UITableView acting weird on storyboard builder - uitableview

Is there anyone encounter this problem on Xcode 9.2?
I setup the UITableView as shown in the image above. And added a UILabel below the UITableView for demonstration. The image above is in "portrait" and the constraints work fine and ok.
When I change the orientation to "landscape" the constraints seems didn't work on the UITableViewCell although no errors is shown. While the UILabel below the table readjusted as expected it should be.
Anyone can explain this? and how could I possible fix this? It's kind of annoying...
Xcode version: 9.2


Constraints Problems with table view cell

I have problems with constraints in table view cell. As you can see in the image above , I tried to constrain the label on the far right so that label will be closer to the right right edge. But that isn't reflecting on the ipad in preview. Whats wrong? and How do solve this problem ? Thanks for any help !
The prototype cell in the storyboard is just that: a prototype. It isn't "real". It will be used as a cell when the app runs, and layout will occur. But the Preview in the storyboard in Xcode (in your version of Xcode) doesn't reflect any of that.
So the only way to see the effect of your constraints is to build and run the app in an appropriate Simulator.

UILabel in UIScrollview strange behaviour

Strange issue faced today. Xcode 8.3.2 while using UIScrollView, UILabel shows outline and actual label on different place. Which also display weird in the simulator.
Anyone faced the same issue. Any solution ? I have searched google so much but found nothing.
Help me if anyone has solution.
When there is a red arrow in your view hierarchy:
It means something is wrong with your autolayout. Click on it and Xcode will provide you with the information what's wrong. In this case your scroll view needs to know size and position of your content (In your case size of the UIlabel), so it is able to stretch its content and determine if it should scroll.

Xamarin.iOS UISwitch tap issue

After the update to Xamarin.iOS 10.2 and iOS SDK 10.2, the UISwitch in my app seems to be hardly tappable (works only if I tap inside the red circle, in the image below).
Moreover the label (to the right of it) appears ON it despite it has a constraint which should place it at 10 from UISwitch.
The entire layout is made with storyboard.
Anyone could help me? I've tried everything.
Thanks in advance
I was able to resolve this by removing these two components and adding them again. The update seems to has messed up the layout.
I was able to resolve this by removing these two components and adding them again. The update seems to has messed up the layout.
It looks like the UILabel is in front of the UISwitch.
Either set the UILabel to not take user input by using this:
myLabel.UserInteractionEnabled = false;
or fix the constraint by posting more information on the constraint or uploading the xib/storyboard file.

iOS9 Wrong separator insets in custom UITableViewCell

I want to change my custom uitableviewcell into autolayout under xcode7 with iOS9.
Subviews in cell are well autolayouted.But the separator line always have a huge right insets.
I've tried setLayoutMargins, setSeparatorInset, preservesSuperViewLayoutMargins, cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth. But they didn't work at all.
Anyone has the same issue?
My xib file is built since iOS7. Is that too old to configure?
I've found the problem.
The reason is that I overidded the -(void)layoutSubviews in mycell.m before.
Comment it, then it works.

UIButton not in the same place on storyboard

I moved all my UIButtons to fit on a particular UIImageView and for some reason they're not matching up the to correct location as the storyboard when run on the simulator nor the iPad itself. It's weird and I'm confused.
This is a screenshot of it in the storyboard.
This is a screenshot of it on the simulator.
Notice how some of circles(buttons) the titles are shown. Why is this happening and how can I get them into the position they are in the storyboard? Thanks for the help :)
Okay, for some reason i disabled the auto layout thing on the storyboard. But, when i reenabled it it seemed to work. Strange bug, but the problem is fixed now. Thanks larme, for making me aware of the auto layout thing.
