How do I set the `search` URL parameter in SAPUI5 OData requests? - odata

I want my SAPUI5 ODataModel to send OData requests of the form
There are tons of examples how to add a filter with model.filter(new Filter(...)); but this is not what I want. Filtering means I directly address a certain property with a certain comparator. Searching means I address the resource in general and let the OData service decide which properties to search, and how.
The one thing that seems to be possible is:
model.bindRows(..., { "customData": {"search": "lalaland"}});
But this is also not what I want because that sets the search term once when the model is created, but cannot update it later on when the user enters.
Funnily, SAPUI5's own implementation of the SmartTable performs exactly the kind of query I want - but doesn't reveal a possibility how I could do that without a SmartTable.

Found one solution:
oList = this.byId("list"); // or oTable
oBindingInfo = oList.getBindingInfo("items"); // or "rows"
if (!oBindingInfo.parameters) {
oBindingInfo.parameters = {};
if (!oBindingInfo.parameters.custom) {
oBindingInfo.parameters.custom = {};
} = sValue;
However, I don't specifically like the bindItems part. Looks a bit over-the-top to require this to re-bind the whole entity set again and again. So leaving this question open in case somebody has a better idea.

You can use on bindItems or bindRows depending what control is, something like this:
oList = this.byId("list");
oList.bindItems({path: '/XXXX', parameters : {custom: {'search':'searchstring'}}})

Why does it has to be $search and not $filter?
The OData V4 Tutorial in SAPUI5's Demo Kit uses
onSearch : function () {
var oView = this.getView(),
sValue = oView.byId("searchField").getValue(),
oFilter = new Filter("LastName", FilterOperator.Contains, sValue);
oView.byId("peopleList").getBinding("items").filter(oFilter, FilterType.Application);


How to bind an entity object on a Detail page

I am developing a master detail Fiori app using SAP UI5. As the details contains more than 40 columns, I made separate OData services for master & detail.
In Master page, data are coming correctly. Now my task is that on any table line, when user clicks on Detail, next page will be open with details base on two key values of master table.
I'm getting two keys in variables in detail page as follows and it is working fine:
var spayid ="payid");
var spaydt ="paydt");
Next, I have created two filters as follows which is also working fine.
var filter1 = new Filter({
path: "Laufi",
operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
value1: spayid
var filter2 = new Filter({
path: "Laufd",
operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
value1: spaydt
Now I am calling OData service which is also working fine:
var oODataModel = new ODataModel("proxy/http/", {
json: true,
useBatch: false
I don't know now how to filter data. What should be included in above so that it will filter data according to my filters filer1 and filter2? I have tried following but it is not working.
filters : [ filter1, filter2 ],
json: true,
useBatch: false
I am very good in ABAP but not an expert in SAPUI5. I am in learning phase.
First of all, I was thinking to pass parameters on OData service so that only the required data are fetched. Means my OData call should be like this:
new ODataModel("proxy/http/ spayid, Laufd = spaydt)?sap-client=100");
But this seems not like possible.
Second option is that I will fetch whole details in OData service and then during binding to table I will apply filter.
The purpose of the sap.ui.model.Filter class is usually to apply filters to lists on the UI. For example, if you have a list of items and you want to limit that list to a subset of items which fulfills certain criteria.
But what you have here appears to be a classic master-detail scenario where you have a list of items and then when the user selects one show more information about that one item.
The usual solution for such a scenario is to assign the full model to the detail-view and then use an element binding (also known as "context binding") on the view to tell it which item to display.
When the source of the item is a click on an element which already had an element binding, then you can actually retrieve the correct binding path from the click event and just apply it to your detail-view.
From one of the official demos:
onItemSelected: function(oEvent) {
var oSelectedItem = oEvent.getSource();
var oContext = oSelectedItem.getBindingContext("products");
var sPath = oContext.getPath();
var oProductDetailPanel = this.byId("productDetailsPanel");
oProductDetailPanel.bindElement({ path: sPath, model: "products" });
When you don't have any convenient way to get an element path from, then you have to construct one yourself:
var detailPanel = this.getView().byId("idOfDetailPanel");
detailPanel.bindElement("PdetailSet(Laufi = " + spayid +", Laufd = " + spaydt + ")");
The latter code snippet does of course assume that the oData-service actually supports access with a key consisting of laufi and laufd. This is decided by:
The definition of the key fields of the entity type in the SAP Gateway Service Builder (transaction SEGW)
The ABAP implementation of the method get_entity of the data provider class of that oData-service.

