Avoid UITableViewCell updating content when scrolled - ios

I've found some similar questions already on SO, but nothing that seems to address this specific problem.
I'm using a UITableView with around 25 dynamic cells. Each cells contains a hidden UIProgressView. When the user taps on the download button within the cell to download that item, the UIProgressView is displayed and it indicates the progress of the download.
I've achieved this by assigning a tag to each cell which is equivalent to its corresponding downloadItemID. Each instance of MyCell has its own progressBar property.
This works fine as long as the table view is not scrolled during the download. It works also when the user is downloading multiple items at the same time. The code looks like this:
UIProgressView *theProgressBar;
for (MyCell *cell in self.tableView.visibleCells)
if (cell.tag == downloadItemID) theProgressBar = cell.progressBar;
float progressPercentage = (float)completedResources / expectedResources;
[theProgressBar setProgress:progressPercentage animated:YES];
The problem is that when the user scrolls the table view, the cell and progress view are transferred to another cell. It's simple enough to reset and hide the progress view for the new cell, but when the original/downloading cell is scrolled back into view, no progress is visible.
I've tried caching active progress bars into a dictionary and reallocating them back to the original cell in cellForRowAtIndexPath, but this is giving me the same result: no visible progress after scrolling the cell off and on the screen. Even if I can get them to show up, I'm doubtful I can get this to work seamlessly by rolling my own caching method.
What I need is to keep cells in memory. But can I work around dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier? This whole problem has arisen because I had to switch to a dynamic system of allocating the cells, but it is too dynamic. Can I create the cells dynamically, but keep them in memory all the time once created, or at least keep the ones that are currently downloading?
(I understand the reasons why cell reuse is the preferred way to go with table views.)

You are working against the framework. As vadian says in the comment, you need to separate the logic and state information from the cells and put them elsewhere.
Here is one way of doing it.
Create a class to hold each download state, like a download ongoing flag, download progress, title, URL, etc.
In your view controller, create and add all your download objects to an array when the view controller is created. The first object corresponds to the first row in the table.
Whenever you dequeue a cell, populate it with data from the array. The NSIndexPath row property serves as the index into the array.
All your updates (download progress) updates the download objects in the array, then update the cell content using the updated object. You can use UITableView cellForRowAtIndexPath to get the cell for a specific array index, if you get nil there is no need to update it.


Getting the data of all TableView Cell which all has TextFields in it (including the hidden views)

I'd like to get every data that is within all cells in one tableview which is quite a long list.
I'm looking for an approach on how to retrieve everything including those hidden in view, which I know the views are reused. I think some of you might have experienced this problem before, what are your approach on this?
I've tried
let cells = self.tableView.visibleCells
then looping into every cell and saving each data to an array but it is not effective in getting those that aren't part of the view or hidden. Is there a way to get over this?
In cellForRowAtIndexPath, YOU are telling the table what is in each cell. So why would you turn around and ask the table what's in each cell? If the user puts "Hello" in your first cell, then scrolls the table enough to push that first cell out of view, then when the user scrolls back to the top, YOU are the one telling it to put "Hello" back in that first cell. YOU own the data source, not the table.
You need a data source. That can be "empty" at first, maybe an array of empty strings if that's what you want (each index in the array could map to a table row for example). But then, as the user interacts with the text fields in the cells, you need to update that data source with the text they entered.
You should use that data source as your source for the cellForRowAtIndex method. That way you can handle populating the cells when they are requested by the table, and you also know all the data when the user is done.
Why not just update the model each time the user taps a key when editing a textfield? You could create a protocol for that cell subclass and make your view controller the delegate for each cell. As long as cells are guaranteed to stay on the screen while you're typing (you'll get some weird behaviors if not) the cell can send a message to the view controller or whatever you hook it up to telling it what new value to store. Then everything is already stored for you when you need the full list, and you don't have to interact with the tableview.

Is there a way to directly access UICollectionView elements without reloading?

