In-App Purchase: "Restore Purchases" button on user-bound purchase - ios

I'm currently implementing In-App Purchases in my Swift app. The product is a non-consumable one which activates a kind of Premium version for the user. Usually, with non-consumable purchases, you have to put a "Restore Purchases" button in your app (mandatory). However, my problem with this is: The app, and therefore the purchase, is user-bound. So every user of the app has to register an account with us. As soon as an user purchases the IAP, the user account gets flagged as Premium internally on our server. Once he logs out and logs into another account for example, the purchase gets "deactivated" as during the login process the app gets info from the server whether the user is Premium or not.
So basically, if I'd put a "Restore Purchase" button in my app it would either be kind of useless as the purchase gets activated anyways as soon as the user logs in, or the button would make it possible for someone to purchase the Premium version once and then activate it on an unlimited number of other accounts, too, simply by logging into them and "restoring purchases".
So, question is: Is this button mandatory in my case? I've seen other apps, especially subscription-based ones do this, too.

If you don't implement restore button for your in-app purchase implementation, Apple will reject your app.
Their idea is if any iTunes user has paid for some content, he should be able to access the content on any device.
How you are using the receipt and allowing the user that's up to you.


Mechanism of apple in-app Purchase need a restored button?

After reading Apple's terms with my average English I understand that all application who sell non-consumable item need to use the IAP and insert a "restored button" if not the application is rejected by apple.
My user need to be connected to an account to play in my game and the IAP is attached to his account. And the non-consumable item is a money that he can spend. So I can't add a "restore button"...
So my question is, compared to my project do I really have to install a restore button? And if yes, how?
I found my answer :
Apple documentation
So I don't need a restored button because I've sell consumable item.
The simplest solution is to look, how other similar apps work.
Add a restore button somewhere in settings. User taps the restore button.
If user is logged in, then his balance is automatically restored from the account on your server and you just tell him, that his balance is restored.
If he is not logged in, you should tell him, that he should login to restore his balance and then show him a login view.
All this should be reproducable by AppStore's app tester.

Is "Restore purchases" mandatory for bound-to-account content?

I have an app where you can make an in-app purchase under your account. When the purchase is made, the account is set as "premium" (on my external API), so if you log in with the same account on any other device, you'll get the premium content.
Is it necessary to have a "Restore purchases" button in my case ? If it is, what will the button do, if you already can see premium content?
Since you are using in-app purchase you should probably have the button, you could set as an action a verification at the user's account on your server to see if he has premium or not.

Is it possible to offer Apple's In App Purchases on an app that offers multiple user log-ins

We're designing an iPad app at the moment which offers in-app purchases for non-consumable items.
As the scope of the project has expanded, we want to allow the option to sign in to an account, and then sign out of that account and into another - similar to how one could on an app like the Facebook app.
My question is: is it possible to link Apple's in-app purchases to one of our system's user accounts, so that a User may sign in to a different device and access their purchases, but if another User signs in to my device, they cannot access my purchases (despite the device being signed in to my Apple ID)?
Any suggestions welcome
All completed in app purchases are tied to the Apple ID that was used at the time of the transaction. Since non-consumable in app purchases can only be purchased once, you can't use those. So, the only option would be to use consumable in app purchases and keep track of which system user account made the purchase. You need to store those purchase records on an external server somewhere though, since Apple will have no way of telling you which purchase went to which of your internal users. If you lose that purchase history your users will have to buy the item again, and probably not be very happy.

How to check already purchased InApp purchases on ios

I am working with InApp purchase, so I have implemented a working model,I have referred this
Here when the user purchases an item I store some value in KeyChain and I cross check with this value to confirm that the user has purchased the item and if not I will ask the user to purchase the item.
This works, but I have 4 products available for purchase, which can be purchased individually, So I thought of creating different instances of KeyChain and storing different passwords for these 4 products and cross check, but keyChain can only save one username and password.
So I want to know what can be the alternative for this.Also NSUserdefaults will not work, because it is tied to the App bundle and whenever user deletes the app, the data is lost and so he will be asked to purchase again.
If you're adding a restorable in-app purchase (non-renewable subscription, free subscription or non-consumable product), then the Store Kit API already provides the "restore transaction" functionality for you:
In your UI, you need add a "Restore purchases" button to your product screen that calls the restoreCompletedTransactions method. This is important because Apple might reject your app if you don't provide this button.

iOS InApp Purchase

I just wonder if there is anyway to check if a user(email) already buy an in app purchase item in my application.
For example I buy an item on my iPhone, then I log in on my iPad with same itune account. the application will know that this user did buy the item.
The same thing is happening when you use the restore purchased option in many applications.
is the constant retrieved from server when you tries to purchase an already purchased item.
Please check this nice tutorial about inApp purchase : inApp purchases
From the In-App Purchase Programming Guide:
Store Kit provides built-in functionality to restore transactions for
non-consumable products, auto-renewable subscriptions and free
You can restore purchases with the StoreKit framework by calling the restoreCompletedTransactions method of the SKPaymentQueue. Your app will then receive a transaction for each product the user has previously purchased. Simply handle these transaction and unlock the features and/or download content on the new device.
If your product is a consumable (gold coins for your game, health packs etc.) this would not apply and you have to keep track of the purchases on your own.
You will need to set up a server that will keep track of each transaction. And you need to implement a method to authenticate the user across devices (signup via e-mail, Facebook login etc.). Once the user logs in on a new device, your server can tell the app what it should unlock/download.
