Waf script '1.9.15' and library '1.8.19' do not match - c++builder

I am currently working on NDN architecture (one of the ICN architecture) and for that i need ndn-traffic generator module. This module is available on github. You can find it here.
The prerequisite for ndn-traffic-generator is ndn-cxx which is NDN C++ library. The steps to install these libraries are given in INSTALL.rst file. But when I try to install these libraries i get an error saying "Waf script '2.0.6' and library '1.8.19' do not match".
I have googled about it and i found this link.
I am not able to figure out how to fix this problem any kind of help is appreciated.


How to compile `.framework` file?

I searched through existing Stackoverflow questions related to this problem but didn't find any help to solve it.
So here's the problem:
I am trying to integrate .framework file into the project but it's giving me an error saying that module compiles with 4.0.3 can't be imported by swift 5.0 compiler.
I wanted to know how to compile that.framework file? so that it will become compilable to swift 5.0
Please help if you come across such a problem.
Note: .framework file is created by a third-party developer
If the framework you're trying to integrate is binary only, then your best option is to check with the 3rd party developer regarding their support for Swift 5.0.
In case there are sources available, you can try checking if there is any work being done in their repository (usually a separate branch), or you can try forking the sources yourself.
Note that with the source option, you'll have access to possibly unstable and untested code, and depending on the experience I'd be very careful in this case.

How to get the ImageMagick library working with Swift 4/iOS 11?

I'm trying to get ImageMagick to work in my iOS project. Unfortunately everything I have tried so far has not worked.
The most obvious approach would be to use the cocoapod. Unfortunately after installing the cocoapod there doesn't appear to be anything exposed to swift to import. Maybe I'm missing something obvious and if anyone has any ideas that would be great. Unfortunately the documentation is lacking as far as specific examples go.
Static library - approach #1
The official ImageMagick docs provide some instructions to compile the latest version of ImageMagick and include a static library in your Xcode project. Unfortunately the first step of the instructions requires running a bash script imagemagick_compile.sh which I cannot find. Once again I could be missing something obvious.
Static library - approach #2
After some additional searching I found the ~Claudio guy which the ImageMagick docs mention as the maintainer of the iOS version of ImageMagick. He has a repo with similar instructions as provided by ImageMagick but this repo includes a bash script to compile and generate a static library of ImageMagick. I tried running the script directly ./all.sh 6.8.8-9 but soon realized I hadn't setup a build directory they way his instructions outlined and I got stuck getting libpng installed correctly.
Static library - approach #3
The same repo with the instructions to compile and generate a static library also includes an old sample iOS project with a static library already included for an older version of ImageMagick. This just about worked except the ImageMagick library has a class Timer that clashes with the Timer class provided by Swift4/iOS so I couldn't get my project to compile using this static library of ImageMagick.
ImageMagick iOS Questions on SO
There are a handful of other questions on Stack Overflow that deal with running ImageMagick on iOS so I know other people have done it but nothing very recent. If anyone has any ideas that would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Un-answered question on how to use ImageMagick on iOS: ImageMagick iOS image Potentially useful comment that includes some of the same links that I provided above.
Someone already using ImageMagick for iOS but gives no details on how it was implemented: ImageMagick circular dstortion on iOS
Un-answered question from someone already using ImageMagick in their app: Ios - ImageMagick - No Image Created after Distortion
More recent question related to warnings using the cocoapod version: iOS: ImageMagick compiler warnings in Xcode
Other questions: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=imagemagick+ios Unfortunately I haven't found any of these that have helped.
To integrate ImageMagick into iOS you will need to do the following:
Install the library available here https://www.imagemagick.org/download/iOS/
You will need a Swift-Objective-C bridging header that includes:
#import "ImageMagick.h"
#import "MagickWand.h"
You will need to modify any functions that reference Timer to Foundation.Timer, this will resolve any conflicts with the ImageMagick library
You will need to add under Your target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries > "libxml2.tbd".
Hope this helps

Dart protobuf: what version of protoc should I download?

I am attempting to follow instructions in this article:
Step one is to install protocol compiler. My question is, does it matter which version I download? Do I need to use the javasript version as Dart will be compiling down to Javascript? Please see below link to list of all protoc downloads to see what I mean:
Any advise would be massively appreciated. Apologies if this has a very obvious answer - I am quite new to this and struggling to find more information anywhere.
Thanks in advance.
You don't need anything special for JS. The compiler generates Dart code that gets compiled to JS
Install one of:

Cannot compile OpenCV for iOS with nonfree module

I'm attempting to compile the OpenCV framework for iOS using the nonfree module. Right now, I'm not able to compile the OpenCV framework, period. I would use the stock iOS opencv2.framework download from the website, except it doesn't include the nonfree module that I need for my project. I've been following the instructions as prescribed here:
as these appear they might be out of date
However, when I run the command from a folder outside the building directories "python opencv-master/platforms/ios/build_framework.py --contrib opencv_contrib-master ios_contrib" it spits out the following error:
The error doesn't mean much to me. I thought at first it was related to me building it inside the same directory as opencv, but I tried it outside of it and it still failed. Any thoughts? I've tried everything I can possibly think of, and done a bunch of research without coming up with anything.
It appears there's some issue with one of the modules in opencv_contrib. I'm not sure what it is, but I was using version 3.0.0-rc-1. The way I got around it was by moving specific modules from the module folder in the contrib folder into the regular opencv directory's modules folder and then compiling the framework from scratch.

Linking Header File with Main.Cpp file in Codeblocks

I am trying to use codeblocks to compile the code available here
The thing is every time I try to build and run, I run into the following error:
|/.../head_pose_estimation/opencv2/core/core.hpp|48|fatal error: opencv2/core.hpp: No such file or directory
Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you!
You do not have the pre-built (compiled) version of OpenCV, what you currently have are the source files. If you want to do something special with OpenCV (Target/GPU SUpport etc) then you will need to build the framework using an appropriate guide.
If however you simply want to use OpenCV in the most common way then download the pre-built libraries from the OpenCV.org website.
If you are using OpenCV with MinGW compiler, I do not remember if the pre-built is actually pre-built for MinGW. (I dont think they do) In this case you will HAVE to built the libraries. You can find a guide here