How to update keyword status,maxCPC and keyword text using google adwords api

Can anyone tell me how to update the keyword status,keyword text and keyword maxCpc using google adwords api.I am trying the basic example i.e Update keyword but it is not working.
Please let me know the procedure to solve this problem !
I don't know which language do you use, but I've used this C# code to modify keywords states through Google AdWords API:
public void SetKeywordState(long groupId, long keywordId, bool newState)
// Make sure your web.config contains correct data (developer token etc.)
AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();
// 1st step - creation of criterion service.
var criterionService = (AdGroupCriterionService)user
// 2nd step - creation of AdGroupCriterion (keyword is criterion)
// and new state assignment
var tgtKwrd = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion
adGroupId = groupId,
criterion = new Keyword { id = keywordId },
userStatus = newState ? UserStatus.ENABLED : UserStatus.PAUSED
// 3rd step - creation of operation
var co = new AdGroupCriterionOperation
#operator = Operator.SET,
operand = tgtKwrd
// 4th step - commit keyword changes to Google.
criterionService.mutate(new[] { co });
Modification of maxCPC and keywordText is going exactly in the same way.
Also, there are many useful code examples in different languages. In this case I've used this code example from Google libraries.
Hope this helps.
My Client Center -> Select your campaign -> Go to the keywords Tab -> Make changes as needed.
OPTIONAL: try using the AdWords Editor. It is freely available for download. Though I wouldn't really recommend this as its for advanced users.

Difference between Msxml2.DOMDocument and Msxml2.XMLHTTP

What is the difference between:
? And of course, the other question is which one will work best for my purpose as described below?
The context is this - I have code that makes many calls to retrieve web pages. I am looking for the most efficient object for this task. For example, something like this:
Dim oXmlHttp : Set oXmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
oXmlHttp.Open "GET", sUri, False
If Err Then
getWebPage = "ERROR - could not get the source text of the webpage."
Exit Function
End If
sResponse = oXmlHttp.responseBody
This seems to work the same way if I create an object using:
Dim oXmlHttp : Set oXmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Can anyone explain or point me to a reference that clearly outlines the differences (and intended usages) for each of those?
If you want to learn more about MSXML, these links may help:
In short, XMLHTTP is used to retrieve information, while DOMDocument is used to structure and parse it.
This page explains it better:
DOMDocument "Represents the top node of the XML DOM tree." while XMLHTTP "Provides client-side protocol support for communication with HTTP servers."

