How to impliment assertion on total avg value of each script rather than each thread in JMeter? - jenkins

Which assertion has to be use to check latency,throughput,received & sent bytes and error rate ?How to impliment assertion in total avg value of each script in JMeter to automate?

JMeter per se doesn't provide this functionality so you can go for one of the following approaches:
AutoStop Listener is capable of automatically stopping the test if one of the following metrics exceeds defined thresholds:
Response Time
Error Rate
If you are running your test in Jenkins you can use Performance Plugin to mark build as failed or unstable basing on various metrics
And finally you can run your JMeter test via Taurus having very powerful and flexible pass/fail criteria subsystem so if there will be a clash between expected and actual metrics it will basically return non-zero exit code which you can use in shell scripts or Jenkins freestyle jobs and/or pipelines.


parameterized remote trigger for multiple parallel calls

I am not sure whats the best way to implement multiple parallel calls in Jenkins remotely.. Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
How to get the build number for the multiple parallel calls (2-10 multiple calls) to the Jenkins Server for a parameteried job if it gets triggered remotely. One requirement is there will be no change in the build parameter. The development team is using tool/python program to invoke 50 POST calls in that case how do we track the build number.
Scenario -- I have a freestyle parameterized job with Enable concurrent build if necessary box checked for this job Sequential call for with same build parameters request when initiated remotely, we see build number using https://jenkinsurl/queue/item with filtering out the build number and then https://jenkins url/build/Consoletext -- This works
Scenario 2 -- Same request with no change with parameters when triggered multiple times more than 2 calls we can see the build number /Consoletext for the first call and later ones were unable to track with the build number.
Sorry, I am a beginner and trying to implement multiple parallel calls. My Jenkins job is configured to run a python script on the Jenkins server that will return success along with work id and other responses that the dev Team needs for further processing.
When the team triggers API remotely 50 times, only for the first call we see the build number/full response from the ConsoleText for the rest of the calls we don't see any build number. I don't see any failures also in Jenkins. FYI This is a free-style parameterized job concurrent build option enabled.

Any easier way to flush aggregator to GCS at the end of google dataflow pipeline

I am using Aggregator to log some runtime stats of dataflow job and I want to flush them to either GCS or BQ when the pipeline completes (or each transformer completes).
Currently I am doing it by beyond using Aggregator also creating side output by utilizing tupleTag at the same time and flush the side output PCollection.
However i am wondering whether might there by any other handy ways to flush the aggregators themselves directly?
Your method of using a side output PCollection should produce semantically equivalent results to using an Aggregator. (For example, both Aggregators and side outputs will not include duplicate values when a bundle fails and has to be retried.) The main difference is that partial results for Aggregators are available during pipeline execution in the monitoring UI and programmatically.
Within Java, you can use PipelineResult.getAggregatorValues(). If you get the PipelineResult from the [non-blocking]DataflowPipelineRunner, that will let you query aggregators as the job runs. If you use the BlockingDataflowPipelineRunner, blocks and you won't get the PipelineResult until after the job completes.
There's also commandline support: gcloud alpha dataflow metrics tail JOB_ID

Can I use Jenkins performance plugin with 'errors only' results file?

I'm using Jenkins to start a jmeter performance test that sends thousands request over one hour.
To avoid storing lots of report data for each successful request and send it all over the network I only log errors on my View Results Tree element.
I was planning on using that errors only file to decide whether the test passed or failed.
But by using Jenkins Performance Plugin it reports that 100% of the tests failed (of course, because all of the requests on that file were related to errors).
Is there a way of using this plugin (or any other) to achieve my goal?

How to parse JMeter test report in Jenkins?

I am using JMeter do API test, and also integrated with CI tool Jenkins.
Now I want to parse the JMeter test report in Jenkins. But I don't need performance test report.
I need the report to list total number of cases, how many cases passed and how many cases failed.
Anyone have this solution?
JMeter was designed for performance testing, and the world of performance testing still heavily relies on human interpretation of test results. Therefore "case" or "test" is not natively supported by JMeter. However, you group your requests under transaction controller(s) and use "generate parent sample" option. This should make the transaction controller and all requests it groups effectively a "test" and either pass or fail it as a whole.
Now, the other question is how to get number of executed and failed "tests". Currently jmeter-maven-plugin can provide information about number of JMX files processed and number of failed "cases". I doesn't provide information about total number of "cases" which were exected. There is a pull request opened which will improve it - reports will contain number of JMX files processed, total number of tests executed and number of failed tests.
The functionality you are looking for is currently provided by Lightning. It will parse JMeter output and report total number of transactions and number of failed transactions.
You could use Performance Plugin (
Also you could save execution log file, download it after test execution and open it in some JMeter listener (e.g. Summary report). There you will see all the report data:
export OUTPUT=/jenkins/userContent/Load_tests
jmeter -t testscript.jmx -l $OUTPUT/results.jtl
echo "Download a log file http://<url of your Jenkins>/userContent/Load_tests/results.jtl"

How to display jMeter assertion results in the performance report in Jenkins? What constitutes an error in the performance report?

I have installed the jMeter plug-in for Jenkins and I can see the performance report based upon the jtl file that my jmx file generates. In my jmx file, I have several Response Assertion listeners. Based upon the jtl file that it generates, the assertion responses are false. However, when I look at the performance report in Jenkins, it is showing 0 in the percentage of errors. My first question would be, what constitutes an error in the performance report? And secondly, how can I see which of the response assertion listeners returns false in the performance report in Jenkins?
What constitute an error in the performance report is determined by the percentage of errors that the samples find
To see what the error is go to
last build->Peformance Report
you should see a listing of all of the samples in your jmeter test plan and the results
Then select the sample name and you should see a the results for the sample taken
