How to limit bandwidth to a set of hosts - openwrt

I'd like to limit bandwidth to a set of local hosts by adding an appropriate config to my router.
IIUC I can limit the bandwidth like I want with:
tc qdisc add dev $IF root tbf burst 1mb rate 100kbps
Except that this affects all machines connected to $IF, whereas I only want some of them to be affected. I figured that I can tag the relevant packets with something like:
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j CLASSIFY \
--dst --set-class 1:10
However, the missing part I can't figure out is which classful scheduler to use on $IF, and how to add a tbf queue for those packets of the 1:10 class.
[ BTW, I see someone voted to close this question. Any idea why? Would there be a better place to ask such questions? ]


Get bytes count using iptables when having a Docker host

When I want to count the number of bytes getting out a Linux system through a particular port I can use iptables, adding a specific rule that can be checked whenever I need.
For instance lets imagine that I need to know how many bytes go out through port 22. I can add the following rule:
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22
And when I need to know the answer to my question, I run:
iptables -L -nvx
Or if I need just the bytes:
iptables -L -nvx | grep :22 | awk '{ print $2 }'
My problem is that if that system is running Docker, the iptables are changed as explained here and I can't get the desired effect (if I repeat the process above I always get 0 bytes even knowing that was traffic on that port).
Can someone please explain how can I obtain the same bytes count in this case?

How to monitor and log networking latency between group of docker containers?

I have a setup of 10 docker containers from different immages in a swarm on 3 machines. I need to monitor and log network latency / packet delays between each container. Is there a right tool for it?
I can implement something like
while true; for host in "${my_hosts[*]}"; do ping -c 1 "$host" > latency.log; done done
and launch it on each machine, tailing latency.log to monitor like Prometheus. But it feels like reinvensing a square wheel.
I hope i understand what you need , Im implementing something like this myself .
I tested netdata with prometheus and graphana and metricbeat\filebeat with elastic and kibana
we choose to use elastic (ELK stack) because in the same DB you can handle metrics and textual data .
hope i gave you some directions .
What I have at the end is a setup that:
Shares hosts between containers by volume,
Measures latency feeding hosts to fping,
Writes fping output to log file,
Serves this log file to Prometheus by mtail.
I've implemented wrapper around fping to let it work with mtail:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# It wraps `fping -lDe` to give output for multiple hosts one line at time (for `mtail` parser)
# Default `fping -lDe` behavior produce X lines at time where X = number of hosts to ping
# This waits for hosts file with `# docker` section as described in usage guide
echo "Measuing time delays to docker hosts from '$1'"
# take hostnames after '# docker' comment line
hosts=$(cat $1 | sed -n '/# docker/,$p' | sed 1,1d)
trap "exit" INT # exit loop by SIGINT
# start `fping` and write it's output to stdout line by line
stdbuf -oL fping -lDe $hosts |
while IFS= read -r line
echo $line
And there is mtail parser for the log file:
gauge delay by host
gauge loss by host
# [<epoch_time>] <host> : [2], 84 bytes, <delay> ms (0.06 avg, 0% loss)
/\[(?P<epoch_time>\d+\.\d+)\] (?P<host>[\w\d\.]*) : \[\d+\], \d+ \w+, (?P<delay>\d+\.\d+) ms \(\d+\.\d+ avg, (?P<loss>\d+)% loss\)/ {
Now you can add fping and mtail to your images to let it serve delays and losses metrics for Prometheus.

Docker stat network traffic

I want ask 2 question about docker stats
for example
container_1 1.52% 11.72MiB / 7.388GiB 0.15% 2.99GB / 372MB 9.4MB / 0B 9
in this situation net i/o statement 2.99GB / 372MB
how much time reflected in that?
for one hour? or all of time?
and how can check docker container network traffic for an hour or minute?
i would appreciate if you any other advice.
thank you
This blog explains the network io of the docker stats command
Displays total bytes received (RX) and transmitted (TX).
If you need finer grained access, the blog also suggests to use the network pseudo files on your host system.
$ CONTAINER_PID=`docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Pid }}' $CONTAINER_ID`
$ cat /proc/$CONTAINER_PID/net/dev
To your second part: I'm not aware of any build-in method to get the traffic over the specific period, others might correct me. I think the easiest solution is to poll one of the two interfaces and calculate the differences yourself.

