How do I allow images in a textbox | ASP.NET Core -

I am developing an ASP.NET Core application & I need a control as described below:
Is there an existing control or a way to allow users to insert images in a textbox.

There is no way to simply insert an image into a textbox. WYSIWYG editors like TinyMCE give the appearance that this happening by rendering a HTML area with an img tag pointing to an image file at some location. In the end, what's submitted is this backing HTML, not the image itself.
For something like an image that already exists at some publicly-accessible location online, nothing more is required. However, if you're talking about allowing a user to embed an image that exists only on their local filesystem, that requires additional machinery. Again, WYSIWYG editors like TinyMCE often include something along the lines of a "file browser" or "upload" control that handles this type of thing. When the user picks an image from their computer, the control uploads that image to some location on the server and then, again, adds a simple img tag pointing to the now online location of that image. This has to be configured, though. There's usually server-side scripts that must be installed on the server and you have to somehow tell it both where to store the uploaded images and how to address them from a publicly-accessible URL. This is likely what you're missing with TinyMCE. However, setting all that up is beyond the scope of Stack Overflow. Consult the documentation for your library of choice.


Load many pictures in a form

I was asked to develop a game called "Flag Quiz" in which the player have to guess the correct name of the flag that appears in the middle of the screen.
Of course I have a lot of pictures (221 flags) and I have to put them inside the program because, when the button Play is pressed, the program has to pick randomly 10 of these flags.
I was thinking to use an ImageList but the flags are 480x311 and so Delphi asks me to separate the picutre in 30 different bitmaps. Can I do anything about this?
My idea, to avoid that problem, was the following (although I think that it's not very good): create 221 TPicture components (invisible to the user of course) and load in each of them a picture of a flag.
I'd prefer not using the last idea I had. Do you know any improvement?
This sort of problem is simply not suited to the form designer. You want to store 221 images, and managing that in the IDE will be horrible. Once you've got them all in you won't be able to see them readily because they will be base 16 encoded in a .dfm file. Under revision control it will be a mess because you won't be able to change individual images in a manageable and traceable manner.
The accepted way to do this is to use resources. If it were me, I'd arrange for my images to have predicatable names. For instance, flag1, flag2, etc. I'd generate a resource script (.rc) that listed all the flags. I'd compile that resource script to a compiled resource (.res) which is linked to the executable. I'd have the resource script and the image files committed to revision control.
Then at runtime you have a single TImage control to display the flag. Every time you need a new image you load it with TResourceStream, and push it into the TImage control.
Devexpress has a Componnect named cximagecolletion that you can put your images on it and save and load images from/to file
or you can save all flags in small access db and load it when you need using tadodataset
there is no doubt that if you put your images direct on your form your dfm grow very high and so you Get Into trouble
Personally I would store each file as an image in a dedicated subdirectory, using the country as a file name. Then I would read the subdirectory file names on entry to the program (so I have a list of countries that I can randomly choose from) and use TImage.LoadFromFile to display the flag. This is far easier to extend than using a resource file (IMHO).

How to save multiple files at once through delphi save dialog

I'm not able to save multiple files at a time in delphi save dialog box. Multiple files means I want save files without mentioning anything(or only asterisk) at "filename" field in delphi TsaveDialog. Please let me know how to achieve that.
Of course not, because that is not what it is intended for. You CANNOT obtain multiple filenames from a single save dialog. It only provides one filename at a time. That is by design.
I suspect what you really want is to prompt the user for just a folder path instead. Use the SelectDirectory() function (or the Win32 SHBrowseForFolder() function directly) for that, then you can create whatever files you need in that folder.
The save dialog doesn't save files. It allows the user to select file names. The save dialog doesn't support multiple selection so if you want to have a file dialog that allows multiple selections you need an open dialog. But an open dialog typically is used to select names of existing files, whereas a save dialog can specify a name of a file that does not yet exist.
Wildcards when entered into file dialogs are used to filter the displayed list of files. The file dialog won't return file names containing wildcards.
You imagine using wildcards, but how would you be able to do that and create new files? Wildcards are used to pattern match against existing files.
Maybe what you need is a folder selection dialog. Or perhaps you should ask the user for the name of the "master" file and then you generate the names of the "auxiliary" files using the master file name as a stem. I'm guessing because you've not told us any specifics behind your question.
My advice is to reconsider carefully what you are attempting to achieve. Think of all possible corner cases. Explore what UI idioms are used by other programs. Make sure you understand fully the capability of the file dialog controls. And then design your UI to fit with all of these constraints.

