RFC2045-MIME variant of Base 64 in swift - ios

I need to convert a encode a string with the RFC2045-MIME variant of base64. However I cant find any options to do this in swift. At the moment i use this method:
var str = "\(test1):\(test2)"
str = str.data(using: .utf8)!.base64EncodedString(options: Data.Base64EncodingOptions(rawValue: UInt(0)))
but this is just the standard base64 encoding not the RFC2045-MIME variant. How can i use the RFC2045-MIME variant?

The only differences between the base64 encodings specified in RFC 2045 and RFC 4686 are that RFC 2045 specifies a maximum line length of 76 characters, with lines separated by CRNL.
The documentation of base64EncodedString(options:) says the default line ending is CRNL, so:
let data = str.data(using: .utf8)!
let b64 = data.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength76Characters)


Swift String and base64Encode Confusion

I have problem with encoding data. My token has 1228 characters and
let data = Data(base64Encoded: tokenString)!
works fine, but when i add to token some information and my token has 1263 characters Data(base64Encoded:) returns nil.
Problem in my opinion is in the string length or Data(base64Encoded:).
Does Data(base64Encoded:) have any restrictions on the length of characters?
Please give me some info about this problem.
Not sure how you encode the modified token, but looks like the encoded Base64 string doesn't include padding characters. Appending = to the modified token seems to fix the decoding issue:
// original token -> 57 bytes
let data1 = Data(base64Encoded: "eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyMTF9")
// modified token -> nil
let data2 = Data(base64Encoded: "eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyMX0")
// modified token with '=' for padding -> 56 bytes
let data2Fixed = Data(base64Encoded: "eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyMX0=")
// decodes correctly: "{"sub":"1234567890","name":"John Doe","iat":15162390221}"
let string = String(data: data2Fixed!, encoding: .utf8)
So to solve it properly you probably need to look into the encoder. Hope that helps!

Swift URL.path changes encoding of utf-8 characters

Why does converting a String to an URL in Swift 4.2 and then converting the URL back to a String using url.path change the encoding of special characters like german umlauts (ä, ö, ü), even if I use a utf-8 encoding?
I wrote some sample code to show my problem. I encoded the strings to base64 in order to show that there is a difference.
I also have a similar unsolved problem with special characters and swift here.
Sample Code
let string = "/path/to/file"
let stringUmlauts = "/path/to/file/with/umlauts/testäöü"
let base64 = Data(string.utf8).base64EncodedString()
let base64Umlauts = Data(stringUmlauts.utf8).base64EncodedString()
print(base64, base64Umlauts)
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: string)
let urlUmlauts = URL(fileURLWithPath: stringUmlauts)
let base64Url = Data(url.path.utf8).base64EncodedString()
let base64UrlUmlauts = Data(urlUmlauts.path.utf8).base64EncodedString()
print(base64Url, base64UrlUmlauts)
The base64 and base64Url string stay the same but the base64Umlauts and the base64UrlUmlauts are different.
"L3BhdGgvdG8vZmlsZQ==" for base64
"L3BhdGgvdG8vZmlsZQ==" for base64Url
"L3BhdGgvdG8vZmlsZS93aXRoL3VtbGF1dHMvdGVzdMOkw7bDvA==" for base64Umlauts
"L3BhdGgvdG8vZmlsZS93aXRoL3VtbGF1dHMvdGVzdGHMiG/MiHXMiA==" for base64UrlUmlauts
When I put the base64Umlauts and base64UrlUmlauts strings into an online Base64 decoder, they both show /path/to/file/with/umlauts/testäöü, but the ä, ö, ü are different (not visually).
stringUmlauts.utf8 uses the Unicode characters äöü.
But urlUmlauts.path.utf8 uses the Unicode characters aou each followed by the combining ¨.
This is why you get different base64 encoding - the characters look the same but are actually encoded differently.
What's really interesting is that Array(stringUmlauts) and Array(urlUmlauts.path) are the same. The difference doesn't appear until you perform the UTF-8 encoding of the otherwise exact same String values.
Since the base64 encoding is irrelevant, here's a more concise test:
let stringUmlauts = "/path/to/file/with/umlauts/testäöü"
let urlUmlauts = URL(fileURLWithPath: stringUmlauts)
print(stringUmlauts, urlUmlauts.path) // Show the same
let rawStr = stringUmlauts
let urlStr = urlUmlauts.path
print(rawStr == urlStr) // true
print(Array(rawStr) == Array(urlStr)) // true
print(Array(rawStr.utf8) == Array(urlStr.utf8)) // false!!!
So how is the UTF-8 encoding of two equal strings different?
One solution to this is to use precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping on the result of path.
let urlStr = urlUmlauts.path.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
Now you get true from:
print(Array(rawStr.utf8) == Array(urlStr.utf8)) // now true

