Weights becoming "NaN" in implementation of Neural Networks - machine-learning

I am trying to implement Neural Networks for classifcation having 5 hidden layers, and with softmax cross entropy in the output layer. The implementation is in JAVA.
For optimization, I have used MiniBatch gradient descent(Batch size=100, learning rate = 0.01)
However, after a couple of iterations, the weights become "NaN" and the predicted values turn out to be the same for every testcase.
Unable to debug the source of this error.
Here is the github link to the code(with the test/training file.)

In my case, i forgot to normalize the training data (by subtracting mean). This was causing the denominator of my softmax equation to be 0. Hope this helps.

Assuming the code you implemented is correct, one reason would be large learning rate. If learning rate is large, weights may not converge and may become very small or very large which could be shown NaN. Try to lower learning rate to see if anything changes.


Training Sparse Autoencoders

My dataset consists of vectors that are massive. The data points are all mostly zeros with ~3% of the features being 1. Essentially my data is super sparse and I am attempting to train an autoencoder however my model is learning just to recreate vectors of all zeros.
Are there any techniques to prevent this? I have tried replacing mean squared error with dice loss but it completely stopped learning. My other thoughts would be to use a loss function that favors guessing 1s correctly rather than zeros. I have also tried using a sigmoid and linear last activation with no clear winner. Any ideas would be awesome.
It seems like you are facing a severe "class imbalance" problem.
Have a look at focal loss. This loss is designed for binary classification with severe class imbalance.
Consider "hard negative mining": that is, propagate gradients only for part of the training examples - the "hard" ones.
see, e.g.:
Abhinav Shrivastava, Abhinav Gupta and Ross Girshick Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online Hard Example Mining (CVPR 2016).

Why does different batch-sizes give different accuracy in Keras?

I was using Keras' CNN to classify MNIST dataset. I found that using different batch-sizes gave different accuracies. Why is it so?
Using Batch-size 1000 (Acc = 0.97600)
Using Batch-size 10 (Acc = 0.97599)
Although, the difference is very small, why is there even a difference?
EDIT - I have found that the difference is only because of precision issues and they are in fact equal.
That is because of the Mini-batch gradient descent effect during training process. You can find good explanation Here that I mention some notes from that link here:
Batch size is a slider on the learning process.
Small values give a learning process that converges quickly at the
cost of noise in the training process.
Large values give a learning
process that converges slowly with accurate estimates of the error
and also one important note from that link is :
The presented results confirm that using small batch sizes achieves the best training stability and generalization performance, for a
given computational cost, across a wide range of experiments. In all
cases the best results have been obtained with batch sizes m = 32 or
Which is the result of this paper.
I should mention two more points Here:
because of the inherent randomness in machine learning algorithms concept, generally you should not expect machine learning algorithms (like Deep learning algorithms) to have same results on different runs. You can find more details Here.
On the other hand both of your results are too close and somehow they are equal. So in your case we can say that the batch size has no effect on your network results based on the reported results.
This is not connected to Keras. The batch size, together with the learning rate, are critical hyper-parameters for training neural networks with mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which entirely affect the learning dynamics and thus the accuracy, the learning speed, etc.
In a nutshell, SGD optimizes the weights of a neural network by iteratively updating them towards the (negative) direction of the gradient of the loss. In mini-batch SGD, the gradient is estimated at each iteration on a subset of the training data. It is a noisy estimation, which helps regularize the model and therefore the size of the batch matters a lot. Besides, the learning rate determines how much the weights are updated at each iteration. Finally, although this may not be obvious, the learning rate and the batch size are related to each other. [paper]
I want to add two points:
1) When use special treatments, it is possible to achieve similar performance for a very large batch size while speeding-up the training process tremendously. For example,
Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD:Training ImageNet in 1 Hour
2) Regarding your MNIST example, I really don't suggest you to over-read these numbers. Because the difference is so subtle that it could be caused by noise. I bet if you try models saved on a different epoch, you will see a different result.

