Cortana - OAuth2 Redirect URL Configuration not changing - oauth-2.0

I'm currently implementing an OAuth2 authentication using Microsoft Bot Framework and Cortana as one of my channels. However, as I was setting up my OAuth2 configuration with the following details in where I properly set the Redirect URL both from Knowledge Store and
Knowledge Store:
Whenever I authenticate to Cortana based from the OAuth2 that I've configured, the redirect URI seems to be always set as Here's a screenshot of the http request from Cortana Authentication that I got from fiddler:
Which causes this error message:
Any idea how to fix this?

Don't forget that the bot channel (in this case Cortana) needs to be where the redirect points to. Cortana's redirect is
Documentation here. You can test OAuth via botframework and the emulator. In that case, the redirect is Documentation here. If you look at the diagram in the spec on page 10, you'll see that Cortana is the client. The auth call needs to come back to her. You also need to let the auth server know that the redirect URL is allowed. For Microsoft login, you go to the app dev portal, select your app, go add a "web platform" and register the redirect urls. That should solve the problem on both ends.


Generating Credentials Auth Error - redirect_uri

I'm receiving an Authorization error when attempting to generate an authorization code:
Error 400: invalid_request
You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's
OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure.
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details
comply with Google policies. redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
I've used this Google tutorial to replicate and confirm the issue:
It is generating this URL:[HIDDEN]&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&[HIDDEN]&prompt=consent&access_type=offline
Here is a workaround provided by jdtoth on Github:
Thanks jdtoth!
I found a workaround for creating a new user. In my case, I needed to
create a specific type of API credential. Here is what I did:
Create a new OAuth Client credential using the link below, ensuring
the application type is "Web application" and set Authorized Redirect
URIs to "http://localhost"
Download the key, and create the user in the Assistant Relay appas you
tried before. When it opens a new browser window to authorize the
google account, you might need to bypass a warning. After you do this,
a blank browser window will open but the address bar will contain the
auth code you need. Grab the code from the relevant part of the URL
here and paste it back into the Assistant Relay app:
Let me know if this works. I am successfully sending commands to the
Assistant Relay server but nothing is playing on my speakers.

Find out who invited my bot the server using OAuth redirect uri

Before someone marks this question as duplicate,
Yes I know audit log is a thing.
No I won't use it because it requires permission.
Yes it's easier to find out server owner
No I need to know exactly who invited my bot
I want to:
Find out who invited my bot the server (user-guild id pair) using invite link redirection.
I read about the OAuth2 API but didn't quite undertstand it due to my lack of background knowledge.
All I understand is that bot invite links can have redirect uri,
and some infos are transfered to it after authentication.
Is it possible to get user/guild id from this?
I tried:
Setting up http server using python -m http.server,
add my IP to redirect uri list in dev page & generate a invite link containing redirect to my IP.
But I didn't get redirected to my http server after inviting my bot using that link,
and nothing got printed on the http server console either.
Things to note:
A. Don't reveal your client secret or your bot token for any purpose. If you do so, immediately regenerate them from the developer portal.
B. Code and token have different meanings in the answer below.
C. This is not for absolute beginners and you are expected to have a general understanding of web requests(specifically GET and POST requests). You might also need to host the site handling redirect URL.
D. This does not cover security issues in any shape, way or form.
In the bot tab of the developer portal, enable the REQUIRES OAUTH2 CODE GRANT option. This prevents the bot from joining a server unless step 4 is completed.
Then use the OAuth tab to generate an OAuth URL with identity and bot scopes. This is important to get user info in step 5.
When someone visits the URL, logs in, and selects a server, they are redirected to your redirect URL. This URL receives a single-use code as URL parameter ie the URL will be <base_url>&code={code}<other stuff>. It is up to you (and probably outside the scope of any SO answer; google is your friend here) to set up a web server and handle requests.
This code can then be used to get a token. This link explains how to exchange code for token. It involves sending a post request with your application's client id and secret. Both are available from discord's developer portal. The response will also have information about the guild along with the token in fields "guilds" and "access_token" respectively.
Send a get request to with a header containing Authorization: Bearer ${token} where the token is obtained in step 4. The response is in JSON format and contains user data specified here. Note: The link above is for the latest API version v9 which may change in future versions.
It is possible to manually modify the URL to remove identity scope from URL. The bot would still join the server as long as you make a request to exchange the code for the token. In this case, the request to /users/#me would fail and you would have no access to the user object. It should be easy to make the bot leave the server if the request fails with the status code corresponding to unauthorized.

Onedrive/Azure API Code Flow for authentication sends me to my redirect url, but does not give me a code attached to the url
I have followed this step to a tee, login with success, get redirected, and there is no code with the redirect url as the tutorial promises.
The following link is my version with the credentials.
I get taken to this page and sign into an account under the same namespace. Login view
After signing into a proper login, all I get in return is redirected to my redirect URI with no code attached to the end like the tutorial says I should. All I need is access to 3 files on my onedrive, but I can't seem to make it past OAuth2. Here is what I get redirected to.
From first look it seems that the redirect_uri is wrong. This should be the endpoint where you receive the authorization code and then exchange it for the rest of the OAuth process.
I work with Pathfix and we solve the problem of OAuth token management using a serverless infrastructure.
To summarize, here is what your url should look like
redirect_uri=https://your endpoint
An additional note on the scope. Note above that the scope definition for token should be as I have specified above
It all works the same. I just made sure my app was open to all tenants and replaced the .com with .us in all links but the redirect uri. Hopefully, this helps someone else. For example, my data is on a sharepoint, but the microsoft graph api works the same for all accounts with a difference in .us, .com, and few others.

Unable to enable google oauth2 with devise

I'm trying to enable OAuth via google. I've configured that callback URL but when trying to authenticate I get an error saying
The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client
I set Authorized JavaScript origins to and the redirect to
I'm using devise 4.3.3
I would aim to trace HTTPS messages so that you can see exactly what is being sent over the wire - use a tool such as Fiddler or Charles.
Standard messages for a Web UI look like those from my write up. Google messages will be equivalent.
Hopefully this approach will enable you to resolve your own problem. If not then please update your question with full HTTP message details

Oauth2.0 Google API token issue - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

I have trouble creating a Google API OAuth2.0 token though following all the steps here: [OAuth2 Authentication](
When trying to create the token through the OAuth2.0 playground:
OAUTH 2.0 playground
I end up with this error:
Discussion on similar threads tried to give some guidance but without any luck in my case.
Add in the authorized domain list of your app's OAuth consent screen.
Click on the application for which you want to configure for the next step:
Make sure to also add '' in the Authorized JavaScript origins and '' in the Authorized redirect URIs[click 'save' below once added]:
You are applying your own client id and client secret to Oauth2 playground you are also using browser credentials.
For browser credentials to work it must be able to return the token to an endpoint that can handle it and that endpoint (Redirect uri) must be registered in the Google Developer console for that project.
if you check your first picture under the check box you clicked
You will need to list the URL as a valid redirect URI in your Google APIs Console's project. Then enter the client ID and secret assigned to a web application on your project below:
Try adding that URL as it says.