I am running DPDK packet Gen application. The application does not find any ports by itself and even If I try to add one it doesnt work?
This is the pktgen dpdk application. The screenshot in that link shows how ports are configured. But For me it doesnt configure at all. I am looking for help as a beginner
First, as you may know, pktgen is an application that use the DPKD framework, thus, you should have bind at least one NIC to DPDK. Check the documentation about DPDK: DPDK building instructions. You should see your NIC correctly bound with this command:
# path/to/DPDK/tools/ --status
Then, you can run pktgen. The ports you want to use are specified with the -p option (It's a specific pktgen option so it's after the --). It's a port mask, so for instance, if you want only the first port (port 0) you can use -p 0x1.
Then, the -m option permit you to choose which core will handle which DPDK port. The syntax is not really obvious, I suggest you to read the doc of pktgen about this option: pktgen command line options.
For example, to be short, the option -m "[1:3].0" says you want that CPU core 1 handle "RX port 0", and CPU core 3 handle "TX port 0".
A simple command line for pktgen, if you use only one port running on two cores could be:
./app/pktgen -c 0x7 -n 3 -- -p 0x1 -P -m "[1:2].0"
In that case CPU core 1 and 2 (possible because of the "-c 0x7 option") will be used to handle respectively RX and TX of port 0 (configured with "-p 0x1"). Note that -P is for promiscuous mode.

Inform me when site (server) is online again

When I ping one site it returns "Request timed out". I want to make little program that will inform me (sound beep or something like that) when this server is online again. No matter in which language. I think it should be very simple script with a several lines of code. So how to write it?
Some implementations of ping allow you to specify conditions for exiting after receipt of packets:
On Mac OS X, use ping -a -o $the_host
ping will keep trying (by default)
-a means beep when a packet is received
-o means exit when a packet is received
On Linux (Ubuntu at least), use ping -a -c 1 -w inf $the_host
-a means beep when a packet is received
-c 1 specifies the number of packets to send before exit (in this case 1)
-w inf specifies the deadline for when ping exits no matter what (in this case Infinite)
when -c and -w are used together, -c becomes number of packets received before exit
Either can be chained to perform your next command, e.g. to ssh into the server as soon as it comes up (with a gap between to allow sshd to actually start up):
# ping -a -o $the_host && sleep 3 && ssh $the_host
Don't forget the notify sound like echo"^G"! Just to be different - here's Windows batch:
C:\> more pingnotify.bat
ping -n 1 %1%
sndrec32 /play /close "C:\Windows\Media\Notify.wav"
C:\> pingnotify.bat localhost
One way is to run ping is a loop, e.g.
while ! ping -c 1 host; do sleep 1; done
(You can redirect the output to /dev/null if you want to keep it quiet.)
On some systems, such as Mac OS X, ping may also have the options -a -o (as per another answer) available which will cause it to keep pinging until a response is received. However, the ping on many (most?) Linux systems does not have the -o option and the kind of equivalent -c 1 -w 0 still exits if the network returns an error.
Edit: If the host does not respond to ping or you need to check the availability of service on a certain port, you can use netcat in the zero I/O mode:
while ! nc -w 5 -z host port; do sleep 1; done
The -w 5 specifies a 5 second timeout for each individual attempt. Note that with netcat you can even list multiple ports (or port ranges) to scan when some of them becomes available.
Edit 2: The loops shown above keep trying until the host (or port) is reached. Add your alert command after them, e.g. beep or pop-up a window.