Vaadin : How to set default path for fileupload component?

Can I set default upload path to my vaadin fileupload component ? I would like to set some upload path to my vaadin component. If somebody does not choose to upload any files , my specific file would be uploaded. Can it be possible ?
For instance : I would like to do as
This is a limit of the underlying technology, not of Vaadin itself. Browsers don't allow downloaded code to manipulate the content of an input file field, otherwise a malicious site could create a hidden one and silently stole data from the user.
So I don't think you'll ever find a way with Vaadin, either. However, if you target only one browser (or a limited set of) you can try to exercise the browser API itself in a custom extension, if any API exists in the target browser for doing this, and if selecting the file is really such a pain.

What is the best way to manipulate an existing PDF-Document under iOS?

I need to individualize documents within an iOS-App. I could provide the origin-documents as DOCX, PDF, PPT etc. The output-format has to be PDF.
My minimun requirement is to fill some text-fields. Nice to have would be to replace an image, too.
I´m quite used to generate PDFs programmatically using UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile etc. But in my current case I don´t want to create the whole document programmatically, I just want to replace some content.
Any hints / tipps?
Thank you in advance.
DOCX is a zip - format file so you can process the contents programmatically and the reconstruct the zip file. PPT is a binary format though newer versions of PowerPoint might also construct zip-oriented versions that you can programmatically process. You mentioned though that you need don't want to programmatically process these documents - which I would probably also do only as a last resort.
For your DOCX origin/source documents (or doc,odt,rtf but not ppt/pdf) you could use Docmosis cloud services if your app can have the external dependency. You would upload your DOCX origin documents with placeholders for text-fields or images as a one-off/occasional task. Your iOS app then calls Docmosis sending instructions and data to create the output PDF and either stream it back to the app or email/store it or both.
The upside is it takes all the load and coding away from the iOS application (there is an SDK). The downside is it is an external depdendency. Please note I work for the company the created Docmosis.
Hope that helps.
Why not just load a page in a webView modal that points to a URL of a page you create? The main parts of the page would be static, and then the fields you need to customize would be populated via Javascript or PHP.
For example, we have a contact form in our app that gives you an option to view the details of your completed form after you submit. When the user clicks on the button to view the Contact Confirmation, it loads in a modal view within the iOS App.
On the confirmation.php page (on the web), I use PHP to pull in $_GET variables from the URL parameters which then populates the page with my static content, and their customized information that they entered into the form.

textarea that was using plain text with option of markdown or textile filter now needs images

My clients can enter text into textarea and have the option to use the markdown or textile filters for each textarea.
With some models (articles, newsletter, etc) they can upload images to associate with the model, which are displayed in a column next to the text of the text.
This worked fine for a while, but they have now told me that the want the ability to put the images INSIDE the text a specific positions.
What is the best way to go about this? I suppose I may have to use a wysiwyg for this, but would rather not. And how would this work for images which are not yet on the server, etc?
There are different directions you could go to:
Follow the path of Confluence, which released in their new version 4.0 a rewritten WYSIWYG editor, that stores as source XHTML, not any more wiki markup.
Leads to an update of all pages when migrating.
Was pretty difficult to implement. I do not know if they use any more the TinyMCE editor of previous versions.
Follow the format of markdown how to include images in your source format. So by typing: This is my text. !image.png! The inline image shows ..., you will have a format that is understandable.
You have to expand the interpretation, so that the !<filename>! will be mapped that is stored locally anyway.
You have to add clear-up dialogs for the images that are yet not known, so doing bulk uploads ...
You may provide a drag area on your view, that then shows the filename and gives examples how to include that inside the text area.
Go for something in between, by allowing users to drag images inside the editor. There are plugins written in Javascript that allow you to do that, e.g. UI Draggable for jquery
I have no idea how to integrate that image inside the text editor. Overlay?
So the second one is the easiest, and the user knows how to do it. If they only decide that this is the solution they want to have :-)
I think I'm going to use a combination of #2 above, and the Liquid templating engine.