How to identify UTF-8 encoded text from a string and convert it to smiley\emoticon in Swift

I am doing App which support Smiley/emoticons feature. From the backend I am getting response like this str = "Hferuhggeðððððfjjnjrnjgnejfnsgjen".
This string response has a UTF-8 encoded text in it, for the above str UTF-8 encode text is "ððððð".
Now I need to identify the location of the utf-8 encoded text from the response obtained, and convert that encoded text to an emoticon/smiley.
Finally I found solution if you decode string you will get smiley ,please find the code
let che = descriptionText.cString(using: .isoLatin1)
let decode_string = String(cString: che!, encoding: .utf8)
This worked for me.

Encode String/NSString to Code Page 850 Format

I need to encode a regular string (String or NSString) to a Code Page 850 format.
There's an external String enconding who supports this format (It's called dosLatin1 in the CFStringEncoding enum). I don't know if it's can really do the work, but it's the only reference that I found to Code Page 850 in the whole iOS documentation.
How can I use the CFStringEnconding to convert a "regular" string to a string at a CP850 format? Is it the best way to do it?
If you can get by with CP 1252 which is the "modern" replacement for 850, then you can use Swift String's built in conversion. Otherwise, you can try using Core Foundation's conversion method.
let swiftString = "This is a string"
// Easy way -- use Swift String plus "modern" CP 1252 eoncding to get a block of data. Note: does not include BOM
if let data = swiftString.data(using: .windowsCP1252, allowLossyConversion: true) {
print(data) // Do something with the resulting data
// The more thorough way to use CP 850 (enum value = 1040) -- use Core Foundation. This will produce a BOM if necessary.
let coreFoundationString = swiftString as CFString
let count = CFStringGetLength(coreFoundationString) * 2
var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: count)
let resultCount = CFStringGetBytes(coreFoundationString as CFString, CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(coreFoundationString)), 1040, 0x41, true, &buffer, count, nil)

