How to install properly Stardog on Mac OS High Sierra - stardog

I downloaded and unzipped Stardog and I get the instructions on the site but I'm unable to run it and need to understand what I'm missing:
What I did:
export STARDOG_HOME=/data/stardog
I downloaded also the key
cp stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME
cp: /data/stardog: No such file or directory
A solution did not work for me I found online:
./bin/stardog-admin server start
STARDOG_HOME directory '/data/stardog' does not exist

It's precisely what the error message says, that /data/stardog does not exist. The instructions assume you have an existing location where you want the home directory to be, Stardog does not create it. So you should either create that directory, or open a new terminal, don't do the first command, and change the second to cp stardog-license-key.bin . That will make Stardog's home directory your current directory, specifically, the root of the binary distribution.


How to move a file 'to a directory that's on your PATH'?

Im trying to install a JSON formatter for Cucumber but am having trouble configuring it. The steps (listed here) go like this:
1. Download cucumber-json-formatter-darwin-amd64 and rename it to cucumber-json-formatter
2. Move it to a directory that's on your PATH
3. Make it executable with chmod +x cucumber-json-formatter
4. Verify that you can run it: cucumber-json-formatter --help
I have the file downloaded and renamed correctly. However, I am stuck on the second step of moving it to a directory thats on my PATH.
Doing some research, I know what the folder structure looks like but I'm not sure exactly what the step is instructing. How would I achieve this step? Can it be in ANY directory on my PATH? I am currently using a Mac if that makes any difference for the solution.
Move it to a directory that's on your PATH
PATH refers to the machine's environment variable named PATH. Any time the OS is asked to execute something PATH is searched.
On Windows open System Properties dialog, click Environment Variables button and Path is listed there. You can add a new entry for the location of cucumber-json-formatter or you can move it to an existing Path entry.

After installation of Hyperon not able to browse http://localhost:38080/hyperon/app

I have installed Hyperon a business rule engine on windows machine.
I have fallowed instruction to install it from:
After installation I have browse below URL to see whether #Hyperon web app is running or not.
I am getting this error:
Error Screenshot
Reproduceable Steps:
Downloaded hyperon zip and extracted it.
Open the file directory and reach to the /bin folder
Opened it in command prompt:
Ran startup.bat file.
Refer to below screenshot:
command prompt logs
tomcat command prompt logs and output after executing- startup.bat
Such effect occurs when trying to run hyperon with JDK 8.
Hyperon Studio requires JDK 11.
See installation guide:
If you have multiple JDKs installed, you can swith to proper by setting JAVA_HOME variable:
for example:
cd c:\hyperon-studio-2.1.9\bin
set JAVA_HOME=c:\java\jdk-11.0.4
The first run may take a minute, because hyperon needs to initialize database schema.
Once it is fully started you will see hyperon.log file and should be able to access localhost:38080/hyperon/app.

Delphi 5 Installation Error

I am trying installing Delphi 5 on my computer. As soon as the installation starts I get:
Error copying File
followed by:
Setup has detected a -113 error while attempting to copy files. This
indicates that setup could not find a file in the "RunImage" directory.
Now the setup file does includes "RunImage" directory. The File is located in the D drive on another computer which I have mapped to my computer as Drive Z and I am running it from the Mapped Drive Z.
I searched online for this Error. Some recommend that if I am installing from a network location then the location has to mapped to my computer as a Driver with a name to solve the issue. I did map the location but still getting the same error.
As J.. already suggested in his comment: Windows >= Vista automatically runs programs containing the string "setup" in the name in elevated mode. In that mode, you don't have the same mapped drives as in your normal user mode. So, the program starts (which is actually inconsistent with security model, because in elevated mode, the executable itself should not be available) and then cannot find any additional files because the drive mapping does not exist.
Solution: Copy the whole installation directory to a local drive. You can delete it after the installation has finished.
Note: While I think this will solve that particular problem, it does not mean, that the rest of the installation will work.
i had same problem and i solved it by this method:
After unpacking the archive(the delphi5 zip file that you downloaded), make the root directory with the command Subst X: "path to installer". Run the standard Borland installer, the Install.exe program, there.

