NPM 'prestart' script equivalent in Flutter - dart

In a package.json file (which is basically the Node version of Flutters pubspec.yaml) You have a scripts section where you can add your own custom scripts. Normally with a node project you'll have a start script that will kick off the build and, well, start the project. In flutter you have flutter run.
In my flutter project I'm using the json_serializable package that generates the code that I use when serialising my objects to JSON. Right now I have to have two terminal windows open:
Tab 1
Runs flutter packages pub run build_runner watch that does the code generation and watches the file system.
Tab 2
Run flutter run that runs the project with hot reloading.
So it would be great if you had something like Nodes prestart in pubspec.yaml where I can run the code generation automatically when I run flutter run

There currently is no such thing in Dart. You can create your own Dart or shell scripts in tool/ that runs your builder_runner command detached (in the background) and the flutter run command in the foreground.
you can start this just using tool/run.dart
However with build becoming mature and pub serve/pub build being deprecated I assume the Dart team is thinking already about making this a more pleasant experience.


How to run in Dart 2

In Dart 1.x, there was a command, that you could trigger e.g. from grinder.dart. But this line works no longer:;
How can I replace it and run build command of my web app from Dart code?
pub build is no longer supported in Dart 2.
You need to run pub run build_runner build.
I'm not sure if there are new APIs for Grinder, though.
I fixed it by calling webdev build directly

Build flutter app for desktops

I saw a few peoples managed to build flutter apps for other OS than the usual Android/IOS
My question here is simple : How ? What is the current process to build a flutter app for mac/windows ? There's no need for it to be production ready. Something experimental is enough
For those wondering how to :
There's an example using openGL to render a flutter app
Run a Flutter project in Desktop
Step 1:
For Flutter to run on Desktop, we must be on the master channel, with the latest release. So run from cmd,
flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
Step 2:
Then we have to enable flutter desktop support.
Step 3:
Then clone this repo and cd example directory.
Step 4:
Then replace the lib folder inside the example directory with our existing code, and replace the pubspec.yaml file, with our existing one.
Step 5:
Then run from terminal
flutter packages get
flutter run
You can find more info here.
You can check this link out
Still not stable but does a good job of rendering flutter apps on desktop
Here's something I found useful, it is currently in alpha version but does the job by enabling us to develop Mac and Windows apps in Flutter :
For those who want to know the current state(2021), here is the startup project to help you test It for MacOS, Linux, Windows. The project heavily modified from official ci to build cross-platform easily. You might want to check the ci.yml If you want to build on certain platform without github-action.
In additional, go-flutter is also a valid option, that used go-lang and openGL to achieve cross-platform features.
If you want to know the difference between official and go-flutter, here is the issue about the details.

Retrieving a library at build time in Xcode

My project uses a dynamic library, and I wish to retrieve that library at build time in my iOS build, via a Run Script phase.
Unfortunately it appears Xcode takes a snapshot of your project before my Run Script phase is reached.
If the library was already present, the previous version is used, not the latest.
I could run the script separately before beginning the build, however I would like to minimise the number of steps required to include a new version of my library.
Is it possible to run a script before Xcode makes its copy of the project for building?
Yes I am aware this is an odd thing to do, thanks.

Deploying Angular Dart component with canvas via shadowRoot: what is missing?

I have an angular dart application with a component using canvas via a shadowroot. This runs fine with Dartium, "run as javascript" and pub serve. However when I run pub build and launch the html file in build/web, the component does not appear. The code is at
Should I be using some special transformers, or do something different to build as against serve?
I tried your project and it appears to be working fine.
What I have done in the past is run pub build and hit the built file in dartium and that will not work. So you have to hit the build file from chrome proper. So if I load .../mathlets/build/web/mathlets.html in chrome it works fine.
The reason for this is because pub build is the release build, which does not copy any of the dart files. However the index file still has the check if dart is enabled than try to use dart files. Well in dartium dart is enabled but the build doesn't have the dart files. In chrome dart is not enabled so then that 'packages/browser/dart.js' file dynamically writes the mathletes.dart.js to index and launches the app that way.
If you want to work around this and improve performance of the release build at the same time you can use this transformer:
We are using this also. Ensure it's the last transformer run though, if it's before the angular transformer there are problems.

Dart Package Management via dart2js

I'm learning Dart and its dependency manager pub and am having a tough time seeing the "forest through the trees" here.
Say I want to use Polymer.dart in my project. So, in my project root, I create the following pubspec.yaml:
name: test_dart
description: A sample web application
browser: any
polymer: ">=0.9.0 <0.10.0"
I then run pub get, which goes to the pub repo and fetches the browser and polymer dependencies that I've specified. It then creates a packages directory in my project root, which now means I have a project that looks like:
...all the packages that ship with Polymer
Now I start coding my Dart web app (myapp.dart), which will references various Polymer and browser types/functions/etc. in its source code.
When I'm all done, I want to create a JavaScript file called myapp.js.
According to the dart2js docs, I need to run something like:
dart2js --out=myapp.js --package-root=??? myapp.dart
How do I include all the browser & polymer packages on the buildpath?
There is a "pub build" option now.
Use pub build when you’re ready to deploy your web app. When you run
pub build, it generates the assets for the current package and all of
its dependencies, putting them into a new directory named build.
$ cd ~/dart/helloworld
$ pub build
Building helloworld......
Built 5 files!
If the build directory already exists, pub build deletes it and then creates it again.
That should do everything you are after here. You can also launch it from the IDE by right clicking on the pubspec.yaml file and choose "pub build"
EDIT: You should also see the links in zoechi's answer.
If you run dart2js from your MyDartProject directory you don't have to provide --package-root parameter.
An alternative way is running pub build. If you use Polymer you need to add a transformers section.
see also
How to deploy a Dart Polymer app to Javascript using dart2js
How do I pass multiple entry_points to polymer transformer in pubspec.yaml?