How to implement pagination when using amazon Dynamo DB in rails

I want to use amazon Dynamo DB with rails.But I have not found a way to implement pagination.
I will use AWS::Record::HashModel as ORM.
This ORM supports limits like this:
People.limit(10).each {|person| ... }
But I could not figured out how to implement following MySql query in Dynamo DB.
FROM `People`
LIMIT 1 , 30
You issue queries using LIMIT. If the subset returned does not contain the full table, a LastEvaluatedKey value is returned. You use this value as the ExclusiveStartKey in the next query. And so on...
From the DynamoDB Developer Guide.
You can provide 'page-size' in you query to set the result set size.
The response of DynamoDB contains 'LastEvaluatedKey' which will indicate the last key as per the page size. If response does't contain 'LastEvaluatedKey' it means there are no results left to fetch.
Use the 'LastEvaluatedKey' as 'ExclusiveStartKey' while fetching next time.
I hope this helps.
DynamoDB Pagination
Here's a simple copy-paste-run proof of concept (Node.js) for stateless forward/reverse navigation with dynamodb. In summary; each response includes the navigation history, allowing user to explicitly and consistently request either the next or previous page (while next/prev params exist):
GET /accounts -> first page
GET /accounts?next=A3r0ijKJ8 -> next page
GET /accounts?prev=R4tY69kUI -> previous page
If your ids are large and/or users might do a lot of navigation, then the potential size of the next/prev params might become too large.
Yes you do have to store the entire reverse path - if you only store the previous page marker (per some other answers) you will only be able to go back one page.
It won't handle changing pageSize midway, consider baking pageSize into the next/prev value.
base64 encode the next/prev values, and you could also encrypt.
Scans are inefficient, while this suited my current requirement it won't suit all!
// demo.js
const mockTable = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
const getPagedItems = (pageSize = 5, cursor = {}) => {
// Parse cursor
const keys = || cursor.prev || [] // fwd first
let key = keys[keys.length-1] || null // eg ddb's PK
// Mock query (mimic dynamodb response)
const Items = mockTable.slice(parseInt(key) || 0, pageSize+key)
const LastEvaluatedKey = Items[Items.length-1] < mockTable.length
? Items[Items.length-1] : null
// Build response
const res = {items:Items}
if (keys.length > 0) // add reverse nav keys (if any)
res.prev = keys.slice(0, keys.length-1)
if (LastEvaluatedKey) // add forward nav keys (if any) = [...keys, LastEvaluatedKey]
return res
// Run test ------------------------------------
const runTest = () => {
const PAGE_SIZE = 6
let x = {}, i = 0
// Page to end
while (i == 0 || {
x = getPagedItems(PAGE_SIZE, {})
console.log(`Page ${++i}: `, x.items)
// Page back to start
while (x.prev) {
x = getPagedItems(PAGE_SIZE, {prev:x.prev})
console.log(`Page ${--i}: `, x.items)
I faced a similar problem.
The generic pagination approach is, use "start index" or "start page" and the "page length". 
The "ExclusiveStartKey" and "LastEvaluatedKey" based approach is very DynamoDB specific.
I feel this DynamoDB specific implementation of pagination should be hidden from the API client/UI.
Also in case, the application is serverless, using service like Lambda, it will be not be possible to maintain the state on the server. The other side is the client implementation will become very complex.
I came with a different approach, which I think is generic ( and not specific to DynamoDB)
When the API client specifies the start index, fetch all the keys from
the table and store it into an array.
Find out the key for the start index from the array, which is
specified by the client.
Make use of the ExclusiveStartKey and fetch the number of records, as
specified in the page length.
If the start index parameter is not present, the above steps are not
needed, we don't need to specify the ExclusiveStartKey in the scan
This solution has some drawbacks -
We will need to fetch all the keys when the user needs pagination with
start index.
We will need additional memory to store the Ids and the indexes.
Additional database scan operations ( one or multiple to fetch the
keys )
But I feel this will be very easy approach for the clients, which are using our APIs. The backward scan will work seamlessly. If the user wants to see "nth" page, this will be possible.
In fact I faced the same problem and I noticed that LastEvaluatedKey and ExclusiveStartKey are not working well especially when using Scan So I solved Like this.
GET/?page_no=1&page_size=10 =====> first page
response will contain count of records and first 10 records
retry and increase number of page until all record come.
Code is below
PS: I am using python
first_index = ((page_no-1)*page_size)
second_index = (page_no*page_size)
if (second_index > len(response['Items'])):
second_index = len(response['Items'])
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'count': response['Count'],
'response': response['Items'][first_index:second_index]

db4o issue with graph of objects

I am a new to db4o. I have a big problem with persistance of a graph of objects. I am trying to migrate from old persistance component to new, using db4o.
Before I peristed all objects its graph looked like below (Take a look at Zrodlo.Metadane.abstrakt string field with focused value) [its view from eclipse debuger] with a code:
ObjectContainer db=Db4o.openFile(DB_FILE);
try {;
} finally{
After that, I tried to read it with a code:
ObjectContainer db=Db4o.openFile((DB_FILE));
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<Object> objectSet = q.execute();
logger.debug("objectSet.size" + objectSet.size());
EncjaDanych encja = (EncjaDanych) objectSet.get(0);
logger.debug("ENCJA" + encja.toString());
return encja;
and I got it (picture below) - string field "abstrakt" is null now !!!
I take a look at it using ObjectManager (picture below) and abstrakt field has not-null value there!!! The same value, that on the 1st picture.
Please help me :) It is my second day with db4o. Thanks in advance!
I am attaching some code with structure of persisted class:
public class EncjaDanych{
Map mapaIdRepo = new HashMap();
public Map mapaNazwaRepo = new HashMap(); }
When I tried to read only Metadane object (there was only one such a object), it is all right - it's string field abstrakt could be read correctly.
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<Object> objectSet = q.execute();
logger.error("objectSet.size" + objectSet.size());
Metadane meta = (Metadane) objectSet.get(0);
logger.debu("Metadane" + meta.toString());
return meta;
This is a common db4o FAQ, an issue with what db4o calls "activation". db4o won't instantiate the entire graph you stored when you load an object from an ObjectContainer. By default, objects are instantiated to depth 5. You can change the default configuration to a higher value, but that is not recommended since it will slow down object loading in principle because the depth will be used everywhere you load an object with a query.
Two approaches are possible to solve your issue:
(1) You can activate an object to a desired depth by hand when you need a specific depth.
db.activate(encja, 10) // 10 is arbitrary
(2) You can work with Transparent Activation. There are multiple chapters on how to use Transparent Activation (TA) in the db4o tutorial and in the reference documentation.
You're not setting a filter in your query so you're reading the first object. Are you sure you didn't have a previous object in the database?
