIS servers, so I wanna know if it is possible to build such an application in .NET.
Have any one tried Urban Airship? Seems like a simpler way to accomplish the task.
RIM charges for Push services based on how much data you are pushing through their servers, and for delivery confirmation. If your customer base is small, and the push data requirements are modest they won't charge anything.
When you register to start a push service they will send you sample code but there are no additional library requirements.
Push notifications are XML documents that are POSTed to a RIM 'web' server. There are a number of services you must provide to the client for registration and push control. The standard way of doing this is again with a 'web' server that RIM and the client device communicate with. When you register RIM will send you a sample server module designed to run in Apache TomCat, but I (and others) have replicated the necessary capability on Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP servers (LAMPS). I don't see any reason you could not implement this on IIS but I have no experience with IIS. (I put 'web' in quotes because this server may, but does not have to, serve any web pages in the traditional sense. The push service uses HTTPS as the transport protocol.)
I don't even know what that is.
If your client is running a BES then they already have everything they need to push to the client and get delivery confirmation without any additional cost. JP Mens published a very good article on using the BES MDS server to push data to clients from a LAMPS machine.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for push notifications on iOS?

Amazon Web Services have an SDK for iOS which supports the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).
Does this mean it would be possible to use SNS to send push notifications to a running iOS app? So for example you could make an real-time instant messaging app.
Is this right, or have I misunderstood what SNS does? It just seems to me that you would need to open a connection/socket in order to recieve push notifications from your server. How does the SDK actually work?
I've since asked this question on the AWS Mobile Development Forum: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=81089&tstart=0
Apparently there is an article coming out (probably here: http://aws.amazon.com/articles/SDKs/iOS) shortly to explain everything.
Update 2
The article: http://aws.amazon.com/articles/9156883257507082
According to Apple documentation "Local notifications and push notifications are ways for an application that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has information for them.".
So, technically speaking, any data, including notifications, received when the application is running in the foreground are not "Push Notifications" and can't be a reason for rejecting the application. They're simply data being consumed that way or the other by the application.
In this specific case you are not asking about Push Notifications per Apple's documentation, rather about a technology used to deliver data to the application when the application is running and user is interacting with it. It happens that the name Amazon SNS is similar to Push Notification.
In any case Apple wouldn't be able to see what is the technology behind delivering data to your application, whether it is Amazon SNS or anything else. All they can see is that the application may have some additional ports open when it's running, and that of course would be absolutely legal. In fact, many applications communicate with their back-end servers using sockets (not HTTP requests), and that is the same technology as used by Apple to deliver their Push Notifications.
According to the Amazon documentation, they in turn uses the APNS method and provide a much simpler frontend for Apple, Android and Kindle. A realtime instant messaging app could be considered as workable since by using the Amazon SNS platform, you could even consider the application to be available for all.
I mean by utilizing the Amazon SNS, the communication could be done between iOS and Android devices and to kindle also provided the applications are written accordingly. Though the Amazon documents do not provide a comprehensive example, there are bits and pieces. Also there is an upcoming event on the Aug 29 which could be seen from the Amazon SNS page.