Convert base64-encoded string to normal string in swift 3

I want to convert following base64-encoded String in Swift 3:
to its equivalant String:
Following websites do the job very fine:
So does the PHP's function base64_decode. The documentation of this function says:
Returns FALSE if input contains character from outside the base64
But I am unable to do the same in Swift 3. Following code doesn't do the job too:
func convertBase64ToNormalString(base64String:String)->String!{
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: base64String, options: Data.Base64DecodingOptions())
let bytes = decodedData?.bytes
return String(bytes: bytes, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
Here is the contextual information about why I need to convert the base64 string into an string:
My Php developer wants me to send all APIs params values encrypted with AES algorithm. For that, I am using this lib.
He has given me AES key in Hex format (I mentioned in my last question) and iv in base64 (given above) and he instructed me decode this base64 key before using because he was also doing the same in his PHP code. Here is his PHP code of encryption and decryption:
function encryptParamAES($plaintext, $encryptionEnabled = true) {
if (! $encryptionEnabled) {
return $plaintext;
// --- ENCRYPTION ---
// Constants =========================================================
// the key should be random binary, use scrypt, bcrypt or PBKDF2 to
// convert a string into a key
// key is specified using hexadecimal
$key = pack ( 'H*', "dcb04a9e103a5cd8b53763051cef09bc66abe029fdebae5e1d417e2ffc2a07a4" );
// create a random IV to use with CBC encoding
$iv_size = 16;
$iv = base64_decode ( "dfYcSGpvBqyzvkAXkdbHDA==" );
// End Of constants ===================================================
// echo "IV: " . base64_encode ( $iv ) . "\n<br>";
// echo "IV Size: " . $iv_size . "\n<br>";
// show key size use either 16, 24 or 32 byte keys for AES-128, 192
// and 256 respectively
// $key_size = strlen ( $key );
// echo "Key size: " . $key_size . "\n<br><br>";
// creates a cipher text compatible with AES (Rijndael block size = 128)
// to keep the text confidential
// only suitable for encoded input that never ends with value 00h
// (because of default zero padding)
$ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt ( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $plaintext, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv );
// prepend the IV for it to be available for decryption
$ciphertext = $iv . $ciphertext;
// encode the resulting cipher text so it can be represented by a string
$ciphertext_base64 = base64_encode ( $ciphertext );
return $ciphertext_base64;
function decryptParamAES($ciphertext_base64, $encryptionEnabled = true) {
if (! $encryptionEnabled) {
return $ciphertext_base64;
// --- DECRYPTION ---
// Constants =========================================================
// the key should be random binary, use scrypt, bcrypt or PBKDF2 to
// convert a string into a key
// key is specified using hexadecimal
$key = pack ( 'H*', "dcb04a9e103a5cd8b53763051cef09bc66abe029fdebae5e1d417e2ffc2a07a4" );
// create a random IV to use with CBC encoding
$iv_size = 16;
$iv = base64_decode ( "dfYcSGpvBqyzvkAXkdbHDA==" );
// End Of constants ===================================================
$ciphertext_dec = base64_decode ( $ciphertext_base64 );
// retrieves the IV, iv_size should be created using mcrypt_get_iv_size()
$iv_dec = substr ( $ciphertext_dec, 0, $iv_size );
// retrieves the cipher text (everything except the $iv_size in the front)
$ciphertext_dec = substr ( $ciphertext_dec, $iv_size );
// may remove 00h valued characters from end of plain text
$plaintext_dec = mcrypt_decrypt ( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $ciphertext_dec, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv_dec );
return rtrim ( $plaintext_dec );
I just saw this PHP code and wondered, why he is not using $iv as mcrypt_decrypt function's last param!! Will update you on it. But still question remains the same, PHP function base64_decode doesn't return FALSE for the above base64 string!
I tested this function myself by terminal command: php test.php. Here test.php contains following code:
$iv = base64_decode ( "dfYcSGpvBqyzvkAXkdbHDA==" );
echo $iv;
And the output was: u?Hjo???#???
Looking at your revised question, you're trying to take this base-64 string, and using it as the iv in your AES algorithm. I can understand why you are wondering how to convert that resulting Data into a String, but you should not do that. Yes, there's a rendition of AES that expects the iv as a string. But there's another rendition that expects an Array<UInt8>. So, just like MartinR said in his answer to your other question, build an array of UInt8 instead, like so:
let iv = Array(Data(base64Encoded: "dfYcSGpvBqyzvkAXkdbHDA==")!)
That resulting iv is an Array<UInt8> (also known as [UInt8]). You can use that with your AES function.
My original discussion about converting Data objects to UTF8 strings is below. But the key message is that you shouldn't try to do so. Just build your array of UInt8 and use that with your library's AES function.
Looking at your other question (Convert hex-encoded String to String in Swift 3), you revealed in comments that you were dealing with an AES key. I'm suspicious that we're dealing with a similar issue here (though that was 32 bytes of data, and here we have 16 bytes).
Bottom line, I'd suggest you completely drop this "how to I get a string representation of the data captured in this base-64 string" line of inquiry. If it's an encryption key (or some token or whatever), don't bother trying to represent it as a string. (This is the raison d'être of base-64, to create transmittable string representations of data that isn't a string.)
I'd suggest you step back and describe the broader problem that you are trying to solve. Stop trying to create strings out of these binary payloads. In your code snippet, you successfully create a Data from the base-64 string. The real question, I think, is not "how do I now get a string from that?", but rather "what do I do this Data?"
We can't answer that question without more context about where you got this data and what it is for.
By the way, my original answer to your question is below.
The problem is that base-64 string translates to 16 bytes of data whose hexadecimal representation is
75f61c48 6a6f06ac b3be4017 91d6c70c
But that payload is not valid UTF8 string. The third byte, 1c is not consistent with UTF8 string. If you look at the definition of UTF8, it says that if a byte is in the range of f6–fb, which the second byte is, that the character consists of that and the following two bytes, both of which should be in the range of 21–7e or a0–ff, which 1c is not.
So, this simply is not a valid UTF8 string. Clearly those sites you're using are not gracefully detecting/handling invalid UTF8 strings.
Perhaps the data in this base-64 string was converted from a string using a different encoding. Or, perhaps it was not originally a string at all. Not all binary payloads have clean string representations. Frankly, this is why we use base-64 representations in the first place, to come up with a text representation of a blob of data that is not a string.
If you provide more information about the source of the data contained in this base-64 string, we might be able to advise you further.
