Set drop down selection in action using value in previous step - zapier

I am building a zapier app using the cli.
I have an action, which has a form, with one of it's elements being a drop down, which has a hidden trigger as it's datasource.
With the context of a zap, is it possible to set the selection of the drop down, based on a value from a previous step?

David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
You can set a default value for a field, but unfortunately you can't set the value dynamically. The main reason for that is there's a good chance that the trigger your action is paired with won't be one from your app. There could be any any data of any shape coming in, so there's really no way to act directly on it.
​Let me know if you've got any other questions!
edit: Even with a dropdown, there's a option to "use a custom value". That's what the users would use if they want to map a value in (or paste it themselves) rather than use the dropdown


How to open a vaadin combobox programmatically

I have implemented a poor-mans-searchbox using a combobox. The search expression is typed into the textfield and the user press enter. Then the search expression is added to the combo model, this is caught in the eventhandler which then runs the search, empties the combo list and populates it with the searchresults instead. However, the user then need to open the combo list manually (by pressing the little down-arrow) to see the result. It'd be nice to open the list automatically, but I haven't found out how to do that. Does anyone know?
Also the search should be performed each time the user presses a key, and not only after enter is pressed.
Not as the poor man's solution, but you may extend the client side to do that. Tipically, the client side widget would have some method like "openResultsBox" or something similar. You could call that to open up the box. Vaadin 7 also allows you to write extensions which basically lets you extend the client side for exactly doing the very same slight changes. I am not sure why you have chosen the combobox for that though.
the vaadin-combo-box component offers a method called "open" so simply call;
Should do the trick.
Relevant official docs here:

Importing custom data into Jira issue

I am looking for a simple way to get data displayed in an issue as just plain text. Basically, I want to be able to type in a lookup id in the issue creation and then once the issue is created, it would call one of our web services to retrieve data connected with that ID.
This wouldn't be coming from another issue tracker, but rather straight from one of my databases.
What would be the easiest way of accomplishing this? I would like the workflow to be: Enter id #, hit save, see the data with that ID displayed in the ticket (Doesn't need to be editable, just displayed in the ticket view).
The easiest way is to create a workflow function that is triggered at Create transition to do the job. There your code can query information from the database and replicate them into JIRA standard and custom fields of the issue itself.
Then you can prevent edition of replicated fields by tuning Edit screen for your issues.
You can also use your function to update field content from time to time, either at transition or in a trigger.
An option is to create some read-only custom fields than query each piece information from the database. It will prevent data replication but it will be probably slow and it does not apply to default fields.

Umbraco Contour Multi step forms - deciding next step based on user input

I am using UmbracoCMS and Contour_1.1.12
While creating multi step forms, i need to dynamically decide, which form will be visible in the next step, based on certain field values the user has provided in the previous step.
For example in contour multi-step forms, there is a step in which user has to provide input using a checkbox field. After filling the form in this step the user will click the Next button to move to the next step. Now i want to either display or skip the next step based on whether the user selected the checkbox or not.
Many thanks.
I think you might be able to do this by hooking into the Contour event model/Workflows. The Contour developer docs have some useful info on creating workflows and can be downloaded from here.
I've had some difficulties hooking into the workflow model - I'm not sure that its entirely bug free! I would use javascript/jquery to hide or display the next field as an interim measure.
page load ( -> show dropdown / hide optional question
dropdown changes ( -> decide whether to show/hide optional question
Sorry for the late reply but you can always use USERCONTROLS to do this type of work.. Create User Control in different project, test them based on your flow and then use it in umbraco by creating macros.
see this link for the same that explain how to use it.

Different Editors for one column in EditorGridPanel ExtJS

I am trying to show/load different editor on different rows of a editorgridpanel. Like a textbox on one row combobox/superboxselect on another and it could be any order, random.
The conditions which dictate which editor will be shown reside in the database.
Please tell me if this is possible and if so, how do i go about it.. I have tried pulling the conditions asynchronously which are pulled on a click event for the respective column, but calling it async causes problems. Please advise
Anything is possible, but what you want to do would take a bit of work. The basic idea would be to configure the needed grid editor(s) dynamically and update the columns with the new editors when needed. Now... what would be required to make that actually work I couldn't say offhand without digging into the Ext source -- it would almost definitely require overriding default behavior in the grid and/or column model.
Pulling your conditions asynchronously would (I imagine) be too slow for the interaction of clicking on a row to edit inline. If it takes a second or more from click to configured editors, that would not be acceptable performance. I would try to find a way to send your conditions down along with the other row data if at all possible (they can be in the store's data model on the client without having to be shown in the grid).
Without knowing more about your business requirements, it might be more appropriate to ditch the editable grid and instead go with a dynamically-configured FormPanel tied to the grid. This way the interaction of clicking and then pausing slightly while the form is configured would appear to be more natural. Also, the functionality of rendering a form with a particular configuration is perfectly standard and would require nothing fancy on your end. See this example as a starting point (your form would be dynamic, but maybe the same type of interaction could work?)

Assigning Fogbugz cases programmatically

I want to write an application that assigns Fogbugz cases programmatically, how would I accomplish this? Is it possible to achieve this given any of the following scenarios:
The user enters text in my
application's input field and the
Fogbugz report is opened in the
browser where the "note" field is
populated with the text from the user
The fogbugz report is assigned to the
specified user in the application
without the browser even being opened
i.e. the report is stored directly in
the DB.
I'm planning to add default values to the other fields as well so I would assume the process would be the same for adding text to the "note" field.
You can do this with the Fogbugz API. See the heading "Editing Cases" for the specifics on how to edit a case (which includes creating a new one). It's a little complicated (or perhaps just oddly designed) but, as I remember, you basically have to call cmd=new if you want to create a new case, supply your text in the 's' parameter and set the ixPersonAssignedTo to the correct person. For an existing case, use cmd=edit.
This is possible both with a regular form posted to your Fogbugz installation and some server side code that calls the API.
You might want to write a plugin for FB and allow others to use it. (share it or sell it)