Loss not decreasing - Pytorch

I am using dice loss for my implementation of a Fully Convolutional Network(FCN) which involves hypernetworks. The model has two inputs and one output which is a binary segmentation map. The model is updating weights but loss is constant.
It is not even overfitting on only three training examples
I have used other loss functions as well like dice+binarycrossentropy loss, jacard loss and MSE loss but the loss is almost constant.
I have also tried almost every activation function like ReLU, LeakyReLU, Tanh. Moreover I have to use sigmoid at the the output because I need my outputs to be in range [0,1]
Learning rate is 0.01. Moreover, I have tried different learning rates as well like 0.0001, 0.001, 0.1. And no matter what loss the training starts at, it always comes at this value
This shows gradients for three training examples. And overall loss
tensor(0.0010, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.1377, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.1582, device='cuda:0')
Epoch 9, Overall loss = 0.9604763123724196, mIOU=0.019766070265581623
tensor(0.0014, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.0898, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.0455, device='cuda:0')
Epoch 10, Overall loss = 0.9616242945194244, mIOU=0.01919178702228237
tensor(0.0886, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.2561, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.0108, device='cuda:0')
Epoch 11, Overall loss = 0.960331304506822, mIOU=0.01983801422510155
I expect the loss to converge in few epochs.
What should I do?
It's not really a question for stack overflow. There's a million things which could be wrong and it's usually not possible to post enough code to allow us to pinpoint the issue, and even if it were, nobody could bother reading that much.
That being said, there are some general guidelines which often work for me.
Try reducing the problem. If you replace your network with a single convolutional layer, will it converge? If yes, apparently something's wrong with your network
Look at the data as you feed it as well as the labels (matplotlib plots, etc). Perhaps you're misaligning input with output (cropping issues, etc) or your data augmentation is way too strong.
Look for, well..., bugs. Perhaps you're returning torch.sigmoid(x) from your network and then feeding it into torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits (effectively applying sigmoid twice). Maybe your last layer is ReLU and your network just cannot (by construction) output negative values where you would expect them.
Finally, I've personally never had much success training with dice as the primary loss function, so I would definitely try to get it working with cross entropy first, and then move on to dice.
#Muhammad Hamza Mughal
You got to add code of at least your forward and train functions for us to pinpoint the issue, #Jatentaki is right there could be so many things that could mess up a ML / DL code. Even I moved recently to pytorch from Keras, took some time to get used to it. But, here are the things I'd do:
1) As you're dealing with images, try to pre-process them a bit ( rotation, normalization, Gaussian Noise etc).
2) Zero gradients of your optimizer at the beginning of each batch you fetch and also step optimizer after you calculated loss and called loss.backward().
3) Add a weight decay term to your optimizer call, typically L2, as you're dealing with Convolution networks have a decay term of 5e-4 or 5e-5.
4) Add a learning rate scheduler to your optimizer, to change learning rates if there's no improvement over time.
We really can't include code in our answers. It's up to the practitioner to scout for how to implement all this stuff. Hope this helps.
#MuhammadHamzaMughal since you are using sigmoid to generate predictions, have you made sure that the target attributes in ground truth/training data/validation data are all in range [0-1] ?
Normalize the data with min-max normalization so that it is in [0-1] range.

ResNet How to achieve accuracy as in the document?

I implement the ResNet for the cifar 10 in accordance with this document https://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.03385.pdf
But my accuracy is significantly different from the accuracy obtained in the document
My - 86%
Pcs daughter - 94%
What's my mistake?
Your question is a little bit too generic, my opinion is that the network is over fitting to the training data set, as you can see the training loss is quite low, but after the epoch 50 the validation loss is not improving anymore.
I didn't read the paper in deep so I don't know how did they solved the problem but increasing regularization might help. The following link will point you in the right direction http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-3/
below I copied the summary of the text:
To train a Neural Network:
Gradient check your implementation with a small batch of data and be aware of the pitfalls.
As a sanity check, make sure your initial loss is reasonable, and that you can achieve 100% training accuracy on a very small portion of
the data
During training, monitor the loss, the training/validation accuracy, and if you’re feeling fancier, the magnitude of updates in relation to
parameter values (it should be ~1e-3), and when dealing with ConvNets,
the first-layer weights.
The two recommended updates to use are either SGD+Nesterov Momentum or Adam.
Decay your learning rate over the period of the training. For example, halve the learning rate after a fixed number of epochs, or
whenever the validation accuracy tops off.
Search for good hyperparameters with random search (not grid search). Stage your search from coarse (wide hyperparameter ranges,
training only for 1-5 epochs), to fine (narrower rangers, training for
many more epochs)
Form model ensembles for extra performance
I would argue that the difference in data pre processing makes the difference in performance. He is using padding and random crops, which in essence increases the amount of training samples and decreases the generalization error. Also as the previous poster said you are missing regularization features, such as the weight decay.
You should take another look at the paper and make sure you implement everything like they did.