Ruby on Rails Tutorial - 5.26 - Sublime Text "Unable to Save" new file "spec/support/utilities.rb"

I am using Sublime Text 2 while following Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial.
The specific portion of the tutorial to which I am referring can be found at (ctrl+F "Listing 5.26").
I am able to create the spec/support file. However, when trying to create the spec/support/utilities.rb file, I receive the message "Unable to save ~/rails_projects/sample_app/spec/support/utilities.rb".
Does anyone know why this might be?
Someone on the Sublime Text forum seems to have had the exact same problem:
This issue sounds like it's a result of incorrect permissions or ownership of the folder. Change directories (cd) so you're outside of the folder where you're creating the .rb file and type:
ls -l
This terminal command lists the permissions attached to all files/folders in that directory. If "root" is listed as the folder owner, change its owner by typing:
You should now be able to save files from inside that folder.
To diagnose this, first find out if it's an issue in Sublime or your file system:
Does that file already exist? Try looking for it on your file system (not using Sublime).
Verify that you have permission to write to that file. Use "ls -la" on the command line to show the file permissions.
Are you able to create and/or save that file using any different editor, for example TextMate, or Notepad?
The following sublime plugin fixed the Unable to save... bug
The folder spec/support doesn't exist, and sublime won't create the missing folder, so it errors.
You just need to make the spec/support folder , then sublime will save the file.
I also highly recommend installing the AdvancedNewFile plugin ( Video of it action thanks to Jeffrey Way and NetTuts+ ) , which you can grab straight from Package Control.
It creates files, parent folders if needed, and if you try to create a file that already exists, it opens it instead.
This can happen if you are trying to create the file within a directory that does not currently exist. For ex. I was unable to save
via the "subl" command from the Terminal because I was missing /shared/ folder. Hope that helps.
so #knice almost had it, I ran into the same problem with permission when starting my first rails project on mavericks.
as mentioned if you run ls -l you'll see your folder / files listed with their permissions
I solved this by changing ownership recursively with the following command from outside my project directory
sudo chown -Rv <your_username> <your_path_and_foldername>
for example if you're in your folder in terminal you should cd .. and then
sudo chown -Rv username ruby_proj/
the -R is for recursive meaning it will apply to all files and folder contained within the folder you specified, and the v after just produces verbose output, showing you which folder and file permissions have been changed.
Hope that helps someone else.

./create: No such file or directory error in terminal window

I am very new to iPhone development and I am looking to work with the PhoneGap framework to create iPhone apps. I installed Phonegap on Mac OS X Lion. I got this error in the terminal window for ./create <project_folder_path> <bundle_id> <project_name>:
./create: No such file or directory
I have searched Google to solve this error, but I can't find any idea from there. Could you please help me solve this issue and run the project? Thanks in advance. Looking forward to your answers.
You probably need to check your current directory with the pwd command, which is what the . is shorthand for. The create executable sits in the Cordova bin directory, not your project directory.
For example, this site shows the required command line to be (spread across multiple lines for readability):
In other words, create is separate from your project.
The solution is probably to fully specify the path name of create.
./path/to/cordova-ios/bin ./create
~/<project_folder_path> <bundle_id> <project_name>
This works for me :
Download cordova-3.0.0 and put the folder in your document folder. Expand inside.
Create a folder CordovaTestProject inside your document folder.
Then, open the terminal and try :
./Documents/cordova-3.0.0/cordova-ios/bin/create /Users/<username>/Documents/CordovaXY/HelloWorld org.apache.cordova.HelloWorld HelloWorld
replace <username> by your username. You can get it with pwd in terminal. In terminal, type "pwd" and you will get your username
Make sure that you are inside \phonegap-2.7.0\lib\ios\bin before entering ./create command. Refer the Blog Tutorial for a simple and straight forward explanation of PhoneGap instalation in Mac for iOS and creating a new project.