I have another question open where I'm trying to figure out how to reload the collectionView without auto-scrolling. I was also realizing there are a lot of other situations where I will need to change things in the collection view. Also I have some items that I will want to change the .alpha on and change the text of. Is there a way to do all of this in Swift? For example (to be specific) if I have a collection view with a view in each cell and that view has a textField in it, can I change the alpha and text, (change alpha with animation even) without reloading entire table?
Look at the documentation for UICollectionView. There are several "reload" methods:
If you just want to reload a single item, update your data source's data and then call reloadItems(at:) passing in the index path for the item.
Another option, if a cell is currently visible, is to use the cellForItem(at:) method to get a reference to an existing cell. Then you can directly access UI components of the cell as needed. You should also update your data model as needed so if the user scrolls and comes back, the cell will be rendered properly.
Most appropriate where you can update your custom view of a particular UIcollectionViewcell is reloadItemsAtIndexPaths.
You would be handling a particular item than whole collectionview with reloadData.
You can handle it via notifications or some call backs in your code where you can make decision when to update which cell.
Hope it will help you.

How do I perform cell selection animations while using reloadData?

I have a UICollectionView, and I override setSelected in the UICollectionViewCell subclass to perform a little bounce animation when the user selects the cell.
The problem is that on selection of the cell, the very selection of the cell alters the data for the other cells (for instance, imagine the other cells have a label in each one that has the amount of cells selected displayed). So I call collectionView.reloadData() so that all the other cells update as well to show the new data (for instance, the amount of cells selected in a label).
However, this reloadData() call seems to reset the UICollectionView completely. Any animations taking place are stopped and the cells are simply updated without animation.
How do I have the cell selection animation, and update the other cells at the same time?
I've tried calling reloadData() only after the animation has completed, but this makes it look like there's lag/delay in updating the other cells (as it doesn't update them until a moment after when the animation finishes), which doesn't look very good.
Similarly, I've tried calling reloadItemsAtIndexPaths: (and exclude the selected cell that will animate), but for whatever reason with collection views this method seems really slow. Like there's a noticeable amount of lag after pressing it.
What should I be doing here? What's the standard for reloading data without the collection view destroying in-progress animations?
Reloading throws away the existing cells and creates (or reuses) new ones. So any animation is inherently destroyed. So, don't reload.
Instead, update your data model as usual and then get the currently visible index paths and associated cells and directly update those cells.

Preserving cell properties between cells while using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier

My application is a feed based application (think Instagram). Actually, it is very similar to Instagram - the difference is that instead of a picture, there is a swipeable, paginated view with different objects (link to demo):
The swipeable functionality originates from this class: https://github.com/nicklockwood/SwipeView
In my UITableViewController class I am trying to remain efficient with my memory by implementing tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier. The problem this creates is that as you scroll and cells are being dequeued, the reusable nature of the cells carries over old data. My problem is that I want to preserve which object in the SwipeView a user had swiped to while still implementing tableview.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier. The property of the SwipeView that deals with this is currentItemIndex. This manages which item is currently centered in the SwipeView. Naturally, each SwipeView in the feed should remember its own currentItemIndex, however dequeueing cells carries over the old currentItemIndex from the cell that is being reused. This can be reset: cell.swipeView.currentItemIndex = 0 while setting up the new (reused) cell, however then the old cell loses its currentItemIndex when it gets reused. Video of original problem: http://youtu.be/CXTHyvF3adI (see how the old currentItemIndex is transferred between SwipeView cells) Video of problem when currentItemIndex is reset when a cell is reused: http://youtu.be/VBw8Rm-s5Qk (see how the SwipeView cells don't remember which item they were swiped to) Does anyone have an idea on how I can accomplish this? Thanks to all in advance!
That is what PrepareForReuse method is for