Is the Keras implementation of dropout correct?

The Keras implementation of dropout references this paper.
The following excerpt is from that paper:
The idea is to use a single neural net at test time without dropout.
The weights of this network are scaled-down versions of the trained
weights. If a unit is retained with probability p during training, the
outgoing weights of that unit are multiplied by p at test time as
shown in Figure 2.
The Keras documentation mentions that dropout is only used at train time, and the following line from the Dropout implementation
x = K.in_train_phase(K.dropout(x, level=self.p), x)
seems to indicate that indeed outputs from layers are simply passed along during test time.
Further, I cannot find code which scales down the weights after training is complete as the paper suggests. My understanding is this scaling step is fundamentally necessary to make dropout work, since it is equivalent to taking the expected output of intermediate layers in an ensemble of "subnetworks." Without it, the computation can no longer be considered sampling from this ensemble of "subnetworks."
My question, then, is where is this scaling effect of dropout implemented in Keras, if at all?
Update 1: Ok, so Keras uses inverted dropout, though it is called dropout in the Keras documentation and code. The link http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-2/#reg doesn't seem to indicate that the two are equivalent. Nor does the answer at https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/205932/dropout-scaling-the-activation-versus-inverting-the-dropout. I can see that they do similar things, but I have yet to see anyone say they are exactly the same. I think they are not.
So a new question: Are dropout and inverted dropout equivalent? To be clear, I'm looking for mathematical justification for saying they are or aren't.
Yes. It is implemented properly. From the time when Dropout was invented - folks improved it also from the implementation point of view. Keras is using one of this techniques. It's called inverted dropout and you may read about it here.
To be honest - in the strict mathematical sense this two approaches are not equivalent. In inverted case you are multiplying every hidden activation by a reciprocal of dropout parameter. But due to that derivative is linear it is equivalent to multiplying all gradient by the same factor. To overcome this difference you must set different learning weight then. From this point of view this approaches differ. But from a practical point view - this approaches are equivalent because:
If you use a method which automatically sets the learning rate (like RMSProp or Adagrad) - it will make almost no change in algorithm.
If you use a method where you set your learning rate automatically - you must take into account the stochastic nature of dropout and that due to the fact that some neurons will be turned off during training phase (what will not happen during test / evaluation phase) - you must to rescale your learning rate in order to overcome this difference. Probability theory gives us the best rescalling factor - and it is a reciprocal of dropout parameter which makes the expected value of a loss function gradient length the same in both train and test / eval phases.
Of course - both points above are about inverted dropout technique.
Excerpted from the original Dropout paper (Section 10):
In this paper, we described dropout as a method where we retain units with probability p at training time and scale down the weights by multiplying them by a factor of p at test time. Another way to achieve the same effect is to scale up the retained activations by multiplying by 1/p at training time and not modifying the weights at test time. These methods are equivalent with appropriate scaling of the learning rate and weight initializations at each layer.
Note though, that while keras's dropout layer is implemented using inverted dropout. The rate parameter the opposite of keep_rate.
keras.layers.Dropout(rate, noise_shape=None, seed=None)
Dropout consists in randomly setting a fraction rate of input units to
0 at each update during training time, which helps prevent
That is, rate sets the rate of dropout and not the rate to keep which you would expect with inverted dropout
Keras Dropout