Graphical glitches when adding cells and scrolling with UITableView

I am using a UITableView to display the results of a series of calculations. When the user hits 'calculate', I add the latest result to the screen. When I add a new cell, the UITableViewCell object is added to an array (which is indexed by tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:), and then I use the following code to add this new row to what is displayed on the screen:
[thisView beginUpdates];
[thisView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:newIndexPath] withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
[thisView endUpdates];
This results in the new cell being displayed. However, I then want to immediately scroll the screen down so that the new cell is the lowermost cell on-screen. I use the following code:
[thisView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:newIndexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];
This almost works great. However, the first time a cell is added and scrolled to, it appears onscreen only briefly before vanishing. The view scrolls down to the correct place, but the cell is not there. Scrolling the view by hand until this invisible new cell's position is offscreen, then back again, causes the cell to appear - after which it behaves normally. This only happens the first time a cell is added; subsequent cells don't have this problem. It also happens regardless of the combination of scrollToRowAtIndexPath and insertRowsAtIndexPath animation settings.
I've now started inserting cells at the second-to-last position of the table, rather than the end, and the problem still occurs - when first inserted, a cell is 'invisible' until it goes offscreen and comes back on again. What could be causing this, and how can I force the cell to be drawn as soon as it is added to the table?
You're having problems because your updating the table without updating the data model backing it. Tables don't actually know how many rows they have nor what cells to display. They depend on the datasource and the delegate to tell them these things. Your design expects the table itself to track them.
insertRowsAtIndexPaths: is intended to be used for moving existing rows around a table, not for adding entirely new logical rows. When you insert an entirely new cell, the tableview looses track of how many rows it actually has.
Before you display a new row, the first thing you should do is update the values returned by:
– numberOfSectionsInTableView:
– tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
... to reflect the addition of the new rows. This will allow the table to understand how big it is.
Then you need to update cellForRowAtIndexPath: to return the correct cell for the added row. Then you need to reload the table.
After you've done that, you should be able to scroll the tableview to the end and have the cell display properly.
The important thing to remember about tables is that they are dumb. The table itself holds no data, doesn't know how many sections and rows it has or what order the rows and sections come in. All the logic about data, sections, rows, cells and cell contents comes from the datasource and/or the delegate. When you want to change a table, you actually change the datasource and/or the delegate and then the table will reflect those changes automatically.
Upon rereading the parent, I see that your putting the actual UITableViewCell objects in your data array and that you have one cell for each row.
This is not how tableviews are supposed to work and this will not scale beyond a few dozen rows at most.
Tableviews are intended to be an illusion that allows you display a lOGICAL table which has an arbitrary high number or rows. To that end, it only keeps enough UITableViewCell objects alive to cover the visually displayed area in the UI. With a default cell height of 44 pixels this means a tableview will never have more than 9 cell objects at a time.
Instead of eating memory holding cells that are not displayed, the tableview lets the delegate dequeue a cell that has scrolled off screen, repopulate it with the data of another LOGICAL row and then display it in a new position. This is done in cellForRowAtIndexPath:
You really need to start over here with your design. Your data needs to be kept separate from the user interface objects. You don't want to have more cells alive at anyone time than absolutely necessary because your memory use will balloon and your response time will degrade. Your current problem is the result of this unusual design.
When you've done that, you can add the result row as outlined above.
Try to scroll with some time shift after cell update via NSTimer or performSelector:withDelay:. It can help but to fix all problems I think there need to do more work.
The glitches may be caused because a UITableView considers itself the owner of any UITableViewCell instances it is displaying, and reuses them as needed. Part of that process is calling prepareForReuse on the cell. Since you are keeping the cells in an array, you do not want them reused. Try implementing an empty prepareForReuse in your UITableViewCell class. Or just create cells dynamically in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: as apple recommends.
I used what Skie suggested to avoid the problem in the following way:
Immediately after adding the row:
[self performSelector:#selector(scrollToDesiredArea:) withObject:newIndexPath afterDelay:0.4f];
This called the following:
-(void)scrollToDesiredArea:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
UITableView *thisView = (UITableView*)self.view;
[thisView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];
The delay of 0.4s seems to be sufficient to avoid the glitching; any less and it still happens. It may have to be different on varying models of iPhone hardware, though - I only tested on emulator.
